PLZZ HELPPP How does fear make people behave? How does it change people’s responses? Explain.


Answer 1


Fear Makes people behave in many different ways, There really is no specific way a person reacts to fear, It could be they'll jump in fear or they'll freeze because of fear.

You're Welcome! :)


Answer 2


Fear has a multitude of effects on behavior. One may feel anxiety to get a correct answer which forces them to have to answer what other people in the room think versus what they actually believe in. Fear can also lead to stuttering, shortness of breath, and panic attacks.

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In my opinion I think Racism since it's a big problem right now


Well corrupt government is worse in my opinion because often time the government is racist

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Please hurry lots of points and brainiest to the best answer, please

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Answer: Civil liberties are protections against government actions. For example, the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights guarantees citizens the right to practice whatever religion they please. Government, then, cannot interfere in an individual's freedom of worship. Amendment I gives the individual "liberty" from the actions of the government.

Civil rights, in contrast, refer to positive actions of government should take to create equal conditions for all Americans. The term "civil rights" is often associated with the protection of minority groups, such as African Americans, Hispanics, and women. The government counterbalances the "majority rule" tendency in a democracy that often finds minorities outvoted.


What is the difference between a liberty and a right? Both words appear in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. The distinction between the two has always been blurred, and today the concepts are often used interchangeably. However, they do refer to different kinds of guaranteed protections.

From a historical perspective, how will the possible results of this election impact the future of minorities in the United States nationally and locally?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

From a historical perspective, the possible results of this election will impact the future of minorities in the United States nationally and locally in many forms.

For instance, in theory, one of the main advantages of the result of this presidential election for minorities will be that they are going to be more respected and treat with dignity. Not the way they had been treated.

Specialists in politics believe that the civil rights of minorities are going to increase and more opportunities should be created with the new administration.

We have the case of immigrants or the DACA young people, whose situation in the United States must be permanently resolved to end this issue that was so controversial with the present administration.

Please help me!!!!!!!!!



Most likely B.


What are some social aspects of medieval Japan, plz help in paragraph form




Medieval Japan (1185-1600) with its feudal structures offers a striking contrast to the earlier classical period of Japanese history: warfare and destruction characterize the medieval era in which samurai warriors became the rulers of the land.

The similarities as well as the differences in historical patterns of medieval Japan and medieval Europe are of interest to historians. Feudal political organization, bonds between warriors, and the prominence of religion are characteristic of the medieval periods in both societies.

In Japan, Buddhism reached all levels of society during the medieval period; the influence of Buddhism is evident in works of Japanese literature written at this time, Essays in Idleness, An Account of My Hut, and the plays of the Noh drama.

Medieval Japan is often well covered in textbooks because of its similarities to "medieval Europe," with warriors, castles, and feudal structures. Students gain a more balanced view of the breadth of Japanese history and its culture if teachers first introduce Japan's classical period (topic 5), c. 600 - 1185, which has quite different characteristics than those of the medieval period.

In medieval Japan, the rise of the samurai occurs as political power devolves from court nobles to warrior families; military leaders rule the land while the emperor and his court remain in place but hold no power. The supreme military leader is called the "Shogun," and his government is called the "bakufu," or "tent government."

There is constant warfare in medieval Japan; the society is torn apart by warfare and people seek solace in religion. Buddhism, which had up until now been primarily the religion of scholars and monks, becomes the religion of ordinary people and popular, salvationist sects of Buddhism spread throughout the country.

By the 1500s, a class of territorial military lords, or daimyo, emerges; the daimyo establish and maintain their domains (called "han"), build castles, and establish towns around their castles where their samurai retainers reside and serve in their armies.

Samurai values of service to a lord and personal loyalty become central to Japanese cultural tradition over the centuries.

Zen Buddhism spreads among the samurai, emphasizing personal enlightenment through discipline and meditation. Gardens of raked sand (representing water) and rocks (representing mountains) are used as places of meditation within temples. The ceremony of serving tea becomes a formalized Zen ritual. The tea room or tea house, built for this purpose, has tatami or rush mats for flooring, shoji, or sliding paper and wood screens for room dividers, and a tokonoma, or ceremonial alcove, to place scrolls of calligraphy and flower arrangements. All of these features become central to Japanese architecture and room furnishing.

The warfare in this period is so intense and the society so torn apart that the major goal of the daimyo who reunify Japan in 1600 is the establishment of order. The Tokugawa period, 1600 -1868, is thus distinguished from the medieval period by the cessation of warfare and the evolution of a pre-modern society marked by commercial development and urbanization, as discussed in Topic 8: China, Japan and Korea: the Ming, the Qing, Tokugawa, and Chosun.

Literature in medieval Japan reflects the Buddhist notion of the impermanence of life and the need to renounce worldly attachments to gain release from the sufferings of human existence is reflected in the literature of the period: An Account of My Hut, Essays in Idleness, Noh drama.

What are some of the ideas and values (need at least three) that the U.S. government is based on?
What do these ideas mean in your own words?​


Answer: Life, freedom, and the ability to own property


The original idea was that Americans could have the life they wanted, they were given freedom, and they would be allowed to own property without someone being able to take it away. (interesting fact you can throw in... the saying "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" was originally "life, liberty, and property")

Know that I did this from memory and may be wrong but these are three ideals the founding fathers had.

Who are the mountain men?

2.independent trappers
3.guides leaders.


I think it number 4 the businesss leader


was it right like did you find the answer



3. Why was the United States involved in the Barbary Wars? *


The cause of the U.S. Participation was pirates from the Barbary States seizing American merchant ships and holding the crews for ransom, demanding the U.S. pay tribute to the Barbary rulers. United States President Thomas Jefferson refused to pay this tribute. Sweden had been at war with the Tripolitans since 1800


The cause of the U.S. participation was pirates from the Barbary States seizing American merchant ships and holding the crews for ransom, demanding the U.S. pay tribute to the Barbary rulers.


in federalism the power to govern is HELP ASAPP





Do you think president Lincoln and president Johnson were wise to not seek harsh treatment of the former confederate states? Why or why not?



When the war ended Lincoln wanted it to be a time of healing and reuniting of the country. This is the sign of a true leader. The Civil War wasn't about slavery, it was about one or more states dictating how one or more other states should be. Remember it was the Northern States that started slavery. So to punish the Southern States would mean punishing innocent citizens of those states who were pushed into a war they didn't want but went to fight next to their brothers and neighbors. It became personal when their lands were invaded and courthouses were burned in an attempt to destroy the southern states.


Can someone please help me out with this!!!



Explanation: because they all have equal power but only one of them can make laws




all branches are equal so no one branch has too much power

Why did the population of China decline during the last two centuries of Han rule?


Answer: Weak rulers

Noble families buying land

Official corruption

Peasant uprisings

It declined because of death from deceases

The Battle of Horseshoe Bend in 1814 was a turning point in the War of 1812 because

American Indian power in the region greatly decreased following the fight.

the American Indians were able to overtake General Jackson’s forces.

British forces joined forces with the Creek Indians during the fight.

it ended the alliance between the British and the American Indians.





i got it right on edge




American Indian power in the region greatly decreased following the fight.

If someone could help me I would gladly appreciate it.




cant see letters

summarizes the Albany Plan of Union, including the problems it was meant to address and the response it received among the colonies.



After the Albany Congress passed the Albany Plan, the plan was sent back to the British and to the individual American colonies. The British government thought the proposed colonial government was unnecessary and, as such, rejected it. The individual American colonies also rejected it.

This plan was an attempt to stop the French from taking control of the Ohio River valley, because if they had, it would link the French territories of Louisiana and Canada together and block the growth of the English Colonies.

The Albany plan of Union failed because the colonies were afraid of losing their own autonomy or self government. The British also dropped the plan because they wanted to make the management of the colonies simple.

The Albany Plan of Union was a plan to place the British North American colonies under a more centralized government. Although never carried out, the Albany Plan was the first important proposal to conceive of the colonies as a collective whole united under one government.


4. Which statement about the Pilgrims' 1621 harvest meal is true?
A. Ousamequin was discouraged from attending.
B. The Pilgrims called it the first Thanksgiving.
C. It strengthened the relationship between Ousamequin and the Pilgrims. D. The celebration lasted a week.
pls help


Answer: b or d is your answer hope this helps.


B makes more sense but if not then it's d good luck.

list 5 developments that occured in Germany following WWI that contributed to the Nazi's taking power?​


Answer: 1. The Secret Build Up of Germany's Military

2. Hitler's First Hand Experence in WWI

3. Hitler's Massive Support and his Morale in the Germans

4. His Hate towards the League of Nations, and the Way Germany was treated in the aftermath of WWI

5. His Facist Beliefs that only Pure Germans of Pure German Blood and Decent are the "Superior Race over any other" and His Anti-Semetic Beliefs that the Jews were Inferior, along with many different types of people, and those with a Genetic Disorder are Inferior to this "New Race".


1 point
In the "Star-Spangled Banner" by Francis Scott Key, the line "Gave proof
through the night that our flag was still there," refers to -




It refers the the battle of Baltimore, Francis Scott Key was being held captive by the British and was watching the battle through out the night, and the fighting of the battle gave him hope and proof that the United States hasn't lost the battle.

How does the Electoral College system protect the input and power of America’s smaller states?



The votes of the Electoral college (538 in total) are divided up between the 50 states according to the this system there were fears among them that giving the people complete power over the political system could lead.


The Electoral College system helped the powers and the inputs of the smaller American states in a way that there was an equal proportion in the division of votes for election.

This system gave the smaller states the advantage to have a considerably greater influence in the matters of the nation as the votes were in proportion and not in numbers.

USA's total votes were divided as Five Hundred and Thirty Eight (538) in numbers and this consisted of different states in the America to get their votes divided proportionately.

Each state in the electoral college system got its votes based on the population of each such state. This meant bigger the state, higher number of votes are being allotted to such state.

So to give the smaller states an equal and fair hearing in the matters concerning national interest they were allotted their votes with  reservation and their votes counted before any other states' votes.

Hence, the Electoral college system solved the inputs and powered the small of the small states in a way that there votes that were being cast were in a proportionate manner.

To know more about Electoral college system, click the link below.

What does the Primary process do? What are the major steps to getting nominated by your political party?



A) Make phone calls or canvas neighbors to make sure people vote.


What do you consider the greatest advancement during the time period post-Reconstruction? Why?


In my opinion the Compromise of 1877 was the most important in the end of reconstruction era because it’s main focus was on bringing the southern states back into full political participation in the Union, guaranteeing rights to former slaves and defining new relationships between African Americans and whites.

How did Ethiopia defeat Italy at the battle of Adwa use evidence from the text? PLEASE HELP



Ethiopia surrounded and upon empress tatiyu's advise shut down the water supply


The Ethiopians surrounded the Italians for two weeks and, upon Empress Tayitu's advice, cut off the fort's water supply. The Italian commander agreed to surrender if they would be allowed to leave with their firearms. Menelik agreed that they could leave the garrison unharmed.

Ethiopia defeats Italy at the battle of Adwa by using well-armed Ethiopian force.

What is Ethiopia?

Ethiopia is a desert nation divided by the Great Rift Valley that is well recognized for its ancient culture and has archaeological sites dating back more than 3 million years.

In the battle of Adwa, Ethiopia defeated Italy. When Italian troops attacked on March 1, 1896, close to the town of Adwa, they were routed by a sizable and well-equipped Ethiopian force.

Ethiopia was the setting of the 1896 Battle of Adwa, which matched Ethiopia against Italy. Ethiopia defeated the Italians because it allowed Ethiopia to maintain its independence.

Italian strongholds were threatened by the Ethiopian armies at the end of 1895 as a result of magnificent but meaningless Italian successes at the beginning of the campaign.

Learn more about the battle of Adwa, here:


The House of Commons, Supreme Court, and the Senate are all part of the Legislative Branch.
True or False






what does the preamble means in your own words​


It is the basic outline of the constitution basically an introduction to the ideas of the constitution

what compromise did the governments of the united states and japan reach on immigration



n 1908, the Japanese and American governments arrived at what became known as the "Gentlemen's Agreement"; Japan agreed to limit emigration to the U.S., while the U.S. granted admission to the wives, children, and other relatives of immigrants already resident.


how did other cultures interact within the roman empire? what are examples of other cultures (goods, ideas, etc.) within the roman empire?



Romans learned a great deal about engineering from the Etruscans. They also adopted some Etruscan sporting events. Greek civilization had a huge influence on Roman culture. You can see the influence of Greek ideas in Roman architecture, writing, art, and mythology.

I hope that helps


One of the most important causes of the economic crisis that caused
the French Revolution was

A. rising healthcare costs.
B. a shortage of food.
C. economic expansion.
D. an outbreak of small pox.



B, A shortage of food.


Traditionally, historians thought that Islamic science was mainly the result of translating ancient texts into Arabic. Today, most historians think Islamic science was much more creative. Use at least three pieces of evidence in the article to describe the creativity of Islamic scientists.



wheres the text??


put the text please

scree I need help now!!!!! This is due today in like 10 minutes. xddd


I think the second one with because of competing land claims in the Ohio river Valley I could be wrong through


The location gave the French the opportunity to trade with Native American groups in the Ohio Country and deter the growth of British trade and settlement in North America. In spring 1754, Major George Washington led an expedition of 300 Virginians toward Fort Duquesne to force the French to abandon the site.

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