Pure water is an example of alan
A. Insulator
B. Metalloid
C. Conductor
D. Nonmetal


Answer 1
A. Insulator is the right answer
Answer 2

Answer: I think its A or C I'm not sure though sorry.

Related Questions

Why is the melting of ice a physical change?
A. It changes the chemical composition of water.
B. It does not change the chemical composition of water.
C. It creates new chemical bonds.
D. It forms new products.
E. It is an irreversible change that forms new products.


It does not change the chemical composition of water.

A coin and feather are dropped in a moon. what will fall earlier on ground.give reasons.if they are dropped in the earth,which one will fall faster



on the moon, they will fall at the timeon earth, the coin will fall faster to the ground


A coin and feather dropped in a moon experience the same acceleration due to gravity as small as 1.625 m/s², and because of the absence of air resistance both will fall at the same rate to the ground.

If the same coin and feather are dropped in the earth, they will experience the same acceleration due to gravity of 9.81 m/s² and because of the presence of air resistance, the heavier object (coin) will be pulled faster to the ground by gravity than the lighter object (feather).

i.Name two commonly used thermometric liquids.

ii.State two advantages each of the thermometric liquids mentioned above​



mercury and alcohol

ii) used to test temperatures

Mercury and AlcoholMercury:

i) It is a good conductor of heat and therefore the whole liquid reaches the temperature of the surroundings quickly.

ii) It does not wet (cling to the sides of) the tube.


i) Alcohol has greater value of temperature coefficient of expansion than mercury.

ii) it's freezing point is below –100°C.

If an object travels on a circular path is an acceleration? What is changing to cause an acceleration?


For this reason, it can be safely concluded that an object moving in a circle at constant speed is indeed accelerating. It is accelerating because the direction of the velocity vector is changing.

A 5.70 g lead bullet traveling at 490 m/s is stopped by a large tree. If half the kinetic energy of the bullet is transformed into internal energy and remains with the bullet while the other half is transmitted to the tree, what is the increase in temperature of the bullet



461.73 K


Given that,

The mass of a bullet, m = 5.7 g

Speed of the bullet, v = 490 m/s

Half the kinetic energy of the bullet is transformed into internal energy and remains with the bullet while the other half is transmitted to the tree.

Using the conservation of energy,

[tex]\dfrac{1}{2}(\dfrac{1}{2}mv^2)=mc\Delta T\\\\\Delta T=\dfrac{v^2}{4c}[/tex]


x is the specific heat of lead, c = 130 J/kg K


[tex]\Delta T=\dfrac{(490)^2}{4\times 130}\\\\=461.73\ K[/tex]

So, the increase in temperature of the bullet is 461.73 K.

For waves moving through the atmosphere at a constant velocity, higher frequency waves must have proportionally longer wavelengths.
a) true
b) false





We know that for a wave that moves with velocity V, with a wavelength λ, and a frequency f, we have the relation:

V = λ*f

So, if the velocity is constant and we increase the frequency to:

f' > f

we will have a new wavelength λ'

Such that:

V = f'*λ'

And V = f*λ

Then we have:

f'*λ' = f*λ

Solvinf for λ', we get:

λ' =(f/f')*λ

And because:

f' > f


(f/f') < 1


λ' =(f/f')*λ < λ

So, if we increase the frequency, we need to decrease the wavelength.

So, for higher frequency waves, we must have proportionally shorter wavelengths.

Then we can conclude that the given statement:

"or waves moving through the atmosphere at a constant velocity, higher frequency waves must have proportionally longer wavelengths"

is false.

A wire 2.80 m in length carries a current of 5.60 A in a region where a uniform magnetic field has a magnitude of 0.300 T. Calculate the magnitude of the magnetic force on the wire assuming the following angles between the magnetic field and the current.


Complete question:

A wire 2.80 m in length carries a current of 5.60 A in a region where a uniform magnetic field has a magnitude of 0.300 T. Calculate the magnitude of the magnetic force on the wire assuming the following angles between the magnetic field and the current.

a) 60 ⁰

b) 90 ⁰

c) 120 ⁰


(a) When the angle, θ = 60 ⁰,  force = 4.07 N

(b) When the angle, θ = 90 ⁰,  force = 4.7 N

(c) When the angle, θ = 120 ⁰,  force = 4.07 N



length of the wire, L = 2.8 m

current carried by the wire, I = 5.6 A

magnitude of the magnetic force, F = 0.3 T

The magnitude of the magnetic force is calculated as follows;

[tex]F = BIl \ sin(\theta)[/tex]

(a) When the angle, θ = 60 ⁰

[tex]F = BIl \ sin(\theta)\\\\F = 0.3 \times 5.6 \times 2.8 \times sin(60)\\\\F = 4.07 \ N[/tex]

(b) When the angle, θ = 90 ⁰

[tex]F = BIl \ sin(\theta)\\\\F = 0.3 \times 5.6 \times 2.8 \times sin(90)\\\\F = 4.7 \ N[/tex]

(c) When the angle, θ = 120 ⁰

[tex]F = BIl \ sin(\theta)\\\\F = 0.3 \times 5.6 \times 2.8 \times sin(120)\\\\F = 4.07 \ N[/tex]

You simultaneously release two balls: one you throw horizontally, and the other you drop straight down. Which one will reach the ground first? Why?
(a) The ball dropped straight down lands first, since it travels a shorter distance.
(b) Neither. Their vertical motion is the same, so they will reach the ground at the same time.
(c) It depends on the mass of the balls—the heavier ball falls faster so lands first



Option B.


Remember that we can think on any movement as a sum of a movement in the y-axis, the movement in the x-axis, and the movement in the z-axis. And these are not related, this means that, for example, the movement in x does not affect the movement in y.

So, when we analyze the problem of "how long takes an object to hit the ground"

We do not care for the horizontal motion of the object, we only care for the vertical motion of the object.

So, if an object is dropped, and another has a given initial velocity in the x-axis, in both cases the initial velocity in the y-axis will zero.

And in both cases, the only vertical force acting on the balls will be the gravitational force (so both objects will have the same vertical acceleration and the same vertical initial velocity) with this, we already know that the vertical motion of both objects will be exactly the same.

So, both objects will hit the ground at the same time.

(notice that here we are ignoring things like air resistance and other complex forces)

So here the correct option is b:  Neither. Their vertical motion is the same, so they will reach the ground at the same time.

Please solve each section and show all work for each section.



Forces on Block A:

Let the x-axis be (+) towards the right and y-axis be (+) in the upward direction. We can write the net forces on mass [tex]m_A[/tex] as

[tex]x:\:\:(F_{net})_x = f_N - T = -m_Aa\:\:\:\:\:\:\:(1)[/tex]

[tex]y:\:\:(F_{net})_y = N - m_Ag = 0 \:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:(2)[/tex]

Substituting (2) into (1), we get

[tex]\mu_km_Ag - T = -m_Aa \:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:(3)[/tex]

where [tex]f_N= \mu_kN[/tex], the frictional force on [tex]m_A.[/tex] Set this aside for now and let's look at the forces on [tex]m_B[/tex]

Forces on Block B:

Let the x-axis be (+) up along the inclined plane. We can write the forces on [tex]m_B[/tex] as

[tex]x:\:\:(F_{net})_x = T - m_B\sin30= -m_Ba\:\:\:\:\:\:\:(4)[/tex]

[tex]y:\:\:(F_{net})_y = N - m_Bg\cos30 = 0 \:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:(5)[/tex]

From (5), we can solve for N as

[tex]N = m_B\cos30 \:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:(6)[/tex]

Set (6) aside for now. We will use this expression later. From (3), we can see that the tension T is given by

[tex]T = m_A( \mu_kg + a)\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:(7)[/tex]

Substituting (7) into (4) we get

[tex]m_A(\mu_kg + a) - m_Bg\sin 30 = -m_Ba[/tex]

Collecting similar terms together, we get

[tex](m_A + m_B)a = m_Bg\sin30 - \mu_km_Ag[/tex]


[tex]a = \left[ \dfrac{m_B\sin30 - \mu_km_A}{(m_A + m_B)} \right]g\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:(8)[/tex]

Putting in the numbers, we find that [tex]a = 1.4\:\text{m/s}[/tex]. To find the tension T, put the value for the acceleration into (7) and we'll get [tex]T = 21.3\:\text{N}[/tex]. To find the force exerted by the inclined plane on block B, put the numbers into (6) and you'll get [tex]N = 50.9\:\text{N}[/tex]

A ball is launched from the ground with a horizontal speed of 30 m/s and a vertical speed of 30 m/s. How long will it take to get to the top of its trajectory? A. 3 seconds B. 4 seconds C. 2 seconds D. 6 seconds



A (3 seconds)


Well here we have a type of motion called projectile motion and it is pretty similar to an upside down parabola. The top of the trajectory is the vertex of the parabola and is also when v=0.

Lets identify our givens.


Horizontal speed= 30m/s

Vertical Speed= 30 m/s

Since the ball is in freefall after being launched ay=-g(take up to be positive) and ax=0

The ball is launched from the ground so y0=0

Final vertical velocity= 0

This problem is now relatively easy because we only need to find the vertical distance so we can ignore horizontal speed and use


Plug in our givens


solve for t

t=3 seconds

An electron moving in the y direction, at right angles to a magnetic field, experiences a magnetic force in the -x direction. The direction of the magnetic field is in the



The direction of magnetic field is along + Z axis.


The direction of motion of electron is along y axis.

The magnetic  force is along - X axis.

The force on the charged particle moving in the magnetic field is

[tex]\overrightarrow{F} = q (\overrightarrow{v}\times \overrightarrow{B})\\\\- F \widehat{i} = - q (v \widehat{j}\times \overrightarrow{B})\\[/tex]

So, the direction of the magnetic field is along + Z axis.

A 100-m long transmission cable is suspended between two towers. If the mass density is 18.2 g/cm and the tension in the cable is 6543 N, what is the speed (m/s2) of transverse waves on the cable


It’s 20 m longest 24me the song

There are two possible alignments of a dipole in an external electric field where the dipole is in equilibrium: when the dipole moment is parallel to the electric field and when the dipole moment is oriented opposite the electric field.
Part A
Are both alignments stable? (Consider what would happen in each case if you gave the dipole a slight twist.)
a) Yes
b) No
Part B
Based on your answer to the previous part and your experience in mechanics, in which orientation does the dipole have less potential energy?
a) The arrangement with the dipole moment parallel to the electric field has less potential energy.
b) The arrangement with the dipole moment opposite the electric field has less potential energy.
c) Both arrangements have the same potential energy.



A. (b)

B. (a)


The electric dipole moment is the product of charge and the length of the dipole.

The torque on the dipole placed in the external electric field is given by

torque = p E sin A

where, p is the electric dipole moment, E is the electric field, A is the angle between the field and dipole moment.

When the dipole moment is parallel to the electric field, the net torque is zero and it is said to be in stable equilibrium.

When the dipole moment is anti parallel to the electric field, the net torque is zero but the dipole is in unstable equilibrium.

So, the option (b) is correct.

Teh energy is given by

U = - p  E cos A

When the angle A is zero , the potential energy is negative and it is minimum.

In this exercise we have to use the knowledge about dipole to be able to mark the correct alternative for each question, in this way we find that:

A) Letter b

B) Letter a

So knowing that the electric dipole moment is the product of charge and the length of the dipole and the torque on the dipole placed in the external electric field is given by:

[tex]torque = p E sin (A)[/tex]


p: the electric dipole momentE: the electric fieldA: the angle between the field and dipole moment

When the dipole moment is parallel to the electric field, the net torque is zero and it is said to be in stable equilibrium. When the dipole moment is anti parallel to the electric field, the net torque is zero but the dipole is in unstable equilibrium.

Now the energy is given by:

[tex]U = - p E cos (A)[/tex]

We can say that when the angle A is zero , the potential energy is negative and it is minimum.

See more about dipole at brainly.com/question/12757739

Receptor elétrico 5 pontos Dispositivo que converte energia elétrica em outra forma de energia, não exclusivamente térmica. Exemplos: motores elétricos, ventiladores, liquidificadores, geladeiras, aparelhos de sons, vídeos, celulares, computadores?



Electromechanical transducer and Electrical receiver.


Electromechanical transducer is the part of a communication system which converted electrical waves or electrical energy into sound waves. The most common example loudspeaker while on the other hand, Electrical receiver is a device that converts electrical energy into another form of energy, except thermal. Examples are cell phones, computers and television.

Why is the temperature constant during the melting of water?​


[tex] \orange{\underline{\huge{\bold{\textit{\green{\bf{QUESTION}}}}}}}[/tex]

Why is the temperature constant during the melting of water?

[tex] \huge\mathbb{\red A \pink{N}\purple{S} \blue{W} \orange{ER}}[/tex]

[tex] \orange{\underline{\huge{\bold{\textit{\green{\bf{ REASON}}}}}}}[/tex]





[tex] \red \star{Thanks \: And \: Brainlist} \blue\star \\ \green\star If \: U \: Liked \: My \: Answer \purple \star[/tex]

93 cm3 liquid has a mass of 77 g. When calculating its density what is the appropriate number of significant figures



828 kg/m³ or 0.828 g/cm³



D = m/V............. Equation 1

Where D = density of the liquid, m = mass of the liquid, V = volume of the liquid.

From the question,

Given: m = 77 g , V = 93 cm³

Substitute these values into equation 1

D = 77/93

D = 0.828 g/cm³

Converting to kg/m³

D = 828 kg/m³

A source emits sound at a fixed constant frequency f. If you run towards the source, the frequency you hear is



increased because as you run into each sound wave the time between each sound decreases meaning the period of each wave decreases to your years and since f=1/T and T is decreasing by greater than 0, f must increase.


At an airport, luggage is unloaded from a plane into the three cars of a luggage carrier, as the drawing shows. The acceleration of the carrier is 0.12 mls2, and friction is negligible. The coupling bars have negligible mass. By how much would the tension in each of the coupling bars A, B, and C change if 39 kg of luggage were removed from car 2 and placed in (a) car I and (b) car 3



a) ΔT₁ = -4.68 N,   ΔT₂ = 4.68 N, b) ΔT₂ = 4.68 N, ΔT₁ = 4.68 N


In this exercise we will use Newton's second law.

         ∑F = m a

Let's start with the set of three cars

         F_total = M a

         F_total = M 0.12

where the total mass is the sum of the mass of each charge

          M = m₁ + m₂ + m₃


This is the force with which the three cars are pulled.

Now let's write this law for each vehicle

car 1

         F_total - T₁ = m₁ a

         T₁ = F_total - m₁ a

car 2

         T₁ - T₂ = m₂ a

         T₂ = T₁ - m₂ a

car 3

         T₂ = m₃ a


note that tensions are forces of action and reaction

a) They tell us that 39 kg is removed from car 2 and placed on car 1

         m₂’= m₂ - 39

         m₁'= m₁ + 39

         m₃ ’= m₃

they ask how much each tension varies, let's rewrite Newton's equations


The total force does not change since the mass of the set is the same F_total ’= F_total

car 1

           F_total ’- T₁ ’= m₁’ a

           T₁ ’= F_total - m₁’ a

           T₁ ’= (F_total - m₁ a) - 39 a

           T₁ '= T₁ - 39 0.12

           ΔT₁ = -4.68 N

car 2

           T₁’- T₂ ’= m₂’ a

           T₂ ’= T₁’- m₂’ a

           T₂ '= (T₁'- m₂ a) + 39 a

           T₂ '= T₂ + 39 0.12

           ΔT₂ = 4.68 N

b) in this case the masses remain

            m₁ '= m₁

           m₂ ’= m₂ - 39

           m₃ ’= m₃ + 39

we write Newton's equations

car 3

          T₂ '= m₃' a

          T₂ ’= (m₃ + 39) a

          T₂ '= m₃ a + 39 a

          T₂ '= T₂ + 39 0.12

          ΔT₂ = 4.68 N

car 1

            F_total - T₁ ’= m₁’ a

            T₁ ’= F_total - m₁ a

car 2

            T₁' -T₂ '= m₂' a

            T₁ ’= T₂’- m₂’ a

            T₁ '= (T₂'- m₂ a) + 39 a

            T₁ '= T₁ + 39 0.12

            ΔT₁ = 4.68 N

The tension in each of the coupling bars A, B, and C of the luggage carrier changes as,

When luggage were removed from car 2 and placed in car 1, the tension is A and C does not change and the tension in B is decreased by 4.68 N.When luggage were removed from car 2 and placed in car 3, the tension is A and B does not change and the tension in C is increased by 4.68 N.

What is tension force?

Tension is the pulling force carried by the flexible mediums like ropes, cables and string.

Tension in a body due to the weight of the hanging body is the net force acting on the body.

At an airport, luggage is unloaded from a plane into the three cars of a luggage carrier, as the drawing shows. The acceleration of the carrier is 0.12 m/s², and friction is negligible.

The acceleration is the same, Tension due to the horizontal component of the forces for car 1, 2 and 3 can be given as,

[tex]\sum F_{1h}=T_A-T_B=m_1a\\\sum F_{2h}=T_B-T_C=m_2a\\\sum F_{3h}=T_C=m_3a[/tex]

On solving the above 3 equation, we get the values of tension in each bar as,


Case 1- When 39 kg of luggage were removed from car 2 and placed in car I

The tension is A and C does not change for this case. The acceleration of the carrier is 0.12 m/s². Thus, the change in tension is B is,

[tex]\Delta T_B=39\times0.12\\\Delta T_B=4.68\rm \;N[/tex]

Case 2- When 39 kg of luggage were removed from car 2 and placed in car III

The tension is A and B does not change for this case. The acceleration of the carrier is 0.12 m/s². Thus, the change in tension is B is,

[tex]\Delta T_C=39\times0.12\\\Delta T_C=4.68\rm \;N[/tex]

Hence, the tension in each of the coupling bars A, B, and C of the luggage carrier changes as,

When luggage were removed from car 2 and placed in car 1, the tension is A and C does not change and the tension in B is decreased by 4.68 N.When luggage were removed from car 2 and placed in car 3, the tension is A and B does not change and the tension in C is increased by 4.68 N.


Learn more about the tension here;


Find the coefficient of kinetic friction between a 3.80-kg block and the horizontal surface on which it rests if an 87.0-N/m spring must be stretched by 6.50 cm to pull it with constant speed. Assume that the spring pulls in the horizontal direction.



 μ = 0.15


Let's start by using Hooke's law to find the force applied to the block

          F = k x

          F = 87.0 0.065

          F = 5.655 N

Now we use the translational equilibrium relation since the block has no acceleration

          ∑ F = 0

          F -fr = 0

          F = fr


the expression for the friction force is

          fr = μ N

if we write Newton's second law for the y-axis

          N -W = 0

          N = W = mg

we substitute

          F = μ mg

          μ = F / mg

          μ = [tex]\frac{5.655}{3.8 \ 9.8}[/tex]

          μ = 0.15

If you buy an amateur-sized reflecting telescope, say around 10 inches (25cm) aperture, it'll have something in it that sends the gathered starlight out the side of the telescope tube. What do we call this thing


Answer: objective lens


Light enters a refra

Light enters a telescope through a lens at the upper end, which focuses the light near the bottom of the telescope. An eyepiece then magnifies the image so that it can be viewed by the eye, or a detector like a photographic plate can be placed at the focus. The upper end of a reflecting telescope is open, and the light passes through to the mirror located at the bottom of the telescope. The mirror then focuses the light at the top end, where it can be detected. Alternatively, a second mirror may reflect the light to a position outside the telescope structure, where an observer can have easier access to it.

Find a parametric representation for the surface. The plane through the origin that contains the vectors i - j and j - k



parametric representation: x = u, y = v - u ,  z = - v


Given vectors :

i - j ,  j - k

represent the vector equation of the plane as:

r ( u, v ) = r₀ + ua + vb

where:  r₀ = position vector

            u and v = real numbers

             a and b = nonparallel vectors

expressing the nonparallel vectors as :

a = i -j , b = j - k , r = ( x,y,z ) and r₀ = ( x₀, y₀, z₀ )

hence we can express vector equation of the plane as

r(u,v) = ( x₀ + u, y₀ - u + v,  z₀ - v )

Finally the parametric representation of the surface through (0,0,0) i.e. origin = 0

( x, y , z ) = ( x₀ + u,  y₀ - u + v,   z₀ - v )

x = 0 + u ,

y = 0 - u + v

z = 0 - v

parametric representation: x = u, y = v - u ,  z = - v

A bullet with mass 5.35 g is fired horizontally into a 2.174-kg block attached to a horizontal spring. The spring has a constant 6.17 102 N/m and reaches a maximum compression of 6.34 cm.
(a) Find the initial speed of the bullet-block system.
(b) Find the speed of the bullet.



a)[tex]V=1.067\: m/s[/tex]

b)[tex]v=434.65\: m/s [/tex]  



Using the conservation of energy between the moment when the bullet hit the block and the maximum compression of the spring.

[tex]\frac{1}{2}MV^{2}=\frac{1}{2}k\Delta x^{2}[/tex]


M is the bullet-block mass (0.00535 kg + 2.174 kg = 2.17935 kg)V is the speed of the systemk is the spring constant (6.17*10² N/m)Δx is the compression of the spring (0.0634 m)

Then, let's find the initial speed of the bullet-block system.

[tex]V^{2}=\frac{k\Delta x^{2}}{M}[/tex]


[tex]V=1.067\: m/s[/tex]


Using the conservation of momentum we can find the velocity of the bullet.




[tex]v=434.65\: m/s [/tex]  

I hope it helps you!



When an object is in free fall, ____________________.



Objects that are said to be undergoing free fall, are not encountering a significant force of air resistance; they are falling under the sole influence of gravity.


Under such conditions, all objects will fall with the same rate of acceleration, regardless of their mass.

A wheel accelerates so that it's angular speed increases uniformly from 150 rads/s to 580 rads/s in 16 revolutions.Cakcjlate its angular acceleration. ​



A = 26.875 rad/s²


Given the following data;

Initial angular speed, Uw = 150 rads/s.

Final angular speed, Vw = 580 rads/s.

Time = 16 seconds.

To calculate the angular acceleration;

From kinematics equation;

At = Vw - Uw


A is the angular acceleration.t is the timeVw is the final angular speed.Uw is the initial angular speed.

Substituting into the formula, we have;

A*16 = 580 - 150

16A = 430

A = 430/16

A = 26.875 rad/s²

NEED HELP ASAP. Please show all work.

A point on a rotating wheel (thin hoop) having a constant angular velocity of 200 rev/min, the wheel has a radius of 1.2 m and a mass of 30 kg. ( I = mr2 ).
(a) (5 points) Determine the linear acceleration.
(b) (4 points) At this given angular velocity, what is the rotational kinetic energy?



Look at work


a) I am not sure if you want tangential or centripetal but I will give both

Centripetal acceleration = r*α

Since ω is constant, α is 0 so centripetal acceleration is 0m/s^2

Tangential acceleration = ω^2*r

convert 200rev/min into rev/s

200/60= 10/3 rev/s

a= 100/9*1.2= 120/9= 40/3 m/s^2

b) Rotational Kinetic Energy = 1/2Iω^2

I= mr^2

Plug in givens

I= 43.2kgm^2

K= 1/2*43.2*100/9=2160/9=240J

A 2.90 m segment of wire supplying current to the motor of a submerged submarine carries 1400 A and feels a 2.00 N repulsive force from a parallel wire 4.50 cm away. What is the direction and magnitude (in A) of the current in the other wire? magnitude A direction





From the question we are told that:

Wire segment [tex]l_s=2.9m[/tex]

Initial Current [tex]I_1=1400A[/tex]

Force [tex]F=2.00N[/tex]

Distance of Wire [tex]d=4.50cm=>0.0450m[/tex]

Generally the equation for Force is mathematically given by

 [tex]F=\frac{\mu_0 * I_1*I_2*l_s}{2 \pi *r}[/tex]

 [tex]F=\frac{4 \pi*10^{-7} *1400 I*I_2*2.9}{2 \pi *0.0450}[/tex]



A metre rule is used to measure the length of a piece of string in a certain experiment. It is found to be 20 cm long to the nearest millimeter. How should thisresult be recorded in a table of results? a. 0.2000m b. 0.200m c. 0.20m d. 0.2m​





20 cm = 0.2m

since uncertainty is 0.1 cm (0.001 m), should be recorded to same number of decimal place as uncertainty

therefore it's 0.200m

Two metal spheres are made of the same material and have the same diameter, but one is solid and the other is hollow. If their temperature is increased by the same amount:_______.
A) the solid sphere becomes heavier and the hollow one lighter.
B) the solid sphere becomes bigger than the hollow one.
C) the hollow sphere becomes bigger than the solid one.
D) the two spheres remain of equal size.
E) the solid sphere becomes lighter and the hollow one heavier.



D) the two spheres remain of equal size.


Since the body of the sphere is made up of both the same material. Thus the orientation will not affect the expansion. That is solid upon solid and hollow upon the hollow sphere. Hence it can be said that both the sphere expands and is due to the material used for making both of them is the same.

An AC power source has an rms voltage of 120 V and operates at a frequency of 60.0 Hz. If a purely inductive circuit is made from the power source and a 47.2 H inductor, determine the inductive reactance and the rms current through the inductor.



The inductance is 17784.96 ohm and rms current is 4.77 mA.


Voltage, V = 120 V

frequency, f = 60 Hz

Inductance, L = 47.2 H

The rms  voltage is

[tex]V_{rms}=\frac{V_o}{\sqrt 2}\\\\V_{rms}=\frac{120}{\sqrt 2}\\\\V_{rms} = 84.87 V[/tex]

The reactance is given by

[tex]X_L = 2\pi f L\\\\X_L = 2\times 3.14\times 60\times 47.2 \\\\X_L = 17784.96 ohm[/tex]

The rms current is

[tex]I_{rms} =\frac{V_{rms}}{X_L}\\\\I_{rms}=\frac{84.87}{17784.96}\\\\I_{rms} = 4.77\times 10^{-3} A = 4.77 mA[/tex]

How do the magnitude and direction of the electric field on the left side of the dipole compare to the right side for the same distance



The magnitude of the electric field is same while the direction at the left and at the right is opposite to each other.


The direction of the electric field due to the dipole on the axial line is same as  the direction of dipole moment.

The magnitude of the electric field due to an electric dipole on its axial line is


where, k is the constant, p is the electric dipole moment and r is the distance from the center of dipole.

The magnitude of the electric field is same while the direction at the left and at the right is opposite to each other.  

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