qual é a principal divisão emtre os praticantes do islamismo?como isso afeta os paises do oriente medio?


Answer 1


Dentro del Islam, hay muchas denominaciones religiosas que tienen diferentes énfasis e interpretaciones de los aspectos religiosos, aunque tienen la misma visión básica. Las denominaciones más masivas son sunitas y chiitas.

Los sunitas son el grupo religioso más grande (80% - 85% de todos los musulmanes son sunitas). Los seguidores sunitas consideran a Mahoma un profeta y casi un hombre perfecto y, por lo tanto, es obligatorio seguir sus palabras y hechos lo más cerca posible. El Corán dice que el Profeta Muhammad es un buen ejemplo. Por esta razón, la tradición de la historia llamada Hadith, donde se almacenan estas palabras y hechos, es el pilar de la fe musulmana sunita.

Los musulmanes chiítas, la segunda comunidad religiosa más grande, ponen gran énfasis en quién debería interpretar la religión de los tres primeros califas. Los chiítas tienen una tradición de hadices diferente a la de los sunitas y tienen su propia tradición legal. En chiíta, los imanes tienen un gran poder para interpretar la religión y la ley. La mayoría de los chiítas viven en Irán, Irak, Bahrein y Líbano.

Related Questions

is a natural phenomenon; if left alone, the Earth's climate fluctuations are minor, and deserts and nondeserts remain constant. b. increases with increasing human population. c. is a geologically slow process; it takes hundreds of years to occur. d. occurs in only less-industrialized regions of the world.



I think the answer is A


your question is not clear so I'm not sure


Which are examples of climate’s impact on the natural character of a location?


A. a year-long drought

B. solar radiation

C. the amount of total precipitation

D. accrued snowfalls in mountainous areas



A year long drought and the amount of total precipitation

Help would be appreciated :)



energy use to keep cows and the other animals alive. and also manure management.

Available Aug 17 at 12am - Sep 30 at 11:59pm about 2 months
Geography Ch.1 Check for understanding.
1. Name the 5 themes of Geography
2. Name the two areas geography is divided into:
3. What is a map maker called?
4. Name the 3 regions Geography focuses on:
5. Name the two types of location and explain how they work.
6. What type of map shows man-made features of the earth and what maps
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Cool ranch Doritos and kool aid

South African whites began to realize that the apartheld and homelands policies had to change as a result of

The policy is failure to illuminate racial discrimination

A Civil War between blacks and whites

request from white homeland and business leaders

International sanctions and increase in protests



International sanctions and increase in protests


The Land Acts of 1950,1954, and 1955 resulted in the apportioning of 80% of South African lands to the whites and just 20% to the blacks. Pass Laws were instituted by the government, thus requiring colored people to carry documents that permitted their entrance into white areas. These acts of segregation and apartheid were met with protests among the black community and international sanctions.

For example, a violent protest that resulted in the death of 69 blacks and several injuries occurred in Sharpeville on March 21, 1960. South Africa received international sanctions from the United States and the United Kingdom in 1985. These and other censures resulted in the abolishment of the pass laws.


Match each map type to its description. Drag the items on the left to the correct location on the right


Answer: economic activity map,climate map, physical map, population map, and then political map.



The matches of different types of maps along with their accurate descriptions can be made as shown below,

Economic activity map illustrates the different types of natural resources and economic activities of an area;A climate map uses variations in color to show the long term weather patterns of a region;A physical map shows features of the Earth such as elevation,bodies of water, or types of vegetation;Population map uses variations in color to demonstrate the number of people living in certain areas;Political map illustrates the boundaries between states and countries.

What is the significance of maps?

Maps can be referred to or considered as tool for making representations of relevant information regarding a geographical region. The information may be regarding economic activities, climate, physical traits, population and political limits of the geographical region.  

Therefore, the significance regarding maps has been aforementioned.

Learn more about maps here:



how were countries formed​



Some were established as a result of geographic isolation, such as England. Others were created as the result of emigration, such as Australia, often displacing existing nations. And still others were created from the breakup of larger empires or from peace treaties, such as Croatia.Explanation:

Make a List of atleast 15 monuments around the world and write the name of the stone used to make it





Mount rushmore

Taj Mahal

Great pyramid of giza

Miami statues

Machu picchu

The roman colosseum

The leaning tower of pisa

Great wall of china

Georgia guidestones

The fork

Cadillac ranch

Fallen angel square

Hand of desert

They are made of granite, marble and bronze.

I hope this helps

2 quốc gia đứng đầu thế giới về xuất khẩu lúa gạo



Ấn Độ và Việt Nam



Ấn độ và thái lan



In which of the following scenarios would using a GIS be helpful?
assessing the soil erosion risk within a watershed
providing navigation assistance to guide a lost driver to his destination
transcribing inaccurate historical data into accurate historical maps
calculating local time when crossing the International Date Line
analyzing the relationship between functional and formal regions



providing navigation assistance to guide a lost driver to his destination


The scenario in which using a GIS would be helpful is when "providing navigation assistance to guide a lost driver to his destination."

This is because GIS (geographic information system) is a computer system that carried out many processes including getting, storing, checking, and presenting data related to different positions on Earth.

Hence, GIS can be used by different people to know their locations or their destination.

For example, GIS using GPS information in a car to know the current location and destinations of drivers in a specific area.

after logging occurs who often moves onto the land


soil erosion and coastal flooding.

Plate movement is influenced by each of the following EXCEPT a. slab pull, in which the downgoing oceanic plate exerts a pull on the rest of the plate. b. mantle convection, which creates shear at the base of plates. c. mantle plumes, which are created when hot rock rises up from the deep mantle and creates melting at the base of the lithosphere. d. ridge push, in which the elevated rocks at the ridge axis push on rocks farther from the ridge.



b. mantle convection, which creates shear at the base of plates.


Mantel convection is a very slow creeping motion of the earth's solid silicate mineral. It can carry heat from the interior of the plate's surface. As the earth is divided into the tectonic plates that are constantly being created and consumed Accretion occurs as the mantel is added to the edges of the plates that surround the seafloor.

To what nation do the Galápagos Islands belong?

A) Ecuador
B) Chile
C) Brazil
D) Peru


A) Ecuador it’s just west off the coast of Ecuador as well to help you remember



I hope this helps

Please help me with these questions from AP Human Geography. (Take these questions seriously)

1. Identify and explain 2 examples of how India is becoming “Americanized”.

2. Identify and describe 2 examples of the positive economic and/or social effects of globalization on the world.

3. Identify and describe 2 examples of the negative economic and/or social effects of globalization on the world.

4. Explain the pattern of population growth from 1800-2011.

5. Describe the projected population for 2045 and explain why that number.

6. Identify and discuss 2 examples of issues faced by the world due to the size of the population.

7. Identify the physical and cultural characteristics of the world’s most typical person today vs. in 2030.

8. Define scale and identify three examples of scale.

9. Explain 2 examples of the impact that events can have on people’s lives worldwide.

10. Describe 2 examples of the positive and/or negative power maps can have when delivering information.

11. For 3 religions, identify 1 example of a holy site found in Jerusalem.

12. Explain the purpose of the Green Line.

13. Discuss 2 examples of how the United States’ decision to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is significant.

14. Explain the issue of “food deserts”.

15. Describe the process in which Dollar Stores are built in towns and cities and how they contribute to food deserts.

16. Discuss 2 examples of the impact of living in food deserts in the United States.

17. Identify and describe the cultural and social causes of ‘gendercide’ [why is there such a preference for boys in particular cultures?]

18. Identify and describe 2 examples of the negative effects this skewed sex ratio has on countries.

19. Discuss the role that technology has played in INCREASING ‘gendercide’.

20. Describe Kurdistan.

21. Define Daesh and explain the impact it has had on Iraq.

22. Identify and describe the opposing ideas between Boston Sharbarzheri and Sami Hussein.




Sorry that this is coming in late...

1. Examples include fast foods, and more love marriages (arranged marriages, the norm)

2. Positive effects include more unity, and cultural exchanges

3. Less cultural diversity, More health problems (obesity due to fast food)

4. Growth has been exponential (very high population growth)

5. Projected population is (this is coming from online), ~9 billion people, due to exponential growth and better health care

6. Economic inequality, and basic food/water shortages

7. More diversity, less technological (as opposed to 2030)

8. Scale-A measuremnt measuring magnitude (how big something is), examples include a size scale, weight scale, and measuring scale

9. Politically and socially

10. Can influence public opinion, shape history (due to partition of India using maps)

11. Judaism-Wailing Wall, Christianity-Church of the Holy Selpchure, Islam-Dome of the Rock

12. Railine near Cleveland

13. Means further ties with Israel; alienization of the Palestinians and othe majority Islam countries

14. An issue due to no nutritious food in an area

15. Dollar stores don't contribute much to food

16. Less nutrition; malnutrition

17. Paternal cultures, religion

18. More gender inequality, less people to contribute to the gene pool

19. More social media propogating gendercide

20. A region of land with heavy ethnic ties to the Kurdish people, with land in the land straddling Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. This land has been source of heavy discontent and news. Syrian kurdish groups have propogated an "independent country" named Rojava.

21. It has led to poverty and islamic radicalization

22. I don't understand what you mean by "Sharbarzheri, Sami Hussein, you probably mean "Saddam Hussein"


My brain, books,etc.

*I wrote this on the fly because I was in a hurry.

what are the 3 megacities?​


There are three types of megacities: Rapid growing, slow growing, and growing.

The mountains of the northern part of the Nation block the cold and wind that blows towards Nepal from the central asia​



Is it suppose to be a true or false or what?

Use of base.......? write important things



What are the uses of Bases

Uses of Bases

1. Calcium Hydroxide (Slaked lime) [Ca(OH)2]

It is used to neutralize the acidity in soils.

It is an ingredient in whitewash and mortar.

It is a component of the Bordeaux mixture used for protecting agricultural crops from pests.

It is used in the preparation of dry mixes for painting and decorating.

2. Magnesium Hydroxide (Milk of magnesia) [Mg(OH)2]

It is used as an antacid or a laxative. It helps to correct excess acidity in the stomach.

Please mark me as the brainliest

Which of the following maps below is a satellite image of Egypt?
Map A
Map B
Map C
none of the above



id say map A


Map A which was below shows the satellite image of Egypt.

An object that has been placed into orbit in space on purpose is known as a satellite or artificial satellite. There are several applications for satellites, including communication.

A satellite is a body that orbits a planet, star, or moon. For instance, the fact that Earth orbits the sun makes it a satellite. The moon is a satellite as well because it revolves around Earth. The term "satellite" typically refers to a device that is launched into space and orbits the Earth or another celestial body.

In addition to being the foundation of cable and network TV, satellites also deliver television signals directly to homes. These satellites transmit signals to smaller stations that transmit the signals locally over cables or the airways from a central station that produces programming.

Hence, option A is correct.

Learn more about the Satellite here:



air can be polluted by __.
a. tiny particles of soot
b. carbon monoxide
c. sulfuric acid
d. all of the above

answer quick !!


all of the above or d. :)))

what is flood and landslide ? write the major during or after time .​



A flood is when a bunch of water comes rushing into a place and everything is almost completely covered in water. A landslide is much the same except it is with land-not water.



Flood is a natural disaster that occurs in plane land due to over flow of water from rivers oceans or due to heavy rain Landslide is a natural disaster that occurs in hills and mountains due to wet,heavy and loose support to soil or root of trees .

What protein is made that weakens the nucleus membrane


The answer is lamina
A protein that weakens the nucleus membrane is lamina

Hope this helps..

HELPPP!! giving brainliest

What are the weather patterns in a Mediterranean type of climate?


Or you can say that Mediterranean has a climate that changes too fast. For example Monsoon winds!

una grua ejerce una fuerza paralela y constante de 3000N sobre un auto y lo desplaza 15m a traves de la carrera que trabajo realizo la grua?


The work performed by the crane is 45,000 Nm.

Given the following data;

Force = 3000 NewtonDistance = 15 m

To find the work performed by the crane;

The work done by an object or body is calculated by multiplying the force acting on the object with the distance covered by the object.

Mathematically, work done is given by the formula;

[tex]Work done = force * distance[/tex]

Substituting the values into the formula, we have

[tex]Work done = 3000 * 15[/tex]

Work done = 45,000 Nm

In conclusion, the work performed by the crane is 45,000 Nm.

Find more information: https://brainly.com/question/13790122

made many items themselves.
A. Settlers
B. Farmers
C. Pioneers



pioneers made items themselves.

I think Settlers because even though pioneers are the first ones to do something themselves, it doesn’t mean that they specifically ‘made many items themselves’. So its settlers.

A(n) ________ is a cone of debris that forms where an ephemeral stream emerges from the confines of the canyon. Its runoff spreads over the gentler slopes at the base of the mountains and quickly loses velocity, dumping most of its sediment load within a short distance.



alluvial fan


Alluvial fans are a mix of sediments made up of mostly sand and gravel that are created when canyons, hills or mountains interact with flowing water.  They help with the sustenance of life and irrigation farming as the main source of water.

Between which longitudes does the region experience daytime?​



Mostly between the 90 Degree East and West longitudes


Because Earth has tilt of over 23.5 degree The day and night time differs according to its revolutions.

between 90 degree of east west lingtitude

what is extrusive rock​



Here's your answer


Extrusive rock, any rock derived from magma (molten silicate material) that was poured out or ejected at Earth’s surface. By contrast, intrusive rocks are formed from magma that was forced into older rocks at depth within Earth’s crust; the molten material then slowly solidifies below Earth’s surface, where it may later be exposed through erosion. Extrusive rocks are usually distinguished from intrusive rocks on the basis of their texture and mineral composition.


Extrusive rock, any rock derived from magma (molten silicate material) that was poured out or ejected at Earth's surface


why stratosphere is important for life on earth​


Answer:The stratosphere is important because it helps protect us and the earth from ultraviolet radiation

Explanation:Hope that helped you :)

Which region experiences only two different climates? Midwest, Northeast, Southwest, & Pacific




The Northeast is characterized by a fairly diverse climate, with bitterly cold winters and semi-humid summers, especially to the south.

Ocean surface currents Group of answer choices form counterclockwise circles in the northern hemisphere. flow smoothly, with few eddies. are found only in low- and mid-latitude areas. are influenced by the Earth's rotation.



The correct answer is ''are influenced by the Earth's rotation.''


Ocean currents are the fastest and most constant part of ocean water. These flows are caused by the differences in temperature and salinity that the different seas and oceans of the world have, among other factors such as the rotation of the Earth. One of the forces that influences the movement of ocean currents is the rotational movement of planet Earth. Due to the effect called Coriolis force, it makes ocean waters rotate and flow in different directions according to their geographic location, for this reason, in the Equator, rotation has a lesser effect on the force of water movement. The further from the equator the waters are, the slower their movement will be, since the Earth rotates faster at the equator.

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