por que se castigaba a los esclavos por no comer_


Answer 1


Because they would be too unwell to work and do anything for the people for whom they worked.

Porque estarían enfermos para trabajar y hacer cualquier cosa por las personas para las que trabajaban.

Related Questions

A person who has either suffered death or serious physical or mental suffering, or the loss of property resulting from actual or attempted criminal actions committed by others:
A. Lay Witness
B. Victim
C. Offender
D. Clerk​



The person is known as the VICTIM B

B Victim

hope that helps you please mark brainliest

The Governor-General who was impeached
(a) Lord Dalhousie
(b) Lord Mountbatten
(c) Warren Hastings
(d) Lord Hastings​



Lord Mountbatten


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for further info, go to azom . com

Cahiers were the notebooks in which the grievances of people were listed.






hope it helps

kepp smiling

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History? Right? Or no

More reliable and abundant food supply
Job specialization based on a surplus of food
development of a more formal social hierarchy
Increased population creating some social pressures as traditional family/clan loyalties broke down
All of the above resulted from what cultural change?
The adoption of agriculture
The growth of complex, organized religion
The development of complex government
The development of metal tools



A):The adoption of agiculture


The adoption of agriculture are resulted from cultural change. Thus, the option (a) is correct.

What is cultural?

The term "culture" refers to a society's entire way of life, which includes its language, religion, conventions, and sense of style. Geographical influences on culture are numerous. The culture is included in communication. As a result, it covers social graces, garb, language, religion, customs, and creative standards.

The societal cultural trends are embraced as new trends. Adopting agriculture's adaption as food development promoted job specialization in the food industry. Agriculture is the foundation of the traditional family in culture. The component parts of loyalty are social pleasure. The adaptation of agricultural are resulted to in social pressure food supply.

Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about on cultural, here:



Please I need help! What were some similarities and differences between Native American cultures in the Great Plains and the East?



Most white settlers were Christian, native Americans weren't

Native Americans were usually more prepared for Midwest winters than the newer white settlers (survived more gruel-some winters than whites with stocking up on food, clothing, etc.)

Many Native Americans preferred to live and sleep outside during the the spring, summer, and fall while the white settlers depended on their houses for mostly all their shelters.

D-Day was significant to winning the war for the Allies because


Ok I just have to get my car fixed I’m going out of woiteo internet so I’m sorry I don’t

describe how Ubuntu could help fight poverty​




A study conducted by McKinsey & Company found that “Ubuntu graduates will contribute $195,000 to society, while their peers will cost society $9,000.” In addition to providing child health care, the pediatric clinic offers prenatal and postnatal care, HIV and TB testing and treatment.

What were problems faced by the allied powers after World War 2?



The problem that the Allied powers faced after world war II is that once the Germany was split up into territories, there was so much fear that one country could try to gain more land than the others


5 curious facts from Mecca and 5 from the Koran.


The Koran:
1: It has 114 surah and has 30 parts.
2: the revelation started in holy month of Ramadhan.
3: Quran was revealed over 23 years.
4: the meaning of Koran is “ that which is being read.”
5: 25 prophets are mentioned in koran.

15. What is the name for the speed of still images displayed in motion pictures?
frame rate
600 fps
smooth motion
slow motion


A.) Frame Rate is your answer

Which was a common restriction included in the black codes?



Black Codes restricted black's right to own property, conduct business, buy and lease land, and move freely through public spaces. States punished black men who were out of work, or those who were not working at a job that white people recognized.

What effect did the coup of 1991 in Moscow have?

It resulted in the fall of the Berlin Wall.
It restored the communist leaders to power.
It accelerated the breakup of the Soviet Union.
It overthrew Boris Yeltsin as president of Russia.
(The answer is C)



It accelerated the breakup of the Soviet union


simplified answer is  C


Looking at the RAW GOODS (what they grow in the colonies), what MANUFACTURED GOODS do you think each would mal
could sell)?
Example: Raw good = tomatoes, manufactured good = ketchup! (yum)
Hint: you are allowed to do some searching to help you out!
Ready? Enter your answer here.


you could take wheat and make bread. or you could use milk and strawberries to make strawberry yogurt!

Why do you think different Native American societies developed in different parts of the




The Native American societies in North America were so diverse because depending on their location, the tribes had different resources that they were able to surround their cultures with.

helppppp! true or false? . .. ... all of the stones used to build the pyramids at this time were taken from nearby rock quarries . HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Hope his helps

Answer- TRUE

The Declaration of Independence



We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

American settlers in the 1830's and 1840's began to look to Oregan and the far West for settlement because



Por la compra de Luisiana y la Expedición de Lewis y Clark. Creyendo también que Estados Unidos era un refugio para la gente oprimida.


Many Americans approved of the use of atomic weapons on Japan despite their destructive power because
A) they believed they were justified in striking first in order to protect themselves
B) they were eager to see if this new technology was effective in preventing wars
C) they believed that the atom bomb would cause no more damage than regular bombs
D) they were told that it was the only certain way to defeat the militant Japanese empire



Hello, the answer is D! they were told that it was the only certain way to defeat the militant Japanese empire

The answer to this question is d good luck

 how did the articles of confederation limit the power of the federal government


The Articles of Confederation was the first constitution for the United States. Along with this, it is known for being incredibly weak and giving little power to the federal government. Under the Articles of Confederation, the federal government could not tax the states, draft soldiers, regulate trade, or even amend and create new laws.

With the Articles of Confederation being so weak, many people started to realize that having a government that actually had power would be better and strengthen the power of the country as a whole. These people were called Federalists. On the other hand, people who wanted to keep the federal government limited and keep the power in the hands of the people were called Anti-Federalists.

When the Constitutional Convention of 1787 happened, the original goal was just to simply amend the Articles of Confederation. This obviously did not happen though, as the Articles of Confederation was scrapped as a whole and the United States Constitution was created instead, which gave power to the federal government.

Which is an example of how isolation has affected the Australasian ecozone?



Development of Platypus is an example of how isolation has affected the Australasian ecozone. It is endemic to Australia and has developed by combining different parts of different animals. ... Platypus is, therefore, unique, and is Australian in origin and conservancy.


Both the oil embargo of 1973 and the oil shock of 1979 showed the United States that



the United States that the government needed to be less dependent on foreign oil production

hope that helps you


what are the names ochako's parents names​



I have no clue because I don't watch anime-

In the middle colonies,many European settlers had the new opportunity to become



it is landowners, i had the same question and i got it right by putting landowners

Answer: Landowners

Explanation:history book

Who settled around the Atlantic Coast from Europe?



the pilgrims


Which city is located at 30° N, 31° E?






To me, it looks like Cairo would be the best answer for this. Always make sure to double check just in case!

What event occurred from 1861-1865

A. Revolutionary War
B. Battle of Bunker Hill
C. Civil war
D. World War I



C. Civil war


The American Civil War from April 12, 1861 to May 9, 1865, was a civil war in the United States fought between northern and Pacific states ("the Union" or "the North") and southern states that voted to secede and form the Confederate States of America ("the Confederacy" or "the South").



C. Guerra civil

Political Cartoon Analysis. Using you knowledge of

US History, interpret the meaning of the political

cartoon. Answer must be at least 3 complete







We Be People




peace is war

freedom is slavery

what are the grandfather clauses example of


Answer: Examples included the action oof imposing of poll taxes and residency and literacy tests. An exemption to these requirements was made for all people allowed to vote before the American Civil War, and any of the descendants.


Other Questions
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