Profit And Loss

1. Find the profit percent when 6 pens are sold at the cost price of 9 pens.
Answer stepwise


Answer 1

0.7% percent is the answer

Related Questions

Finding Inverses
Find an equation for the inve
y = 3x + 2


First we swap our x and y variable, so we get

x = 3y + 2

Then, we solve for y
We can first subtract 2 on both sides

x - 2 = 3y

Then we can divide by 3 on both sides to get

x/3 - 2/3 = y

So our final equation is

y = x/3 - 2/3

someone please help me I really need help on this or ill fail



a. Smart Dot Company: C = 12 + 0.5·t

Communications Plus: C = 2.5·t

b. Please find attached the required tables created using MS Excel cell function tool

c. Please find attached the graph of both relationship created on the same grid with

Step-by-step explanation:

a. The monthly cost of the Smart Dot Company = $12

The hourly cost for internet use on Smart Dot Company = $0.50

The hourly cost of using the Communications Plus = $2.50

Therefore, the total monthly cost, C, for the duration of hours used, t, is given as follows;

Smart Dot Company: C = 12 + 0.5·t

Communication Plus: C = 2.5·t

b. The table of values are created using MS Excel as follows;

[tex]\begin{array}{ll}Smart \ Dot \ Company&\\Time \ (hours)&Cost \ (dollars)\\0&12\\2&13\\4&14\\6&15\\8&16\\10&17\end{array}[/tex]    [tex]\begin{array}{ll}Communications\ \ Plus&\\Time \ (hours)&Cost \ (dollars)\\0&0\\2&5\\4&10\\6&15\\8&20\\10&25\end{array}[/tex]

c. Please find attached the graph of both relationship created on the same grid with MS Excel

Circle the graphs of the functions.

How did you know which graphs showed a function?

i will mark brainliest



Step-by-step explanation:

Relations are only functions if they do not share any x values at all! The 2 graphs there that do not have any of the same x values are graphs A and D. Notice that on graph B, there are several y values that share the x value of 2; on graph C, there are several y values that share the x value of 2.


A and D only

Step-by-step explanation:

A function is a relation where each input has its own output ( each x values has its own corresponding y value ) If an input has more than one output than the relation is not a function.

We can tell if a graph shows a function or not by using the vertical line test. If you draw vertical lines on the graph and more than one point is on the vertical line drawn then the graph does not show a function.

For graph B if you draw a vertical line at x = -2 more than 1 point will be on the line meaning that the graph does not show a function.

For Graph C if you draw a vertical line at x = 2 more than 1 point will be on the line meaning that Graph C also does not show a function.

For Graphs A and D you can draw a vertical line anywhere on the graph and no more than 1 point will be on the line therefore Graphs A and D show functions.

Please help, 20 points. Answer choices in the photo
The graph below shows the height of an object that has been launched off a 50 foot high wall. Approximately how long will it take to hit the ground?




Step-by-step explanation:


t = 4.4 seconds

Step-by-step explanation:

It hits the ground when the height is equal to zero

This occurs just before 4.5 seconds

t = 4.4 seconds

The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 52 in. One leg of the triangle is 8 in. more than twice the length of the other. What is the perimeter of the triangle?
20 in.
26 in.
120 in.
138 in.



its c 120in

Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter of the triangle is,

⇒ 138 in.

What is mean by Triangle?

A triangle is a three sided polygon, which has three vertices and three angles which has the sum 180 degrees.

Given that;

The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 52 in.

And, One leg of the triangle is 8 in. more than twice the length of the other.

Hence, We get;

Lengths of legs are,

⇒ x

And, ⇒ 8 + 2x

Hence, We can formulate;

⇒ 52² = x² + (2x + 8)²

⇒ 2704 = x² + 4x² + 64 + 24x

⇒ 5x² + 24x - 2640 = 0

⇒ x = 20 and x = - 132/5

For perimeter;

Take x = 20

Hence, The perimeter of the triangle is,

⇒ 52 + x + (2x + 8)

⇒ 52 + 20 + (2 × 20 + 8)

⇒ 52 + 20 + 48

⇒ 138 in.

Thus, The perimeter of the triangle is,

⇒ 138 in.

Learn more about the triangle visit;


The sale price for a jacket that regularly costs $102.00 is now $74.00. With sales tax, a customer pays $82.40.


What Are You Trying To Ask?
If Your Asking How Much % Tax Was Added
Answer: 10%

If your asking how much money was added:
Answer: $7.40

If Your Asking How Much Money Was Removed From The Original Price: $18.00

If your asking how much was discounted
Answer: 16.0784314%

Tricia starts school at 7:00 AM and has lunch at 12:00 PM. She wants to make sure she has something to eat in between. Determine what time she should eat her snack if she is to eat at exactly a time between starting school and eating lunch. (Hint: Set up a horizontal number line as a timeline.) A. A. 9:30 AM
B. 10:00 AM
C. 9:00 AM
D. 10:30 AM​



D) 9:00 am

Step-by-step explanation:

Because 9:00 is the midpoint of 7 and 12

Q:1)A ball is thrown upwards and it goes to the height of 100meter and comes down. What is the net displacement?

Q:2)An athlete completes one round of a circular track of diameter 200m in 30 seconds. Find the distance covered by the athlete at the end of 30 second.​



A ball is thrown upwards and it goes to the height of 100meter and comes down. What is the net displacement?


$\sf{According \: to\:the\: question,}$

Displacement for the above situation is 0. As we know, that displacement is the shortest path from the initial to the final point. Here, the initial and the final points are the same, and henceforth, it takes no time to travel. So the displacement is 0.



An athlete completes one round of a circular track of diameter 200m in 30 seconds. Find the distance covered by the athlete at the end of 30 second.




$\sf{Radius=}$ $\sf\dfrac{200}{2}$ → $\sf\underline{Radius = 100m}$

☆Time taken by an athlete to complete one round : 30 seconds.



❍Distance travelled by an athlete in 30 seconds.


❍ AND,Distance travelled by the athlete will be equal to the cumference of the circle.


$\space$ $\space$ $\space$ $\space$ $\space$ $\space$ $\sf{So,}$

$\mapsto$ $\sf{Circumference\:of\:the\:circle: 2 πr}$


$\mapsto$ $\sf{Circumference=2\times}$ $\sf\dfrac{22}{7}$ $\sf{\times 100}$


$\mapsto$ Circumference of the circle : $\sf\dfrac{4400}{7}$


[tex]\sf\underline\bold{∴Circumference = 628.57m}[/tex]


||Therefore,The distance travelled in 30 seconds, by the athlete is 628.57m.||


0 = 1st answer

628.57 m = Question 2 answer.

The polygons in each pair are similar. find the missing side length​


If polygons are similar ratio of sides will be same

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \frac{6}{14} = \frac{3}{x} \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto 6x = 14 \times 3 \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto 6x = 42 \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto x = \frac{42}{6} \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto x = 7[/tex]

x-1 = [tex]\sqrt{x} -1[/tex]



[tex]x = 0[/tex] or [tex]x = 1[/tex].

Step-by-step explanation:

Start by adding [tex]1[/tex] to both sides of this equation:

[tex](x - 1) + 1 = (\sqrt{x} - 1) + 1[/tex].

[tex]x = \sqrt{x}[/tex].

If two numbers are equal, their square should also be equal. Therefore, since[tex]x = \sqrt{x}[/tex], it must be true that [tex]x^{2} = (\sqrt{x})^{2}[/tex]. That is: [tex]x^{2} = x[/tex].

Notice that since [tex]x[/tex] is under a square root, the result must ensure that [tex]x \ge 0[/tex].

Subtract [tex]x[/tex] from both sides of the equation:

[tex]x^{2} - x = x - x[/tex].

[tex]x^{2} - x = 0[/tex].

Factor [tex]x[/tex] out:

[tex]x\, (x - 1) = 0[/tex].

Hence, by the Factor Theorem, [tex]x = 0[/tex] and [tex]x = 1[/tex] would satisfy this rearranged equation. Because of the square root in the original equation, these two value must be non-negative ([tex]x \ge 0[/tex]) to qualify as actual roots of that equation.

In this example, both [tex]x = 0[/tex] and [tex]x = 1[/tex] qualify as roots of that equation.

Math Problem

x-1 = \sqrt{x} -1

Math For Solution


a polynomial has been factored below but some constants are missing. 2x^3-8x^2-24x=ax(x+b)(x+c)



The polynomial is 2x^3 - 8x^2 - 24x

And we can factor out a 2x from each of the three terms:

2x(x^2 - 4x - 12)

Lastly, factor the remaining quadratic:


And we have our answer:




Let me know if this helps!


a =2, b =2, and c = -6

Step-by-step explanation:

We factor the polynomial and then see which value corresponds to what.


As we see it, all terms are factorable by 2x. So if we take out 2x from every term, we get

2x(x^2 - 4x - 12)

Now we factor the quadratic, which we can do mentally to get



Comparing that to ax(x+b)(x+c), we can tell that a =2, b =2, and c = -6.

The roots of the quadratic function describing the relationship between number of products produced and overall profit margin are x=0 and 100. The vertex is (50,1000). The maximum profit of $ dollars is reached when items are produced. The first root tells us that the profit will be 0 when 0 products are produced. The second root says once 100 items are made, the company is no longer making any profit. (They do not have production capacity and have to outsource for anything over 50.)



I assume that we want to complete the statement:

"The maximum profit of $__ dollars is reached when __ items are produced"

We know that the profit equation is defined between x = 0 and x = 100, which are the two roots of the equation (so the profit is equal to zero for x = 0 and for x = 100).

Then we can assume that the profit will be positive in this range.

Thus, the quadratic equation should have a negative leading coefficient, which would mean that the arms of the graph go downwards.

If this is the case, we know that the maximum will be at the vertex.

Here we know that the vertex is:

(50, 1000)

Where remember, x represents the number of items and y represents the profit.

So, given that the maximum is at the vertex, and we know that the vertex is (50, 1000) we can conclude that the maximum profit is $1000, and this happens when the number of produced items is 50.

Then the complete statement is:

"The maximum profit of $1000 dollars is reached when 50 items are produced"

find the surface area of this cylinder??​




Step-by-step explanation:





Calculate the mode of: 4.6, 3, 8.1, 9, 12, 3, 9, 3.5, 7, 3.



the Mode Is 3

Step-by-step explanation:

You Have To Put the numbers from ascending order to descending order..The Numbers that appears the most is the mode

what is the equation of the line that passes through the points (-8,8) and (4,-1)​



y = (-3/4)x + 2

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the slope of this line.  Note how the first x-coordinate (-8) becomes 4, a jump of 12, and how the first y-coordinate (8) becomes -1, a decrease of 9.  Then the slope is

m = (change in y) / (change in x) = -9/12 = m = -3/4

Find the y-intercept from this data using the slope-intercept form:

y = mx + b becomes  8 = (-3/4)(-8) + b when x = -8, y = 8 and m = -3/4.

Solving this equation for b, we get:

                                     8 = 6 + b, so that b must be 2.

The desired equation is y = (-3/4)x + 2.

the person above me is correct !!

Complete the paragraph proof.

Given: and are right angles

Line segment A B is-congruent-to line segment B C Line segment B C is-congruent-to line segment A C

Prove: Line A R bisects Angle B A C



wea did tha r come from??

Step-by-step explanation:

it is supposed to be d

This is my last problem guys please help me



Step-by-step explanation:

a) 9.5 feet above the ground

b)  max height at  of 34.5 feet  5 feet horizontal distance

c) 10.87 feet away

What is the answer? Don’t give me 4.




Step-by-step explanation:


You didn’t attach a photo …

Miles is putting a fence around his garden. The total area of the garden is 4,864 square feet. The length of the garden is 152 feet. How many feet of fencing does he need to go around the whole garden?

Help pls!!


Since the area of any thing is length time width, we can divide 4864 by 152 to get the width of the garden. This gives us 32. Now we need to add 152 + 152 + 32 + 32 to get our total feet of fencing necessary. This would give us 368 feet of fencing.

Fencing required to go around the whole garden = 368 feet

To calculate the fencing needed, given measures in the question,

Total area of the garden is 4864 square feet.Length of the garden is 152 feet.

Since, area of a rectangular garden is given by the expression,

Area = Length × Width  

4864 = 152 × Width

Width = [tex]\frac{4864}{152}[/tex]

          = 32 feet

Since, length of the fence needed = Perimeter of the garden

And Perimeter of a rectangular garden is given by the expression,

Perimeter = 2(length + width)

By substituting the values of length and width of the garden in the expression,

Perimeter = 2(152 + 32)

                 = 368 feet

       Therefore, 368 feet of the fence will be required to go around the whole garden.

Learn more,

on the unit circle, which of the following angles has the terminal point coordinates of (\sqrt(2))/(2),-(\sqrt(2))/(2)




Step-by-step explanation:


Find the area of the region that is NOT shaded.


Answer: 122 square feet


The larger rectangle has area of 14*15 = 210 square feet.

The smaller rectangle has a horizontal dimension of 15-4 = 11 ft and its vertical dimension is 14-6 = 8 ft. Therefore, the area is 11*8 = 88 square feet.

The non-shaded region has area that is the difference of the two previous areas calculated earlier. So that would be 210-88 = 122 square feet

A telephone long distance carrier charges customers $0.99 for the first 10 minutes and then $0.09 for each minute beyond 10 minutes. If Mary uses this carrier, how long can she talk for $5.00



5 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

5 * $0.99 = $4.95

Divide the sum of 65/12 and 8/3 by their difference.




Step-by-step explanation:

So, this problem sounds hard but it is actually simple.

First, add

65/12 + 8/3 = 97/12

Next, subtract

65/12 - 8/3 = 33/12

Then, divide

97/12 ÷ 33/12 = 97/4752

Hope this helps! :)

Fill in the missing statements and reasons in the proof



1. Given

2. Vertical angle theorem

3. AB≅DB, EB≅CB, m<ABC≅m<DBE

4. △ABC ≅ △DBE

Hope this helps :D

If f(x) = 3 ^ x, prove that f(x) + f(x + 1) = 4f (x) .



see explanation

Step-by-step explanation:


f(x) = [tex]3^{x}[/tex] , then

f(x + 1) = [tex]3^{x+1}[/tex] = [tex]3^{x}[/tex] × 3


f(x) + f(x + 1)

= [tex]3^{x}[/tex] + 3. [tex]3^{x}[/tex] ← factor out [tex]3^{x}[/tex] from each term

= [tex]3^{x}[/tex] (1 + 3)

= 4. [tex]3^{x}[/tex]

= 4f(x)

marked price of an item is 4000, what will be it's selling price having 20% discount and 10% vat.​





Another way to do it is by

Multiplying the original value by the discounted percent, the percent taxed but add one to it.

(4,000)(.80)(1+10/100)= 3,520

4000 is the original value
.80 is the value of the item with 20% off
1.1 gives value after tax, adding the one allows you to see the value of the item after tax.

C/4+ 2=5 what it’s the value of c



c = 12

Step-by-step explanation:

i'm Attaching the work

Please help me ASAP!! Please explain your answer



113.1 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

V = [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex] [tex]\pi[/tex] r² h

h = 12 cm , r = 3 cm , [tex]\pi[/tex] = [tex]\frac{22}{7}[/tex]

V ≈ 113.1 cm²

A factory produces 1, 250, 000 toys each year. The number of toys is expected to increase by about 150% per year. Which model can be used to find the number of toys, N (in millions), being produced in t years?


The question is incomplete, the complete question is;

A factory produces 1,250,000 toys each year. The number of toys is expected to increase by about 150% per year. Which model can be used to find the number of toys being produced, n (in millions), in t years?

A. n= 2.5(1.5)/t, t cannot = 0

B. n= 1.5t^2 + 1.25

C. n= 1.5t + 1.25

D. n= 1.25(2.5^t)


D. n= 1.25(2.5^t)

Step-by-step explanation:

This is an exponential growth problem. In mathematics, for an exponential growth problem;

P = Po(1 + r)^t


P= amount at time t

Po =initial amount

r= rate

t= time

In the context of the question we have;

n= 1.25(1 + 150/100)^t

n= 1.25(2.5)^t

2 1/4 + 3 5/8

I know I am just trying to make sure so please tell me I will give brain thing



[tex] \frac{21}{4} + \frac{35}{8} \\ = \frac{77}{8} \\ = 9 \frac{5}{8} [/tex]

The answer is 47/8, or 5 7/8.

Explanation: Since the denominators don't match, we have to find the LCD, or least common denominator, which is 8, so, 4 times 2 is 8, which means they match up. then we need to add the whole numbers, 2+3=5, so 5 7/8 is your final answer, hope this helps :)

May I please have brainliest!
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