Question 8 of 20 :

Select the best answer for the question

8. In an outline, the relationship of topics and subtopics is shown through the use of

O A. Roman numerals only

O B. parallel construction

O C. spacing

D. indentation


Answer 1



Answer 2

In an outline, the relationship of topics and subtopics is shown through the use of parallel construction. Hence, option B is correct.

What is subtopics?

A subject that is a subset or segment of the main topic of a literary piece. Person: Examples of simple subtopics are one's accomplishments and other fascinating facts. Place: For example, geography, history, economics, and government are simple subtopics.

Examples of straightforward subtopics include who, what, when, where, why, and how. Subtopics are the main issues that your research on your topic reveals.

If your thesis is that "El Nio's devastating effects cannot be reduced because its existence cannot be predicted," Among the subtopics are environmental loss. extreme weather.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about subtopics, click here:


Related Questions

Read the paragraph.

[1] Studies have shown that kids who eat healthy food have more energy. [2] When students are more energized, they get better grades. [3] Still, half the Lincoln High students eat pizza at its lunchtime. [4] The school plans to start offering healthier options like salads and fruit as an alternative.

Which sentence contains a pronoun-antecedent error?
sentence 4
sentence 3
sentence 2
sentence 1



Answer: Sentence 3 contains a pronoun-antecedent error.


Answer: B

Explanation: i took the test on edge

He could understand it if you______it to him more clearly


mm he could understand it if you spoke to him more clearly, he could understand it if you translated it to him more clearly ^

Define fear is fear itself


need the rest of the question but fears actual definition is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. My definition would be something that causes unpleasant emotion and even unpleasant physical actions such as increased heart rate BP sweating even nausea

What are some slang terms that you use on a regular basis? What do these terms mean? Where do these term come from?


jit: term used mainly in florida meaning someone younger than you originated in florida

Packaging—the material we use to put products in—is everywhere, especially at grocery and
drug stores. Yogurt comes in plastic cups with aluminum tops covered by plastic lids. Razors are
in plastic cases wrapped in cardboard. Packaging is important—it keeps food fresh and safe to
eat. It protects products from damage. But it’s the greatest source of waste in many countries
around the world.
Packaging also hurts the environment. Packaging is made from many different materials.
Some of these materials, such as plastic, contain chemicals that pollute water and soil (dirt) and
are harmful to people and animals. In addition, to make packaging from paper, cardboard, and
wood, people must cut down trees. Fewer trees can lead to climate change and other serious
environmental problems. So what can we do to reduce all this packaging?
Everyone is concerned about packaging, including the people who use it the most,
manufacturers, people that create and package products. In the past, they overused packaging.
According to one government agency, manufacturers are beginning to reduce the amount of
packaging that they use. CDs are an example. In the past, they came in large cardboard
containers that were twice as big as the CDs inside them. Now, they come in small plastic boxes.
Soft drink manufacturers are putting drinks into thinner bottles and cans that use less material.
However, even though there is less waste from packaging, it’s still waste. We still have to do
something with it. Here’s what the average person can do: We can reduce the amount of
packaging that we buy, and when we do buy it, we can reuse it. We can reduce the amount of
packaging that we actually bring home by buying large-sized products that do more than one
thing, for example, laundry detergent that has fabric softener in it. We can reuse materials instead
of throwing them away. For example, we can use plastic or glass containers to store food, office
supplies, and other objects.
Reducing and reusing are just two ways to limit waste from packaging. There are many other
ways. Let’s all work together to reduce waste!

Which best describes the purpose and audience of this passage?
Multiple Choice
to inform packaging manufacturers of new ways to reduce the size of their packaging
to instruct government agencies in new ways to measure amounts of packaging
to entertain consumers by describing problems caused by small amounts of packaging
to persuade consumers to reduce the amount of packaging they use and throw away



to persuade consumers to reduce the amount of packaging they use and throw away


It talks about what consumers can do to reduce their packaging waste.

Why do the young men in the cattle car most likely bind, gag, and beat Mrs. Schächter? Select all that apply.

Her screams and apparent hallucinations terrify the other prisoners.

She refuses to stop complaining about the conditions on the train.

The young men are eager to revolt against those who oppress them.

She is being abusive to her son.

They do not want to the morale of the prisoners to get any worse than it already is.

Can be more than one answer



A)  Her screams and apparent hallucinations terrify the other prisoners.

B)  She refuses to stop complaining about the conditions on the train.

E)  They do not want the morale of the prisoners to get any worse than it already is.


Mrs. Schachter is in a cattle car with other Jews who have been taken by the Nazis. These people have no idea where they are being driven to. The soldiers' treatment of them so far suggests that it won't end well for them when they reach their destination. Mrs. Schachter's responses to being crowded into a cattle car with a large number of other individuals and driven off to an unknown location reflect those of the rest. They are terrified of what is about to happen. Her screams are also so obnoxious and constant that they make the other prisoners extremely uncomfortable and anxious. Once they've had enough of her antics they decide to have her bound, gagged, and beaten. They later discover that Mrs. Schachter was correct. They do disembark in Auschwitz, where victims are gassed in rooms and corpses are cremated in ovens.

Which sentence is irrelevant to the central idea of the
O "How do these humors get out of balance?"
O "This is where the overlapping ideas of Elizabethan
medicine might leave you a little confused."
O "By far the most important cause is divine
O "People believe that illnesses may be sent to punish
them for a sin-or simply because God wants them
to die and go to Heaven."


Hi. You did not submit the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, when searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly like yours, which showed the text that is attached below. In that case, I hope this answer can help you.


"How do these humors get out of balance?"


The main idea of the text is to show how medicine in Elizabethan times was different from the medicine we know today, as people believed that diseases had a divine nature and were some way of God punishing, or rescuing, a person. In this case, the sentence selected above is not relevant to the central idea of the text, since the central idea of a text is the main subject addressed by the author and in the text above, this subject refers to people's beliefs about diseases.


B. "This is where the overlapping ideas of Elizabethan"


100% on edge 21

Read the tollowing two arguments about school unitorms then answer the question below.
Carl: "Imagine a world without color and free choice. That will be the world we live in if we are forced to wear
uniforms The uniforms will be ugly. They will make you look like a nerd, because uniforms are what all nerds wear.
Don't be one of the fools that think this is a good idea, because everyone knows we do not need uniforms.
Beth: "Uniforms are a great idea for our school. Studies have shown that schools that adopted a uniform saw a 10%
increase in grades. I know Carl says that the uniforms are ugly, however as a guy, what does he know about fashion?
The uniforms will not be ugly, because uniforms are not ugly."
Who uses circular reasoning in their argument?





Circular reasoning is essentially reasoning that explains itself. There is no beginning, and there is no end. Another way to look at it is you can repeat either half of the statement as justification for the other. The uniform will not be ugly? Why? Because Uniforms are not ugly. Why are uniforms not ugly? Because the Uniform will not be ugly. It is a way to "answer" questions without answering them, and is good for frustrating opponents.

Plz help me with the answer


the answer is dramatic irony

Frankenstein created the monster on a larger scale because the larger components were easier to work with, and he didn't have refined instruments. Select one: True False





Victor Frankenstein created the monster on a larger scale without using refined instruments.  The intriguing part of the whole creation is that when he finally completes his ugly creature, it turns out to be a monster.  Its appearance was so horrifying that Victor was afraid to admire his creation.  Instead, the monster creates for him a nightmarish experience that hunted him for hours unending.  At some point, Victor leaves the house terrified and decides to spend the night in the courtyard.  And for his failure to create a suitable female companion, the monster decides to kill some of Frankenstein's relations and friends.

definition dna text medium?



its a promising storage medium capable of storing an abundance of data.

Which active reading technique appears to require the most effort on the part of a student?

A. Vocabulary notebook
B. Highlighting
C. Sticky notes
D. Researching


I would say D. Just because research takes a LOT of effort.

Where do the gods and goddesses of Ancient Greece live



They live on Mount Olympus


they just do

20 pts + BRAINLIEST!

(From Damon and Pythias)

How does Damon advance the plot of this story?

A. Damon spends time in jail awaiting Pythias's return, which creates surprise for readers.

B. Damon defends Pythias's actions when Dionysius mocks Damon's loyalty to Pythias, leading to the rising action of the story.

C. Damon agrees to pledge himself for Pythias's return, which shows Damon's loyalty for his friend, creating tension in the story.

D. Damon willingly goes to his execution, hoping his friend does not return, which leads to the climax of the story.

( I report spam answers )


How does Damon advance the plot of this story?


D. Damon willingly goes to his execution, hoping his friend does not return, which leads to the climax of the story.

Hope it is helpful to you ❣️☪️☺️


what are the four pronoun-related errors in this paragraph?




the errors are…

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How does Ibsen use dramatic irony to create suspense in this passage?


Nora tells Helmer that there are no letters in the box, while the audience knows that there is a letter from Krogstad. ... It demonstrates that Nora is considering leaving her children.
How does Ibsen use dramatic irony to create suspense in this passage? Nora tells Helmer that there are no letters in the box, while the audience knows that there is a letter from Krogstad. ... It demonstrates that Nora is considering leaving her children.

Write the missing possessive pronouns in the blank spaces to complete the sentences
1. I chose this seat first so it’s _____________

2. Can we borrow your colouring pens? We’ve lost _____________

3. We live in the city and they live in the countryside. Our house is smaller than _____________

4. John, is this pencil _____________?

5. Nancy is looking for her gloves. Are these gloves _____________?

6. Can Suresh use your bike? _____________ is broken.

7. Rohan got the books mixed up. He thought mine was _____________ and his was ​



1. mine 2. ours 3. theirs 4. yours 5. hers 6. His/Hers 7. he thought mine was his and his was mine


There will be a meeting at four afternoons" a meeting in this sentence is anoun or what?​


"meeting" in the sentence is a noun because it is a thing, more like an event. the definition of a noun is a person, place, or thing. hope this helps!

Put the verbs in brackets: present perfect or present perfect continuous or past perfect.
1. Before my trip to Paris two years ago, I ( never be) __ to France.
2. When we finally stopped him, the squirrel ( already eat) ___ five cookies.
3. Ben ( try ) ___ to open his own restaurant for the last few years. He ( just finish ) ___ the painting, but he ( not do ) ___ the decorating yet.
4. You look tired. How long ( run) _____ ?


1. have never been
3.tried, finished, didn’t
4. how long did you run?

The major asked me to have a drink with him and two other officers. We drank rum and it was very friendly. Outside it was getting dark. I asked what time the attack was to be and they said as soon as it was dark. I went back to the drivers. They were sitting in the dugout talking and when I came in they stopped. I gave them each a package of cigarettes, Macedonias, loosely packed cigarettes that spilled tobacco and needed to have the ends twisted before you smoked them. Manera lit his lighter and passed it around. The lighter was shaped like a Fiat radiator. I told them what I had heard.

What does the excerpt reveal about the narrator?
He prefers the company of the officers to that of the drivers.
He only spends time with the officers so he can get cigarettes for the drivers.
He looks down on everyone involved in the war, both officers and enlisted men.
He interacts easily with both his superiors and the drivers.





From this excerpt I would pick the last one. It seems he gets along with everyone well. The officers ask him to drink with them and they give him information which he thinks should be given to the drivers. He has cigarettes to pass around and give everyone

It might be C, but I very much doubt it. Not from the passage given.

No for B. He spends time with the officers because they asked him to.

It is not A. He seems to fit in with everyone.

I need help let me know if it’s a statement or not
I have so many trophies
Please give me 6 statements that are meaningful for example the sky is blue
Everyone please list 6 statements that are meaningful



I have a dog, I'm from the United States, I'm at my house, There is oxygen on earth, I am a human, and I have a computer.


These are facts that can not be questioned. Hence, they are statements. For example, the statement you have posted "I have so many trophies" Is a statement if you have many trophies although I would take out "so" to reduce confusion. Hence it's a statement.

D... "...who do not heed to this advice....”
i. What grammatical name is given to the above
the passage?



the answer is adjectival clause


the answer is adjectives clause

Underwater volcanoes



Submarine volcanoes are underwater vents or fissures in the earth's surface from which magma can erupt . Many Submarine volcanoes are located near areas of tectonic plate formation ,known as mid region oceans . The volcanoes at mid ocean ridges alone are estimated to account for 75%of the magma output on earth.

hope this will be helpful for yo

The word choice and arrangement of words that make up a piece of writing.


Diction, sentence starters, choice of vocabulary etc.

Where is syllable stressed in the word (important)



As an adjective or a noun, the stress falls on the first syllable. Present, present. As a verb, the stress falls on the second syllable, present, present. So as a noun or adjective, the first vowel is the 'eh' as in 'bed', and the second syllable, unaccented, is the schwa.

I hope this will help you

Mikhail was recently hired at a company that allows him to deduct money from his paycheck to invest in a retirement account. Which type of investment is Mikhail MOST likely participating in?

direct stock plan

401k account

mutual fund

corporate bond



The Correct answer is:

401k account


The type of investment is Mikhail MOST likely participating include option B: 401k account.

What do you mean by 401k account?

A 401k account is a type of retirement fund that is usually set up through a company the account holder works for.

It is a retirement account, and includes retiring planning, investing, and savings.

The intended purpose of a 401k account is to help people save for retirement. The account is funded with per-tax dollars. This is generally applicable on American employees by their employers in to provide tax advantages to the saver.

Therefore, correct option is B.

Learn more about paycheck, refer to the link:





It's B


Not so sure but I hope it helps you

explain the following;
comma' s
semi colum
quotation mark



A comma is a punctuation that pauses parts of a sentence.

Semi colon is a punctuation that pauses 2 main clauses of a sentence.

Quotation Mark are a pair of punctuation to show the beginnning and ending of a statement. They are usually used in speech, or quotes.


Example comma: It was freezing, so I put my jacket on

Example semi colon: Let's go to the library to study; It's where I can concentrate better.

Example Quotation: "I really hate this math exam" "I haven't even studied yet"

In the United States, cell phones are a very popular item.
What is the verb





since cellphones is the subject, what the subjects are or are doing is "are."


no verb foolish studies

1. Many recent works ____that all children go through the same stages of language development regardless the language they ____
A. are stressing - are learnt
B. stressed - will be learnt
C. will be stressed - have learnt
D. have stressed – are learning
2. Oh, gosh! You____with a shark coming straight towards you
A. could have terrified
B. must have been terrified
C. must have been terrifying
D. should have terrified
3. We ____some sleep when we get home because we___on a coach for sixteen hours.
A. needed-have been travelling
B. will need- will have been travelling
C. are needed- are going to travel
D. need- are traveling​








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