Porque os movimentos humanistas e renascentistas aconteceram primeiro na península itálica


Answer 1


por que coincidem com a prosperidade das cidades da península Itálica,onde a riqueza permitiu investimentos na produção de obras de artes


Os artistas produziram obras humanistas baseadas no renascimento

Related Questions

Select any decade from the nineteenth or the twentieth century and create a timeline that traces the significant developments in the field of
psychology across that decade. Your timeline should include at least 10 significant psychological developments that span the decade that you


The development in the field of psychology has been through many decades. there has been a revolution the advancement of psychological field.

The understanding of human behavior have resulted in solving many problems. It mainly focuses on how a human will respond in a certain situation and what will be his behavior based on the environment.

There are many books published by various authors which include Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24370325


1950 Karen Horney, the founder of Feminist Psychology, published Neurosis and Human Growth: The Struggle Towards Self-Realization.

1950 Erik Erikson put forth his theory on the stages of psychosocial development.

1952 The first edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) was published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA).

1953 Nathaniel Kleitman discovered rapid eye movement sleep (REM),

1953 B.F. Skinner proposed behavioral therapy.

1954 Abraham Maslow introduced humanistic psychology.

1955 George Kelly put forth his theory of personality called personal construct psychology.

1956 Rollo May promoted existential psychology with the publication of Existence.

1959 Noam Chomsky started a sort of cognitive revolution after reading Skinner’s Verbal Behavior.

1959 Lawrence Kohlberg, based on Jean Piaget’s work, proposes his stages of moral development


from edmentum

1. Este tipo de organización social se desarrolló en el periodo Paleolítico; es el término con el que se denomina a los primeros modelos de sociedad que se dieron en la prehistoria, su final se produjo con la Revolución neolítica, cuando el ser humano dejó de ser nómada, comenzó a usar la agricultura y los trabajos se especializaron. 1Comunidad primitiva
2Civilización primitiva
3Organización primitiva
4Grupos primitivos


La respuesta correcta es la número 1) Comunidad Primitiva.

> Estamos hablando de lo que los historiadores y Antropólogos han llamado "Comunidad Primitiva."

> La comunidad científica afirma que este tipo de organización social se desarrolló en el periodo Paleolítico.

> Los antropólogos han identificado este término para denominar a los primeros modelos de sociedad que se dieron en la prehistoria.

> La comunidad primitiva agrupaba a los primero humanos por necesidad, buscando protección ante las inclemencias del tiempo y las amenazas de los animales.

> La disolución de este tipo de comunidades comenzó con la Revolución Neolítica, cuando el ser humano dejó de ser nómada, comenzó a usar la agricultura y los trabajos se especializaron.

> Esto se debió a que los humanos comenzaron a desarrollar y aprender técnicas de cultivo y decidieron asentarse en un sólo sitio, y ya no seguir a las manadas de animales que debían de cazar para poder alimentar a sus familias.

> Los historiadores coinciden en señalar que la civilización más antigua en la Tierra es Sumeria.

> Estos primeros humanos se asentaron en medio de los Ríos Tigris y Éufrates, en el Medio Oriente.

> En estos momentos, daba inicio una importante etapa en la historia de la humanidad llamada la Revolución Neolítica o la Revolución de la Agricultura.

Podemos concluir que cuando los humanos comenzaron a aprender técnicas de agricultura, se establecieron en un sólo lugar para formar asentamientos más formales que posteriormente se convertirían en los orígenes de la civilización formal, tal y como la conocemos.

Aprende más sobre este tema aquí:


What is Christian fundamentalism? How do you explain it’s popularity in the 1920s? What impact did it have on the politics and culture of the 1920s?



The term fundamentalist was coined in 1920 to describe conservative Evangelical Protestants who supported the principles expounded in The Fundamentals: A Testimony to the Truth (1910–15), a series of 12 pamphlets that attacked modernist theories of biblical criticism and reasserted the authority

The 1920s was a decade of change, when many Americans owned cars, radios, and telephones for the first time. The cars brought the need for good roads. ... The telephone connected families and friends. Prosperity was on the rise in cities and towns, and social change flavored the air.

Do you know this for social studies





Our social studies included history, civics, geography, economics and natural disaster management.

Question 4 (Fill-In-The-Blank Worth 1 points)
West Region
Public Domain
Using the map above, what number is on the state with the capital city of Denver?



You ask question for give you want one answer.

This is 47.

Question 11(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)
(04.01 LC)
George Washington tried but failed to convince Americans to avoid
O getting involved with political parties
isolating the nation from international relations
setting term limits for the president
using slaves in farms and in factories


Answer: B.

Explanation: He didn't believe it would be a good idea for the country to be isolated.

who have special interest in history to sing some folksongs, heroic poems or ballads, which can give information about history.



I am also interested to do these activities ! But i dont have any things which can give information about history


there are many folk songs in the history of Nepal if you will study the history of my country you will not regret it


It is traditional music that people learn by listening to other people playing it and then copying them. We say that the tradition is “orally transmitted” or “handed down orally”, meaning that the music is not written down but taught by speaking (“oral” means “belonging to the mouth”).

Give a synonym for the following words:

1. Republic
2. Christianity
3. Feudalism
4. Colony


it was helpful to you ☺️☺️☺️☺️

The following words are

Republic = democracy , nation , government

Christianity = faithful , devoted , Christlike

Feudalism = fedual , social structure , social system

Colony = territory , holding , clearing , swarm

Which is true of India under Islam?
O A. Women were no longer expected to marry young.
B. Women were able to pick their husbands.
O c. Women were no longer able to be leaders.
D. Women were no longer in polygamous relationships.



I believe the answer to be A

How would decisions about slavery be made under popular



The voters of the territory. Under popular sovereignty, the decision about slavery was made by... meant Congress had no power to ban slavery anywhere. ... it convinced many Northerners that slavery would ruin the nation.



Which quote is consistent with the principal of federalism?

A - “One of the most essential branches of ...liberty is the freedom of ones house. A mans house is his castle.” - James Otis

B - “No government could give us tranquility and happiness at home, which did not possess sufficient stability and strength to make us respectable aboard.” - Alexander Hamilton

C - The principal of the Constitution is that of a separation of a separation legislative, executive and judicial functions, ...” - Thomas Jefferson

D - “The powers delegated ...to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the state government or numerous an indefinite.” - James Madison




"No government could give us tranquility and happiness at home, which did not possess sufficient stability and strength to make us respectable abroad."-Alexander Hamilton.

Features Comic Strip​


Whats the problem???

How does this interaction between Nora and the nurse affect the plot?

Nora discusses the nurse’s child with her, which creates conflict.
Nora thinks about leaving her own family, which builds suspense.
Nora thinks about leaving her own family, which reveals her motivations.
Nora is not on a first-name basis with her nurse, which reveals her personality.



Nora thinks about leaving her own family, which builds suspense.


the answer is b


no cap

¿Cuáles son los países más desarrollados del mundo y por qué?


Noruega Suiza Irlanda Alemania Australia son los más desarrollados porque tiene el más alto índice de desarrollo humano basado en la esperanza de vida, la educación y la renta per capita de casa país

What factor can hinder problem solving



factor that can hinder problem solving is not having problem solving skills. Explanation: If you're unaware of choices or steps towards problem solving it can be very hard to find a solution.

Need help please ASAP!
1. What was one reason that colonizers preferred to enslave Africans to work in the colonies over
other groups?
A. Indentured servants frequently rebelled and deserted.
B. African people knew agricultural techniques that could be used in the colonies
C. It was expensive to transport Native Americans by land
D. African people shared a religion with the colonizers



B. African people knew agricultural techniques that could be used in the colonies

I think the answer shouldn

Which job best represents a career in the field of office administration?


1- customer service representative
2- office manager
3- executive assistant

There is no democracy and human rights in America。



there is democracy and human rights

How many of Paul’s letters are undisputed?

a. 5

b. 7

c. 9

d. 11





In other words, we have seven letters certainly from the historical Paul (Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians, Philemon), three others probably not from him (Ephesians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians) and a final three certainly not from him (1-2 Timothy, Titus)

Hope this helps <3 Comment if you want more thanks and be sure to give brainliest (4 left) <3

What name was given to the first baby of english heritage? What was the first permanent english settlement in the new world? What was the first legislative Assembly in the colonies?



Virginia Dare

James Town Virginia

General Assembly


12. Which of the following pairs of countries were allied during World War I?
O A. Britain and the Ottoman Empire
O B. Austria-Hungary and Germany
C. France and Germany
D. Russia and Austria-Hungary


The countries that were allied during World War 1 are Austria-Hungary and Germany.

During the World War 1 which lasted five years, from 1914 till 1918, the countries of France, Britain, Russia, Japan, and Italy faced off against Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria which saw the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance.

Therefore, the countries that were allies during that war were Austria-Hungary and Germany.

Read more here:



B.austria hungary and Germany

Imagine if you had been in Paul Robeson's shoes. How might you have felt?


When Paul Robeson graduated from Rutgers in 1919, he thought he’d become a lawyer. But soon after he earned a degree from Columbia and landed a job with a law firm, a secretary who was white refused to take dictation from him because he was black. Robeson quit – not just the job, but the profession, too.

How did advancements made by Muslim scholars influence the Renaissance?
Muslim scholars wrote medical texts that helped in the study of anatomy,
O Muslim scholars invented the revolving crane, which helped construct safer buildings,
O Muslim scholars invented the printing press, allowing scientific findings to be published,
Muslim scholars improved mathematics by developing the fraction bar and the decimal point,



Muslim scholars improved mathematics by developing the fraction bar and the decimal point.


Muslim scholars influence the Renaissance through advancement in mathematics. Islamic mathematicians adopted the Indian system of numerals, which later came to be known as Arabic numerals. Algebra, mathematical induction, the use of decimals, and trigonometry influenced the Renaissance in Europe, especially Italy.




One of the most significant results of the 1929 Lateran Accords between Mussolini and the Catholic Church was the recognition of Vatican City as an independent state.
true or false?


the answer is True!!!!!!!

Name at least three ways in which the Declaration of Rights and Toleration Act limited the power of British Kings.



No taking land and money, no delaying court, convicted person(s) had to pass through Jury.


Hope this helps.

As a result of the Boston Massacre, the British removed all taxes except for those
placed on
Colonists then dumped $
worth of tea into
the Boston harbor in an event that is known as the
I need help



This is known as the Boston Tea Party


The Boston Tea Party was the retaliation of a group known as the Sons of Liberty, they dressed up as Native Indians and snuck onto the ships in the harbor which contained the tea. They dumped it all turning the water into a dark brown. This all happened on December 16. Also the amount of tea dumped was valued around 18k dollars.

Chip chip cheerio☕️

The government of ancient Athens was
an oligarchy.
a theocracy.
a direct democracy.
a democratic republic.



I think it's c


but it might be a

The government of scientists Athens was
A direct democracy

can man alter mars environtment to make it more suitable for human habitation?how?
need aswer ASAP



xjxjxdxixi. xxdfuci I icuxu u u u u u 8x8siwiq

Supporting Question 1: To what extent is the US a cash free society?
Directions: Write two paragraphs (Minimum of 16 sentences) that answers supporting question 2.



the u.s. is not a cashless Society


a cashless Society is one that does not handle any cash at all and everything is on a digital form such as debit cards or in a bank account but no cash exist such as in Dubai . there is no cash in Dubai everything is cashless and digital. although the United States is leaning more towards a cashless society as more and more people have their money stored on a ATM card or a prepaid card or some form of digital Data storage . I think eventually the United States will become a cashless Society . at that point I wonder what will happen to the value of gold . if there is no cash I wonder if gold will have cash value still

How did the Reformation change an artist's life?



may artists begin pain landscapes,portraiture, and life


I hope this help

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