Which Sung dynasty innovation most helped sea trade flourish?
•the compass
•the Silk Road
•the Grand Canal


Answer 1


the compass


I don't know

Answer 2


i would say the compass because it helped them navigate, it also made traveling and exploring faster.


Hope this is helpful.

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Which was the most characteristic of United States society at the end of the 1800s?



Owing most of their population growth to the expansion of industry, U.S. cities grew by a lot During the final years of the 1800s, industrial cities, with all the problems they had.


By the late nineteenth century, the United States had become a leading global industrial power, building on new technologies (such as the telegraph and steel), an expanding railroad network, and abundant natural resources such as coal, timber, oil, and farmland, to usher in the Second Industrial Revolution.

Which answer best shows all of the elements you need to consider when choosing an investment?



Liquidity, Risk, Time and Return.


Liquidity is defined as the capacity of an asset to be easily sold or bought.

Risk is the chance to have lower than estimated profits or loss rather than taking a profit.

Time is the period you must wait to have profits.

Return is a success measure that estimates the presentation of an investment dividing a net profit by net worth.

Why were Enlightenment ideas important to the growth of abolition
movements in Europe and the United States?
A. They argued that race and ethnicity were not important issues.
B. They were strongly opposed to the idea of absolute monarchy.
C. They emphasized the importance of separation of powers.
D. They stressed that all people were born with natural rights





Not too sure

i’m sure it’s “ they emphasized the importance of separation of powers”

Sorry it's this one that was the wrong one



2 is the answer I'm for sure it is

Yes it was bake si si is sis co cos cos

How did anti-Semitism affect Jews in Nazi Germany? pleasee i only have 5 min

they were persecuted because of their age
they were discriminated against because of their ethnicity
they were hated because they came from other countries.
they were rejected because of their professions



they were discriminated against because of their ethnicity


Anti-Semitism is the term associated with the discrimination that the Jews underwent because of their religious background. The Holocaust gave way to the Nazi anti-Semitism in which the Jews were discriminated because of their religions. They faced racism because of their physical characteristics. The Jews who had converted themselves to another religion also faced the same discrimination on the grounds of their biological characteristics.

How did slaves come to North American? how were they treated



The first 19 or so Africans to reach the colonies that England was struggling to establish arrived in Point Comfort, Virginia, near Jamestown, in 1619, brought by British privateers who had seized them from a captured Portuguese slave ship. Colonists do not appear to have made indenture contracts for most Africans.Slaves proved to be economical on large farms where labor-intensive cash crops, such as tobacco, sugar and rice, could be grown. By the end of the American Revolution, slavery became largely unprofitable in the North and was slowly dying out.


Why might an environmental interest group want to conduct a public opinion poll?



Environmental interest groups are critical to the conservation and protection of environmental resources. They play an essential role in the public policy process by bringing attention to environmental issues, building support for change, and lobbying for new laws.


The basic question between Lincoln and Congress at the end of the Civil
War was...
4 points


Ended slavery for all African American

Living on reclaimed land in Mexico City has provided
A. new benefits and new dangers
B. new benefits and no dangers
C. limited opportunities for agriculture
D. few benefits, due to flooding dangers
Please select the best answer from the choices provided.



C. limited opportunities for agriculture


C. limited opportunities for agriculture


on edgen

What were the effects of Americanization


The more lasting effects of the Americanization movement were reforms in educational curricula on the state and local levels, the creation of new American holidays, and the adoption of citizenship ceremonies meant to inspire patriotism.

What is the equation of a line that is parallel to the line 2x + 5y = 10 and passes through the point (–5, 1)?


2x + 5y = -5 I hope this is right

For a century after Reconstruction, the South was so strongly Democratic that it was known as the _____.



many the and is African American

What is you interpretation of the eighth amendment and why do you interpret it the way you do in 1-2 paragraphs.



    The eighth amendment, in my opinion In other words, judges developed "full" and "precise" conclusions and solutions out of "vague" legal texts—a far more robust undertaking than the "interpretation" that courts often engage in. "Given that "competent prison management presented with the onerous task of rehabilitating offenders," courts must examine the State's interests in punishment, deterrence, and rehabilitation, as well as concerns about separation of powers.

    Courts must be mindful of the state's interests in punishment, deterrence, and rehabilitation, as well as issues of separation of powers, given that "expert prison administrators faced with the difficult and dangerous task of housing large numbers of convicted criminals" were likely to be more knowledgeable about the day-to-day situation than the courts.


How did Putin change Russia when he took over from Yelsin?



Vladimir Putin has signed a law that will allow him to run for the presidency twice more in his lifetime, potentially keeping him in office until 2036.


are you against President Trump's insistence on the importance of building this wall. Are you for it or against it? Why or why not?





I am both for and against the building of the wall because immigrants should be able to come to America freely, but at the same time the cities might be over run by new people and there wont be enough supplies.

I think if a person has the drive or want to get it into the US no wall or barrier will stop them. Everyone deserves a better life. That is what America was built on.

help me i don’t know what to do!!!!



quickly killing the Jews. hope helpful answer


The answer is C. quickly killing the Jews. This way of thinking resulted in the death of 6 million Jews in concentration camps from the year 1941 to 1945.


Hope this helps, and have a great day!

What did Dolley Madison do when the British attacked Washington, D.C. during the War of 1812?
O She rescued valuable items from the president's house, including a famous portrait of George Washington.
O She persuaded the British soldiers to have dinner with her and talked them out of damaging the president's house.
O She entertained the British soldiers so that the American troops could surround the president's house and capture them.
O She sent her husband away and dared the British soldiers to enter the president's house.



She rescued valuable items from the president's house, including a famous portrait of George Washington.

Did their resistance to enslavement generally help or hurt
enslaved African Americans?


Resistance usually harmed enslaved african Americans, as they were (usually) unsuccessful and were punished with things like whips, or were given more work.

Which union in the United States
represented workers from the
number-one industry in the
A. Knights of Labor
B. American Federation of Labor
C. American Railway Union





It was founded in 1886 by Samuel Gompers. then it was formed by several unions of skilled white workers. It helped improve the lifestyle of workers by providing better working conditions, and shorter working hours.


knight of labor unions in the united state represented workers from the number-one industry in the nation

Why was Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction called the "Ten Percent Plan”?

He proposed a 10% tax on Southern crops to pay for the Union’s war debt.
He proposed taking 10% of Southern farmland and giving it to formerly enslaved people.
It would take 10% of voters in a state to meet his requirements before the state could rejoin the Union.
It would take 10% of the Southern population to work for the federal government to rebuild Southern industry.


Answer because he taxed them 10%


Lincoln's blueprint for Reconstruction included the Ten-Percent Plan,which specified that a southern state could be readmitted into the Union once 10 percent of its voters (from the voter rolls for the election of 1860) swore an oath of allegiance to the Union. ... Lincoln wanted to end the war quickly.

Why did secretary of defense say that the United States needs Russia as an adversary?



here is your answer

here is your answer

Help me please!! What are some examples of Post WWII prosperity?



Economic Prosperity

Increasing numbers of workers enjoyed high wages, larger houses, better schools, and more cars and household technology. The U.S. economy grew dramatically in the post-war period, expanding at an annual rate of 3.5%.

According to Montesquieu, what would happen
absolute monarchy?



citizens could lose their freedom.


According to Montesquieu, what would happen absolute monarchy "citizens could lose their freedom."

This is because, in an absolute monarchy system of government, the king or royal holds all the power including the executive, legislative and judicial powers. Hence, the citizens are at the mercy of the king.

In most cases, there will not be a fair judgment or ruling when the king is making decisions concerning the governance, and this could certainly lead to "citizens losing their freedom."

Please help me
What eventually happened to most of Caribbean pirates



They got hung or was lost to Davie Jones locker.


I know this cause I watched pirates of the Caribbean I suggest it

What is the purpose of this source?
o to describe the challenges faced by those living
outside of the cities
The industrial cities were different from those founded in
earlier times. The modern downtown was created, and it
was connected to outlying areas by streetcars and
commuter rails. Middle-class professionals found it easy
to get from their homes outside the city to their jobs, and
back home at the end of the day.
Not everyone was fortunate enough to live outside the
city. Working-class immigrant families lived in the
poorest parts of the city in tenement buildings that lacked
light and fresh air. As urban areas became more crowded,
they grew more unsafe and unsanitary. Epidemics of
diseases such as cholera and yellow fever spread quickly.
Fires, crime, and poverty were common.
o to show similarities in the living conditions of those
inside and outside of the cities
O to contrast the different living conditions for the
middle and working classes
o to show the positive effects of urbanization for those
who lived in industrialized cities


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The correct answer is "to contrast the different living conditions for the middle and working classes."

The purpose of this source is " to contrast the different living conditions for the middle and working classes."

That is the purpose of the excerpt when it describes the following: "Middle-class professionals found it easy to get from their homes outside the city to their jobs, and back home at the end of the day. Not everyone was fortunate enough to live outside the city. Working-class immigrant families lived in the poorest parts of the city in tenement buildings.

It is true to say that tej Industrial Revolution changed people's for good or for bad.

People who lived in the rural areas of the country decided to move to the larger cities, where the big industries and factories were located. These fabrics offered jobs, although low-paid jobs to operate the machines in the factories. That attracted many people, including immigrants.

These immigrants were poor citizens from the rural areas who had to live in overcrowded spaces. These were small and unhealthy places with no ventilation, where the spread of disease was a major risk. Poverty and crime were also a consequence of this situation.

Which of the following is an example of cultural blending ?

A )Chinese tea becoming one of the most popular drinks in Europe
B. ) Europeans firearms ending the Japanese Samurai warrior system
C. )Porcelain vases becoming a sign of wealth among Europeans

D. )All of the above


Answer: D. All of the above.


The world is getting smaller and people from different cultures are now interacting a lot more. These interactions have led to some changes in the way these cultures do things sometimes and this process is called Culture Blending.

All of the above are examples as they show the influence that a people had on another people. The Chinese and their tea and porcelain vases became very popular in Europe which means that Europeans indulged in Chinese culture.

And the end of the Japanese Samurai era when they saw Western equipment was also an example of culture blending as one group (Japan) was affected by another group (Europeans).

Hoardings, television and radio commercials, pamphlets and brochures are



Types of advertisment


The Industrial Revolution caused a change in how the merchant middle class viewed
and treated workers. In the table below, compare how merchants and factory owners did business



One produce the goods whereas the other purchase and sells the goods.


The merchants do business by purchasing goods from the factory and then sells it to various shops present in the market while n the other hand, factory owners did business by producing goods and products in the factory with the help of machines and workers and then sell to the merchants in order to supply to the markets so factory owners produce goods and the merchants purchase and sell the goods.

How did the turmoil in Kansas reflect the struggle facing the entire country?



It would open the North to slavery. Northerners were outraged; Southerners were overjoyed. In an era that would come to be known as "Bleeding Kansas," the territory would become a battleground over the slavery question. The reaction from the North was immediate.Kansas is an important staging ground for what some people argue is the first battles of the Civil War, because it is this battlefield on which the forces of anti-slavery and the forces of slavery meet. Literally, the forces of slavery and the forces of anti-slavery meet in Kansas.


this is the correct one!!


Bleeding Kansas was the period of repeated outbreaks of violent clashes between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces following the creation of the new territory of Kansas in 1854.

What caused turmoil in Kansas?

The turmoil emerged from a political and ideological debate over the legal status of slavery in the proposed state of Kansas.

What is Kansas?

Kansas is a state in the Midwestern United States Kansas entered the Union as the 34th state on January 29, 1861.

Why were tensions very high in Kansas?

After the Kansas-Nebraska Act reopened the possibility of slavery extending into new territories, tensions between pro- and anti-slavery advocates erupted into violence. Radical abolitionists, like John Brown, attacked and murdered white southerners in protest.

What did the term Bleeding Kansas mean?

Bleeding Kansas means small civil war in the United States, fought between proslavery and antislavery advocates for control of the new territory of Kansas under the doctrine of popular sovereignty.

Who created the conflict that characterized the Kansas Territory?

John Brown created the conflict that characterized the Kansas Territory.

What did Kansas finally do in 1858?

Finally, in August 1858, in an election in which Free-Staters participated, Kansans “killed” Lecompton. Kansas would remain a territory until 1861, when Southern states seceded from the Union and Kansas was admitted under the Free-State Wyandotte Constitution.

To learn more about Kansas turmoil click here


Que considera usted que fue uno de los aspectos políticos del siglo XIX que se ha mantenido hasta la actualidad?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no especificas el país al que te refieres ni anexas opciones o incisos para responder, podemos responder en términos generales.

uno de los aspectos políticos del siglo XIX que se ha mantenido hasta la actualidad?

Uno de los aspectos políticos del siglo XIX que se ha mantenido hasta la actualidades la importantísima separación entre la iglesia y el Estado, que ha favorecido el crecimiento social y el desarrollo político-económico de los países.

También llamada secularización, esta separación entre iglesia y gobierno ha permitido la implementación de un Estado laico, sin ninguna asociación a doctrinas religiosas, lo que le permite gobernar sin ninguna influencia y presión eclesiástica, como sucedía en el pasado, durante la presencia de la corona española en Latinoamericana y tiempo después de la independencia de algunos países como México.

Hoy en día, esa separación es muy importante para que los países puedan tener una sociedad libre y plural.

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