population growth rates are

a) linear
b) rational
c) negative
d) exponential


Answer 1
correct choice is option A) linear
Answer 2

Population growth rates are linear. Thus, option A is correct.

What is Population?

The population of a particular area, whether it is a city or town, region, nation, continent, or the entire planet, is often referred to as its population.

A population is any whole group that shares at least one trait. Populations are more than simply individuals. People, animals, businesses, buildings, motor vehicles, farms, items, or events are examples of populations.

Linear growth occurs when a quantity expands by a consistent amount per unit of time. This graph depicts the population increase of Flagstaff, Arizona over a six-year period. It is a straight line that may be represented by a linear growth model. The rate of population increase is linear. As a result, option A is correct.

Learn more about Population here:



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Germany will sing the national anthem! The song is called Lied der Deutschen


I'm not sure but I hope it helps

write any six importance of social tradition and custom​




six importance of social tradition and custom​ are :

1. Tradition contributes a sense of comfort and belonging. It brings families together and enables people to reconnect with friends.

2. Tradition reinforces values such as freedom, faith, integrity, a good education, personal responsibility, a strong work ethic, and the value of being selfless.

3. Tradition provides a forum to showcase role models and celebrate the things that really matter in life.

4. Tradition offers a chance to say “thank you” for the contribution that someone has made.

5. Tradition enables us to showcase the principles of our Founding Fathers, celebrate diversity, and unite as a country.

6. Tradition serves as an avenue for creating lasting memories for our families and friends.

7. Tradition offers an excellent context for meaningful pause and reflection.

1) Social tradition and norms creates one common bond which brings the people of a community together

2) social tradition and norms helps us to learn social rules and values which is acceptable bt society and pass these good behaviours to our next generation

3) Social tradition influences people to follow the right path and principle

4) Social tradition and norms of a community gives identity of the nation and people living in it

5) Social tradition and norms can help to attract tourists about their traditions and culture

6) Social tradition helps to promote peace among all the people and creat friendly relationship

Each of these statements is true except: Understanding your weaknesses can help you grow and improve. Understanding your weaknesses can help you accept your vulnerability. Understanding your weaknesses can help you boost your sense of superiority. Understanding your weaknesses can help you value who you are in your entirety. Understanding your weaknesses can help you see yourself in a true light.



Understanding your weakness can help you boost your sense of superiority


Understanding your weakness

The understanding your weaknesses can actually help you you in several ways. it can help you help better yourself and also make you come to the realization of what you must improve on in your life.  The fact is that the understanding of the fact that you are not perfect is very humbling. Knowing you have flaws  also does not usually encourage you to feel superior to others.Instead it makes you to be more humbling. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses can help contribute to improved performance.

Which of the following are roles of a political party?

Hire Policy Makers
Unite levels of Government
Collect Fees
Inform Citizens
Create Balance



Hire policy makers, inform Ciizens and Create balance


im not sure tho




write down three power of Federal unit of governance according to your constitutional province​



To ensure a separation of powers, the U.S. Federal Government is made up of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. To ensure the government is effective and citizens' rights are protected, each branch has its own powers and responsibilities, including working with the other branches

what member of state have to do​



A member state is a state that is a member of an international organization or of a federation or confederation.

Since the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) include some members that are not sovereign states, neither organization ever speaks of "member states". The WTO has simply "members" (see WTO members), and the IMF refers to its members as "member countries".

The oldest global member state based organization is the International Telecommunication Union, which joined the United Nations System as a Specialized Agency of the T 1088 after the creation of the UN.

I hope it's helpful for you!

what can be the basis for the division of a country in Federal structure give the introduction to each of them ?​



The clergy first estate second estate is the third estate on the basis of the division of the country into a federal structure

The First estate is also known as a privileged class they enjoy freedom 2nd estate is also termed a privileged class and they also have a feudary system III state, which is considered an unprivileged class.


Nepal is a country that is diverse. There is a variety of topography in Nepal. Himalayas, hills, and the terai we've got. We have diversity ethically as well as culturally. We have Sherpas, Thakalis, Bhotes e.t.c. in the Hills and, like Yadavs, Tharus, and various other Ethnic groups in the Plains. Sherpas and Kirats, Bhramins, Chhetiro, and Chhetri are located here. It's the same language for hills and mountains. We are equally diverse as all of the people in the Terai don't speak the same language. And also randomly distributed natural resources.

So topography, ethics, resources, and language were the foundations of a federal structure country's division.

Please it is urgent I know there are more points there are 4 questions I will give the brainiest to the right answer (Don't spam plz )​



1. The concept of unity in diversity was accepted by the state after the unification of Nepal by the late King Prithvi Narayan Shah.

2. Nepal is similar to the garden where different types of flowers are grown. The fragrance of these flowers enchants the whole garden making it beautiful and pleasant. In a similar manner,  the diversity of Nepalese people makes it a beautiful country where each community has something unique to give back to the nation.

3.Nepal is a land of unity in diversity. In Nepal, people of various ethnic groups, religions, languages, customs, and culture live. Two major religion which is practiced in the country is Hinduism and Buddhism. The people in Nepal give importance to the varied cultures and customs to depict their culture.

4.Our National anthem is surely an expression of national unity in the following ways: It is our national anthem where people from varied backgrounds, irrespective of caste, creed, religion or sex stand up and sing in unison, paying respect and gratitude to the country. e. It captures the very essence of our country. Nepal's national anthem really promotes diversity. There are all sorts of words used that display diversity. There is usage of Terai (Plains), Himal (Mountains) and Pahad (Hills) which represents all Nepalese. So, Nepal's national anthem unites people and promotes diversity.

who is current prime minister of nepal ??


Answer:who is current prime minister of nepal ??

=⟩ Sher Bahadur Deuba is the current prime minister of Nepal .

Hope it is helpful to you ❣️☺️☪️☘️❇️❇️☘️☪️☺️❣️

compare the nepal government act 2004 with interim constitution of nepal 2007 bs​


The Constitution was drafted by the Second Constituent Assembly following the failure of the First Constituent Assembly to produce a constitution in its mandated period after the devastating earthquake in April 2015. The constitution was endorsed by 90% of the total legislators. Out of 598 Constituent Assembly members, 538 voted in favor of the constitution while 60 people voted against it, including a few Terai-based political parties which refrained from the voting process.

Its institutions were put in place in 2010 and 2018 through a series of direct and indirect elections in all governing levels.

Constitution of Nepal 2015 is the present governing Constitution of Nepal. Nepal is governed according to the Constitution which came into effect on Sept 20, 2015, regarding the Interim Constitution of 2007. The constitution of Nepal is divided into 35 parts, 308 Articles and 9 Schedules.

see my attachment hope it's helpful to you please mark me brainliest ok

Joe grew up in an Italian household in an Italian community in New Jersey. He believes that the traditional Italian celebration of Easter, which includes a large number of family members and large amounts of food consumed during a long dinner, is a better way to celebrate this holiday than the ways that others celebrate Easter. This example demonstrates



This example demonstrates “ethnocentrism.”


Ethnocentrism is when someone tries to judge other peoples' culture from the viewpoint of their own. In this case, Joe is judging that his way of celebrating Easter is better than the way other people celebrate theirs.

why do you think the national flag of Nepal is unique in the world​



Unlike the flags of the other countries, the Nepali flag is the only flag in the world that is not quadrilateral in shape. It is a simple combination of two triangles. The flag not only identifies the nation but its design also interprets the nature of Nepal and Nepalese.


Unlike the flags of the other countries, the Nepali flag is the only flag in the world that is not quadrilateral in shape.

The moon represents the calm nature of the Nepalese while the sun represents their aggression.

The moon also symbolizes the cool of the Himalayas while the sun represents the heat of the Terai.

The flag is basically red, with a blue border.

Red is Nepal's national color and it's said to come from the Rhododendron plant, which grows in the Himalayas.

And blue is meant to represent peace.

Another is that they represent two families: the Shahs and the Ranas, who used to rule Nepal.


The national flag of Nepal is the world's only national flag that is non-quadrilateral in shape.

The flag is a simplified combination of two single pennons, the vexillological word for a pennant.

Its crimson red is the color of the rhododendron, the country's national flower.

The flag of Nepal is the only national flag in the world that is not rectangular.

The flag is a simplified combination of two single pennants.

Its crimson red is the colour of the rhododendron, the country's national flower.

Red is also the sign of victory in war.


Compared to CDs, basic savings accounts are ____ liquid and have ____ interest rates?
A less higher
B more higher
C less lower
D more lower​





Brad has always been a good kid until recently when his mother started catching him pinching his baby brother whenever he thought she wasn't looking. His mother began taking away a toy each time she caught him pinching his brother. Eventually Brad stopped pinching his brother; this is an example of


Answer: Punishment


One of the best ways to control children is by punishing them. Punishment is not just flogging them but putting measure of discipline to control their behavior. These measure of discipline could be limitations asides the normal punishment we know and this is what Brad's mother did when she realized he was pinching his brother, by taking away his toys.

state any two ways to introduce Nepal to the rest of the world question


Answer: A place with various cultures and religions and born place of Lord Buddha containing the highest mountain peak Mt Everest..

how are the rights missused?​



one example is abuse to speak and by lying or offensive launguage.

How can painting help in the economic progress of the nation? Write in a sentence​


The arts contribute $763.6 billion to the U.S. economy, more than agriculture, transportation, or warehousing. The arts employ 4.9 million workers across the country with earnings of more than $370 billion. Furthermore, the arts exported $20 billion more than imported, providing a positive trade balance.

there was a brainly question already about this  


"How can painting help in the economic progress of the nation?'

I felt vindicated by the professor's words. The paintings on the walls would leave a long shadow on the economy of the country and make it strong. There was no reason why the economy should be weak. He had asked me to settle the rest of the students with a task, and I felt vindicated by the task. I felt moved by the professor's words to hold the basic questions to be solved.


I'm not sure but I hope it helps

Based on the excerpt, and your knowledge of the War Powers Act, explain the reason for this law to be passed. Be sure to include details to support your answer.



The War Powers Act is a federal law intended to check the U.S. president's power to commit the United States to an armed conflict without the consent of the U.S. Congress. This act was passed by Congress over President Nixon's veto to increase congressional control over the executive branch in foreign policy matters, specifically in regard to military actions short of formally declared war.

Mary Ainsworth observed that securely attached infants _______. Do not seem to care when the mother leaves the room and do not seek her out on her return Protest loudly when the mother leaves, but resist contact with her when she returns Cry if the mother leaves the room, are easily soothed, and welcome her back when she returns Are not concerned upon separation, but cry to be picked up and held on her return Are not concerned upon separation and do not respond to her return



Cry if the mother leaves the room, are easily soothed, and welcome her back when she returns



This is simply known as the bond that exists between specific people (e.g. a mother and her child) emotionally and it often endures for a long period of time. The love of the mother is very important to normal social and emotional development.

Attachment Theory

This theory was stated according to John Bowlby's work that shows that children are biologically inclined to have attachments to caregivers as a means of increasing the chances of their own survival.

Secure Attachment

This is simply known as a form of an attachment where infants or young children have a high-quality, relatively unbreakable relationship with their attachment figure. In this case, the mother. In the Strange Situation, a securely attached infant may be upset when the caregiver or the mother leaves and also may be happy to see the caregiver or mother return, thereby getting back themselves quickly from any distress. When children are securely attached, they can use caregivers or mothers as a secure base for comfort.

What is migration

Type of ethnic groups in Ghanaan and some festival they celebrate



migration is the movement of people and good s from one place to another due to factors such as climate change . I think so

write any two natural means or resources ​



Natural resources are resources that exist without any actions of humankind. This includes the sources of valued characteristics such as commercial and industrial use, aesthetic value, scientific interest and cultural value. On Earth, it includes sunlight, atmosphere, water, land, all minerals along with all vegetation, and animal life.[1][failed verification][2][3][4] Natural resources can be part of our natural heritage or protected in nature reserves.


Have a good day

1. What do you think will happen if humans pay no heed towards conservation of soil?
2. What contribution you will make to fulfill the vision of UAE leaders to achieve the goal of sustainability?
Please answer, Urgently needed!




Our future is at stake if we don't take care of the land. In 2050, there might be more than 9 billion people on Earth. We will need more food. Our soils will have to produce more to feed everyone

Now, read the section titled “Natural Resources and Recreational Opportunities.”

Which mountain is the southernmost point on the Appalachian Trail?

Springer Mountain
Brasstown Bald
Blood Mountain
Rabun Bald


Springer Mountain is the most southern Mountain on the Appalachian Trail.


Springer Mountain


how we can make the people aware about saving electricity ?


By telling them, it will cost a lot of money
Electricity is most important for us.

We can save it :-

By self-awarenessBy awareness programmes.By different motivating slogans.By Awaring people about importance of electricity.
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