Racial socialization in the African American community
A. attempts to hide the realities of being African American in America
B. has proven to be ineffective
C. discourages any sort of preparation for racial discrimination for fear of "shaping" the minds of young children
D. encourages the teaching of cultural pride and preparation for racial discrimination


Answer 1


D. encourages the teaching of cultural pride and preparation for racial discrimination


Racial socialisation is defined simply, as the process of development in children where they learn behaviors, values, and other characteristics of an ethnic group and identify themselves with that group.

In the African American community, children are raised to learn the ways of the black man and to understand how the system works and how to rise above hate and racial intimidation.

Therefore, racial socialization in the African American community encourages the teaching of cultural pride and preparation for racial discrimination.

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Three examples of risks in business​




Fire outbreaks



Financial risk

reputation risk

security and fraud risk

What is utilitarianism and how did that affect Mill's views on production and distribution?



Utilitarianism is an ethical movement that measures the moral value of an action by the contribution that this action makes to the common good, whereby the common good refers to the well-being and happiness of all people. Usually this means that a utilitarian strives with his actions for the greatest possible degree of happiness, although he takes into account that in practice this may sometimes be impossible. The greatest possible degree of happiness means that as many people as possible are as happy as possible.

Who has the primary responsibility to start charter schools?
federal government
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city governments





Fluid intelligence is to ____________ as crystallized intelligence is to ____________. Group of answer choices Working memory / metacognition. Pragmatics / mechanics. Metacognition / working memory. Mechanics / pragmatics.



The correct answer is: "Fluid intelligence is to mechanics as crystallized intelligence is to pragmatics."


There are two components in the Models of Cognition that make a distinction between Mechanics and Pragmatics.

In the mechanics of cognition, maturation, stability, and aging-induced decline are the most common age-graded ontogenetic patterns. Early and late in ontogeny, genetic and other brain status-related variables are thought to have a substantial effect on this component, but in fundamentally different ways. The mechanics of cognition represent the central nervous system's underlying organizing characteristics.

The pragmatics of the mind, in contrast to the mechanics, demonstrate the strength of human agency and culture. The acquisition of culturally transmitted bodies of declarative and procedural information that are made available to individuals in the course of social development is reflected in developmental changes in this component. Some of these socialization experiences are universal (like mentoring), while others are idiosyncratic or person-specific (for example, specialized professional knowledge).

Short-term memory and abstract thought make up fluid intelligence, which tends to deteriorate in late adulthood.

Crystallized intelligence, on the other hand, is a type of intelligence that consists of collected information based on verbal skills, and it tends to rise with age.

Therefore, fluid intelligence is to mechanics as crystallized intelligence is to pragmatics.

Way that harmattan season affects farm resources




Harmattan, cool dry wind that blows from the northeast or east in the western Sahara and is strongest in late fall and winter (late November to mid-March). It usually carries large amounts of dust, which it transports hundreds of kilometres out over the Atlantic Ocean; the dust often interferes with aircraft operations and settles on the decks of ships.

The harmattan is a trade wind strengthened by a low-pressure centre over the north coast of the Gulf of Guinea and a high-pressure centre located over northwestern Africa in winter and over the adjacent Atlantic Ocean during other seasons. The harmattan’s arrival may cause air temperatures in parts of western Africa to fall to 9 °C (48.2 °F). In the summer it is undercut by the cooler winds of the southwest monsoon, blowing in from the ocean and forcing the harmattan to rise to an altitude of about 900 to 1,800 metres (about 3,000 to 6,000 feet). The interaction between the harmattan and the monsoon sometimes produces West African tornadoes.

If an action is considered ethical in one society or culture but unethical in another how do you determine if the action is ethical or unethical



Moral reasoning is the process by which we can attempt to determine whether an action is ethical or unethical.


There are two fundamental perspectives on this matter.

Ethical Relativism considers that absolute moral truths don´t exist; instead, truths are relative to their cultural context. This means that there are no right or wrongs if something that one society considers ethical is also considered unethical by another culture because moral values are relative to each society.

On the other hand, Kant's Categorical Imperative, which requires knowing the intention behind the action as well as its possible consequences, does state that universal moral guidelines can be produced. However, in reality, this approach leaves cultural context out of consideration.  

religious tolerance is a unique feature of nepalese society.explain thia statement​


Nepal has always been known for its religious tolerance. It is predominantly a Hindu State practicing Hinduism, but Buddhism is also being practiced widely. Besides Hinduism and Buddhism, Islam and Christianity too are practiced by a few. It is one of the few countries where the minorities also live in utmost peace.

Select the correct answer.
Joe has invited a few Jain friends to his house. Which will be the right way to host his guests?
invite them for a midnight feast
serve them turkey sandwiches
invite them for a vegetarian meal before dark.
serve burgers with French fries
O E.
give them unboiled water





The Jain Cuisines consists of food being made by vegetables throughout, excluding potato, garlic, and onions.




In Jainism, there are rules that food is served before sunset. There are too many reasons behind it. In Jainism, there is a clear prohibition of eating at night, because Jainism insists on non-violence, in any form. The Jain cuisine is completely Lacto-vegetarian and also excludes root and underground vegetables such as potato, garlic, onion, etc., to prevent injuring small insects and microorganisms; and also to prevent the entire plant from getting uprooted and killed. It is practiced by Jain ascetics and lay Jains.

You are at an amusement park with your significant other. You witness an individual waiting in line suddenly collapse. A bystander who does not know CPR is present. What would you do



I would call ambulance even though it's not an emergency situation. I'd rather they thought I'd tried to help than think I just stood there.


Because I don't know what else to do honestly.

The assertion that non- formal institutions have no role to play at the processing stage of the systems. Theory is empty rhetoric. Comments


Answer and Explanation:

The claim that non-formal institutions have no role to play in the processing stage of systems theory is an incorrect claim. This is because the processing stage of systems theory is formed by the rules, concepts and ideas formed in a society. These rules, concepts and ideas have the power to create the limits and goals of a system, which is the function of the systems theory processing step. At this point, we can see the importance of non-formal institutions, as these institutions are primarily responsible for creating rules, concepts and ideas that society adopts and establishes in their communities. In this case, we can say that without non-formal institutions, the processing stage of systems theory would not exist.

What makes Catalhoyuk special



What is special about catalhoyuk? Çatalhöyük provides important evidence of the transition from settled villages to urban agglomeration, which was maintained in the same location for over 2,000 years.


Çatalhöyük provides important evidence of the transition from settled villages to urban agglomeration, which was maintained in the same location for over 2,000 years. It features a unique streetless settlement of houses clustered back to back with roof access into the buildings.

what is the relation between good governance and democracy?​


In international development, good governance is a way of measuring how public institutions conduct public affairs and manage public resources in a preferred way. ... The concept of "good governance" thus emerges as a model to compare ineffective economies or political bodies with viable economies and political bodies.

Which of the following statements is true?
Group of answer choices

a: According to the quantity theory of money, any change in the money supply will have no effect on the price level.

b: The speculative demand for money at possible interest rates gives the demand for money curve its upward slope.

c: There is an inverse relationship between the quantity of money demanded and the interest rate.

d: All of these.


The true statement is that: There is an inverse relationship between the quantity of money demanded and the interest rate.

In economics, money can be defined as any asset used by an individual or business entity to make purchases of goods and services at a specific period of time.

Simply stated, money refers to any asset which can be used to purchase goods and services by customers.

This ultimately implies that, money is any recognized economic unit that is generally accepted as a medium of exchange for goods and services, as well as repayment of debts such as loans, taxes across the world.

An interest rate can be defined as an amount of money that is charged as a percentage of the total amount borrowed by a borrower from a creditor or financial institution.

On a related note, there exist an inverse relationship between the quantity of money demanded by a borrower and the interest rate charged by a creditor or lender. Thus, when the interest rate is high, the quantity of money demanded decreases (falls) while the quantity of money demanded increases (rises) when the interest rate is low.

In conclusion, borrowers are more likely to demand for money when the interest rate is low and vice-versa.

For more information on money supply, visit: https://brainly.com/question/15344073

It should be noted that there's an inverse relationship that exist between the quantity of money demanded and the interest rate.

Furthermore, on the demand curve for money, we can infer that when the interest rate increases, then the quantity of money that is demanded by households and firms will reduce.

On the other hand, when the interest rate reduces, then the quantity of money that is demanded by households and firms will increase.

It should be noted that option A and B are incorrect. Therefore the correct option is C.

Read related link on:


What did you learn about yourself? What stressors and or "hassles" do you recognize in your life? What measures can you take in order to lower your stress and optimize your health and well being? How will this enable you to become a more productive student? Do you see a mind, body, soul connection?



I think this is an actually personal question, one that's asking YOU about yourself and how YOU are. Think deep and read the question over, write points for each question then combine it into your answer as a whole.


I feel like this is the teacher asking this question..but you could say Somethings that I have learned about myself is__ ..that's all I can really tell you

Jeremy conducted research on depression among teenagers. For the purpose of his research, he described depression using specific behaviors, such as how often a participant experiences a panic attack, a headache, and excessive hunger. The number of tim repeated by a participant constituted the measure of depression for that participant. In this scenario, Jeremy defined depression using a(n):________ a) theory. b) theoretical definition. c) hypothesis. d) operational definition.



In this scenario, Jeremy defined depression using a:

d) operational definition.


Operational definition is simply the way a researcher decides to define and measure something. In this case, Jeremy has a certain definition of depression that includes specific behaviors: panic attacks, hunger, and headaches. By measuring those behaviors, he determines whether participants are depressed or not. Another researcher could have a different operational definition for depression and measure, instead, how often in the past 6 months the participants have displayed anger or shown low energy levels, for example.

Name the vegetation found in different regions in Nepal​



The vegetation types range from sub-tropical forests at the lower altitudes to temperate grasslands intermixed with oak and coniferous forests on the Khaptad Plateau. Common species are chir pine, spruce, fir, maple, birch, alder, rhododendron and bamboo.

The vegetation types range from sub-tropical forests at the lower altitudes to temperate grasslands intermixed with oak and coniferous forests on the Khaptad Plateau. Common species are chir pine, spruce, fir, maple, birch, alder, rhododendron and bamboo.

1. Swadeshi Andollan. short note​



Swadeshi movement was part of the Indian independence movement.


The Swadeshi movement was part of the Indian independence movement that is responsible for the creation and development of Indian nationalism. Swadeshi movement was started after the Partition of Bengal from Town Hall Calcutta on 7 August 1905. The main purpose of this movement to restrict foreign goods by relying on domestic production of that product. Swadeshi was a idea of Mahatma Gandhi, who described it as the soul of swaraj means self-rule in which we can't depend on other person.

The leader of a political party in the legislative branch jas the power to




The legislative branch is made up of the House and Senate, known collectively as the Congress. Among other powers, the legislative branch makes all laws, declares war, regulates interstate and foreign commerce and controls taxing and spending policies.

The first transition of power between political parties took place following the presidential election of 1800. This transition of power was between what two political parties?
a professional interest group.
a single interest group.
an ideological interest group.
a labor interest group.



In addition to ending the political intrigue surrounding the election, Jefferson's inauguration and the Democratic-Republican takeover of Congress set an important precedent. It marked the first peaceful transfer of power between political parties in American history.

Answer: C)


37 Make an attractive poster to raise awareness against social problem. ​



1) stop sexual harassment

2) say no to dowry

3) education the women

4)domestic abuse is not acceptable

4)forget dept, save life

5) say no to corruption

6)stop girls trafficking

7)say no to drugs

8) people are greater by heart not by caste

note : hope it is helpful

Xuất khẩu tư bản, liên hệ với Việt Nam hiện nay


can you ask in english please?

ze short answer. Write a brief paragraph on Newness of Our Society'. (Compare the types of building, life style, belief, attitudes, education, etc​


The Newness of our society depicts what a modern society looks like.

A modern society is an industrialized society that has moved away from agriculture and one whereby the people are living in current times.

A modern society is characterized with advancement in technology. In such society, technology plays a vital role in organizations as individuals play lesser roles.

There is urbanization in a modern society as people move away from villages and there are new building that are built and there's pressure on the resources in cities.

With regards to communication, modern sources of communication are used like email, mobile phone etc. Women are also highly educated as they okay a bigger role in the society.

In modern society, education is key to national development as education is believed to be important and people go to universities to have various degrees such as Masters degree, PhD etc.

Read related question on:


A customer is in the process of developing an independent government estimate for a requirement that is commercially available. Chose the category below that they will most likely use while developing the estimate a. Travel b. Labor hours c. Cost per hour d. Catalog price


Answer: catalog price.


Catalog price refers to the amount a consumer can pay for a product whereby other costs such taxes, shipping costs, handling costs etc which are involved in the delivery of the goods to the buyer aren't added. It is the price that is included in a price list, or catalog which the manufacturer or the vendor regularly maintains.

In a situation whereby the customer is in the process of developing an independent government estimate for a requirement that is commercially available, then the catalog price will be used in such case.

Which statement about Kantian deontology is true?

It is a relativist theory because it first takes the individual’s happiness into account.

It is an objectivist theory because ethics is independent of circumstances and must be the same for everyone.

It is an objectivist theory because it is based on the utility principle, which applies to all people at all times.

It is a relativist theory because universal truths are relative to the individual or society.


Answer: B


It is an objectivist theory because ethics is independent of circumstances and must be the same for everyone.

The true statement about Kantian deontology is that it is an objectivist theory because ethics is independent of circumstances and must be the same for everyone. Thus option (b) is correct.

What is deontology?

Deontology is an ethical theory that says actions are good or bad according to a clear set of rules. The deontological ethics t emphasis on the relationship between duty and the morality of human actions.  

In deontological ethics, the actions should be morally correct rather than the outcome. With outcome the means should be morally correct. In the utilitarian ethics, the outcome or the result is important and the outcome justify the means or ways to achieve it.

So in the Kantian deontology is that it is an objectivist theory which states ethics is independent of circumstances and must be the same for everyone. Therefore option (b) is correct.

Learn more about deontology here:



why is school regarded as secondary means of socialization​



Secondary socialization refers to the social learning that children undergo when they enter other social institutions, like school.


Primary socialization occurs when a child learns the attitudes, values, and actions appropriate to individuals as members of a particular culture. Secondary socialization refers to the process of learning what is the appropriate behavior as a member of a smaller group within the larger society.


because school is theplace where we learn everything, school leads to sucess, noone can stole the education that we have read in our school, school teaches us everything like education as well as respecting others and loving juniors

A rollercoaster ride elicits an initial feeling of fear followed by a feeling of exhilaration. After repeated experiences, the initial fear responses may become weaker, whereas the rebound responses grow stronger. The process described here can be explained using _____ theory.


Answer: opponent process


According to the opponent process theory, the minds of individuals can only be able to register the presence of

a color at a time due to the fact that there will be opposition with regards to two colors such that the cells that activate the colors deactivate when another color is seen.

Therefore, based on the explanation given in the question, since the rollercoaster ride elicits an initial feeling of fear followed by a feeling of exhilaration and after repeated experiences, the initial fear responses then become weaker, whereas the rebound responses grow stronger, this depicts the opponent process theory.

An opponent process theory describes the process whereby the initial fear responses become weaker because the rebound responses grow stronger.

The opponent process theory explains that the more a person experiences the fear, the less the fear will affect them.

Therefore, the process described here can be explained using opponent process theory.

Read more about opponent process theory


An example of deductive reasoning is: Group of answer choices providing students with an opportunity to observe a variety of materials and decide their characteristics. providing students with the concepts and then allowing them to make observations based on this concept. setting up a lab and allowing students to inquiry about the phenomenon. having students observe moon phases for a month and then introducing them to waxing and waning terms.



Providing students with the concepts and then allowing them to make observations based on this concept.


Deductive reasoning

This form of reasoning is usually done to see or prove whether a conjecture made is true. It is simply the process of a person using logic to arrive at a conclusion from given facts, definitions and properties. It is said that in deductive reasoning, if the given facts are true and you apply the correct logic, then the conclusion must be true.

Deductive strategies through the use of deductive reasoning by teachers usually begins with use of a known principle or concept and thereafter by examples of the concept. For example, a teacher using a deductive approach might give students the definition of a topic sentence or the main concept.

3-5 sentences summary on the Russian revolution



The Russian Revolution was a very important period in the history of Russia, that lasted from 1917 to 1923.


In 1917, Russia was in the middle of an economic and military crisis, because it had many setbacks in World War I. This angered the people, and in february the government of the Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown.

The parliament stayed in power until October of the same year, when the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, took power, executed the Tsar, and dissolved the parliament.

After that, Russia was embroiled in a civil war between the communists and the reactionaries, and by 1923, the war had been won by the former, and the Soviet Union had been established.

Why organizations lack appreciation of knowledge management in Pakistan



to Improve knowledge


that helps you put an effective knowledge management system within your organization.

Tammy hasn't exercised regularly for the past couple of years, but during the last week of October she purchases running shoes, shorts and tank tops to run in and she coordinates her schedule with her sister's schedule so that they can run together. She hopes to run regularly with her sister in a couple of months. In fact, starting in January they hope to start because they both have 2 weeks off from work at the beginning of the new year. Tammy is likely in the ___________________ stage of the transtheoretical model.



This question lacks options, options are:






The correct answer is d.


In 1984, Prochaska and DiClemente hypothesized that behavioral changes follow a series of more or less standardized stages. The Transtheoretical Model is based on the basic premise that behavioral change is a process and people have different levels of motivation and intention to change. Preparation is the stage in which people are motivated towards change in the near future, that is, the person has already made the decision to do something about it and begins to take some small steps. People in preparation, in general, already have concrete experiences in relation to change, mainly in the last calendar year. These people have a plan to act or participate in some activity, so they have great potential to participate in action-oriented programs.

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