Prepare a notice to put up on the school
notice board about a seminar on the topic 'Tea and health Benefits (30 to 40 words)
Menuon the Venue date and Time of the Seminar


Answer 1


Lincoln School


10th June 2021

Tea and Health Benefits

All students are invited to the seminar about tea and its health benefits on Friday 30th, at 6:00 pm in Fulton Street 234, Collin Venue. Limited places.

Sara Johnson



A notice has to be short, formal, and precise. It should start with the name of the institution, then the title notice. After that, we write the date that the notice is published, a heading with the topic, a short paragraph with the time, date, place, intended public, and any necessary information. Then the signature.

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Lord snowman had to and had to admit defeat​


uhh okayyyyyyy......?

write a creepy monster essay at least two paragraphs make it at least appropiate enough for babies to read my school strict on them stuf lol



Experiences in School - some good and some not so good - shared for others to learn

Some experiences we hope will happen to others

The best experiences I've had when I was asked to talk to classes. These teachers were really interested in stuttering and wanted to help their students. I received postcards and presents afterwards and brought me back my faith in teachers again.

I also took a class in presentation techniques and everyone in class had to make a presentation. The whole class should then comment and grade the presentations. I was deadly nervous, but had a subject I knew a lot about: our museum at home. I took a lot of things to look at, try, feel and to listen to to make them concentrate on other thing but myself and my speech, walked around a lot using body language, remembered the experience about time and had my watch on the table in front of me. When I was finished I was shaking all over. Can you imagine my surprise when I "won" on all items, including my speech? As Russ is always telling us: it's not your speech that counts, it's what you put into it. (Anita Blom, Sweden, September 9, 1999)

Her Name Was Mrs. Clousson, and She Cared by Lee Reeves


it may help you

Please help
write an essay about true friendship​



Friends bind people in a bond of love, mutual trust, understanding and loyalty.

Friendship is a relationship which involves mutual self respect, trust, loyalty and affection. Good friends enjoy each others company, share the same interests and are loyal to each other.

A friend is some one, who stands by our, even during difficult times. It requires honesty and mutual understanding has to be nurtured with devotion and Patience.

Just as it takes patience grow a garden, in friendship, too, first a seed is planted and then it has to le taken care of, nourished and watered, daily. One has to tend it with love and care.

Friendship is Man’s emotional and psychological necessity. You can share your feelings, frustrations and happiness with your friend. You can also depend upon your friend for keeping your trust.

A true friend never lets up down even under most threatening circumstances. He/she will never jet ray you even under pressure.

Friendship requires devoting time and patience. There can bal disagreements and quarrels also, which is natural, but one must have till patience to deal with such frustrations. Being reasonable, a forgiving nature! Willingness to compromise when one can and persistence to rebuild friends are needed for a true and lasting relationship.

True friendship cannot flourish! Without a give and take attitude the more the efforts put into it, the morel will lead towards everlasting happiness and trust. Friendship also helps in molding the kind of person you are.

Never rush to make friends because friendship needs a good foundation. We must accept our friend as he is. The essence of friendship is sincerity and giving one’s self to your friend without thinking of getting anything in return. At times, when we meet new and interesting people,! Our loyalty changes and old friends are forgotten. A lesson to be learnt, “Do not forget old friends while making new ones.”

Consider Hermia's first words when she enters the scene. How do her comments about the setting relate to the action of the scene? In particular, how might Shakespeare intend a double meaning here for her use of the word "sense"?



Hey dear ❤️

Can you tell me in which class do you study?

Ben was a pig. He was big and pink and very smart. He lived in a barn with a cow and a hen. When the farmer would ring a bell, Ben would
eat his dinner. After dinner, Ben would go to sleep. Then he would walk outside.
When did Ben eat dinner?
O 1. when a bell was rung
O 2. after he slept
3. when he went outside
O 4. in the morning



when the bell was rung


when a bell was rung

The agile shortstop fielded the ball. Which word is an adjective? agile ball shortstop fielded





An adjective is a word that is used to describe a noun. The adjective tells us more about a noun. in this sentence the adjective is in bold letters agile while the noun it describes is underlined and in italics shortstop.  

The adjective, often times, comes before the noun that is describes, as we can see in this sentence.

brailyn dejen de seer tan borradores



uh lo siento, supongo?

How can you show emotion in formal writing?
by using question marks

by using emoticons

by using exclamation points

by using periods

plssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss answer with onee of the options



by using emoticons


In my point of view using emoticons are very useful and easily understandable than others while qriting formal writings


by using exclamation points



Brutus' central flaw was:

a. he was too ambitious
b. he was too trusting
c. he only thought about himself.
d. he refused to take action.​


a he was too ambitious




sorry but for future times you could use shortlyai


shortlyai writes essays for you its super easy to work with i use it to cheat in school a lot though

Select all that apply.

Which of these loses effectiveness if over-used?

special type
tips and warnings
equipment lists




Can someone summarize this for me i just need like 2 or 3 sentences

I left the woods for as good a reason as I went there. Perhapsit seemed to me that I had several more lives to live, and could notspare any more time for that one. It is remarkable how easily andinsensibly we fall into a particular route, and make a beaten trackfor ourselves. I had not lived there a week before my feet wore apath from my door to the pond-side; and though it is five or sixyears since I trod it, it is still quite distinct. It is true, Ifear, that others may have fallen into it, and so helped to keep itopen. The surface of the earth is soft and impressible by the feetof men; and so with the paths which the mind travels. How worn anddusty, then, must be the highways of the world, how deep the ruts oftradition and conformity!


Answer:    I left the woods for as good a reason as I went there. Perhaps It seemed to me that I had several more lives to live, and could not spare any more time for that one. I had not lived there a week before my feet were apart from my door to the pond-side; and though it is five or six years since I trod it, it is still quite distinct. The surface of the earth is soft and impressible by the feet of men, and so with the paths which the mind travels. How worn and dusty, then, must be the highways of the world, how deep the ruts of tradition and conformity!


Select the transition word or phrase that best fills the blank.
Required voting will make more Americans vote.
____ it will force
candidates to appeal to a wider range of voters instead of just
focusing on the ones who are most likely to vote.
A. That said
B. On the other hand,
C. Furthermore,
D. For example





A. That said
Hope this helps!

If you could answer the question I just uploaded, that would be great!

How i become a good friend. (50words) paragraph​



sitting all alone by the canteen window looking outside, seeing everyone with their best friends. being a fresher of the school and being shy it was kind of difficult for me to socialise with the others. for example if only someone would approach me then i would talk. i can say it that it was my chance that a kid in my class itself approached to talk to me. days went and we became friend. i helped her do her works and she helped me. i supported and was always present in her bad or happy moments. i almost took care of her when she came to school sick. i made her laughed when she was sad. i tried my best to never cheat, lie or break her trust. we promised to stay together. and by our friendship will grow by everyone prayers acting as  a shield for us.


Answer: Everyone has a different perspective and definition of what being a good friend is. What made me a “good friend” was learning how to listen how to put myself in someone else’s shoes. By that I mean we could never know what another person is going through, we could experience the same thing and it could emotionally impact us in different ways. I’ve also learned how to communicate my feelings, if I get frustrated by someone’s actions or words and don‘t speak up about it they might not know it bothered me to begin with, which usually leads to subconsciously being irritated around them, since you haven’t been communicating any of the things that have been bothering you to them. My biggest self-realization has been that a lot of people project their insecurities or their regrets myself including. I tend to get mad at people or frustrated without realizing why I usually conclude that they are making the right choices or the ones I wish I didn’t make in the past. It's either jealousy or my pride that gets the best of me. I call myself out and apologize once I notice the way I acted and why.


(sorry i wrote too much I wanted to write something that you could change if you really couldn’t relate to it i tried to make it more of a general thing.)

Although perhaps not
intended by the brother, what
wisdom might this image
conjure in reference to the
cactus itself for Trysdale in O.
Henry's "The Cactus"?
"Very well. It's a tropical
concern. See hundreds of 'em
around Punta every day.'
A. The desert is no place for a lovers
B. There are many other brides out there
with which to fall in love.
C. They may not give fruit, but they are


Answer: Hi your answer would be

B. There are many other brides out there  with which to fall in love.

I have to write a paragraph at least 5 sentences about how my experiences and progressed I made through the course and what I recommend to the future students to help them be successful I have to pick at least 2 5 Cs which are (creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, communication and compassion) it’s for summer school btw :(

- critical thinking:
How did you apply previous knowledge to complete the course?

How did you discuss your point of view or interpret data?

- communication:
How did you communicate your thoughts?

What strategies did you use to understand information?

How did you work with others to achieve a common learning goal?

Creativity: how did you utilize additional resources to learn? Or find new ways to solve problems?

Character and compassion:
How did you work with integrity and honor?

How are you displaying compassion during these times?

I have pick 2 and it has to be at least 5 sentences


Hello. Unfortunately it is not possible to discover your experiences and progress in the course you have taken and it is not possible to present the reasons that would lead you to recommend this course to other students. You haven't even said the course you're referring to. This makes it impossible for your question to be answered. However, I'll provide five sentences below that you can use as a template to write your own sentences, based on your opinion of the course. Hope this helps you.

The course was very influential in my academic life, as it stimulated my knowledge, extended my information and promoted new knowledge that will be very important for my life. In addition, the course promoted very good social interaction, allowing me to make very beneficial friendships and meet new people with similar interests to mine. The course also gave me the opportunity to express myself and get my thoughts and opinions out, without fear of judgment. This freedom of opinion and argument made the classes very participative and fruitful and this is the biggest reason why I recommend this course to new students.

1.Peter...too much
1)don't eat
2)doesn't eat
3)isn't eat
4)hasn't eat
2.Please be quiet.I....
2)was working
3)am going to work
4) am working
3.Mary........the coffee.but she ate the sandwich
1) drinks
2) drank
3) doesn't drink
4) didn't drink
4.we....dinner now.Can you call me again later?
1) have
2) are having
3) have had
4) will have
5.How often....a bath? Every day.
1) have they
2) they have got
3) do they have
4) they have


extra characters hsjdjehsibr sidben fiebriebf

Am I doing the Work Cited page right?
Is that all I have to do? And can someone pls explain me what a work Cited page means?
pls help


You did it correctly and if you only used one website for information then that’s all you have to do. If you used multiple then you have to include the website links for all articles you used. A work cited page is pretty much just to help prove to the reader that your essay is credible with the information included in it. Also for the future there’s a website called “easybib” and all you have to do is enter some information such as the website and author and it will complete the works cited page for you. And it’s not cheating because most teachers tell you to use it by the time you get in 9th grade.

Read this excerpt from We've Got a Job: The 1963 Children's March. By the time Wash was in seventh grade, he'd skip school for weeks at a time. "My friends and I would go into the woods and build a campfire [or] walk down the railroad tracks," he said. Sometimes he'd go to the colored library, sit in the back room, and read. "It was all an adventure," according to Wash. He liked wearing a Davy Crockett coonskin cap on his adventures. What is the tone of the excerpt?





Cynthia Levinson's "We've Got a Job: The 1963 Birmingham Children's March" is about the history of the African American people history particularly about the youths, racism, and protests, activism, etc. The book provides personal accounts of children participating in the revolts against racism and discrimination.

The given excerpt has a sentimental tone while talking about Wash. Here, Wash recounts how he used to "go into the woods and build a campfire [or] walk down the railroad tracks", expressing everything "was all an adventure." The recollection shows he's sentimental about his younger days when he would go on "adventures".

Thus, the correct answer is sentimental.

Escribe 5 oraciones en tu cuaderno o compitadora en la forma comparativa y 5 oraciones en la forma superlativa en ingles




Cinco ejemplos de la comparativa forma en inglés son

1. Indiana is farther than your hometown

2. Mexico is bigger than Guatemala

3. The salsa from that shop tastes better

4. I arrived at work earlier today

5. Angela is more attractive than Cathy

Cinco ejemplos de la superlativa forma en inglés son

1. You are the most beautiful

2. Muhammad is the tallest among them

3. That is the hardest thing to do

4. She calls me the most

5. My friend is the fastest sprinter

Complete the excerpt from Jefferson Davis’s Inaugural Address by filling in the correct words based on the context.



gonna need more of the question!

Alguien sabe inglés puede ayudarme con este pequeño problema? es para mañana. Por favor. Gracias!


The exercise here is about paraphrasing. This means re-writing a sentence using other word while retaining the original meaning of the sentence.

What are the paraphrased sentences?

It is clear that security at airports is very tight nowadays.There are advantages and disadvantages of Living in another country.To sum it up, learning a new language is a useful skill.

learn more about correct sentences at:

Which of the following best describes rulers who govern by tyranny?
A. They guarantee legal equality for all.
B. They encourage input from advisors.
C. They exercise absolute, unchecked power.
D. They make all decisions slowly and carefully.






Please help!!!
hi,can you please help me with this?
thanks ​



Its sea tides.

it's the answer. kajalsjaljalajzjns


Sea tides


The moon affects earthly processes like sea tides. Not only are none of the other three options "earthly processes," but the sea tides are affected because of the moon's gravitational pull on the ocean's water.

did Jem Finch ever meet Boo Radley​


Boo is never seen outside his house until the end of the novel. Although Jem and the reader begin to suspect Boo is responsible for leaving gifts in the hole of the oak tree and sewing together Jem's torn trousers, he is not actually seen until he rescues Jem and Scout from Bob Ewell's attack.

a. The company will hire new workers after the pandemic.
b. The customer was being helped by the salesman.
c. The workers repaired the potholes last week.
Pls pls change this into passive it would be a great help



A. New workers will be hired by the company after the pandemic.

B. NOTE: this sentence is already in the passive voice. Just in case, I will change it into active voice: The salesman was helping the customer.

C. The potholes were repaired by the workers last week.


In the active voice, the subject of the sentence is also the performer of the action described by the verb. Thus, to change a sentence into the active voice, we invert things. What was the subject becomes the agent, which comes after the preposition "by"; and what was the object of the verb becomes the new subject.

As for the verbs, we identify the tense and maintain it in the passive voice. But we should also add the auxiliary "be" and use the main verb in the past participle form.

Active: The company will hire new workers after the pandemic. --> Passive: New workers will be hired by the company after the pandemic.

Active: The workers repaired the potholes last week. --> Passive: The potholes were repaired by the workers last week.

What raw materials can be used to produce biofuels?


Answer: Bioethanol is an alcohol made by fermentation, mostly from carbohydrates produced in sugar or starch crops such as corn, sugarcane, or sweet sorghum.  

Biodiesel is produced from oils or fats using transesterification and is the most common biofuel in Europe.

Explanation: Hopefully this helps you (pls don't report if wrong)

Literary elements of an epic include all of the following except

Group of answer choices


universal theme.


formal speeches.


Hero edge 2021!!!!!!!!!!

The literary elements of fiction include all of the following except humor, which is the first option. While there may be some lighter moments in a novel, humor is generally not a defining characteristic.

What is an epic?

An epic is a long narrative poem that tells the story of a hero or group of heroes. It has often featured larger-than-life characters, beautiful settings and action-packed adventures. Literary elements in fiction include hero or heroine, quest, series of challenges, supernatural beings, divine intervention, formal speeches, universal theme, and a writer who has everything and knows everything.

Thus, the literary elements of fiction include all of the following except humor, which is the first option. While there may be some lighter moments in a novel, humor is generally not a defining characteristic.

Learn more about the epic here.


What part of the body of the essay shows the argument of the writer



The main body of the essay is where you develop your argument in detail and make reference to secondary sources that provide documentation of your argument or that have influenced your thinking.


ok ok ok tq ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok

2. Which of the following sentences contains a linking verb?

I did not have to go to work today

Tara’s mother is a lawyer

Miguel and Sarah studied together at the library

Stephanie came over after she finished her homework



Stephanie came over after she finished her homework

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