quickly answer i am in a rush!


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

sin theta = opp/ hyp

sin theta = -3 /5

Using the Pythagorean theorem

opp ^2 + adj ^2 = hyp ^2

(-3) ^2 + adj ^2 = 5^2

9+ adj ^2 = 25

adj ^2 = 25 - 9

adj ^2 = 16

Taking the square root of each side

adj = ±4

Since we are in the 3rd quadrant  sin and cos are both negative so adj must be negative

adj = -4

cos theta = adj / hyp

cos theta = -4/5

Related Questions



The answer to part A is correct. You basically have to find the area of that L shape, and subtract off the area of the shaded trapezoid.

To get part B, you need to find the perimeter. This is because the trim runs along the bottom edge of the wall. Refer to the diagram below. Adding up the exterior sides gets us:

12+12+4+8+8+4 = 48

So she needs 48 meters of trim.

I'm not sure what your teacher means by "what assumptions do you make". If your teacher is referring to something like making room for a door, then we'll have to subtract some value from that 48. The problem with this though is that we don't have any clue how wide the door is. So you'll have to ask your teacher for clarification.

Luckily, this value 48 is an overestimate of the amount of trim Jennifer needs to buy. In my opinion, it's better to overestimate than underestimate, which saves from having to make another trip to the hardware store.

Un litro de leche de búfala equivale a 1.7 litros de leche de vaca. ¿si tengo
27 litros de leche de búfalo, a cuantos litros de leche de vaca equivaldría?



27 litros de leche de búfalo equivalen a 45.9 litros de leche de vaca.

Step-by-step explanation:

Sabiendo que un litro de leche de búfala equivale a 1.7 litros de leche de vaca, podemos calcular el equivalente de capacidad de la vaca para 27 litros de leche de búfala mediante Regla de Tres Simple:

[tex]x = 27\,L\times \frac{1.7\,L}{1\,L}[/tex]

[tex]x = 45.9\,L[/tex]

27 litros de leche de búfalo equivalen a 45.9 litros de leche de vaca.

Find the interval of convergence of the power series. (Be sure to include a check for convergence at the endpoints of the interval. If the answer is arn interval, enter your answer using interval notation. If the answer is a finite set of values, enter your answers as a comma separated list of values.)


Σ (-1)n+1(x-8)/n8n



I'm guessing the power series given is

[tex]\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^\infty (-1)^{n+1}\frac{(x-8)^n}{8^n}[/tex]

which you can condense somewhat into

[tex]\displaystyle -\sum_{n=1}^\infty \left(\frac{8-x}8\right)^n[/tex]

You should recognize this as a geometric series, which converges for

[tex]\left|\dfrac{8-x}8\right|<1 \implies |8-x|<8 \implies \boxed{0 < x < 16}[/tex]

Which whole number property is represented?

(8 × 2) × 6 = 8 × (2 × 6)



(8 × 2) × 6 = 8 × (2 × 6) represents associative property of whole number.

hãy giupd tôi







ask your teachehope help

and search on somewhere I search it there is so many answer

What is the slope of the line x = 4?



verdical lines have an undefined slope so it might be 4

I think it might be 4 also

X =

Please help with this problem I am going crazy




Step-by-step explanation:

Triangles always add up to 180°.

As you have 2 angles, you would have to add them together and then take it away from 180° to get your answer.



Hope this helps :)


x = 80°

Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of the 3 angles in a triangle = 180°

Subtract the sum of the given angles from 180 for x

x = 180° - (50 + 50)° = 180° - 100° = 80°

2+9 +11+98+99999999999999999




Step-by-step explanation:


factorise. X^5+X^4+1. ​








133 answers

14.9K people helped


): "x2" was replaced by "x^2". 4 more similar replacement(s).

Step by step solution :

Step 1 :

Step 2 :

Pulling out like terms :

2.1 Pull out like factors :

x6 - x5 + x4 - x3 + x2 - x =

x • (x5 - x4 + x3 - x2 + x - 1)

2.2 Factor x5 - x4 + x3 - x2 + x - 1

Try to factor this 6-term polynomial into (2-term) • (3-term)

Begin by splitting the 6-term into two 3-term polynomials:

-x2 + x - 1 and x5 - x4 + x3

Next simplify each 3-term polynomial by pulling out like terms:

-1 • (x2 - x + 1) and x3 • (x2 - x + 1)

Note that the two simplified polynomials have x2 - x + 1 in common

Now adding the two simplified polynomials we get

(x3 - 1) • (x2 - x + 1)

Is 2(5m-4)-3(m-5)^2 equivalent to -3m^2+40m-83? Show your work.


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2(5m-4)-3(m-5)^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 10m-8-3(m^2-10m+5^2)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 10m-8-3(m^2-10m+25)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 10m-8-3m^2+30m-75[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -3m^2+30m+10m-75-8[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -3m^2+40m-83[/tex]

Instructions: Find the surface area of each figure. Round your answers to the nearest
tenth, if necessary.




Step-by-step explanation:

Surface area=2*(lb+bh+lh)


Use ratios to convert each measurement.

1. 3 yards = _____ feet
2. _____ cups= 5 gallons
3. 72 inches =_____ yards
4. ______ ounces = 5 pounds
5. ______ inches =7 feet
6. 24 feet = _____ yards
7. 40 pints = ______ gallons
8. 16 cups = ______ quarts and
9. ________ inches = 4 yards
10. 48 ounces = ________ Pounds ​



1. 3 yards= 9 feet

2. 78 cups=5 gallons

3. 72 inches = 2 yards

4. 80 ounces = 5 pounds

5. 84 inches = 7 feet

6. 24 feet = 8 yards

7. 40 pints = 5 gallons

8. 16 cups = 5 quarts

9. 144 inches = 4 yard

10. 48 ounces = 3 pounds

identify the area of a regular decagon with side length 2 m rounded to the nearest tenth



Area = 14.8

Step-by-step explanation:

Area = 5/2 + a^2*sqrt(5 + 2 sqrt(5) )

This formula given the side length, calculates the area.

a = 2

Area = 2.5 + 2^2 * sqrt(5 + 2*sqrt(5) )

Area = 2.5 + 4 * sqrt(5 + 2*2.236)

Area = 2.5 + 4* sqrt(5+ 4.4721)

Area = 2.5 + 4*sqrt(9.4721)

Area = 2.5 + 4*3.0776

Area = 2.5 + 12.3107

Area = 14.8107


A ≈ 30.8 m2

Step-by-step explanation:

Give one pair of supplementary angles and one pair of vertical angles shown in the figure below.
(a) Supplementary angles:
(b) Vertical angles:



<5 and <6 are supplementary angles

<1 and <6 are vertical angles

what’s the answer?? please help




Step-by-step explanation:

I done it before

A car is travelling in the velocity of 20 m/ s . After 30 sec it covers a distance of 1200 m. Calculate the acceleration of car and the final velocity of the car ​



given values are:

u=20 m/st= 30 ss= 1200 mv= ?a=?s = ut + 1/2 at²

1200 = 20×30 + 1/2 × 30²a

1200= 600 + 1/2 × 900a

600 = 450a

a = 600 / 450

a = 1.33 m/s²

v²= u² +2as

v² = 20² +2 × 1.33 × 1200

v²= 400 + 3192

v = √3592

v = 59.9 ≈ 60 m/s

Help!!! please!!! Confused!



∵AB bisect ∠MAT

Hope my answer helped u :)

If fx) = 2х2 - 5 and g(x) = 3х+3, find (f-g)(x).
ОА. -Х? - 8
В. 3х - 2x2 - 2
Ос. 2х - 3x-2
OD. 2х2 – 3х – 8




Solution given:




(f-g) (x)=?

we have


=2x²-5-(3x+3)=2x²-5-3x-3adding or subtracting common term=2x²-3x-8


[tex]2x^{2} - 3x - 8[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1:  Define what (f-g)(x) means

(f-g)(x) means that we have two different functions, f(x) and g(x).  (f-g)(x) is a shorter way of writing f(x) - g(x).  Therefore you just plug in the equations and combine like terms.

Step 2:  Find (f-g)(x)

[tex]f(x) = 2x^{2} - 5[/tex]

[tex]g(x) = 3x + 3[/tex]

[tex](f-g)(x) = 2x^{2} - 5 - (3x + 3)[/tex]

[tex](f-g)(x) = 2x^{2} - 5 - 3x - 3[/tex]

[tex](f-g)(x) = 2x^{2} - 3x - 8[/tex]

Answer:  [tex]2x^{2} - 3x - 8[/tex]

The surface area of a cylinder is given by the formula

S = 30πr + 2πr2

How many times greater is this compared to a circle with A = πr2


Given height and surface-area-to-volume ratio: r = 2 * h / (h * SA:V - 2) , Given volume and lateral area: r = 2 * V / A_l , Given base area: r = √(A_b / (2 * π)) , Given lateral area and total area: r = √((A - A_l) / (2 * π)) .

.Prove a+ar+ar2+………+arn-1=a(rn -1 ) r-1



See below.

Step-by-step explanation:

Call the sum of the first n terms S.

S = a + ar + ar^2 + ar^3 + ... + ar^(n -1)

Multiply both sides by r.

Sr = ar + ar^2 + ar^3 + ar^4 + ... + ar^n

No subtract S - Sr.

      S =  a + ar + ar^2 + ar^3 + ar^4 + ... + ar^(n -1)

(-)    Sr =       ar + ar^2 + ar^3 + ar^4 + ... + ar^(n - 1) + ar^n


  S - Sr = a - ar^n

S(1 - r) = a(1 - r^n)

S = a(1 - r^n)/(1 - r)

S = a(r^n - 1)/(r - 1)

a + ar + ar^2 + ar^3 + ... + ar^(n -1) = a(r^n - 1)/(r - 1)

Which statement is true about the given function?



it's the 3rd option

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) 0 over the intervals (–∞ –3)

Hope it's right

5. The distance between two given points (5,2) and (x,5) is 5 units. Find the possible values of x. *​


Answers:  x = 1 and x = 9



We'll use the distance formula here. Rather than compute the distance d based on two points given, we'll go in reverse to use the given distance d to find what the coordinate must be to satisfy the conditions.

We're given that d = 5

The first point is [tex](x_1,y_1) = (5,2)[/tex] and the second point has coordinates of [tex](x_2,y_2) = (x,5)[/tex] where x is some real number.

We'll plug all this into the distance formula and solve for x.

[tex]d = \sqrt{(x_1-x_2)^2+(y_1-y_2)^2}\\\\5 = \sqrt{(5-x)^2+(2-5)^2}\\\\5 = \sqrt{(5-x)^2+(-3)^2}\\\\5 = \sqrt{(5-x)^2+9}\\\\\sqrt{(5-x)^2+9} = 5\\\\(5-x)^2+9 = 5^2\\\\(5-x)^2+9 = 25\\\\(5-x)^2 = 25-9\\\\(5-x)^2 = 16\\\\5-x = \pm\sqrt{16}\\\\5-x = 4 \ \text{ or } \ 5-x = -4\\\\-x = 4-5 \ \text{ or } \ -x = -4-5\\\\-x = -1 \ \text{ or } \ -x = -9\\\\x = 1 \ \text{ or } \ x = 9\\\\[/tex]

This means that if we had these three points

A = (5, 2)B = (1, 5)C = (9, 5)

Then segments AB and AC are each 5 units long.

If the ratio of raisins to bran flakes in a box of raisin bran flakes cereal is 3:27, how many raisins are there in a box that contains 3,000 raisins and brand flakes?



300 raisins

Step-by-step explanation:

sum the parts of the ratio, 3 + 27 = 30 parts

Divide the total by 30 for the value of one part of the ratio.

3000 ÷ 30 = 100 ← value of 1 part of the ratio , then

3 parts = 3 × 100 = 300 ← number of raisins in a box

Factorise 7a³b²_14a²b³​



7a²b²(a - 2b)

Step-by-step explanation:


7a³b² - 14a²b³ ← factor out 7a²b² from each term

= 7a²b²(a - 2b)

5/9+8/9 can someone please help me with this math question? All I know is that you have to add the fractions, Express the sum as a proper fraction or a mixed number.




Step-by-step explanation:


5/9 + 8/9

Both fractions have the same denominator.

Therefore, pick one of the denominator and add the numerators

5/9 + 8/9

= (5+8) / 9

= 13/9

5/9 + 8/9 = 13/9

Find the volume of the water tank shown.
Depth: 1.8 m
Diameter : 2.4m
Volume = ? m3 (nearest m3)



Step-by-step explanation:

r = d/2

r = 2.4 m/2 = 1.2

h = 1.8

pi = 3.14

Volume = pi * r^2 * h

Volume = 3.14 * 1.2^2 * 1.8

Volume = 8.139

Volume = 8 to the nearest m^3

What are the solutions to 3( x + 2)(x – 9) = 0


Mark Brainliest if correct:

x = -2, 9

Step-by-step explanation:

x2: x + 2 = 0

x = -2

x1: x - 9 = 0

x = 9

x = -2, 9

Hi everyone, I’m currently trying to dive into some lessons before school starts and I’m taking algebra 2 this year and the lessons that I am currently studying about is imaginary numbers. I had a few questions so if anyone could help me out that’d be great! Starting off, while watching the video, the guy explaining says that j^4 = 1 because it is like j times j^3 and I’m just confused because I don’t understand where they got the 1 from…


An imaginary number is a complex number that can be written as a real number multiplied by the imaginary unit i, which is defined by its property i² = −1. The square of an imaginary number bi is −b². For example, 5i is an imaginary number, and its square is −25

what is the answer for 17-51 163



The answer is -51146

Step-by-step explanation:

Just substract simple

If no grouping symbols or exponents are in an expression, then do _____ first.


multiplication or division i believe
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