Convert 0.85 decimal to a fraction (do not reduce)


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

0.85 from a decimal is equal to 85/100 in fractions

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A collection of 30 coins consists of dimes and nickels. The total value is ​$1. 95How many dimes are​ there?


21 nickels and 9 dimes
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A swimmer dove off a board that was 50 ft above the water. The swimmer reached a depth of 15 ft in the pool. What number represents the swimmer's original height, in feet?​


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The number you choose depends on the location you consider to be zero height.

If we consider the surface of the pool to be zero height, and "up" to be the positive direction for measuring height, then the appropriate number for the original 50-ft height is 50.

50% of 80
50% of 48
50% of 15
25% of 120
25% of 90


1. 40
2. 24
3. 7.5
4. 30
5. 22.5

Write a 6-digit number that fits the description.

1. The value of its thousands digit is 5,000.
2. The value of its hundreds digit is 700.
3. Its tens digit is 2 less than the thousands digit.
4. Its hundred thousands digit is the same as the hundreds digit.

The number is?​



175731 is one of the answers of the 6 digit number

some others are:








The 6-digit number is 175731.

What is the place value strategy?

The place value strategies are defined as math strategies that use to assist you in resolving your elementary math problems, use your places values, such as tens and hundreds. It is possible to employ enlarged notation or compensation. Using regrouping techniques, you can make the problem easier by compensating for addition.

Let the number would be ABCDEF

Given the condition that the value of its thousands of digits is 5,000.

So C = 5

Given the condition that the value of its hundreds of digits is 700.

So D = 7

Given the condition that Its tens digit is 2 less than the thousand digits.

So E = 5-2 = 3

Given the condition that Its hundred thousand digits is the same as the hundred digits.

So B = 7

Therefore, all possible answers:








Hence, the 6-digit number is 175731

Learn more about the place value strategy here:


Find the missing side. Round your answer to the nearest tenth




Step-by-step explanation:


or, x=48/tan(73)

or, x=14.7 (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Answered by GAUTHMATH

Please help‼️
Given O below, if XY and YZ are congruent, what is the measure of chord XY?




Step-by-step explanation:

yz = 11.2

since the corresponding arc of yz and xy are same, their measures will ba same too

Answered by GAUTHMATH



Step-by-step explanation:

good luck!

Tại sao số mắt xích không được là bội số của số răng đĩa xích



Nên sử dụng số răng lẻ cho đĩa xích dẫn động kết hợp với số lượng mắt xích chẵn để mài mòn đồng đều trên răng và trục lăn. Trong trường hợp này, một răng cụ thể của bánh xích không tiếp xúc với một mắt xích cụ thể của xích trong mỗi lần quay.

Step-by-step explanation:


It is preferable to use an odd number of teeth for the driving sprocket in combination with an even number of chain links for uniform wear and tear on the teeth and rollers. In this case, a particular tooth of the sprocket wheel does not come in contact with a particular link of the chain for every rotation.

Joes bait shop brought in a gross profit in sales of $4,100.00 in the month of June. During the same month their operating expenses totaled $1990.00. Calculate the net income of the bait shop for the month of June




Step-by-step explanation:


Hey I need helping with solving thank you



the answer to this equation is c (10)



angle G

sin inverse (21/29) = 46.4


c^2 - b^2 = a^2

29^2 - 21^2 = a^2

a = √(29^2 - 21^2)

GH = 20

therefore ans is B) <G = 46.4º, <I = 43.6º, GH = 20

Which of the following shows the extraneous solution to the logarithmic equation below?

2 log Subscript 5 Baseline (x + 1) = 2




Step-by-step explanation:

log5(x+1)=1, (x+1)=5, x=4


x= -6

Step-by-step explanation:

i got it wrong and the answer is -6

Given the linear function f(x) 2/3x + 6 evaluate f(-6)


the answer is on the photo

Y=square root of x compare to y= - square root of x how they differ and why



Simply because x=y2 doesn't imply that y=



using the unit circle what is the exact value of tanpi/6



[tex] \frac{ \sqrt{3} }{3} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{1}{3} \div \sqrt{3} [/tex]

help please i’ll give brainliest



3rd option


[tex]A) \frac{4-2}{2-1} =2[/tex]

[tex]B)\frac{1-0.5}{4-2} =0.25[/tex]


[tex]D) 1[/tex]



The third one is your answer

Suppose the volume of the cone is 324pi Find dy/dx when x=6 and y=27



[tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} \bigg| \limits_{x = 6} = -9[/tex]

General Formulas and Concepts:


Order of Operations: BPEMDAS

Brackets Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction Left to Right  

Equality Properties

Multiplication Property of Equality Division Property of Equality Addition Property of Equality Subtraction Property of Equality



DerivativesDerivative Notation

Basic Power Rule:

f(x) = cxⁿf’(x) = c·nxⁿ⁻¹

Derivative Rule [Quotient Rule]:                                                                           [tex]\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx} [\frac{f(x)}{g(x)} ]=\frac{g(x)f'(x)-g'(x)f(x)}{g^2(x)}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


[tex]\displaystyle V = \frac{1}{3} \pi x^2y[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle V = 324 \pi[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle x = 6[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle y = 27[/tex]

Step 2: Differentiate

Substitute in volume [Volume Formula]:                                                     [tex]\displaystyle 324 \pi = \frac{1}{3} \pi x^2y[/tex][Equality Properties] Rewrite:                                                                        [tex]\displaystyle y = \frac{972}{x^2}[/tex]Quotient Rule:                                                                                               [tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{(972)'x^2 - (x^2)'972}{(x^2)^2}[/tex]Basic Power Rule:                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{0x^2 - (2x)972}{(x^2)^2}[/tex]Simplify:                                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{-1944x}{x^4}[/tex]Simplify:                                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{-1944}{x^3}[/tex]

Step 3: Evaluate

Substitute in variables [Derivative]:                                                             [tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} \bigg| \limits_{x = 6} = \frac{-1944}{6^3}[/tex]Simplify:                                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} \bigg| \limits_{x = 6} = -9[/tex]

Topic: AP Calculus AB/BC (Calculus I/I + II)

Unit: Differentiation

Plz answer asap question in picture



-1 <x < 7


Step-by-step explanation:

open circle on the left means the number is greater than

-1 <x

Open circle on the right means the number is less than

x < 7

Since both statements are true. we combine them

-1 <x < 7

open circles means parentheses, closed circles mean brackets

PLEASE HELP THIS IS DUE ASAP (answer in decimal!!!!)


Your answer should be 0.14

Given the formula A = 5h (B + b); solve for B.





A/5h - b= B

What is the dimension of the vector space consisting of five-by-one column matrices where the rows sum to zero and the first row is equal to the second row?
a. 5
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2



Option c.

Step-by-step explanation:

If we have a vector of N components (or variables), and we have K linear independent restrictions for these N components (such that K < N, we can't have more restrictions than components.)

The dimension of the vector will be given by N - K.

Here we know that we have a vector of 5 components, that can be written as:

[tex]v = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}v_1\\v_2\\v_3\\v_4\\v_5\end{array}\right][/tex]

And we have two restrictions, so we can expect that the dimension of the vector is:

5 - 2 = 3

But let's see it, the restrictions are:

"the first row is equal to the second row"

Then we can rewrite our vector as:

[tex]v = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}v_1\\v_1\\v_3\\v_4\\v_5\end{array}\right][/tex]

Notice that now we have only 4 variables, v₁, v₃, v₄, and v₅

We also know that the sum of the rows is equal to zero, thus:

v₁ + v₂ + v₃ + v₄ + v₅ = 0

we know that v₂ = v₁, so we can replace that to get:

2*v₁ + v₃ + v₄ + v₅ = 0

Now we can isolate one of the variables, to write it in term of the others, for example, let's isolate v₅:

v₅ = -2*v₁ - v₃ - v₄

Now if we replace that in our vector, we have:

[tex]v = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}v_1\\v_1\\v_3\\v_4\\-2*v_1 - v_3 - v_4\end{array}\right][/tex]

Notice that our vector depends on only 3 variables,  v₁, v₃, and v₄, so we can define our vector in a 3-dimensional space.

Then the correct option is c, the dimension of the vector space is 3.

I need help please. Thank you




Step-by-step explanation:

This is what i got its probally incorrect

Put the following equation of a line into slope-intercept form, simplifying all fractions 2x-2y=14



y = x - 7

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: y = x - 7

Slope intercept form: y = mx + b

[tex]2x-2y=14\\\\-2y=-2x+14\\\\y=\frac{-2x+14}{-2} =\frac{-2(x-7)}{-2} =x-7[/tex]

The sum of 'n' terms of an arithmetic sequence is 4n^2+3n. What is the first term, the common difference, and the sequence?



The sequence has first term 7 and common difference is 8.

So the sequence is f(n)=7 + 8(n-1)

Step-by-step explanation:

Let a be the first term.

Let a+d be the second term where d is the common difference.

Then a+2d is the third....

And a+(n-1)d is the nth term.

Adding these terms we get:


For the first term of this sum I seen we had n amount of a's and for the second term I used the well known identity sum of the first n positive integers is n(n+1)/2.

Let's simplify:




Find common denominator:


Combine terms into one:


Reorder terms:


Regroup terms:


We want the following sum though:


This means d/2=4 (so d=8) and (2a-d)/2=3.

So plug d=8 into second equation to solve for a.





The sequence has first term 7 and common difference is 8.

So the sequence is f(n)=7 + 8(n-1).

____________ is/are when data is analyzed in order to make decisions about the population behind the data.
A. Experiments
B. Simulations
C. Surveys
D. Statistics



statistics are when data analyzed in order to make decisions about the population behind the data.

The correct answer to the question is Statistics (Option D).

What is statistics?

Statistics is a field of study in mathematics which deals with raw data. It is a tool which refines the data to produce meaningful results and a pathway to better understanding of it.

Some examples of raw data can be population sample which loves to see a particular TV show or a sample of students getting so and so marks in Math test.

Data is analyzed mainly by three different measure of central tendency that is mean, median and mode.

Mean is the average value of given discrete data.Median is the middle value when the data is sorted in ascending or descending order.Mode is the value that has highest frequency.

Therefore, Statistics the correct answer.

To know more about statistics refer:


15. Five boys went to see the CIRCUS. Four of them had Rs.5 each and the fifth boy had Re.1 more than the entrance ticket price. IF with the whole amount (which the 5 boys had), the boys were able to just buy the entrance ticket for all the 5, cost of the entrance ticket per person was​



20+(x+1) = 5x


x= 5.25

The entrance ticket per person can be calculated using algebraic equation. We have create the algebraic expression as per the question.

The entrance ticket per person is Rs. 5.25.


Total boys are 5

4 boys has 5 rupee each so total rupee are [tex]=5\times 4=20[/tex].

Let the entrance ticket per boy is [tex]x[/tex].

One boy had 1 rupee more than entrance ticket [tex](x+1)[/tex].

Write the algebraic expression to calculate the entrance ticket per person.


Thus, the entrance ticket per person is Rs. 5.25.

Learn more about algebraic expression here:

simplify 7-(3n+6)+10n​



1 + 7n

Step-by-step explanation:


7 - 3n - 6 + 10 n

1 - 7n

Answered by Gauthmath

What is 1.25 x 10^8 in standard form?




Step-by-step explanation:

1.25 x 10^8

Move the decimal 8 places to the right


We can move it two places


We need to add 6 more zeros


Answer: 125,000,000

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the measure of the angle in red?



See pic below.

Answer: C. 380°

Step-by-step explanation:

Please help me solve the question...



All of area is πr²

Step-by-step explanation:

and we should write the area kind of radian. So if all area is π*(12)²= 144π - this for 360°- and 240° is 96π

but we must add area of the triangle which has two same side and has 6 high so it's area is 6*12√3/2 = 36✓3

our answer is 96π+ 36✓3

The coordinates of the preimage are:





Now let’s find the coordinates after the reflection over the x-axis.





And now find the coordinates after the reflection over the y-axis.





This is also the same as a rotation of 180∘.


9514 1404 393


A'(-8, 2) ⇒ A"(8, 2)B'(-4, 3) ⇒ B"(4, 3)C'(-2, 8) ⇒ C"(2, 8)D'(-10, 6) ⇒ D"(10, 6)

Step-by-step explanation:

Reflection over the x-axis changes the sign of the y-coordinate. Reflection over the y-axis changes the sign of the x-coordinate. We can summarize the transformations as ...

  preimage point ⇒ reflection over x ⇒ reflection over y

A(−8,−2) ⇒ A'(-8, 2) ⇒ A"(8, 2)

B(−4,−3) ⇒ B'(-4, 3) ⇒ B"(4, 3)

C(−2,−8) ⇒ C'(-2, 8) ⇒ C"(2, 8)

D(−10,−6) ⇒ D'(-10, 6) ⇒ D"(10, 6)

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