Post: Describe Dentist and dentistay in brief​


Answer 1


A dentist also known as a dental surgeon is a medical professional who specializes in dentistry,the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases and conditions of oral cavity.The actual profession of been a dentist is what is known as dentistry.

I hope this helps

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phần lớn dân cư châu âu theo tôn giáo nào


Answer:I am not vietnamese  mark me as a brainlist plz plz plz


Tôn giáo lớn nhất ở EU là Cơ đốc giáo, chiếm 72,8% dân số EU tính đến năm 2018. Các nhóm nhỏ hơn bao gồm Hồi giáo, Phật giáo, Do Thái giáo, Ấn Độ giáo và một số tôn giáo Đông Á, tập trung nhiều nhất ở Đức và Pháp.

What are three types of movement that can occur along a fault?



Strike-slip faults indicate rocks are sliding past each other horizontally, with little to no vertical movement. ...

Normal faults create space. ...

Reverse faults, also called thrust faults, slide one block of crust on top of another

Thank u!

please help mee i will mark you brainliest​



(a)saudi arabia relies on desalination

(b)am not so sure but I think the UK

I hope this helps

Which topographical region is known for dry climates, and cold night and warm days?
A . Coastal
B . Both Coastal and Mountains
C . Dry Aird
D . Mountains


I thinks it’s A

Hope this helps

The coastal region is known for dry climates, cold nights and warm days. Thus, option 'A' (Coastal) is the correct option.

What is coastal climate?

The Coastal Plain has a pleasant climate with warm summers and cool, rarely freezing winters. Seasonal high precipitation, especially around the coast. Although highs in the mid-90s are not uncommon during the dog days of summer, the average yearly high temperature is roughly 77 degrees.

Although the Coastal Plain regularly receives below-freezing temperatures, year-round averages are in the 50s. Coastal regions are already under pressure from human activity, pollution, invasive species, and storms. Climate change threatens these places. Sea level rise may erode, inundate, and destroy coastal habitats and wetlands.

Oceans that are warmer and more acidic are likely to disturb marine and coastal ecosystems. The Coast Ranges' climate is characterized by moderate, rainy winters in the north and cold, dry summers.

Therefore, option 'A' (Coastal) is the correct option.

Learn more about coastal climate, here:


What city is located 1 N, 10 E



Equatorial Guinea


aka the Equator!

Which of the following is the correct definition of renewable?

A. Something that cannot be reproduced.
B. Fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas.
C. Something located along a river or water source.
D. Something that can be re-grown or reproduced.


The correct definition of renewable is: Something that can be re-grown or reproduced. Renewable resources or energy sources are those that are replenished naturally or can be restored in a relatively short amount of time. Option D is the correct answer.

Renewable refers to resources or energy sources that are naturally replenished or can be regenerated over a relatively short period of time. These resources have the ability to be used repeatedly without being depleted.

Examples of renewable resources include solar energy, wind power, hydropower, biomass, and geothermal energy.

They can be harnessed or utilized without causing permanent damage to the environment and can be replenished through natural processes. Therefore, Option D is the correct answer.

For such more question on renewable:


informe que propone recomendaciones para seguir construyéndonos como país, revisado y editado​ m3 ayudan porfavor


Factors that contribute to nation building are good governance, a united and inclusive society and a flourishing business community.

Great nations with great and working economies we not built in a day, but took a number of concerted efforts over time between the government and its citizen to bring such nations into limelight and a beacon for others to follow. Recommendations for building up a great nation is centred on three factors viz:

1. Good governance

2. United and inclusive society

3. Cooperative business community.

These factors listed above are crucial because it produces a society that is united, can fend for itself and harmonized in tackling challenges that cuts across all sectors such as socioeconomic development, inequality etc...

With a prospering business community, especially in instances where small and medium scale businesses are allowed to flourish and develop to their full potentials, it is seen that the income inequality is quickly bridged, thus raising the standard of living of such countries and helping to eradicate poverty. This also boosts local manufacturing and subsequently international trade with other nations thus forming meaningful ties and allies.

A government vested on good and quality educational system not only creates a sense of belonging and national unity through school curriculum, but also to develop creative and progressive minds that get to form the very fabric of the nations' financial institutes, research institutes, civil workers, engineers, future teachers, businessmen and women etc.

A society that is more equal than it was yesterday, is always one step ahead towards the goal of nation building. This is true in all aspects; a nation has to be inclusive, accommodating, diverse,...with a government with a good developmental and sustainable plan to steer the nation forward in future times to come.

Here is a link to learn more about some factors that contribute to nation building:

The Whiskey Rebellion of 1794
was a protest against the
A. sugar tax
B. whiskey tax
C. tax collectors


The correct answer is B.

what is magnitude
what is latitude ​



In geography, latitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point on the Earth's surface. Latitude is an angle (defined below) which ranges from 0° at the Equator to 90° (North or South) at the poles. Lines of constant latitude, or parallels, run east–west as circles parallel to the equator. Latitude is used together with longitude to specify the precise location of features on the surface of the Earth. On its own, the term latitude should be taken to be the geodetic latitude as defined below. Briefly, geodetic latitude at a point is the angle formed by the vector perpendicular (or normal) to the ellipsoidal surface from that point, and the equatorial plane. Also defined are six auxiliary latitudes that are used in special applications.

Why most of the earthquakes are linked with fold mountains?



Most earthquakes occur in the belt of young-fold Mountains because young fold mountains are formed because of tectonic activities. In the case of Oceanic-continental convergence, subducting oceanic plate grinds against the surrounding denser medium producing mostly deep-seated earthquakes.

Explain the features on the planet Earth that allows living things to live on the planet.​



Distance of the Earth from the Sun- The Earth and the Sun are equally important because without the Sun's heat and light, the Earth would be a lifeless ball of ice-coated rocks. It regulates the temperature of water bodies, weather patterns and provides energy to the growth of plants. The distance of the Earth from the Sun makes it a perfect reason for the life because it receives the perfect amount of heat and light to allow life to be created and to support it. Light on the Earth- Earth is the only planet that uses the Sun’s light as useful as a source of energy. That energy is used to convert elements, by living things, into a useable form. A plant uses the energy provided by the sun to drive photosynthesis and provide food to grow. As a by-product, oxygen is released which we then use as an energy source of our own. The Earth's Atmosphere- It is the layers of gases surrounding the earth that consists of exosphere, thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere and troposphere. The air content and favourable atmospheric pressure also supported life of most creatures. The less air content of carbon dioxide helps to moderate the Earth's temperature and is absorbed by plants during photosynthesis to produce oxygen.The Ozone Layer- It is the Ozone layer that is a part of Earth's atmosphere situated in the stratosphere, which makes protects life on Earth from its potentially harmful effects of shorter wavelength and highly hazardous ultraviolet radiation (UVR) from the sun.                       The Sun emits enormous amounts of heat and light that also consists of ultraviolet radiation (UV rays). Only about 1% of the ultraviolet radiation that the Sun sends to Earth actually reaches the surface. Small amounts of exposure to UV rays are beneficial because they cause the body to produce Vitamin D, which has several health benefits. However, too much exposure to UV rays causes serious issues on our skin and health.Climate Conditions- The Earth has a suitable climate for the existence of all forms of life because of moderate amount of carbon dioxide, which is the driving factor for the survival of life forms. Water- Water is very important for life because it contains the oxygen needed for life and allows life-providing molecules to move around easily. It continually changes its form through the water cycle.                                 Gravitational Pull on Earth- The Sun's gravitational pull keeps our planet orbiting the Sun and the Earth, which holds everything from topography to all forms of life. The force of gravity doesn’t just keep us anchored to the ground, but also affects our biological system.                 Hence, Earth is the only planet which hosts liquid water on its surface, allowing for a direct transfer of energy from the sun in order for photosynthetic life forms to evolve. It has an unique surface which is neither too hot nor too cold for the occurrence of complex biochemical process.


Which best describes how climate is increasing flooding along US coastlines?

A. An unstable atmosphere causes greater coastal waves.

B. Warmer temperatures cause rising sea levels.


B. Warmer temperatures cause rising sea levels

How many points appear in this figure?


Answer:8 points

Explanation:and bc i did it


8 i don't know


how did scientist find out the different layers of the interior of the earth

(btw sorry I could not find science subject)​


By studying seismic waves

How do source of water gets polluted???


pouring chemicals and waste into the water is a good example of water pollution


The main point source of pollution to water is from sewage and waste water treatment, while for diffuse pollution, main sources are from farming and fossil fuel power plants (via the air).

what are tectonic plates​



Tectonic plates are pieces of land that connect together on the Earth's outer shell. You can think of them like a giant round puzzle that cover Earth underneath the ground. These pieces bump together and move, even though it is only a couple of centimeters a year.

Tectonic plates is a thing where the one tectonic plate is away from another tectonic plate

How many millibars of atmospheric pressure do we measure in a low pressure zones and a high-pressure zone



Isobars on Weather Maps

Isobars on Weather Maps Points above the 1000 mb isobar have a lower pressure and points below that isobar have a higher pressure.

from which line of longitude the South Africa calculate its time​



i think its 20 west 60 line longitude icant calculate it sry but i can follow you in to the brainly hehe

describe the extraction and processing of Gold in the republic of South Africa​




Today, South Africa produces only 4.2% of the world's gold. In South Africa, mining for gold typically involves methods like panning, sluicing, dredging, hard rock mining and by-product mining.

Which of the following is not a place where hydrogen can be found on Earth?
A. Natural gas well
B. Water
C. Mine
D. Atmosphere



D. Atmosphere


D. Atmosphere


Hydrogen is found in great quantities on Earth combined with other elements, such as in water and hydrocarbons, but it is barely present in Earths atmosphere, which contains just 0.00005%.

What is iplication location,shape and size of Etiopia and the Horn on physical environment,socioeconomic and political aspect



The summary of the given question is provided below.


The Ethiopian mountains are geographically formed as well as the temperature throughout the bottoms is moderate as well as comfortable mostly on plain valleys.Ethiopia, which would be headquartered throughout the African continent, borders on East Africa as well as Somali, does indeed have a surrounded plain around 3000 meters high which separates the plate obliquely between the vast river valleys.

Which type of rainfall is regularly found in the mountainous Northwestern US?
A. Conventional rain
B. Occluded rain
C. Frontal rain
D. Relief rain



relief rain


Fog and mist can be classified as g______ or vapor form


Fog and mist can be classified as Gas

Chemicals that evaporate from the soil of the tropics, ride the winds north thousands of miles, condense in the cold air, and fall on the Arctic in the form of toxic snow or rain illustrate the problem of Group of answer choices bioinvasion. permeability of international borders. greenwashing. deforestation.



Following are the solution to the given question:


Boundary permeability is defined as the accessibility of communication at the geopolitical stage where the border is understood as a product of oppression formed by goods, capital, or thoughts on legal, physical, historic, or personal life. There are many various reasons why all these nations protect their borders: An invasion must be resisted. This is particularly true in areas when two or more countries have battled over that land for many decades.

(Q020) Diamonds a. are brought from the mantle to the surface in magma that hardens into kimberlite. b. are found in carrot-shaped structures called pegmatites. c. of industrial quality (non-gem quality) have no use and are usually discarded. d. are exceedingly rare, which is why their price is so high.



A. are brought from the mantle to the surface in magma that hardens into kimberlite


Diamonds are brought to the surface from the mantle in a magma that is known as the kimberlite. This kimberlites is rich in gases and it is an igneous rock that has the following minerals,olivine, phlogophite, serpentine etc.

The origination of diamonds in the mantle happens as carbon transformation occurs due to heat and pressure occurs. The kimberlite pipes and what brings the diamonds to the surface

1. Using your external protractor, what is the difference in longitude between Wake Island
and Ke Lae, HI? What is the time difference?



1,746 miles distance and 5 hours max


Wake island is an atoll island and is located in the western pacific ocean. It is northeast of Micronesia. Has an area of about 2.857 miles.

Identify the true statement. a. Climate does not affect the types of landforms created in a region. b. Water, ice, and/or air are agents of erosion. c. Strong rocks, counterintuitively, tend to slide and produce gentle slopes. d. If the rate of uplift exceeds the rate of erosion, the land surface subsides.


i think the correct answer would be b


Identify the true statement.


b. Water, ice, and/or air are agents of erosion.

Which statement is CORRECT?Question 27 options: Fire suppression prevents destruction of forests in the long run. Deforestation causes little change in the water supply of an area. Subsistence farming can help prevent mass scale deforestation. Roads going through forested areas have little effect on deforestation because people use them solely for transportation.


i honestly have no idea but i think it’s the first one

sorry if it’s weong

what is the deepest hole dug on

(sorry I could notfind the subject Science)​



If your asking for the deepest hole dug.

its the kola superdeep borehole on kola peninsula in russia.

I hope this helps


Kola Superdeep Borehole


The deepest man-made hole in the world is The former Soviet Union's Kola Superdeep Borehole It is located on the Kola Peninsula in northwestern Russia. with a depth of 12,262 meters, or about 12 km from the ground

How does climate change impact the Forests of Sumatra?


The destruction of Sumatra's natural forests is accelerating global climate change and pushing endangered species closer to extinction, a new report warned today.

A study from WWF claims that converting the forests and peat swamps of just one Sumatran province into plantations for pulpwood and palm oil is generating more annual greenhouse gas emissions than the Netherlands, and is endangering local elephant and tiger populations.

The fastest rate of deforestation in Indonesia is occurring in central Sumatra's Riau province, where some 4.2m hectares (65%) of its tropical forests and peat swamps have been cleared for industrial plantations in the past 25 years, the study shows.

Since 1982, about 30% of the province's natural forest has been cleared for palm oil plantations, 24% for industrial pulpwood plantations, and 17% has become so-called wasteland – land that has been deforested but not replaced by any crop cover. Twenty-five years ago, according to the report, forest covered 78% of the Riau province. Today it covers just 27%. In just one year, 2005-06, it lost 286,146 hectares – 11% of forest cover

Illegal and legal forest clearance for the development of settlements, infrastructure and agriculture has traditionally driven deforestation in Riau, but the "speed and finality" of forest conversion for the rapidly expanding pulp and paper and palm oil industries is matched "by no other type of deforestation", the report says.


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