Read the claim.

The overuse of social media has led to a decline in the academic performance of this country’s high school students.

Which reasons are logically sound and could be used to support the claim? Select two options.

High school students are spending more time on social media than they are studying and completing homework.
Grades at a specific high school are worse this year than they were 20 years ago, when social media was not a distraction.
Social media is causing many problems in society, including a lack of attention and a more negative attitude toward education among students in my neighborhood.
You can read several articles about students around the country causing problems at school rather than focusing on academics.
Standardized test scores dropped or remained stagnant in many states in 2017, which was the peak year to date for social media use.


Answer 1

Answer:Standardized test scores dropped or remained stagnant in many states in 2017, which was the peak year to date for social media use.


Grades at a specific high school are worse this year than they were 20 years ago, when social media was not a distraction.


They could all be used but the above are more stats based and less ancedotal than the others.

Answer 2

The two logically sound reason that could be used to support the claim are;

High school students are spending more time on social media than they are studying and completing homework.Standardized test scores dropped or remained stagnant in many states in 2017, which was the peak year to date for social media use.

Social media

This refers to an online platform where different individuals from different places meet and share thought, ideas and interest.

The abuse of social media by students has led to academic decline. Students spend more time on social media doing unnecessary things than studying and doing assignment.

Learn more about supporting a claim:


Related Questions

Which is the best revision of this sentence?

In a large box, the baker donated bread to the fund-raiser.
The baker donated to the fund-raiser bread in a large box.
The baker donated a large box of bread to the fund-raiser.
In a large box, the fund-raiser had bread donated by the baker.



The Baker Donated A Large Box Of Bread To The Fund-Raiser.


A letter to an editor written by a reader is most likely?

A. An opinion piece written with some bias
B. An opinion piece based only in facts
C. An opinion piece that should be published
D. An opinion piece that will lead to a news story


A. An opinion piece written with some bias

Define irony in your own words. What are the three types of Irony? Give an example of each type of irony.



allocated narratives Irony is a way for a character to communicate his or her humor; it is typically expressed in a sarcastic manner, implying the inverse of what is stated. Irony is classified into three types: verbal, situational, and dramatic. The tale " Orientation " has verbal irony as a result of the character teaching how to operate the microwave. The short tale " The Guest " employs situational irony when the protagonist stays in the barn with the prisoner. The short tale " Good Country People " employs dramatic irony when the viewer learns what Mrs. Hopewell thinks of her employees. Irony is defined as a character's expression of humor.

Which characteristics of archetypes best describe



She lives by her own moral code.

She sacrifices herself for her values.

She is forced to make a difficult decision.


Select the correct text in the passage.
Which three words are domain-specific?
The planet Jupiter is almost entirely made of gas and liquid. Although it is more than 1,000 times larger than Earth, there is barely any solid surface to stand on. Jupiter’s atmosphere is made up of hydrogen and helium. It does not have much water. Plus, huge, violent storms move across the planet. The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is a storm that has been raging for more than 300 years. Its diameter is three times larger than the diameter of Earth.


Answer: atmosphere




Domain-specific words, are also referred to as Tier 3 words. They're the words that are vital to a particular subject. e.g. clause is a word that's commonly seem in English language.

Since the question is related to geography, the three words are domain-specific include atmosphere, storms and gas. These words are commonly found in geography.

"Standing there waiting for my punishment, I heard my mother speak in a dry voice. ‘We not concerning this girl. This girl not have concerning for us.'" Which stage of development does this quote represent?


Answer and Explanation:

This quote is an excerpt from Amy Tan’s “Rules of the Game”. Here Waverly, the main character in the short story had just returned home, after running away to avoid her mother.

The quote represents the Symbolic stage of development according to Bruner's Learning theory in education. At this stage, which begins at 7 then onwards, thoughts and information are stored as languages, symbols or codes.

Every person is complitely unique Speech​


Everything in this world has a purpose. It might seem worthless, but the fact is that everyone plays a vital role in this Earth. People should appreciate what they have and always be grateful. As human beings, we are different in many ways. We are all created by the same God, but we do have some variations. Not all things are perfect, adorable and probably the best. But trust me; there is only that one thing that makes one to be exceptional, regardless of a family background and other problems. Everyone is unique and gifted in some way.I have learned not to judge a book by its cover as the chapters of the book and the author might be wonderful as one gets to know more about it. All things in the past do not determine the future. It takes courage to stand up and fight for what you want. Having the ability to win the battle is the most precious thing. One might be physically taken for granted because of height, race and appearance, only to find that the motive is to serve the purpose, obviously doing all that with great pleasure. Attitude and behaviour can take a person to places that they have never been. It also takes a positive mind-set to fulfil the dreams as well as what the heart desires. In life, we should stand together to turn the world into a better place that will be meaningful.

Match each definition with the correct figure of speech

Personification, metaphor, simile

Giving human characteristics to nonhuman things

A comparison of two things without using like or as

A comparison of two things using like or as



1. Personification: giving human characteristics to nonhuman thing

2. Metaphor: a comparison of two things without using like or as

3. Simile: a comparison of two things using like or as


took the test :)

Why is little being done about global warming


people fail to recognize the seriousness of the problem, which causes them to take the problem with light interest

Read the excerpt from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."

So that thus it is, that natural men are held in the hand of God, over the pit of hell; they have deserved the fiery pit, and are already sentenced to it; and God is dreadfully provoked, his anger is as great towards them as to those that are actually suffering the executions of the fierceness of his wrath in hell; and they have done nothing in the least to appease or abate that anger.

In this excerpt, “natural” is used to describe people who
are not tempted by wealth or power.
have not been touched by the spirit of God.
live on farms or in the wilderness outside of cities.
practice conservation and avoid destroying the beauty of nature.



B)  have not been touched by the spirit of God.


ect the correct text in the passage.
Which sentence shows that the author is using first-person point of view?
It was a lazy Sunday afternoon. The sun was blazing over the roof, baking us all like cookies in an oven. I was lying on the sofa reading an old book. I was home alone because my mom had gone to her friend's wedding. She had asked me to come along. But who would want to step out in the scorching heat? The only activity worth doing on a hot afternoon is to read a good book while sipping lemonade. I had just begun to enjoy the book when there was loud knock on the front door. I looked up and wondered if it were a robber, a salesperson, or just the next-door lady looking for sugar. Our neighbors were funny people. They would run out of things at the weirdest hours. I put my book away and walked to the door.



Many of the sentences in the passage show that the author is writing from a first-person point of view.

"I was lying on the sofa reading a book".

"I was home alone because my mom had gone to her friend's wedding".

"I had just begun to enjoy the book when there was a loud knock on the front door".

"The sun was blazing over the roof, baking US all like cookies".

"She asked ME to come along"

"I looked up and wondered if it was a robber"

"I put my book away and walked to the door"


The writer is talking about what happened to him on that day.

they could not decide which one they like and ..... the end they didn't brother​



by the time when the end came they didn't bother


alone would also work.

The other responder used in. I hadn't thought of that. Common usage would probably use "in" but what I have pointed out as a use is also possible. The point is that whatever you use, it must be a preposition.


By could also be used if there is an extensively long series of events before that “end” occurs. Other than that, “in” is most commonly written.


identify the part of the speech of the underlined word in this sentence.
Before his first fight, Alfred received a robe with his name on it.

received is the underlined word.



It’s a verb please mark me brainliest


Verb; Past tense


A verb is a word that describes an action. Received is what Alfred did.

Adding the -ed on the end means Alfred did in the past.

Let me know if the answer didn't make sense!

help me please
Simple present – present progressive – simple past
Our teacher.........(be) very nervous. Teachers.........(be) often nervous on a school trip. But why? We........(not understand) that.



Our teacher...was very nervous (simple past)

Teachers are often very nervous ( Simple present)

But Why? We don't understand that. (Progressive present)


13. Read this paragraph.

(1) Bench-pressing, barbell-squatting, running sprints, doing ab crunches, and playing

basketball, the gym is where Khalid loves to burn energy. (2) On Mondays, Wednesdays,

and Fridays, he exercises one upper body muscle group, which includes the following

muscles: pectorals, triceps, and deltoids. (3) On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, he

exercises biceps, latissimus dorsi, and forearms, which comprise the other upper body

Which sentence contains an error in its construction and should be revised?

sentence 1

sentence 2

sentence 3

sentence 4



No paragraph in any essay will have this many errors. All of them are not proper sentences.

If you need help revising them I can?

Which sentence about planning a short story is

a true statement? a Make sure the entire story takes place in the same setting.

b Don't worry about the conflict until you actually start writing.

c Before doing anything else, decide on characters' names.

d Decide what problem the main character will face.​


the answer is a because i did this one and i got it right




You should always have a conflict first in mind when writing any type of story.  

The author MOST likely includes the section "How Are Hurricanes Categorized?" for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
A to connect hurricane wind speeds to relatable concepts

B to distinguish between tropical storm and hurricane strength

C to outline characteristics of hurricane categories

D to help readers to understand hurricane strength ratings​



to distinguish between tropical storm and hurricane strength

Choose the correct adjective for the sentence.
Mike has _______ sales accounts.



A. big


Answer choice A is used if the sentence stands alone and with no additional context. If Mike's sales accounts were being described in comparison to that of another person, however then B would be the most logical answer to this question.

Hope this helps you! Have a good night!




because the sales accounts that mike have is the biggest not bigger


Prepare a speech about cultural identity using what you've learned from the short
story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker.



my previous draft which may give you a start

Hello, my name is ______, and today I'll be discussing Cultural Identity Swapping. Dee is a character in the short story "Everyday Use," and if you haven't read it yet, I recommend that you do so in order to gain a better understanding of culture and identity swap. Her name, Dee, represents a part of her ancestors' culture. She chose to change her name and culture so that no one would recognize her as an African American slave's child. She wanted to change her culture, so I looked into how simple it is to change one's cultural identity, and let me tell you, it's not easy. “Changing your cultural identity is harder than you think,” according to this website article. It's like starting a new school and finding out that no one likes you, so you can't make any new friends. All you have to do is keep your head down and avoid learning new things or making new friends. It's the same with culture; you try to change your cultural identity, but your cultural identity comes from your parents or ancestors, so it's not easy.” That said a lot to me. It demonstrates to me that you live your entire life with your cultural identity; you can change your normal identity, but when it comes to your culture, things go downhill quickly. It's a lot more difficult to work with team and traditions and activities than it was when your parents did so. entire culture just by changing her name. Now, you might think she got off easy, and I agree, but it was a symbol of her ancestry and all of that stuff that was passed down, so I imagine it was difficult to get over. At the end of the day, everyone is a completely different person. Thank you for taking the time to listen.

Outbookmagazine communicationtherory

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect simple.
1. _________you ever abroad? (travel)
2. Granny and Grandad________here all their lives. (live)
3._________anyone_______the dog ?(feed)
4. I______you for ages! (not see)
5. She________millions from sports sponsorship deals. (make)
6._________you________your essay for mistakes? (check)
7. We ______a match for two years! (not win)
8. You __________me the same question there times! (ask)​


1. Have you ever travelled abroad?
2. Granny and grandad lived here all their lives
3. Has anyone fed the dog?
4. I haven’t seen you for ages!
5. She makes millions from sports sponsorship deals
6. Did you check your essay for mistakes?
7. We haven’t won a match for two years!
8. You have asked me the same question three times

Markus is reading a Sonnet by William Shakespeare. Which will best help Markus understand the central ideas as he reads?

finding a single concept that links the lines together
marking the rhyme scheme with lowercase letters
counting all the stressed and unstressed syllables
skipping words that are unfamiliar or difficult to read



finding a single concept that links the lines together.


Sonnets are generally a form poem composed using a traditional metric line of English poetry called iambic pentameter. They are formally known for their 14 line composition while adhering to a structured and organized rhythmic style or scheme. Some of the ways in which the central idea of a sonnet can be identified include ;

Use of dictionary or context clues in the identification of familiar words.

Breaking down primary or main ideas encountered in one's own words for easy assimilation and understanding.

Obtaining a singular idea or concept which relates or connects other big ideas in together.




write a story to illustrate the saying do not count hens whilst they are not hatched​



Another way of saying this proverb is: “Don't count your chickens until they are hatched.” So, this proverb means you should not depend on something that has yet to happen. It is unwise to make plans based on something that hasn't happened. ... So, she thought she could sell her milk and then use the money to buy chickens.

Place commas where needed in the following:

1. many delicious jams and jellies

2. ripe juicy oranges

3. dark angry clouds

4. several sharp pencils

5. the dusty yellowed documents


Many delicious jams, and jellies

Ripe, juicy oranges

Dark, angry clouds

Several, sharp pencils

The dusty, yellowed documents


1. many delicious jams and jellies

2. ripe, juicy oranges

3. dark, angry clouds

4. several sharp pencils

5. the dusty, yellowed, documents


When independent sentences are connected by any of the following seven coordinating conjunctions, use commas to separate them: and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet.

After introductory a) sentences, b) phrases, or c) words that precede the main clause, use commas.

In the midst of a statement, use a pair of commas to denote clauses, phrases, and words that are not necessary for the sentence's meaning. Use one comma before and one after the pause to mark the start and end of the pause, respectively.

how are the characters Jem and Dill the same in To kill a Mocking bird



As Jem and Dill grow older, they begin neglecting Scout and prefer to play by themselves in the tree house. Both boys are also competitive and argue with each other over trivial matters. Similar to most adolescents, Jem and Dill tend to bicker and disagree over insignificant things while still remaining best friends.


At the end of the play, both Romeo and Juliet are dead. Their death are the result of many different events and decisions. However who do you think is the most to blame for their deaths? In a five paragraph essay explain which character is the most responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet. Make sure you use evidence and direct quotes from the text to prove your point.



The Friar


He agreed to marry them in secret, he gave Juliet the sleeping elixir and he devised the plan for Romeo to come back to Verona and be there when Juliet awoke but that plan failed.

Those are just some reasons as to why the Friar is the most to blame for the death of the 2 lovers. Hope this helped <3

What literary elements do the authors use to support the central idea of women's autonomy?

A. Woolf uses emotionally charged language to emphasize her viewpoint, while Ibsen uses language that is factual and direct.

B. Ibsen uses dialogue to build conflict between characters, while Woolf alludes to historical figures to make her point.

C. Both passages follow a cause-effect structure to show that a lack of privacy is the result of society's pressure on women to conform.

D. Both passages follow a problem-solution structure in which the problem is revealed in a central conflict or theme.


This question is missing the passages. I was able to find them online. They can be found in the attached document.


The literary elements the authors use to support the central idea of women autonomy is:

B. Ibsen uses dialogue to build conflict between characters, while Woolf alludes to historical figures to make her point.


Henrik Ibsen was a Norwegian playwright who lived from 1828 to 1906. He is considered the father of the Modern Theater. His play "A Doll's House" caused a stir when it was first performed in 1879.

The passage from the play "A Doll's House" uses dialogue to show that Nora, the main character, is finally becoming an autonomous, free woman. She has lived for years with a sexist, patronizing husband. Now, she is choosing to leave him and to not care about how society will condemn her.

Virginia Woolf was a British author who lived from 1882 to 1941. In "A Room of One's Own," she discusses how literature has been dominated by men throughout the ages and how women need their space, be it physical or psychological.

In the passage, Woolf alludes to different authors. She discusses how women had to hide behind male names in order to publish, and how that was never enough.



100% on e2020

Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (:



A  .


In the plot of "Cruel Tribute,” which events are a result of King Minos’s actions? Select 3 options.

Athens agrees to pay the tribute.
Young people participate in a lottery.
Theseus uses the silken thread.
Theseus fights the Minotaur.
Aegeus drowns in the Aegean Sea.
Theseus becomes king.



1. Athens agrees to pay the tribute.

2. Young people participate in a lottery.

3. Theseus fights the Minotaur.

5. The government must take measures to reduce
A. diversity B. ecological balance C. vehicle emissions D. consumption 6.


Answer: vehicle emission


The government must take measures to reduce vehicle emissions. Vehicle emissions refer to the substances that are emitted from a vehicle due to the internal combustion.

It should be noted that the pollution from vehicles is one of the main causes of global warming. Vehicles emit carbon dioxide which contribute to global warming and this results in the rise of the worldwide temperatures.

What is the Integrating Life Dimension of Success?



It simply means using your success to impact yourself and your society


Other Questions
Physiology is the study of What do I need to do to be able to solve this problem? Helppppp pleaseeee anyoneeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! Use the procedures developed to find the general solution of the differential equation. (Let x be the independent variable.) 2y''' + 15y'' + 24y' + 11y= 0 LO, Inc., is considering an investment of $444,000 in an asset with an economic life of five years. The firm estimates that the nominal annual cash revenues and expenses at the end of the first year will be $283,100 and $88,800, respectively. Both revenues and expenses will grow thereafter at the annual inflation rate of 2 percent. The company will use the straight-line method to depreciate its asset to zero over five years. The salvage value of the asset is estimated to be $64,000 in nominal terms at that time. The one-time net working capital investment of $19,500 is required immediately and will be recovered at the end of the project. The corporate tax rate is 24 percent.Required:What is the projects total nominal cash flow from assets for each year? Suppose Valley Technology has the following results related to cash flows for 2020: Decrease in Debt of $1,000,000 Dividends Paid of $200,000 Purchases of Property, Plant, & Equipment of $5,700,000Other Adjustments from Financing Activities of $100,000Other Adjustments from Investing Activities of $900,000 Assuming no other cash flow adjustments than those listed above, create a statement of cash flows for investing and financing activities with amounts in thousands.Required:What is the Net Cash Flow from Investing and Financing Activities? What is the area of the figure what are the evidences to support that the constitution of the kingdom of Nepal 2047 was more democratic than the constitution of the kingdom of Nepal 2015 ? list reasons . Explain the self-correcting nature of science. HELP PLEASEEE!!!Identify the steps of the lytic cycle.The pieces made in replication areassembled to complete the new virusparticles.The new viral nucleic acid and viralproteins are replicated.The virus attaches to the host cell.The original virus releases a protein thatcauses the cell wall to burst (lysis), killingthe cell and releasing viruses.The host's DNA is disassembled and thevirus takes over the call's motoholi Which sentence uses the passive voice for the main verb?Answer:C "When we can pick our reading, mythology is most often chosen in my class." All of the following are basic elements to look for when determining the subject of a painting, exceptO time periodO colorO overall sceneO composition Which sentence is an example of an objective summary from Cynthia crossings a culinary wasteland? Can someone help me please ? A humanities professor assigns letter grades on a test according to the following scheme. A: Top 8% of scores B: Scores below the top 8% and above the bottom 62% C: Scores below the top 38% and above the bottom 18% D: Scores below the top 82% and above the bottom 9% E: Bottom 9% of scores Scores on the test are normally distributed with a mean of 67 and a standard deviation of 7.3. Find the numerical limits for a C grade. 5 = 6x2 + 24x5 = 6(x2 4x) inside the parentheses and .19 = 6(x 2)2StartFraction 19 Over 6 EndFraction = (x 2)2Plus or minus StartRoot StartFraction 19 Over 6 EndFraction EndRoot = x 2The two solutions are Plus or minus StartRoot StartFraction 19 Over 6 EndFraction EndRoot. Solve 5 to x-4 power =7 Coral Given three floating-point numbers x, y, and z, output x to the power of y, x to the power of (y to the power of z), the absolute value of x, and the square root of (x * y to the power of z). Output all results with five digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows: Put result to output with 5 decimal places Ex: If the input is: 5.0 2.5 1.5 the output is: 55.90170 579.32402 5.00000 6.64787 Hint: Coral has built-in math functions (discussed elsewhere) that may be used. On April 1, 2021, Austere Corporation issued $320,000 of 15% bonds at 106. Each $1,000 bond was sold with 40 detachable stock warrants, each permitting the investor to purchase one share of common stock for $19. On that date, the market value of the common stock was $16 per share and the market value of each warrant was $3. Austere should record what amount of the proceeds from the bond issue as an increase in liabilities Titus works at a hotel. Part of his job is to keep the complimentary pitcher of water at least half full and always with ice. When he starts his shift, the water level shows 4 gallons, or 128 cups of water. As the shift progresses, he records the level of the water every 10 minutes. After 2 hours, he uses a regression calculator to compute an equation for the decrease in water. His equation is W 0.414t + 129.549, where t is the number of minutes and W is the level of water. According to the equation, after about how many minutes would the water level be less than or equal to 64 cupsss