presedent cabinet meetings are


Answer 1

Answer:Very private meetings "Closed-door meeting". They usually meet once a week.


Answer 2
The presidents cabinet is to essentially be the president’s advisors and and each individual in the cabinet are the head of an executive department. So the meetings are basically for all these executive powers within the country to meet and go over policies. The cabinet doesn’t have the power to write and enforce laws, they are simply to be an advisory board for the president. These meetings are also closed-door and the only time the president, vice president, all secretaries of each executive department, and attorney general will all be in the same room at the same time.

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air traffic controllers auto workers oil rig workers US army troops.


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De Soto







I remember learning that in history class

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Answer: law, literature, art, and architecture.

Explanation: Which was an achievement of Sulaiman I


Helped the ottoman grow to its greatest extent, and help inspire a golden age during his life time


please help I give up on school and life.

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mosaics is the answer, hope it helped

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The Abbasid state was headed by a caliph who was theoretically the state's supreme religious and political leader.


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The Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article IV, Section 2 of the Constitution states that "the citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states." This clause protects fundamental rights of individual citizens and restrains state efforts to discriminate ..

Hope it works

Plz mark me as brailist

Help me write something please



this is more of an opinion based question. Use details from the article to form your opinion on this certain topic.


Why did the colonists write the Declaration of Independence?
- Because the Spanish were bad people and didn't take the United States seriously
- To declare their freedom from Great Britain
- To declare war on all Native American tribes
- To break away from the government of France



To declare their freedom from Great Britain


Hope this helps! Have a good day!

Hurry please ??? Anyone



answer is in the Explanation


Violence and conflict with colonists were also important causes of the decline of certain indigenous American populations since the 16th century.


shii ion know


Imma sayyyy pilgrams :)

Derecha Su referente fue Jorge Alessandri quien fue presidente de la republica entre 1958 y 1964 Centro Su referente fue Eduardo Frei Montalva en la caricatura quien fue presidente de la republica entre 1964 y 1970 Izquierda Su referente fue Salvador Allende en la caricatura quien fue presidente de la república en 1970 ¿en que se asemejan los 3 proyectos (derecha, centro e izquierda?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

La manera  que se asemejan los tres proyectos (derecha, centro e izquierda en Chile, es que los tres proyectos de gobierno, basado en ideologías políticas muy distintas, buscan el desarrollo económico, político y social de los Chilenos.

Aunque las tres ideologías partidistas son totalmente distintas, en teoría buscan convencer a los Chilenos de que son la mejor opción de cambio para mejorar el nivel de vida en Chile.

Sin embargo, la derecha siempre ha favorecido al capital privado, las costumbres conservadoras y un gobierno más inclinado a favorecer los intereses de los empresarios y con una considerable influencia de la iglesia.

Por otro lado, la ideología de izquierda, considera que el pueblo debe ser el beneficiado de la política económica a través de un mejor reparto de la riqueza que beneficie a las clases bajas  y a las clase obreras.

Finalmente, la ideología de centro busca ser un punto intermedio entre ambas ideologías extremas de Derecha y de Izquierda, generando una visión política más integral que busque el equilibrio económico que beneficie al empresariado, sin afectar el nivel de ingreso de la población en general.

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CARR & Comprehension Questions
which of the following concepts best describes the main idea of the above



this is nice but can you tell me what you want me to do plz I want to help you:)

what was the reason for the fall of Mali?



Decline. The Mali Empire was in decline by the 15th century CE. The ill-defined rules for royal succession often led to civil wars as brothers and uncles fought each other for the throne. Then, as trade routes opened up elsewhere, several rival kingdoms developed to the west, notably the Songhai.


The U.S. gained all of the following as a result of the Spanish-American War EXCEPT...

Group of answer choices

A -the Phillipines

B- Cuba

C- Guam

D-Puerto Rico


A B and C have a good day
I believe it’s a, b, c

Please help!!

Make a list of the 10 highest mountains in the world, and indicate what kind of mountains they are.

Please tell me what kind of mountain they are!



Here it is. I just highlighted and wrote on a Google Doc

Which provision of the U.S. Constitution reflects this grievance?
The president can appoint justices with the advice and consent of the Senate.
Congress has the power to establish federal courts.
The commerce clause allows Congress to regulate trade among the states.
Congress can override a presidential veto with a two-thirds majority vote in both houses.
...This excerpt provides one example of which constitutional principle?



i think its b



B) Congress has the power to establish federal courts


I need the answer fast!!
Which of the following was NOT a result of the compromise of 1850?
the Fugitive Slave Act
new Southwestern territories entering the union as slave states
California entering the Union as a free state
Texas relinquishing its claim on New Mexican territory.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




it is b I took the quiz and got it correct




i have no idea where he could be




i need help on this essay 20 pts



Hm, this is more of a what-do-you-think thing but here:


First, you need to state what happened. I would start with briefly explaining the event of Pearl Harbor, because Pearl Harbor led to the Camps. Then explain what the Americans did with Japanese Americans after that event. That is obviously the camps.

Next, list the good parts of putting the Japanese in the camps and the bad parts. If you can't come up with good things, then make something up.

Next is more of your opinion. Did the US do a good thing of putting Japanese Americans in camps? State your opinion and then give a few reasons why.

Last, wrap/summarize what you just wrote.

I really hope this helps.


Hey Selena


Sorry I left you. I can't talk to you anymore. It's too risky and I was already caught.

I know you don't want me to leave you and most likely you won't see this, cause they'll delete it in a minute. But I'm sorry. I can't talk to you anymore. That night we had 'fun' made me change. I can't do that stuff. I don't really like it, but sooner, when I grow up, maybe I'll change again. But who I am now cannot allow me to make more mistakes I know are wrong.

The War of 1812 has been called the “Second War for American Independence” primarily because the



the British blocked United States access to the. port of New Orleans.



third times a charm (giving brainliest to best answer)
Describe the ways in which the legacy of the trans-Atlantic slave trade is causing tensions in modern-day Benin.


The Atlantic slave trade had severely weakened the military of Benin and greatly decreased the population over time which Benin has never fully recovered from leading to strikes and protests being a consistent problem in modern day Benin

What was the situation after 1971 liberation war in Bangladesh



he war ended on 16 December 1971 after West Pakistan surrendered.



What arguments did the Federalists use to convince people to support the Constitution? What arguments did the Antifederalists use against them?



Federalists tried to convince people by stating that powers designed for different purposes would create a powerful but not abusive governing system.

Anti-Federalists convinced people that a strong government would take away the people's freedom and they would be an "oppressed subject of a great American Empire."



This is my alt I am going to mark you brainliest

Please help it’s due today


Colonial Governments

Each of the thirteen colonies had a charter, or written agreement between the colony and the king of England or Parliament. CHARTERS of royal colonies provided for direct rule by the king. A COLONIAL LEGISLATURE was elected by property holding males. But governors were appointed by the king and had almost complete authority — in theory. The legislatures controlled the salary of the governor and often used this influence to keep the governors in line with colonial wishes. The first colonial legislature was the VIRGINIA HOUSE OF BURGESSES, established in 1619.

Colonies in North America

The colonies along the eastern coast of North America were formed under different types of charter, but most developed representative democratic governments to rule their territories.

When the first PILGRIMS voyaged to the New World, a bizarre twist of fate created a spirit of self-government. These Pilgrims of the Mayflower were bound for Virginia in 1620, but they got lost and instead landed at PLYMOUTH in present-day Massachusetts. Since Plymouth did not lie within the boundaries of the Virginia colony, the Pilgrims had no official charter to govern them. So they drafted the MAYFLOWER COMPACT, which in essence declared that they would rule themselves. Although Massachusetts eventually became a royal colony, the Pilgrims at Plymouth set a powerful precedent of making their own rules that later reflected itself in the town meetings that were held across colonial New England.

Trade and Taxation

Colonial economies operated under MERCANTILISM, a system based on the belief that colonies existed in order to increase the mother country's wealth. England tried to regulate trade, and forbid colonies from trading with other European countries. England also maintained the right to tax the colonies. Both TRADE and TAXATION were difficult for England to control, and so an informal agreement emerged. England regulated trade but allowed colonists the right to levy their own taxes. SMUGGLERS soon exploited the English inability to guard every port by secretly trading against Parliament's wishes.

William Penn's Crest

A proprietary charter allowed the governor of the colony to rule with great power over his lands. In William Penn's Pennsylvania, that power was used to establish a land of religious tolerance.

This delicate agreement was put to test by the FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. The war was expensive, and from the British point of view, colonists should help pay for it, especially considering that England believed it was protecting the colonists from French and Indian threats. The new taxes levied by the Crown nevertheless horrified the colonists. British naval measures to arrest smugglers further incited American shippers. These actions served as stepping stones to the Revolution.

Religious Freedom

Religious freedom served as a major motivation for Europeans to venture to the American colonies. Puritans and Pilgrims in Massachusetts, QUAKERS in Pennsylvania, and Catholics in Maryland represented the growing RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY in the colonies. Rhode Island was founded as a colony of RELIGIOUS FREEDOM in reaction to zealous Puritans. As a result, many different faiths coexisted in the colonies. This variety required an insistence on freedom of religion since the earliest days of British settlement.

So the colonial experience was one of absorbing British models of government, the economy, and religion. Over the course of about 150 years, American colonists practiced these rudimentary forms of self-government that eventually led to their decision to revolt against British rule. The democratic experiment of American self-rule was therefore not a sudden change brought about by the Declaration of Independence. By 1776, Americans had plenty of practice.

On the Web

The Royal Proclamation of 1763

This proclamation, issued by the King of England in 1763, is a good example of a royal charter. This website from a Canadian lawyer also includes a brief annotation that gives the historical background to the text, and a map showing the regions in question.

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William Penn

William Penn (October 14, 1644–July 30, 1718) founded the Province of Pennsylvania, the British North American colony that became the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. The democratic principles that he set forth served as an inspiration for the United States Constitution.

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The 1765 Stamp Act

Imagine being taxed to play cards or read a newspaper. After the French and Indian War, the King of England imposed new taxes such as those on the thirteen colonies. These taxes led to the cry of "taxation without representation" and ultimately the American Revolution. The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation serves up this summary of the 1765 Stamp Act.








-Rule because the king had direct rule over over the colonies.

-Influenece because the king had influence over them.

-Grouped because there were different colonies.

-Structured because (according to google) a colonial legislature was elected by property holding males which makes it a sort of system that only property holding males could be elected, therefore it's structured.

-Charter because that is what provided for direct rule. a charter is a written agreement between the colony and king of England or Parliament (also from google). I hope this helps, have a lovely day!! :)

Which statement about the United States House of Representatives is accurate?
(1) Representatives are chosen by the legislatures of their states.
(2) The Constitution allows each state two representatives,
(3) The number of representatives from each state is based on its population.
(4) The political party of the president always holds a majority of House seats.





plz give me brainliest

The main cause of the French and Indian War was a dispute over land between the English and the French and Indians.


True, the Indians were granted Secret-territory and when the English were moving more outwards they were violating this land. And the French defended the English only due to the fact that British were helping the Indians. So since France wanted to be the most power country they viewed this as an opportunity to do so. Because by defeating the Indians they were defeating the British

Which answer best describes the type of conflict faced by a person and a decision she struggles to make?

A. Individual versus self.

B. Individual versus individual.

C. Individual versus nature.

D. Individual versus society



A. Individual versus self.


There are different types of conflicts that can occur which presents a contrast or dilemma in making or choosing decisions. Those difficulties or dilemmas are known as conflicts especially in literary work.

The conflicts can be of different types, be it a person against society, with another person, with nature, or even within himself/ herself. And when this conflict appears within the person, then that is termed as internal conflict. And so, when a person is faced with a conflict with a decision she struggles to make, that becomes an internal conflict between her and her own self.

Thus, the correct answer is option A.



Explanation: i took the test

When Stephen F Austin was released from prison here immediately return to Texas.?

True or False.?





when the mexicans held him in a prison without a trial, he got out

How is Constantinople and Istanbul similar to the United States


The USA was once named the united colonies as a previous name as like  Constantinople was the old name for Istanbul now :) hope that was the answer your looking for.

Constantinople and the United States are quite similar in that they are both very ethnically diverse.

Under the Byzantines, Constantinople was quite a diverse city as a result of its status as a centre of trade. It had:

Christians from Europe as well as the Byzantines themselves Jewish people Muslims from the Levant, Middle East and Asia Multiple ethnic groups such as Slavic people, Arabians, Asians, Indians and many more

This is very similar to the United States today which has many religions and cultures. Even in terms of language the U.S. is quite diverse as multiple languages are catered for.

In conclusion, the United States and Constantinople are similar in that they are both very diverse.

Find out more at

The Khmer empire had its roots in the 200s.





The people who took over India during the Middle Ages and ruled throughout the late 1600s were called



British  is the correct answer


The British, 1600–1740. The English venture to India was entrusted to the (English) East India Company, which received its monopoly rights of trade in 1600s.

hope i helped

Other Questions
help pls I rlly need it?:( GET THIS CORRECT TO GET BRAINLYPart 1: Reviewing the LessonsUse the 3-2-1 charts from your 411 Files, the interactive on the introduction page of the lesson and what you remember from Module Two to complete this chart.Island of Exploration Lesson What is something you learned in this lesson that you think is important?Colonization Cove 02.01 Impact of Colonization French and Indian War Valley 02.02 French and Indian War Colonial Unity Plains 02.03 Colonial Unity Liberty Cliff 02.04 Give Me Liberty Revolutionary Celebrities Mountain 02.05 Revolutionary Celebrities War Island 02.06 Supporters of the War War Island 02.07 War Part 2: Making ConnectionsUse the 3-2-1 charts from your 411 Files, the interactive on the introduction page of the lesson and what you remember from Module Two to complete this chart.Question ResponseHow did colonial settlement impact the Native Americans? 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In 1192, Richard and Saladin reached a truce. According to this peace treaty, Saladins Muslim empire kept control of Jerusalem but granted Christians the right to visit the city and their shrines. Saladin and Richard the Lionheart never met face to face. However, their deeds inspired numerous legends. which celebrity has the greater number of fans? TAKE A LOOK AT THE PICTURE! Identify the error in the following sentence.My sister ran up to hug me, before I could say goodbye.AThere should be a comma after "sister."BThere should not be a comma after "me."C"Before I could say goodbye" must come at the beginning of the sentence.DThere should be a comma after "goodbye." Hello Brainly, I am new to this app! I am loving it so far! Could someone please help me answer this question! And could someone please explain what is the Brainiest? 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