prepare a report on french society during old regime​


Answer 1


Kingdom of France. France under the Ancien Régime (before the French Revolution) divided society into three estates: the First Estate (clergy); the Second Estate (nobility); and the Third Estate (commoners). The king was considered part of no estate.

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A product or service for which people do not have to pay to consume or use is known as a _____ good A.) Free-Rider B.) Externality C.) Private D.) Public



C.) private



B.) Externality


trust me.

which best explains how Spain affected the outcome of the revolutionary war​



The outcome of the Revolutionary War was affected by Spain  when it aided Britain's loss by surreptitiously sending food and equipment to the colonies.


Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!


depends on what revolutionary war you are referring to. if its the american revolutionary war then Spain aided america by sending ships. if you've ever heard of the musical Hamilton it explains this point in time.

The Sumerians developed a system of writing that used wedge-shaped symbols to represent sounds,
ideas, and objects called
O Mesopotamia
O Cuneiform
O Ziggurat
O Plateau





what is the reason behind the evoution of computer​



In the '60s, computers evolved from professional use to personal use, as the first personal computer was introduced to the public. In the 1980s, Apple introduced its first computer, the Macintosh, and has dominated the computer industry ever since with laptops and tablets.

Explain why the 25th Amendment was needed and ultimately proved to be important



In the event of the President's removal, death, or resignation, the Vice President succeeds him. When the President or Vice President dies, is removed, or resigns, it clarifies what happens to the Presidency, and how the President is temporarily replaced. Whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of Vice President, the President nominates a Vice President who is confirmed by both Houses of Congress.The Vice President and a majority of the House and Senate can remove the President.

The 25th Amendment is vital for:

This amendment is required because it specifies what happens if a president or vice president is absent.


Prior to the 25th Amendment, the office of the vice president was left vacant 18 times. Once a vice president left office, it remained vacant until the next presidential election because there were no procedures in place to name a new vice president. Constitutionally, the vice president has few responsibilities other than ceremonial duties, but modern presidents often rely heavily on their vice presidents. The absence of a vice president can be quite burdensome on a president. The importance of the 25th Amendment was illustrated shortly after its ratification with the scandals surrounding Vice President Agnew and President Nixon. Amid the scandals, there were no questions about the procedures to follow in the event of Agnew or Nixon’s resignations.


China has recently discovered many new __________ fields in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. A. oil B. coal C. mine D. natural gas Please select the best answer from the choices provided



D. natural gas



D) natural gas




Which of the following factors did not contribute to the wealth of North Africa?
Africa's natural resources
trade with England, France and Spain
Africa's mountains and rivers
outposts established by sailors



the answer is Africa's mountains and rivers

Mountains and rivers. Those can’t determine how wealthy something is.

What are "demographics"?
O A. The statistics of rural farming
O B. The decisions of how people vote
O C. The statistics of urban banking
O D. The characteristics of a population of people





a demographic refers distinct characteristics

of a population..

some examples of demographic are age and education

Demographics refer to statistical data that describes the characteristics of a population, such as age, gender, education level, income, ethnicity, and more. Therefore, option D is correct.

What is the meaning of demographics?

Demographics refers to statistical data that describes a particular population, such as age, gender, income, education level, race, and geographic location.

This data can be used to understand the characteristics and behaviors of a group of people, which can be helpful in developing targeted marketing strategies, designing public policy, or conducting research.

Demographics can also be used to analyze trends and changes within a population over time. The term "demographics" comes from the Greek words "demos," meaning "people," and "graphy," meaning "writing."

For example, demographic information can help a business identify potential customers and develop marketing strategies that target specific groups of people.

Governments can use demographic data to plan public services such as healthcare, education, and housing. Demographic information is also important for researchers and policymakers to understand how populations are changing over time and to identify social and economic trends that may require intervention or support.

Learn more about demographic here:


The Treaty of Verdun ______________.
placed Alcuin in charge of education
split the kingdom into three parts, one for each of Louis’ sons
established the Spanish March
led to the Donation of Pepin and created the Papal states


c. split the kingdom into three parts, one for each of Louis’ sons

DIRECTIONS: What media might artists use to make art? Write 3 materials used for each art form. Use the
Art Media Vocabulary list provided to help you match materials.



The different mediums used in art are oil paints, watercolors, acrylic paints, graphite pencils, charcoal and pastels (oil and chalk pastels).


que tuvieron en comun los paises de los juegos olimpicos ..... osea algo en comun entre los paises ... algo que los alla puesto en el top 10



in the american economy a person


can function as both a worker and a consumer

What strategies did slaves employ to resist, revolt, and sustain their own independent communities and cultures? H





One political movement that changed history



Social Movements - and their leaders.


I hope this may help you

Pada pendapat anda, mengapakah manusia Zaman Prasejarah tinggal di lembah sungai dan di dalam gua?​



karena mereka tingal disana dan mencari tempat hangat untuk istirahat atau bertedih


maaf kalau salah

A story element is an important

A - chapter in a story.
B - part of a story.
C - picture in a story.
D - fact in a story.



D - fact in a story.


Which is your fav. Manifest character???


Ben- this dude is always the goat of the show

Indirect Democracy/Republic/
Modern “Constitutional
Monarchy" definition?


Answer: give me brainliest


A constitutional monarchy, parliamentary monarchy, or democratic monarchy is a form of monarchy in which the monarch exercises authority in accordance with a written or unwritten constitution.

What can we learn from historical investigation to help us address the challenges and opportunities we face today?



The Past Teaches Us About the Present

Because history gives us the tools to analyze and explain problems in the past, it positions us to see patterns that might otherwise be invisible in the present – thus providing a crucial perspective for understanding (and solving!) current and future problems.

7 Question 8 of 20 Which principle must a government follow in order to be considered a democracy? O A. The government must have a written constitution that protects individual rights. O B. Laws must be created to reflect the dominant religious beliefs in a society O C. Citizens must be able to vote directly on laws rather than relying on representatives, O D. Leaders must be selected by the citizens rather than inheriting power.​





Leaders must be selected by citizens be it in a representative democracy system or direct democracy system

which outcome of India's independence movement did Mohandas Gandhinor



The establishment of Pakistan as an interdependent Muslim state.


Hope it helps


The establishment of Pakistan as an independent Muslim state

Following World War II, the Soviet Union established "satellite
nations" in Eastern Europe. Which statement
BEST describes a satellite nation?
O A country that became part of a larger country.
O A country that is dominated politically and economically by another
O Nations that were colonies of another country.
Nations that were the first to send a satellite into space.


a country that is dominated politically and economically by another

Robert Boyle made the biggest Impact on science by.



discovering that heat was the result of moving particles. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

Known for his law of gases, Boyle was a 17th-century pioneer of modern chemistry. Every general-chemistry student learns of Robert Boyle (1627–1691) as the person who discovered that the volume of a gas decreases with increasing pressure and vice versa—the famous Boyle's law.


Please answer, I need it asap




(Note: You put this question in the "History" section so not a lot of people will answer since it doesn't seem to have anything to do with history. Next time put it in "Math" so people will be able to be more help. Its kind of confusing when there is a question in the wrong section.)


First, substitute the variables out using the given numbers...

x = 6, y=8, z=6 so..


Secondly, we have to solve this.

6+8 = 14

6(14) = 84

So your answer is


Hope this helps :)




z ( x + y ) = 6 * (6+8) = 6 * 14 = 84

What was the Manhattan Project?

a protection plan for New York City

a development project for the atomic bomb

a development plan for D-Day

a development plan for Hitler's murder



B. The development project for the first atomic bombs


B.a development project for the atomic bomb

Which is true of televangelists?
A. They generally opposed government positions.
B. They preached using mass communication.
C. They supported the hippie counterculture.
D. They never asked for money.



B. They preached using mass communication


Since televangelists were primarily focused on religion (thus the name, televangelist), which is an area that plays a large part in social conservatism, the answer would be A.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

The statement that is true of televangelists is They preach using mass communication. Thus the correct option is B.

What are televangelists?

Televangelism is the practice of spreading Christianity using media for broadcasting preaching, and the name "televangelist" is used to denote this practice.

Radio and television are the two media that are most frequently utilized for televangelism. A televangelist ensures that his message is broadcast on radio and television because these two media are widely available.

The Moral Majority aimed to influence conservative Citizens to make decisions on topics that were significant in their perspective. To win over supporters, a number of strategies were employed.

Therefore, option B preached using mass communication is appropriate.

Learn more about televangelists, here:


In what way did the Greek civilization help to build our current cities?


The Greeks made important contributions to philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. Literature and theatre was an important aspect of Greek culture and influenced modern drama. The Greeks were known for their sophisticated sculpture and architecture.

a que se llamo reformas Borbonicas



Estos cambios de política, conocidos colectivamente como las reformas borbónicas, intentaron frenar el comercio de contrabando, recuperar el control sobre el comercio transatlántico, restringir el poder de la iglesia, modernizar las finanzas estatales para llenar las arcas reales agotadas y establecer un control político y administrativo más estricto dentro del imperio.



which policy is most similar to soviet totalitarianism under joseph stalin



Empowering the police to monitor citizens at all times

The first police shortly created after the overthrow of the Tsarist regime, would be an instrument to be used in a totalitarian command

The secret police of Stalin NKVD was a force that drew later under Stalin the totalitarian policy most scandalous for carrying out Stalin's Purges.

The secret police was mostly used for securing that Stalin would stay in power indefinitely,

The alleged national security and their aims were far beyond and contributed for cruel work camps, famines and social engineering.

They wanted to create conditions for a new socialist system to born.

Stalin also used the NKVD for eliminating close people to him when he became suspicious.

Periodically he will use systematically "cleaning lists" for setting a quota of people to be killed.

Which general was responsible for laying waste to the Southern countryside in his "march to the sea"?
O George McClellan
O Robert E. Lee
O Ulysses S. Grant
O William Tecumseh Sherman


Answer: D) William Tecumseh Sherman



William Tecumseh Sherman


Sherman and his men torched everything that had any kind of military value in Atlanta. They then marched towards the sea leaving a trail of destruction throughout Georgia in the process.

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