Prove the following identities : i) tan a + cot a = cosec a sec a​


Answer 1

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\tan \alpha + \cot\alpha = \dfrac{\sin \alpha}{\cos \alpha} +\dfrac{\cos \alpha}{\sin \alpha}[/tex]

[tex]=\dfrac{\sin^2\alpha + \cos^2\alpha}{\sin\alpha\cos\alpha}=\dfrac{1}{\sin\alpha\cos\alpha}[/tex]

[tex]=\left(\dfrac{1}{\sin\alpha}\right)\!\left(\dfrac{1}{\cos\alpha}\right)=\csc \alpha \sec\alpha[/tex]

Answer 2

Question :

tan alpha + cot Alpha = cosec alpha. sec alpha

Required solution :

Here we would be considering L.H.S. and solving.

Identities as we know that,

[tex] \red{\boxed{\sf{tan \: \alpha \: = \: \dfrac{sin \: \alpha }{cos \: \alpha} }}}[/tex][tex] \red{\boxed{\sf{cot \: \alpha \: = \: \dfrac{cos \: \alpha }{sin \: \alpha} }}}[/tex]

By using the identities we gets,

[tex] : \: \implies \: \sf{ \dfrac{sin \: \alpha }{cos \: \alpha} \: + \: \dfrac{cos \: \alpha }{sin \: \alpha} }[/tex]

[tex]: \: \implies \: \sf{ \dfrac{sin \: \alpha \times sin \: \alpha }{cos \: \alpha \times sin \: \alpha} \: + \: \dfrac{cos \: \alpha \times cos \: \alpha }{sin \: \alpha \times \: cos \: \alpha } } [/tex]

[tex] : \: \implies \: \sf{ \dfrac{sin {}^{2} \: \alpha }{cos \: \alpha \times sin \alpha} \: + \: \dfrac{cos {}^{2} \: \alpha }{sin \: \alpha \times \: cos \: \alpha } } [/tex]

[tex]: \: \implies \: \sf{ \dfrac{sin {}^{2} \: \alpha }{cos \: \alpha \: sin \alpha} \: + \: \dfrac{cos {}^{2} \: \alpha }{sin \: \alpha \: cos \: \alpha } } [/tex]

[tex]: \: \implies \: \sf{ \dfrac{sin {}^{2} \: \alpha \: + \: cos {}^{2} \alpha}{cos \: \alpha \: sin \alpha} } [/tex]

Now, here we would be using the identity of square relations.

[tex]\red{\boxed{ \sf{sin {}^{2} \alpha \: + \: cos {}^{2} \alpha \: = \: 1}}}[/tex]

By using the identity we gets,

[tex] : \: \implies \: \sf{ \dfrac{1}{cos \: \alpha \: sin \alpha} }[/tex]

[tex]: \: \implies \: \sf{ \dfrac{1}{cos \: \alpha } \: + \: \dfrac{1}{sin\: \alpha} }[/tex]

[tex]: \: \implies \: \bf{sec \alpha \: cosec \: \alpha}[/tex]

Hence proved..!!

Related Questions

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a>0 so we will be looking for minimum



Answer: (5;32)

Paul can install a 300-square-foot hardwood floor in 18 hours. Matt can install the same floor in 22 hours. How long would it take Paul and Matt to install the floor working together?
4 hours
9.9 hours
13.2 hours
30 hours



9.9 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

The formula to determine the time together is

1/a+1/b = 1/c  where a and b are the times alone and c is the time together

1/18 + 1/22 = 1/c

The least common multiply of the denominators is 198c

198c(1/18 + 1/22 = 1/c)

11c+ 9c = 198

20c = 198

Divide by 20

20c/20 =198/20

c =9.9


B - 9.9 hrs

Step-by-step explanation:

took the test.

find the missing side of the triangle



x = 34

Step-by-step explanation:


x[tex]30^{2} + 16^{2} = x^2\\x = \sqrt{30^2 + 16^2} \\x = 34[/tex]

State if the scenario involves a permutation or a combination. Then find the number of possibilities.

A team of 15 basketball players needs to choose two players to refill the water cooler.





Permutation ; 210 ways

Step-by-step explanation:

Permutation and combination methods refers to mathematical solution to finding the number of ways of making selection for a group of objects.

Usually, selection process whereby the order of selection does not matter are being treated using permutation, while those which takes the order of selection into cognizance are calculated using combination.

Here, selecting 2 players from 15 ; since order does not matter, we use permutation ;

Recall :

nPr = n! ÷ (n - r)!


15P2 = 15! ÷ (15 - 2)!

15P2 = 15! ÷ 13!

15P2 = (15 * 14) = 210 ways

Reason Can you subtract a positive integer from a positive integer
and get a negive result? Explain your answer.




Step-by-step explanation:

No matter the situation, when you multiply a negative by a negativeyou get a positive and a positive by a positive you get a positive. but if its two different like a negative and a positive then its NEGITIVE.

let's say you have 23 and you're multiplying by 2.

It's always increasing so it doesnt ever reach the negitive numbers.

Find the length of the arc.

A. 539π/12 km
B. 9π/3 km
C. 9π/2 km
D. 18π km



b because it is I found out cus I took test

The length of the arc 9π/2 km.

The answer is option C.9π/2 km.

What is the arc of the circle?

The arc period of a circle can be calculated with the radius and relevant perspective using the arc period method.

  ⇒angle= arc/radius

     ⇒  135°=arc/6km

     ⇒ arc =135°*6km

     ⇒arc=135°*π/180° * 6km

    ⇒arc = 9π/2 km

Learn more about circle here:-


Find the slope of the line that goes through the
(2,6) and (-1, -6)


We can use the formula y2-y1/x2-x1 to get our slope. y2 and x2 are our second y and x coordinates, meanwhile y1 and x1 are our first y and x coordinates. -6-6/-1 -2 is -12/-3. -12/-3 is 4, the slope is 4.
the slope is 1/4 because you use the slope intercept formula

please solve the question ​



[tex]g(-1) = -1[/tex]

[tex]g(0.75) = 0[/tex]

[tex]g(1)= 1[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


See attachment

Solving (a): g(-1)

We make use of:

[tex]g(x) = -1[/tex]

Because: [tex]-1 \le x < 0[/tex] is true for x =-1


[tex]g(-1) = -1[/tex]

Solving (b): g(0.75)

We make use of:

[tex]g(x) = 0[/tex]

Because: [tex]0 \le x < 1[/tex] is true for x =0.75


[tex]g(0.75) = 0[/tex]

Solving (b): g(1)

We make use of:

[tex]g(x) = 1[/tex]

Because: [tex]1 \le x < 2[/tex] is true for x =1


[tex]g(1)= 1[/tex]

Solve for x: 10/3 = x/(−5/2)


9514 1404 393


  x = -25/3

Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply by the inverse of the coefficient of x. Reduce the fraction.

  (-5/2)(10/3) = (-5/2)(x/(-5/2))

  -50/6 = x = -25/3



Step-by-step explanation:

the other person is also correct. khan said so

Which ratio is equal to 27 : 81?


3:9 and if you reduce it again, 1:3



Step-by-step explanation:

27 : 81

Divide each side by 27

27/27 : 81/27


Identify the transformed function that represents f(x) = ln x stretched vertically by a factor of 17, reflected across the x-axis, and shifted by 19 units left.
A. g(x) = −17ln (x + 19)
B. g(x) = 17ln (x − 19)
C. g(x) = 17ln (x + 19)
D. g(x) = −17ln (x − 19)




Step-by-step explanation:

ANSWER. EXPLANATION. The given logarithmic function is. The transformation,. stretches the graph of y=f(x) vertically by a factor of c units ...

4 votes

ANSWER[tex]y = - 3 ln(x - 7) [/tex]EXPLANATIONThe given logarithmic function is [tex]f(x) = ln(x) [/tex]The transformation, [tex]y = - cf(x - k)[/tex]stretches

Graph y=|x|+5, how does it compare to parent graph y=|x|


9514 1404 393


  it is shifted 5 units upward

Step-by-step explanation:

The y-coordinate is a measure of the distance above the x-axis. When 5 is added to a y-coordinate, the point is shifted 5 units upward.

The function y = |x| +5 adds 5 units to the y-value of every point of the graph of y = |x|. The graph of y=|x|+5 is shifted 5 units upward from the parent graph.

In a class of 70 pupils, 36 like tasty time , 34 like ice-
cream, 6 like both tasty time }
draw a Venn diagram to show the data.
find how
like neither tasty time nor ice-cream


Step-by-step explanation:

I think this might be the correct answer

The number of pupils that like neither tasty-time nor ice cream is 6 if in a class of 70 pupils, 36 like tasty time, 34 like ice cream, 6 like both tasty times.

What is the Venn diagram?

It is defined as the diagram that shows a logical relation between sets.

The Venn diagram consists of circles to show the logical relation.

We have:

In a class of 70 pupils, 36 like tasty time, 34 like ice cream, 6 like both tasty time.

Total = 70 pupils

Number of like tasty time = 36

Number of like ice cream = 34

Number of like both = 6

Let x be the total number of pupils that like neither tasty-time nor ice cream

The number of pupils that like ice cream only =  34 - 6 = 28

The number of pupils that like tasty-time only = 36 - 6 = 30

From the Venn diagram:

28 + 30 + 6 + x = 70

x = 70 - 64

x = 6

Thus, the number of pupils that like neither tasty-time nor ice cream is 6 if in a class of 70 pupils, 36 like tasty time, 34 like ice cream, 6 like both tasty times.

Learn more about the Venn diagram here:


A bookkeeper needs to post the cost of the desk and the chair into his records. The cost of the desk is fives times the cost if the chair. The total cost of the desk and the chair is $720, what is the cost of the chair?




Step-by-step explanation:



becoz 6= 1+5

1 is the cosy of the chair

5 is the cost of the desk

You are dealt one card from a​ 52-card deck. Find the probability that you are not dealt a heart.

The probability is ___.
​(Type an integer or a fraction. Simplify your​ answer.)




Step-by-step explanation:

There are 13 hearts in a 52 deck.



The probability that you are not dealt a heart from the deck of cards is 3/4.

What is the probability that you are not dealth with a heart?

Probability determines the chances that an event would occur. The probability the event occurs is 1 and the probability that the event does not occur is 0.

The probability that you are not dealth with a heart = 1 - (number of hearts / total number of cards)

1 - 13/52 = 39/52 =  3/4

To learn more about probability, please check:

An insurance company offers its policyholders a number of different premium payment options. For a randomly selected policyholder, let X 5 the number of months between successive payments. The cdf of X is as follows:

0 x<1
0.30 1< x <3
F(x)= 0.40 3< x <4
0.45 4< x <6
0.60 6< x <12
1 12< x

a. What is the pmf of x?
b. Using just the cdf, compute P(3< x <6)and P(4< x)




[tex]\begin{array}{cccccc}x & {1} & {3} & {4} & {6} & {12} \ \\ P(x) & {0.30} & {0.10} & {0.05} & {0.15} & {0.40} \ \end{array}[/tex]


[tex]P(3 \le x \le 6) = 0.30[/tex]

[tex]P(4 \le x)=0.60[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]F(x) = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}0& x<1 &\\0.30&1 \le x<3 &\\0.40&3 \le x < 4& &0.45 &4 \le x<6 &\\0.60 & 6 \le x < 12 & & 1 & 12 \le x\end{array}\right[/tex]

Solving (a): The pmf

This means that we list out the probability of each value of x.

To do this, we simply subtract the current probability value from the next.

So, we have:

[tex]\begin{array}{cccccc}x & {1} & {3} & {4} & {6} & {12} \ \\ P(x) & {0.30} & {0.10} & {0.05} & {0.15} & {0.40} \ \end{array}[/tex]

The calculation is as follows:

[tex]0.30 - 0 = 0.30[/tex]

[tex]0.40 - 0.30 = 0.10[/tex]

[tex]0.45 - 0.40 = 0.05[/tex]

[tex]0.60 - 0.45 = 0.15[/tex]

[tex]1 - 0.60 = 0.40[/tex]

The x values are gotten by considering where the equality sign is in each range.

[tex]1 \le x < 3[/tex] means [tex]x = 1[/tex]

[tex]3 \le x < 4[/tex] means [tex]x = 3[/tex]

[tex]4 \le x < 6[/tex] means [tex]x=4[/tex]

[tex]6 \le x < 12[/tex] means [tex]x = 6[/tex]

[tex]12 \le x[/tex] means [tex]x = 12[/tex]

Solving (b):

[tex](i)\ P(3 \le x \le 6)[/tex]

This is calculated as:

[tex]P(3 \le x \le 6) = F(6) - F(3-)[/tex]

From the given function

[tex]F(6)= 0.60[/tex]

[tex]F(3-) = F(1) = 0.30[/tex]


[tex]P(3 \le x \le 6) = 0.60 - 0.30[/tex]

[tex]P(3 \le x \le 6) = 0.30[/tex]

[tex](ii)\ P(4 \le x)[/tex]

This is calculated as:

[tex]P(4 \le x)=1 - F(4-)[/tex]

[tex]P(4 \le x)=1 - F(3)[/tex]

[tex]P(4 \le x)=1 - 0.40[/tex]

[tex]P(4 \le x)=0.60[/tex]

Explain how the given graph is deceptive.

Complete the statements based on the bar graph.

By not starting the horizontal axis at 0, the
bar appears to be about one-fourth the height of the Pecan bar. The
bar appears to be about one-half the height of the Pecan bar. The
bar appears to be less than one-half the height of the Pecan bar. This misleads the viewer to
the number of each type of nut used


Pine Nut






In the picture below.

Step-by-step explanation:

From the commenter and answer above, confirmed on edge 2022.

Last year at a certain high school, there were 56 boys on the honor roll and 150 girls on the honor roll. This year, the number of boys on the honor roll decreased by 25% and the number of girls on the honor roll decreased by 12%. By what percentage did the total number of students on the honor roll decrease?



15.534% decrease

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the new number of boys and girls on the honor roll:

56(0.75) = 42 boys

150(0.88) = 132 girls

Find the new total number of students on the honor roll:

42 + 132 = 174

Find the percent decrease by dividing the difference in the number of students by the original number.

There were originally 206 total students on the honor roll. Find the difference:

206 - 174 = 32

Divide this by the original amount:


= 0.15534

So, the number of students on the honor roll decreased by approximately 15.534%

A publisher reports that 54% of their readers own a personal computer. A marketing executive wants to test the claim that the percentage is actually different from the reported percentage. A random sample of 200 found that 44% of the readers owned a personal computer. Is there sufficient evidence at the 0.10 level to support the executive's claim


The null and alternate hypotheses are

H0 : u = 0.44  vs   Ha: u > 0.44

Null hypothesis: 44% of readers own a personal computer.

Alternate Hypothesis : greater than 44% of readers own a personal computer.

This is one tailed test and the critical region for this one tailed test for the significance level 0.1 is  Z >  ±1.28

The given values are

p1= 0.54 , p2= 0.44 ; q2= 1-p2= 0.56

Using z test

Z = p1-p2/√p2(1-p2)/n

Z= 0.54-0.44/ √0.44*0.56/200

z= =0.1/ 0.03509

z=  2.849

Since the calculated value of Z=  2.849 is greater than Z= 1.28  reject the null hypothesis therefore there is sufficient evidence to support the executive's claim.

Null hypothesis is rejected

There is sufficient evidence to support the executive's claim at 0.10 significance level.

Write an equation and solve it to answer each question. A pile of 55 coins consisting of nickels and dimes is worth $3.90. Find the number of each. I only need the equation plz. WILL MARK BRAINLIEST.



0.05x + 0.1(55 - x) = 3.9

Step-by-step explanation:

There are 55 coins.

Let x = number of nickels.

The number of dimes is 55 - x.

The value of a nickel is $0.05, and the value of a dime is $0.10.

The value of x nickels is 0.05x

The value of 55 - x dimes is 0.1(55 - x)

The total value of the coins is 0.05x + 0.1(55 - x)

The total value of the coins is $3.90

0.05x + 0.1(55 - x) = 3.9

The blueprints of a house have a scale factor of 30. If one side of the house measures 4 inches on the blueprint, how long is the actual side length (in feet)?

A. 7.5 feet
B.10 feet
C. 90 feet
D. 120 feet


c. 90 feet is the actual length

If the scale factor is 30, then all you have to do is multiply each measurement by the scale factor. In this case, 4 · 30 = 120.

The curve y=2x^3+ax^2+bx-30 has a stationary point when x=3. The curve passes through the point (4,2).

(A) Find the value of a and the value of b.

#secondderivative #stationarypoints


A stationary point at x = 3 means the derivative dy/dx = 0 at that point. Differentiating, we have

dy/dx = 6x ² + 2ax + b

and so when x = 3,

0 = 54 + 6a + b


6a + b = -54 … … … [eq1]

The curve passes through the point (4, 2), which is to say y = 2 when x = 4. So we also have

2 = 128 + 16a + 4b - 30


16a + 4b = -96

4a + b = -24 … … … [eq2]

Eliminate b by subtracting [eq2] from [eq1] and solve for a, then for b :

(6a + b) - (4a + b) = -54 - (-24)

2a = -30

a = -15   ===>   b = 96

What information is NOT necessary to find the area of a circle?



D. Height

General Formulas and Concepts:


Area of a Circle: A = πr²

r is radius

Step-by-step explanation:

In order to find the area of a circle, we must follow the formula. Out of all the options given, height is not incorporated into the formula.

It wouldn't make sense to use height anyways since it would be 3-dimenional and we're talking 2-dimensional.

∴ our answer is D.

For this problem, carry at least four digits after the decimal in your calculations. Answers may vary slightly due to rounding. A random sample of 5240 permanent dwellings on an entire reservation showed that 1613 were traditional hogans.
(a) Let p be the proportion of all permanent dwellings on the entire reservation that are traditional hogans. Find a point estimate for p. (Round your answer to four decimal places.)
(b) Find a 99% confidence interval for p. (Round your answer to three decimal places.) What is the lower limit? What is the upper limit?



Step-by-step explanation:

point est. 0.307824427

99% 2.58

Confidence Interval - "P" values  

(0.2914 , 0.3243 )  

AM and CM
BM and BM
AB and CB


These are variables on your graph

Which equation describes this graph?


Step-by-step explanation:

The graph clearly has a positive slope. So Answer D couldn't be correct. Next: the y-intercept of this line is (0, -2), so b in the formula y = mx÷ b must be -2.

Therefore the correct equation of this line is

y = x - 2 (choice a)

what is factorization of the trinomial below? -x2+2x+48



-(x+6) (x-8)

Step-by-step explanation:


two values the multiply to get 48 and the difference of those two numbers gives you -2.


6 x -8 =-48


In this case we factored out the negative so leave it outside

-(x+6) (x-8)


-1(x-8)(x+6) is the answer just took the test

Step-by-step explanation:

Select the statement that best justifies the conclusion based on the given information.

a. Definition of bisector.
b. Definition of midpoint.
c. If two lines intersect, then their intersection is exactly one point.
d. Through any two different points, exactly one line exists.


9514 1404 393


  a. Definition of bisector.

Step-by-step explanation:

Line l is a line through the midpoint M. We can conclude it is a bisector, because, by definition, a bisector is a line through the midpoint.

The conclusion is justified by the definition of a bisector.

i need help ON THIS PLS



No, because the ratio of pay to hours is not the same for each pair of value.

. Using the identity (a + b)² = (a² + 2ab + b²), evaluate 112²


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 112^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto (100+12)^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 100^2+2(100)(12)+12^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 10000+2400+144[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 12400+144[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 12544[/tex]


Using Identity

(a + b)² = (a² + 2ab + b²)



⇛(100 + 12)²

⇛(100)² + 2 × 100 × 12 + (12)²

⇛10000 + 2400 + 144

⇛12400 + 144


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