Qué tiene de positivo y qué de negativo cada uno de estas dominaciones?


Answer 1


Los modelos teóricos propuestos comúnmente reflejan la idea de que las personas involucradas en la religión son más saludables porque se involucran en estilos de vida saludables de acuerdo con sus creencias religiosas. Esta influencia religiosa percibida en el comportamiento de salud puede incluir evitar comportamientos como beber alcohol en exceso, prácticas sexuales de riesgo, uso de drogas ilegales o consumo de tabaco.

El afrontamiento religioso negativo implica una lucha espiritual con uno mismo, los demás y un poder superior. La investigación sugiere que la dimensión negativa predice los resultados de salud, incluida la mortalidad.

Related Questions

Andy has a collection of movie dvds. in andys collection 3/5 of the dvds are action 1/4 of the dvds are comedy. andy said that 4/9 of his collection is action or comedy. cynthia said that andy made an errer. explain wether andy is correct or incorect and why
what fraction of the dvds in andys collection is not "action" or "comedy"​


Andy is not correct because whenadding the 2 fractions, he needsto create fractional parts with thesame denominator. NOTHINGcan be added unless the units arethe same. The denominator of afraction are the units. He neededto make 3/5 12/20 and 1/4 5/20Adding these together would be17/20, making 3/20 of them NOTaction or comedy.17/20+3/2020/20 or the total.

I hope it helps

have a great day


What is the best example of voter intimidation?
O A. handing out candidate election flyers
OB. blocking entrances to polling places
OC. throwing away illegal ballots
OD. televising or reporting election news



A and D


I'm not to sure which one tho but this is what I think it is.

I hope this is correct and useful to u

Blocking entrances to polling places is a clear example of voter intimidation. Hence, Option (B) is correct.

Intimidating voters by physically obstructing their access to polling locations directly interferes with their right to freely and safely participate in the electoral process.

This act creates an atmosphere of fear, coercion, and suppression, which can deter individuals from exercising their right to vote.

By blocking entrances, individuals intending to vote may feel threatened or intimidated, leading to a significant hindrance in their ability to cast their ballots.

Voter intimidation undermines the principles of democracy, as it seeks to manipulate and suppress the voices of citizens.

Thus, it is crucial to safeguard the accessibility and security of polling places to ensure free and fair elections.

Learn more about voter intimidation here:



Match each form of slavery with the characteristics that best describe it.
was often for life
Slavery in the Ancient World
Slavery in the 1600s and 1700s
involved captured prisoners of war
often included a chance of freedom
involved organized trade networks
included diverse groups of people
was based on race


Slavery in the Ancient World:

involved captured prisoners of war

often included a chance of freedom

Slavery in the 1600s and 1700s

involved organized trade networks

included diverse groups of people

was based on race

The immigrants to the United States in the late 20th century came from



Europe and Latin America


The immigrants who arrived in America during the early years of the 20th century were from Eastern and Southern Europe and Latin America. The reason for their arrival was a lack of economic opportunities in their homeland. The majority of immigrants crowded into the growing cities and towns. They came here to work as labours and to start a new life. They lived in close communities in harmony because of their language, practice their religion, and culture.

In 2008 the exchange rate between euros and US dollars was 1 euro for $1.55 in 2019 the rate was 1 euro for 1.12


Answer: A.  In 2019, the United States had to lower its prices on goods sold to European nations.


In 2019 the Euro could be exchanged for less dollars than in 2008. This means that the U.S. Dollar got stronger. As a result, U.S. goods will now be more expensive in 2019 than they were in 2008 to a person using the Euros because they would now have to pay more to get the same goods they used to get.

In order to maintain profitability therefore, the U.S. will reduce its prices in 2019 so that people using the Euro would be able to purchase goods for the cheaper prices they had been able to purchase those goods in 2008.

Briefly explain the Bosnian Crisis. Austria-Hungary took over part of a Turkish province in Bosnia. This outraged Serbians who felt that the province should have been theirs. They threatened Austria with war. Shortly after, Russia allied with Serbia. On the other hand, Germany allied with Austria. The war was avoided due to Russia backing down.



Bosnian crisis of 1908, state of severe international tension caused by the annexation by Austria-Hungary of the Balkan provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Congress of Berlin (1878) had given Austria-Hungary the right to occupy and administer Bosnia and Herzegovina temporarily, but the provinces officially remained possessions of the Ottoman Empire. Still, the Austrian administration tried mightily and at great expense to improve the strategically valuable region economically and to link it closely with Austria-Hungary. When in July 1908 the Young Turks staged a revolution in Constantinople (now Istanbul), established a constitutional government, and inaugurated a reform program, the Austrian foreign minister Graf (count) Lexa von Aehrenthal resolved to annex Bosnia and Herzegovina before the new Turkish regime could regain control over them.

To that end Aehrenthal met the Russian foreign minister, Aleksandr P. Izvolsky, at Buchlau, in Moravia; and, on Sept. 16, 1908, Izvolsky agreed that Russia would not object to the annexation. Aehrenthal pledged that in return Austria would not object to opening the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits to Russian warships, an advantage that had been denied to Russia since 1841. By a rescript of Oct. 7, 1908, Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Izvolsky, unprepared for such immediate action, could not control the strong popular opposition to the annexation that developed in Russia. Furthermore, Serbia, which was closely related to Bosnia and Herzegovina geographically and ethnically, was outraged by the annexation. It demanded that Austria cede a portion of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Serbia, and Izvolsky, pressed by anti-Austrian opinion in Russia, was forced to support the Serbian claims. Austria, however, firmly supported by its ally Germany, threatened to invade Serbia if that country persisted in its demands. Russia, having failed to secure equally strong support from its ally France, could not risk a war against both Austria-Hungary and Germany for Serbia’s sake, and in March 1909 Izvolsky notified Germany that Russia accepted Austria’s annexation. Although the crisis was resolved without immediate warfare, the resulting embittered relations between Serbia and Austria-Hungary and Russia’s resentment at having been deceived and humiliated contributed to the outbreak of World War I.


Do you think Japane se Americans were affected by this? How and why?



They were affected definitely.


Why is the February Revolution of 1917 in Russia a private revolution? new product? What is unique about this revolution?


Answer and Explanation:

The February Revolution of Russia 1917 marked the end of autocratic rule in Russia. It was the first of two revolutions in Russia that same year 1917.

In February 23, violent mass protests began in Russia against food rationing and other ills of the monarchy, and it lasted for 8 days. It brought about the end of the monarchial rule of Tsar Nicholas II and began the provisional government under Prince George Lvov.

what was the outcome of the North Korea conflict


The war devastated Korea. Historians said that between three million and four million people were killed, although firm figures have never been produced, particularly by the North Korean government. As many as 70 percent of the dead may have been civilians

Hope that helps :)

Which President was the first to begin
bringing troops home from Vietnam?
A. Richard Nixon
B. Lyndon Johnson
C. John F. Kennedy


Richard Nixon began U.S. troop withdrawal and “Vietnamization” of the war effort. (He also intensified bombing.)

Which international organization provides loans and economic aid to
developing countries?
The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
The United Nations (UN)
The World Trade Organization (WTO)
O The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)


The international monetary fund (IMF)

Qu'est que Vasco de Gama ramène de son expédition en Inde ?
Déjà merci de prendre le temps de lire ma question!
Lundi donc demain j'ai un carnet de voyage fait en groupe à rendre, et pour cela je doit faire un paragraphe de ce que Vasco de Gama a ramener de son expédition en Inde, et je n'ai toujours pas trouver de réponses a cette question. Si vous pouviez m'aider en me donnant un lien sur le quelle j'aurais des réponses a ma questions ou autre.
Merci d'avance!
PS: je suis en 5ème


bounjor ps5 pindi deman

Which of the following was not a consequence of early civilizations?
O Development of religions
Specialization of skills
O Consistent source of food
o Gender equality


I think it’s gender equality


The answer is gender equality. In early civilizations males were often superior over their female counterparts.

The earliest known practitioner who believed that the brain dysfunction, not demons and evil spirits, was the cause of abnormal behavior was


I honestly love this topic, i dont know if this has a multiple-choice answer but ill give you what i know.



caused difficulty for individuals who worked with her. Early attempts at treating abnormal behavior have a predominant belief, The earliest known practitioner who believed that brain dysfunction, not demons and evil spirits, was the cause.

The invention of the cotton gin increased the need for slave labor. true or false​


False it helped make picking cotton more efficient and reduced the need for slave labor





While it was true that the cotton gin reduced the labor of removing seeds, it did not reduce the need for slaves to grow and pick the cotton. In fact, the opposite occurred. Cotton growing became so profitable for the planters that it greatly increased their demand for both land and slave labor.

Please help I’ll give brainliest



they wanted to discover and explore new land i believe



They were forced out by enemies

Help me write like a small paragraph please don’t Copy and paste from safari

My question:what is Idaho’s state flower


The Syringa (Philadelphus lewisii) was consigned to the state blossom of Idaho by the party in 1931. The species name 'lewisii' respects Meriwether Lewis of the Lewis and Clark endeavor. Lewis made out of the plant in his diary. It is a spreading thistle growing 3 to 10 feet tall, with social events of white, fragrant sprouts. The blooms look like fake orange. It fills in open coniferous backwoods regions, at woods edge and in clammy attracts drier district giving inconceivable thought to untamed life. Neighborhood Americans utilized its branches for bows, bolts, and supports.

I was kinda confused about what you were asking exactly but I hope this can help!!!

Which greenhouse gas is the most abundant in our atmosphere ? * A. Oxygen B. Carbon Dioxide C. Nitrous D. Oxide Methane



Carbon Dioxide (CO2)


It create this climate change so yea


B. Carbon Dioxide


Carbon dioxide is the most abundant additive greenhouse gas contributing to global warming. It is the fourth most abundant component of dry air and levels in our atmosphere have thus risen about 40% since the onset of human industrialization, and are expected to play a troubling role in raising global temperature. Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have varied substantially in the pre-human history of our planet, and have had profound impacts on global temperatures in the past.

Where did the American Indians live prior to European colonies in the us





The Native Americans called the land southeast their home before the European colonies

Phoenicia did not have its own supply of ivory, so it traded for ivory with other regions, which meant that, for the Phoenicians, ivory was ain)
A import.
В. export. .
C. natural resource.
D. impossibility


A. import


here ya go! hope this helps ya :)

Revolutionary America:Question 6
Which of the following are ideas from the Enlightenment?



The Enlightenment, a philosophical movement that dominated in Europe during the 18th century, was centered around the idea that reason is the primary source of authority and legitimacy,and advocated such ideals as liberty, progress, tolerance, fraternity, constitutional government, and separation of church and state.

In 1899 the United States urged other nations to allow free trade in China. This approach to dealing with China was known as the


Open door policy………………….

What is the difference between the views of Caesar held by Cassius and Brutus?
a. Cassius wants Caesar out of power. Brutus loves Caesar but knows he has flaws; he considers his countrymen as he makes his decision.
b. Cassius wants Caesar to stay in power. Brutus wants to help Cassius become the new leader.
c. Cassius wants Caesar out of power. Brutus agrees with Cassius, but thinks Cassius would not be a good leader either.
d. Cassius thinks Caesar should share his power with Cassius and Brutus. Brutus thinks the power should be divided equally among all of the countrymen.



d. Cassius thinks Caesar should share his power with Cassius and Brutus. Brutus thinks the power should be divided equally among all of the countrymen.


The above is actually the difference between the views of Caesar which is held by the following man:- Cassius and Brutus. To Cassius, he is simply jealous of Caesar and wanted the power to be shared rather than Caesar being the sole ruler while Brutus wanted the power to be divided equally among all the country men. At the end, they have no option than to murder Caesar in-order to achieve their aim.

How is ""Aunt Imogen"" a modernist poem? Select all that apply. It uses ornate language to celebrate and pay tribute to the individual. It addresses feelings of alienation and isolation. It uses traditional verse form to express its message. It focuses on the discovery of the true self.



It addresses feelings of alienation and isolation.

It uses traditional verse form to express its message.

It focuses on the discovery of the true self.


The poem "Aunt Imogen" written by the poet Edward Arlington Robinson is an example of the modernist poetry. Modernism was the movement in the literary world that marked a shift from the Victorian traditions and values. "Aunt Imogen" is written in the traditional verse that presents a shift from the hustle life of modern world. The character of Aunt Imogen's self reflection and the realizations that she comes across presents the picture of alienation in the modern world.

Why did the united states and the soviet s end up on opposite sides of the cold war?


Answer:The Soviet Union strive for world dominance similar to its control of the previously independent countries of Eastern Europe. The United States opposed the spread of communism. By establishing NATO the United States and the Soviet Union were on opposite sides of the cold war.

hoped this helped :)

who had the most impact on music during the Renaissance. Thomas weelkes, Giovanni Palestrina, Josquin Desprez and why.



giovanni palestrina


Why did Lincoln choose to reenter politics after working as a lawyer?



I would say the repeal of the Missouri Compromise changed his mind.



He did not want to see slavery spread or see the US divided.


I answered the question right on Edg!

SATURDAY morning was to come, and all the summer world was bright and fresh, and brimming with life. There was a song in every heart; and if the heart was young the music issued at the lips. There was cheer in every face and a spring in every step...

What is the effect of the underlined text?

A. It foreshadows that something terrible and unexpected is about to happen.

B. It sets up a flashback to an earlier time when Tom was content.

C. It creates a contrast with Tom Sawyer's feelings about his chore.

D. It establishes a specific historical setting for the narrative.​



B-it May be b because it makes sense





the answer above is incorrect

On the topic of race, why doesn’t the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States uphold justice and equity for all groups of people?



"Throughout history, most people have been treated unequally by their rulers. Unless one were born into a privileged family or tribe, there was little access to the precious resources that are taken for granted in a prosperous society—things like meat, well-defended shelter, and education. In many cases people might be enslaved, or something close to it. People were treated unequally, both so that the powerful could have more comfort, and because rulers believed most people couldn’t be trusted to make decisions about how society should operate. As we have seen, the Founders declared that no one has a right to rule others simply because of the family into which he’s born. Instead, they believed that everyone is born with certain rights and that the law should equally protect people’s freedoms and property."

Website: https://www.docsoffreedom.org/student/readings/justice-for-all

The text states that approximately 33,500 Japanese Americans chose to enter the military and fight for the United States during World War II. Many of these citizens would have been relocated to an internment camp otherwise. Why do you think so many of them chose to serve? Write a one- or two-paragraph response, and include supporting facts and details.


Many Japanese chose to serve the U.S. in World War II because they felt it was a way to repay them. Japanese Americans were at one time immigrants coming into the United States with little supplies and a dream or two. They found freedom in America, and because they were so thankful to find a place truly free, they fought for the U.S.


hope this helps :)

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