Pros and cons about lobsters not feeling pain…


Answer 1


The pro of not feeling pain is not feeling pain and the con is pain help you survive like hot hand on stove if u don’t feel pain you probably won’t take your hands off and it can cause death and stuff (u probably know what I mean I hope)


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Each piece of DNA called a
the code for
human characteristic. The whole human code
contains about
sections or



sorry dear!! can't understand your question. Can you please rewrite this question^_^


what is the question


A woman took contraceptive pills to prevent pregnancy. The pill inhibits secretions of the Follicle Stimulating Hormone(FSH) from the pituitary gland. Explain the effects of taking contraceptive pills on the menstrual cycle.

I need an answer now... Pls help​


lighter bleeding, and others may skip their periods entirely. An abnormal lapse in monthly menstruation


Substance A and substance B are mixed together. To separate the mixture, water is added, and substance A is filtered out. Then, the remaining liquid is heated to remove the water, leaving a residue of substance B. Which statement about substance A and substance B could be correct?
Substance A is rice, and substance B is sugar.
Substance A is rice, and substance B is sugar.

Substance A is sugar, and substance B is instant coffee.
Substance A is sugar, and substance B is instant coffee.

Substance A is sand, and substance B is alcohol.
Substance A is sand, and substance B is alcohol.

Substance A is alcohol, and substance B is salt.


The correct answer would be that substance A is rice, and substance B is sugar.

For substance A to be filtered out, it means that A is a water-insoluble substance and for substance B to be recoverable by evaporating off the water, it means that B is water-soluble.

Thus, A can neither be sugar nor alcohol because neither can be recovered by filtration. Also, B can neither be coffee nor alcohol because they can not be recovered as residue through evaporation of water.

Therefore, the only correct answer is that substance A is rice, and substance B is sugar because rice can be filtered out from water while the water-soluble sugar can be recovered by evaporating the water.

More about separating mixtures here:


substance A is rice, and substance B is sugar.


Certain antibacterial drugs such as trimethoprim and the sulfonamide drugs (e.g., sulfadiazine, sulfamethoxazole) selectively inhibit the synthesis and function of nucleic acids and certain essential amino acids by impairing the production of ______ in bacterial cells.



Folic acid


Antibacterial drugs helps fight the bacterial infections. these drugs helps release essential amino acids by impairing the production of folic acids in bacterial cells. Bacteria infection may get severe and hazardous if they are leave untreated.

what is photosynthetic pigment's​


Photosynthetic pigments are the only pigments that have the ability to absorb energy from sunlight


A photosynthesis pigment ( accessory pigment ; chloroplast pigment ; antenna pigment ) is a pigment that is present in chloroplasts or photosynthetic bacteria and captures the light energy neccessary for photosynthesis.


hope it is helpful to you


A man has three sons.

What is the chance of his next child being a son?


50%, his previous children’s gender doesn’t effect the probability of his future ones.

Which structures of this organism work together to carry out all of its life





• Categorise the materials of the following productes into 'can be recycled' and 'Cannot be recycled:

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Plz give me soon answer plzzz



Telephone instrumentes, plastic toys Cooker handles, carry bages, ball point penos, plastic bowles plastic covering on electrical wired plastic chairs, electrical switches.

What releases oxygen into the atmosphere?
A. Iron-bearing rocks
O B. All living things
O C. Animals
th, D. Plants


D. plants we wouldn’t be alive without them

What is atom in a chemical reaction?​



the atoms are molecules that react with each other, they're called reactants


What is the constant of “which date works best for a homemade fly trap?”



Mix scraps of meat (the older, the better) with something sweet. Lots of people swear by using rotten fish or shrimp, which probably work best because they smell so much. Bait for Fruit Flies: Use fruit (the riper, the better), apple cider vinegar, fruit juice, syrup, wine, beer, or any combination

Is it possible to know the genotypes of the three children in generation III? _________________________ Should their shapes be shaded? ____________________________ Explain your answer to both questions


Answer: Some data related to your question is missing attached below is the data.


It is possible to know their genotypesthe shapes should be shaded as well


It is possible to know the genotypes of the Children ( three of them )  and their genotypes are ; Hh, Hh, Hh

Their shapes should be shaded as well and this because the (3) children posses the dominant allele H in their genotype composition .

Some records associated with your query is lacking connection underneath are the records.

It is feasible to recognize that their genotypes shapes have to be shaded as properly.

It is feasible to recognize the genotypes of the Children (3 of them) and their genotypes are; Hh, Hh, HhTheir shapes have to be shaded as properly and this is due to the fact that the kids possess the dominant allele H of their genotype composition.

What are genotypes?

Genotype is an individual's series of genes. The time period can also talk over with the 2 alleles inherited for a selected gene. The genotype is expressed whilst the records encoded withinside the genes' DNA are used to make protein and RNA molecules.

Thus it is clear that the above answers are well explained.

To know more about the genotypes refer to the link :

Which of the following is not true of integrin? Question 4 options: Integrin molecules serve as stable, permanent anchors that anchor a cell to the extracellular matrix. Integrins undergo extensive conformational changes on binding to molecules on either side of the plasma membrane. Certain intracellular chemical signals can activate integrins from inside the cell, causing them to reach out and grab hold of extracellular structures. When integrin binds to the extracellular matrix, it stretches into an extended, activated state to attach to molecules on the inside of the cell.



Integrin molecules serve as stable, permanent anchors that anchor a cell to the extracellular matrix.


Integrins are transmembrane protein receptors that attach the cell cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix (ECM) in animal cells. These glycoproteins (integrins) are highly dynamic heterodimeric molecules that anchor cells in their position and transduce signals into and out of cells. Integrin-ligand binding activates signaling pathways that are involved in fundamental cellular functions including, among others, organization of the cell cytoskeleton, cell migration, regulation of the cell cycle, etc.

The statement i.e. not true is Integrin molecules serve as stable, permanent anchors that anchor a cell to the extracellular matrix.

The following information should be considered:

Integrins are considered to be the transmembrane protein receptors that attach the cell cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix (ECM) in animal cells. These glycoproteins (integrins) are highly dynamic heterodimeric molecules that anchor cells in their position and transduce signals into and out of cells.Integrin-ligand binding activates signaling pathways that are involved in fundamental cellular functions including, among others, organization of the cell cytoskeleton, cell migration, regulation of the cell cycle, etc.

Learn more:

Place the steps shown below in the correct order.



option 2.


This is the accurate answer... that is the correct steps of mitosis

In an experiment to investigate a factor affecting photosynthesis, a leaf of a potted plant which had been kept in the dark overnight was covered with aluminum foil as shown in the diagram below 1. Aluminium foil The set up was kept in sunlight for three hours after which a food test was carried out on the leaf. (a) Which factor was being investigated in the experiment? b) What food test was carried out? (i) State the results of the food test (ii) Account for the results in c (i) above​



Photosynthetic activity.


The photosynthetic activity of the plant was being investigated in the experiment and no photosynthesis will occur because the aluminium foil reflect 95% of sunlight. Starch test is the food test that was carried out in the experiment. Starch from plants is broken down into its constituent sugar molecules by the plant body in order to provide energy to the tissues so if there is no photosynthesis occurs, the plant body uses starch so decrease occur in the concentration of the starch molecules when the starch food test will occur.

1. Mention FIVE adaptations of aquatic organisms to their habitat. B. Write out the causative organisms fro the following infections (1) cholera (ii) malaria (iii) yellow fever C. Highlight THREE characteristics of mammals.​


Aquatic animals have various structural modifications in their body to adapt to the aquatic habitats. Some of the adaptations of aquatic animals are:

Their body is streamlined and hence, they can swim easily.

They have gills as the respiratory organs.

They have fins as the locomotory organs, Various types of fins are present in fishes such as dorsal fins, pectoral fins, caudal fins etc.

The body is covered by appendages known as scales. They are meant for protection.

Some fishes have modified swim bladder with the help of which they can constantly float at a certain depth of water.

B. Cholera and Yellow Fever

A person who has allergies has a compromised immune system because the body's immune system

attacks its healthy cells.

overreacts to an antigen.

steals nutrients from healthy cells.

responds to mutagens.



overreacts to an antigen

the answer is overreacts to an antigen

Which strand of mRNA would be made during transcription using the DNA strand shown below?








gac uau


Juan has collected a cricket. Which question can a dichotomous key help him
A. Are crickets attracted to porch lights?
B. Which species of cricket is this?
O C. Which species of cricket is the most popular?
O D. How many times do crickets chirp per minute?


What species the cricket is

The question that can be answered by a  dichotomous key is the question; Which species of cricket is this?

What is a dichotomous key ?

The term term dichotomous key has to do with the identification of a species based on its characteristics.

The question that can be answered by a  dichotomous key is the question; Which species of cricket is this?

Learn more about dichotomous key:


Hyperscience is...
1. Genetically modifying plants.
2. quickly producing new plant varieties.
3. growing plants using new technology.
4. responding to the horticulture market.





Why suspend the solution in warm water


can you specify so i can answer correctly? i’m not quite sure what you’re asking

anyone help me please I need help​



Dominant traits are always expressed when the connected allele is dominant, even if only one copy of the dominant trait exists. Recessive traits are expressed only if both the connected alleles are recessive. If one of the alleles is dominant, then the associated characteristic is less likely to manifest.


What is meant by the term Hormone?



hormone are cemical substance that act like molecule messanger in body.


hormones are the chemical substances that acts like messenger molecules in the Body


hope that it helped you and you liked my answer

which could describe the chemical reaction that is shown


Answer: dehydration of proteins.


three parts of stamen​



three parts of stamen are:



connective .

Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Introns are the parts of mRNA that are translated into protein.

B.Introns do not have any specific function,

C.Human genes have fewer introns than genes of other organisms.

D.Introns are not excised during post transcriptional modification



A. introns are the parts of mRNA that are translated into protein.


i hope it helps you

The DNA stands for deoxyribose nucleic acid, it has all the information required for the proper functioning of the human body.

The correct answer is B

The process of the formation of protein from the mRNA is called translation. it requires:-


The mRNA has the introns and the exons in it. Exons are the coding part of the DNA while the introns are the non-coding part and it does not have any specific functions.

Hence, the correct option is B that is Introns do not have any specific function.

For more information, refer to the link:-

Which circumstance can cause positive
population growth?
The immigration rate is lower than the death rate.
© B. The death rate is higher than the birthrate.
O C. The birthrate is higher than the death rate.
• D. The emigration rate is the same as the birthrate.

Answer is birthrate D





When the birthrate is higher than thedeathrate

Bone is flexible in nature. true or false. ​


It's totally False,because bone is hard not flexible.

So,the answer will be: False

How many hydrogen atoms are there in the molecule H2S04?
O A. 1
B. 3
C. 4.
O D. 2



two hydrogen atom


Sulfuric Acid, H2SO4 is a chemical compound made up of two hydrogen atom, one sulfer atom, and four oxygen atoms.

What is absorption?
A. getting rid of the parts of the food that the body couldn't
B. absorbing nutrients into the blood stream from the food
that was eaten
C. the breaking down of the food that has entered the body
D. putting food and drinks into your body





Absorbing nutrients into the blood stream from the food  that was eaten is called absorption.

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