Question 3
Some globular proteins are water soluble, while all fibrous/membrane proteins are water insoluble.
Which of the following statements BEST explains the reason for these differences?
Fibrous proteins have a large number of hydrogen bonds between the amino acids in the polypeptide chains that stabilize their structures, preventing solubility in water. The globular proteins that are water-soluble do not have as many hydrogen bonds between the amino acids in their peptide chains, allowing water solubility.
Fibrous proteins are configured in a way that exposes the polar side chains of the amino acids on the surface of the protein, preventing solubility in water. The globular proteins that are water soluble have nonpolar side chains on the surface of the protein, allowing water solubility.
Some globular proteins are configured in a way that exposes the polar groups of the amino acids on the surface of the protein, allowing water solubility. Fibrous proteins have nonpolar side chains on the surface of the protein, preventing water solubility.
Some globular proteins are composed of more than one polypeptide chain that weakly interacts with one another, allowing water solubility. Fibrous proteins are composed of only one polypeptide chain that tightly folds, preventing water solubility.


Answer 1

Globular proteins are spherical proteins which are water soluble and forms colloid in water.

The best statement which will explain the reason for difference in globular protein and fibrous proteins is statement C.

C. Some globular proteins are configured in a way that exposes the polar groups of the amino acids in the surface of the protein, allowing water solubility.

Fibrous proteins have non polar side chains on the surface of the proteins, preventing water solubility.

Globular proteins are water soluble. Fibrous proteins are not soluble in water.

Amino acids chain prevents folding up so that the chain is not broken and it remains in elongated form. The correct answer is C.

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Briefly explain what happens during Meosis 2.



So the cells that enter Meosis 2 are the ones that are made in Meosis 1. These cells are haploid meaning they have just one chromosome from each homologue pair. Also In meiosis II, the sister chromatids separate, making haploid cells with non-duplicated chromosomes.



(BTW if the answer is good can u pls mark me Brainliest? Thanks!)

Question 1 of 10
Which statement is true about nitrogen and oxygen?
A They make up about 99.9% of the human body
B. They both contain no subatomic particles
They are both made of protons neutrons and electrons.
They are both used to make water molecules.


C. They are both made of protons, neutrons and electrons

what happens during anaphases?



During anaphase, each pair of chromosomes is separated into two identical, independent chromosomes. The chromosomes are separated by a structure called the mitotic spindle. … The separated chromosomes are then pulled by the spindle to opposite poles of the cell.

Which of the following particles has a negative charge?
A. Electron
B. Nucleus
C. Proton
D. Neutron


The answer is D I hope I helped

anyone help me please​



The human body is controlled by a network of living wires called the nervous system.

What is the term for a preserved footprint left behind by an animal?
O A. Embryo
O B. Code
O C. Fossil
O D. Isotope



A fossil.

It would be C

It is C a fossil because it is imprinted into the ground and it has been covered and pressed in sediments preserving the footprint

what is photosynthesis
and precipitating??​



Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that, through cellular respiration, can later be released to fuel the organism's metabolic activitie

In meteorology, precipitation is any product of the condensation of atmospheric water vapor that falls under gravitational pull from clouds. The main forms of precipitation include drizzling, rain, sleet, snow, ice pellets, graupel and hail.


I hope this answers is helpful to you

describe the primary differences between plant and
animal cells. Be sure to include a discussion of the various organelles specific
to each cell and how they differ between plant and animal cells



plant cells have cell membrane and cell wall while animal cells only have the cell membrane missing the cell wall

Plant feel have cell wall but animal doesn’t have cell wall

Which accepted hypothesis about the origin
of life on Earth explains how all organisms
share a common genetic code?


The first life was self-replicating RNA has an accepted hypothesis about the origin of life on Earth and explains how all organisms share a common genetic code.

What is genetic code?

The genetic code is the language that our body utilizes to translate the DNA instructions from our genes into the building blocks of life. Given that mRNA is the messenger that sends information from the DNA to the location of protein synthesis, it is frequently explained using the "codons" contained in mRNA.

In the end, the genetic code serves as the foundation for everything in our cells. Our DNA serves as a storage medium for the information that is passed down from parent to kid, or what is known as our hereditary information. The RNA and proteins produced from that DNA are later employed to create cells, tissues, and organs.

To learn more about genetic code here:-


how many seasons are there in australia and mention the name of the season!!!

.... thanks​



there are 4 seasons in australia.


they are summer, autumn and winter and spring.

........ provides genetic continuity from generation to generation.
a) sexual reproduction
b) fusion of gametes
c) asexual reproduction
d) meiosis ​



d) meiosis


The process of meiosis preserves genetic continuity for future offspring by ensuring that two sexually reproducing organisms produce offspring that have the same number of chromosomes as the parents.

It ensures that the offspring will be able to mate with other organisms of the same species.

¿Como se llama ?

1.- Embrión se desarrolla dentro del sistema reproductor femenino.
2.- Formación de un organismo a partir de huevos



1. Vivíparo

2. Ooviparismo


Viviparismo se define como el proceso de desarrollo de un animal en el cual el embrión crece dentro dentro del sistema reproductor femenino en una estructura acorde que le permite obtener alimento y oxígeno hasta su nacimiento. El viviparismo placentario es el tipo de desarrollo más extendido entre mamíferos (por ejemplo, perros, caballos, gatos, conejos, etc), a excepción de mamíferos que son ovíparos (por ejemplo, el ornitorrinco) y los mamíferos marsupiales que no poseen placenta y donde feto se desarrolla en una bolsa externa llamada marsupio (por ejemplo, los canguros). Por otra parte, el oviparismo es un mecanismo de desarrollo en el cual el embrión crece dentro de un huevo desde el momento que la hembra lo expulsa hacia el exterior. Cuando se produce este suceso, los embriones se encuentran muy poco desarrollados y por lo tanto deben cumplir su ciclo de crecimiento (hasta eclosionar del huevo) fuera del vientre materno. Algunos ejemplos de animales ovíparos incluyen anfibios, reptiles, aves, insectos, etc.

Which factor best explains why liquid water exists on earth



due to atmospheric pressure


Atmospheric pressure

Explanation:The only planet that have water bodies is earth. We know that water is one of the important factors for all living organism. Liquid water exists on the earth's surface is due to the atmospheric pressure

magine that a scientist takes a group of Anolis lizards and introduces them into an enclosure at a research facility in continental South America. He notes that the lizards thrive in this new environment. The fact that Anolis lizards could survive in habitats outside of the Caribbean is a reflection of their ____ niche; their _____ niche is determined by their ability to disperse to other areas as well as predation and resource availability.


Answer: Fundamental, realized


The realized niche of a species is usually the result of predation, competition, and other types of interaction between species.

The size of realized niche is determined by interspecific competition .The fundamental niche is larger than the realized niche.

The fundamental niche represents all the habitats where a species could possibly live, but competition among different species usually restricts a species to a smaller area, which is the realized niche

compare and contrast between pyriformis and fibula.Pls give right answer



Tibia and fibula are the two long bones located in the lower leg. The tibia is a larger bone on the inside, and the fibula is a smaller bone on the outside. The tibia is much thicker than the fibula.

During production of a drug, all work area surfaces must be disinfected using sterilized disinfectants. Which of the following statements about disinfectants are true? Select all that apply. View Available Hint(s)for Part A Disinfectants destroy all microbes present on a surface. Disinfection can be used to treat work surfaces as well as workers (i.e., washing hands). Disinfection can occur by physical or chemical means. Disinfectants are used to inhibit or destroy pathogens. Endospores and viruses can resist disinfectant treatment.


Answer: The correct options are

--> Disinfectants are used to inhibit or destroy pathogens,

--> Disinfection can occur by physical or chemical means,

--> Endospores and viruses can resist disinfectant treatment.


To prevent infectious diseases from spreading or to sterilise work area surfaces during the production of drugs, chemicals known as disinfectants as used. These are chemicals that kill or inhibit the growth of pathogens. Other chemicals such as antiseptics can also kill and prevent the growth of mainly pathogenic microorganisms. However, disinfectants are stronger chemicals than antiseptics and so are often used on non-living things and surfaces.

Disinfection does not necessarily kill all microorganisms, especially resistant bacterial spores (endospores) and viruses, so it is less effective than sterilisation.

There are generally two methods of disinfection:

--> The chemical method: A typical example of a chemical disinfectant is the carbolic acid. It is used for disinfecting lavatories and floors.

--> The physical method: here, physical agents are use to disrupt and damage the pathogenic organisms on work surfaces. Some typical example include: UV irradiation, heat, sunlight exposure, sonic or hydrodynamic pressure and radiation.

how is erythrocytes an advantage in exchanging and carrying ​



Shape of Red Blood Cells Erythrocytes are biconcave discs with very shallow centers. This shape optimizes the ratio of surface area to volume, facilitating gas exchange. It also enables them to fold up as they move through narrow blood vessels.

Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional
Online Content: Site 1
Online Content: Site 2
What changes can occur in an aquatic ecosystem as a result of nutrient loading? (Site 1)



Essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, at specific moderate level are needed for the overall functionality of the aquatic ecosystem. However, when excess of these elements infiltrates the aquatic ecosystem, the nutrient overload causes a surge in the growth of aquatic plant. For example, algal bloom. These increased growth of aquatic plant further takes up space and oxygen, prevents sunlight and later leads to what is known as "dead zone". It is a condition of an ecosystem having little or no biological activity. Aquatic life is impacted negatively when this occurs.

These are the changes that occurs as a result of nutrient loading.

How does the natural process of meiosis support evolution?
A. Each daughter cell mutates its own DNA during Reduction Division to produce more variation.
B. Each daughter cell is unique, providing natural variation.
C. Each daughter cell is identical, providing natural variation.
D. It does not support evolution.


A. Each daughter cell mutates it’s own DNA during reduction division to produce more variation

During meiosis, each daughter cell tends to undergo mutation of its own DNA and leads to more variation. The correct option is A.

What is meiosis?

Meiosis is a sort of cell division that occurs in organisms which reproduce the fusion of gametes and results in a diminution in the number of chromosomes in gametes. Body cells in humans are diploid, with two sets of chromosomes.

Meiosis is a process of cell division that produces 4 gamete cells while reducing the number of chromosomes in the parent cell by half.

This process is essential for the generation of egg and sperm cells for reproduction.

Meiosis reduces the number of chromosomes in a cell by half while also generating new allele pairings that are dispersed across daughter cells via segregation and recombination.

This genetic reshuffling, which is thought to be the basis of reproduction success, reduces genetic affiliations within and between loci.

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding meiosis, visit:





I don't know what I mean by hybrids



Como híbrido podemos designar a todo aquel individuo que es producto del cruce de dos organismos de distinta especie. Así, en biología, un híbrido puede ser un animal o un vegetal que es resultado del cruce de dos progenitores de distinta especie que, sin embargo, pueden producir progenie.


¿Cuál de los siguientes niveles es el sucesor del nivel tejido?


answer: D
bcuz i said so and this

C. Órgano

Porque Célula→Tejido→Órgano→Sistema→Organismo

If intelligence is so useful, why do so few species have it?



Could intelligence simply be unlikely to evolve? Unfortunately, we can’t study extraterrestrial life to answer this question. But we can study some 4.5 billion years of Earth’s history, looking at where evolution repeats itself, or doesn’t.

__Igneous rocks form below Earths surface



intrusive igneous rocks

A geologist finds some tilted sedimentary rock layers.

Which conclusion can the geologist draw by looking at the rock layers?

1.Their absolute age is 600 million years.

2.They were tilted before they were deposited.

3.They were originally deposited horizontally.

4.The youngest layer was originally deposited as the bottom layer.



Angular unconformity also causes geologic tilting. Angular unconformity occurs when parallel strata of sedimentary rocks are deposited on layers that are tilted, perhaps as a result of erosion. So the answer I think is B/2.


Plz don't be mad if i'm wrong

A cell membrane is bigger a specific about what allows across how does this help the cell


Answer: It helps the cell absorb as many different molecules as possible.

Explanation: the cell membrane, provides protection for a cell. It also provides a fixed environment inside the cell, and that membrane has several different functions. One is to transport nutrients into the cell and also to transport toxic substances out of the cell.

The chart shows four stages of demographic transition.



D. Lots of people die. Lots of people are born to make up for it. We can see this from the high orange and purple lines.


Sharply dropping birthrate





well I dnt know

btw thanks for ur points I really needed that.

Use the information from the graph to answer the
What is the total displacement of the object?
Velocity vs. Time
Velocity (m/s)
10 15
Time (s)


The displacement of the object is 303.75m.

What is displacement?

Distance covered by a body in a particular direction is called displacement. To calculate displacement from a velocity-time graph, we calculate the area under the curve.

The displacement is covered by drawing perpendiculars on the time axis. Let AB be the first and CD be the second perpendicular.

Extend A to CD at E.

Now, area of ABCD trapezium

= (AB + DC)/ 2 × AD

= (10.5 + 30)/2 m/s × 15 s

= 303.75 m is the area under the curve.

Therefore, 303.75 m is the displacement of the object.

Read more about displacement, here


Answer: 562.5

Explanation: Edge 2023

The mission of the Office of Marine Conservation (OMC) is to promote obtainable and responsible aquaculture.



This is true


The statements made in this question is true. The office of marine conservation has the following as their mission;

The formulation and implementation of the United States policy on a wide scope of international marine conservation matters. So as to keep economic prosperity through healthy sustainable and responsible aquaculture

Which is one function of a protein macromolecule?
A. Making up the connective tissue in tendons
B. Cushioning the internal organs of an animal
C. Providing the building instructions for living things
D. Making the leaves of plants waterproof



The muscles of the body is entirely made of proteins. They help in the making the connective tissue in the tendons of the body.


A. Making up the connective tissue in tendons

I think the answer would be A. Making up the connective tissue in tendons
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