Read the excerpt from "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge." Then all at once, with terrible suddenness, the light about him shot upward with the noise of a loud splash; a frightful roaring was in his ears, and all was cold and dark. The power of thought was restored; he knew that the rope had broken and he had fallen into the stream. There was no additional strangulation; the noose about his neck was already suffocating him and kept the water from his lungs. To die of hanging at the bottom of a river!—the idea seemed to him ludicrous. He opened his eyes in the darkness and saw above him a gleam of light, but how distant, how inaccessible! He was still sinking, for the light became fainter and fainter until it was a mere glimmer. Then it began to grow and brighten, and he knew that he was rising toward the surface—knew it with reluctance, for he was now very comfortable. “To be hanged and drowned,” he thought? “that is not so bad; but I do not wish to be shot. No; I will not be shot; that is not fair.” What does the motif of light represent in the excerpt and in the rest of the story? death and dying different versions of reality punishment for one’s mistakes life during wartime


Answer 1

The motif of light in "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" represents the following:

A. Death and dying.

Peyton Farquhar is the main character in the short story "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge." He is accused of treason and hanged during the Civil War in the US.

Before dying, Farquhar briefly hallucinates. During these hallucinations, he often sees light in the distance, but never seems able to reach it.

That light is a motif for death and dying in the story. While he hallucinates, Farquhar thinks he has escaped death when, in fact, he is dying.

The light he sees is most likely a reference to what most people believe happens when we die: We see a distant light at the end of a dark tunnel.

With that in mind, we can choose letter A as the motif for light in the story.

Learn more about motif here:

Answer 2




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Compound Medication


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subordinate clause must begin either a subordinate conjunction (such as because, why, while etc) or a relative pronoun.

How to write a letter of gratitude


Answer: 1. Personal address. Be conscious of the person or people to whom you are addressing your letter. Indeed, you'll take on a much more personal tone ...

2. Introduce yourself.

3. Explain how you were helped professionally or personally.

4. Describe the results of their help.

5. Sign the letter with gratitude.


Answer:    STEP 1: Focus on the recipient. Spend a few moments thinking about the note recipient—what they did for you; what they said; what it meant. ...

   STEP 2: Be specific. ...

   STEP 3: Add how it made you feel—then and now. ...

   STEP 4: End with gratitude, and a compliment.


In the last sentence of the fifth paragraph, the author refers to “wikis and forums” in order to



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B) illustrate a point about the ease of collaboration enabled by the Internet

Which structural element does the poet use in this
O rhyme scheme
O repeated line
O couplet
O quatrain


The answer is rhyme scheme since each ending word of the previous line rhymes with the end word in the line that follows

It is the rhyme that has been used in the paragraph. Rhyme is a literary device that involves the repetition of similar or identical sounds at the end of two or more words. In poetry, rhyme is often used to create a musical or rhythmic effect, and to help create a sense of unity and coherence in the poem.

What is a example for the rhyme ?

For example, consider the following lines of poetry:

"The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain."

In this example, the words "Spain" and "plain" rhyme with each other, because they end with the same sound (-ain). This creates a sense of musicality and rhythm in the line, and helps to tie the words together thematically.

Rhyme can be used in a variety of ways in poetry, such as using internal rhyme (where words within a line rhyme with each other) or slant rhyme (where words have similar, but not identical, sounds).

Overall, rhyme is an important tool in the poet's toolbox, allowing them to create a range of effects and emotions through the use of sound and language.

Learn more about rhyme at :


Please write 4-5 sentences about what you see in this image. Include what you think happened after the photograph was taken.






Tell us a short story (use "when" and "while"




Last night I was walking home next to the river Thames, when something strange happened to me. It was late at night and I’d had a long and difficult day at work. There was a large full moon in the sky and everything was quiet. I was tired and lonely and I’d just had a few pints of beer in my local pub, so I decided to stop by the riverside and look at the moon for a while. I sat on some steps very close to the water’s edge and looked up at the big yellow moon and wondered if it really was made of cheese. I felt very tired so I closed my eyes and after a few minutes, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, the moon had moved behind a cloud and it was very dark and cold. The wind was blowing and an owl hooted in a tree above me. I rubbed my eyes and started to get up, when suddenly I heard a splash. I looked down at the water and saw something. Something terrible and frightening, and unlike anything I’d ever seen before. Something was coming out of the water and moving towards me. Something green and strange and ugly. It was a long green arm and it was stretching out from the water to grab my leg. I was so scared that I couldn’t move. I’d never been so scared in my whole life. The cold green hand was moving closer and closer when suddenly there was a blue flash and a strange noise from behind me. Someone jumped onto the stairs next to me. He was wearing strange clothes and he had a crazy look in his eyes. He shouted “Get Back!” and pointed something at the monster in the water. There was a bright flash and the monster hissed and disappeared.

I looked up at the man. He looked strange, but kind. “Don’t fall asleep by the river when there’s a full moon”, he said “The Moon Goblins will get you.” I’d never heard of moon goblins before. I didn’t know what to do. “Who… who are you?” I asked him. “You can call me… The Doctor.” He said. I was trying to think of something else to say when he turned around and said, “Watch the stars at night, and be careful of the full moon”. I was trying to understand what he meant, when there was another blue flash and I closed my eyes. When I opened them again, he had gone.

I couldn’t believe what had happened. What on earth were Moon Goblins, and who was the mysterious Doctor? And why had he saved me? I was determined to find the answers to these strange questions. I stood up, looked at the moon and quickly walked home.

Explanation: Hope this helps :D

associate words with the picture​


The **detective** is currently **investigating**, and is **inspecting** a tree?

Help help help Bengali’s I’m slmosy done help help



I think it was D. Dramatic Irony I haven't read that book in a long time tho

anelle and Marcus and _______ group went to the library to prepare for the presentation, but the specific book they needed wasn't _______.

they're, there
their, there
their, they're
there, their



their, there


Their, there.

Their means it belongs to somebody.
There describes a place
They’re means anywhere “they are” would fit

Help help help English English please help help





the answer is option d. whet

What figurative language / literary devices are in the following quote? What is the meaning? (Part 2)

“But scrw your courage to the sticking place And we’ll not fail. When Duncan is asleep (Whereto the rather shall his day’s hard journey Soundly invite him), his two chamberlains Will I with wine and wassail so convince That memory, the warder of the brain, Shall be a fume, and the receipt of reason a limbeck only. When in swinish sleep Their drenchèd natures lies as in a death, What cannot you and I perform upon Th’ unguarded Duncan? What not put upon His spongy officers, who shall bear the guilt Of our great quell?” (I.vii.70-82).



The answer will be multiple-part.


"Your courage to the sticking place" is a well-known statement - from Shakespeare's play Macbeth. The idiom screw... to the sticking place - if you do some research - is defined as "being firm and resolute in... (in this case, courage)." This echoes Shakespeare's ambitious nature - as is shown in a poetic style.

The rest of this paragraph reflects that aspect of him as well. Such words as:







Though seemingly just part of the nature of poetry, these words may spark images in your mind that typical, everyday words otherwise don't.

I hope you can gather a lot of info from all of that! Tell me if you need any further assistance...

( :

a) What is the main conflict in the mighty ducks movie? describe it and identify what type of conflict it is.

b) Choose 1 character from the mighty ducks movie.

c) choose 2 character traits that describe the chosen character and provide a specific example from the movie to support your words.
d) Describe the setting of the mighty ducks movie.

e) write a down two topic that you think apply to the mighty ducks movie



outh ice-hockey team The Mighty Ducks and their captain Charlie Conway are awarded the junior varsity hockey scholarships to Eden Hall Academy, a prestigious Minneapolis-area prep school that Coach Bombay attended. Charlie struggles with his transition from childhood to adolescence; he thinks he was abandoned by Bombay when the latter informs him that he intends to take a job with the Junior Goodwill Games, which would leave him unable to coach the Ducks; one of the Ducks' enforcers, Dean Portman, also decided not to attend the school after hearing about Bombay's leaving and Jesse Hall also does not attend. Bombay informs Charlie prior to the start of classes that the team will be in good hands under the tutelage of coach Ted Orion, a former NHL player.

The Ducks' start at the school begins inauspiciously; while the newer Ducks respectfully sit in at the headmaster's speech, the original teammates crash the ceremony on stage. The team then experience many early struggles: playing in the new "two-way hockey" defensive style of Coach Orion, Orion abandoning several Duck traditions and some of their youthful in-game 'trick' plays, and off-ice conflicts with the Varsity team. The Ducks' struggles continue, culminating in a tie in their first game after having a huge lead. Eventually, when Coach Orion restricts the old Ducks uniform after an unsanctioned early morning match with the Varsity team to settle their differences, Charlie decides to leave the team to return to public schools and seek a hockey career. Fulton follows, but considers quitting hockey much to Charlie's dismay. Sometime later, he ultimately returns to the team without Charlie.

Angry at Bombay's departure and at Orion's highly disciplined coaching style, Charlie's acting out alienates him from his mother, Hans (Gordon's old mentor and friend of the Ducks), and even his friends. Hans suddenly dies, and Bombay comes to Charlie's house the day following the funeral and takes him back to Eden Hall. He tells Charlie that Orion's career with the Minnesota North Stars ended when the team moved to Dallas and he stayed to care for his paraplegic daughter. Bombay tells Charlie the background story on how he first came to coach the Ducks and says he told Orion that Charlie was the heart and soul of the team, and it was his hope that both Orion and Charlie would learn something from each other. Bombay also admits telling Orion that Charlie was the real "Minnesota Miracle" man. Emotionally touched by his words, Charlie agrees to rejoin the team.

Arriving at the team bus for the next game, Charlie tells Orion he wants to play "two-way hockey". Surprised but pleased, Coach Orion welcomes him back. Before they depart, Dean Buckley, the school's headmaster, informs the team that its board of trustees wants to revoke the Ducks' scholarships and offers Orion a chance to start anew with a team of his choice. Satisfied with the team, Coach Orion balks at the news, threatening resignation. At a board meeting the following day, Bombay, who was an experienced lawyer before coaching the Ducks, acts as the Ducks' attorney and fights successfully for their case, and the board reinstates the Duck's scholarships.

Prior to the annual JV–Varsity game, Orion brings back the Duck jerseys, giving the team a renewed vigor. Throughout the game, the Varsity dominates on offense. However, the Ducks play good defense and manage to keep the game scoreless after two periods. During the second intermission, Dean Portman returns to the team (having finally accepted his scholarship), adding a needed spark. Late in the game, the Ducks get two penalties and must play 5 vs 3. During the time-out, Orion reinstates Charlie as captain and tells him to go for the win if the opportunity presents itself. With seconds left in the game, Charlie gets a breakaway and beats all the defensemen and goalie; he passes the puck back to Goldberg, now a defenseman, who scores into an wide-open net as time expires, securing a 1–0 victory for the Ducks.

Following the victory, Charlie embraces Orion and spots Bombay who has attended the game, and they both look across the rink to a newly-presented Eden Hall banner with the Ducks' logo. Bombay then departs the game amid a sea of cheering fans, with a smile.


Someone help me please.



the 4th one or the 1st one.

the 4th option makes alot of sense, but the 1st option could also be right as well.


Write imagery about racism


This is your choice.

something that The Creature did during these chapters.





explain why situations get out of control ​



People with anxiety disorders feel a need to control everything around them in order to feel at peace. They may not trust anyone else to handle things the way they will. Sometimes these emotions can widley affect our behaviour without our consience. Your sense of control is how much control you feel you have over your life. You may feel you have a lot of control, or you may feel you have very little. Having the right amount of control is what helps keep you balanced. Feeling that you have no control can lead to anxiety or depression.

How does Yunior express his feelings to his father nonverbally?



Yunior cordially loathes his father, resenting him deeply for his serial philandering and all-round macho attitude, which he finds repugnant. A relatively quiet and passive boy, Yunior takes after Mami, who displays the kind of subservience that one would expect from a mother according to the Oedipal model.

Explanation: The answer should be in the first sentence. Hope this helps pls leave me a like ; )

What happened while the boys were sleeping lord of the flies



As the boys sleep, military airplanes battle fiercely above the island. None of the boys sees the explosions and flashes in the clouds because the twins Sam and Eric, who were supposed to watch the signal fire, have fallen asleep.


mark me brainliest!

Can someone write me a paragraph about the benefits of living at home



The best thing about living away from home is that you have more freedom. You can set your own rules, stay up late, invite friends to your place and have parties whenever you want; hence, a parent- free environment is awesome, but you need to be mature enough to handle it. A drawback is that you may feel homesick. You may miss the moments that you used to share with your family, or even those familiar things such as your neighborhood, your bedroom, your pet and so on. A study in Neuropsychiatry states that people get higher mental health scores if they lived in their family home. Another disadvantage is that you will have to pay a rent, pay the bills, and buy your own food which will definitely affect you in the financial aspect. Finally, another aspect is convenience. You will not have many of the things that you used to have at home. You will have less free time for other activities because you will spend more time doing housework, balancing the budget and organizing things by yourself.

On the other hand, living at home can be frustrating because you always have to obey rules; Your parents will control you most of the time, but this can be a benefit because it can prevent you from being lazy and wasting time doing things that are unproductive. The emotional aspect is also a plus because you would definitely feel better at home. There is nothing like family. They can support you when you need them and cheer you up. Moreover, you can save a lot of money because you do not have to pay a rent neither do you have to buy your own food because your parents will do that for free or sometimes charge you just a low rate. Another point in favor is convenience. You have almost everything you need at home; furthermore, your mother usually does all the housework, at least of the common areas, and organizes everything; consequently you will have more free time for studying or just going out with your friends and having fun.

In conclusion, Even though living away from home can be good since it gives you a feeling of freedom and autonomy, living at home has more advantages contrasted with it. Therefore, if you are planning to leave your house, think it carefully because you can find emotional, financial and convenience disadvantages which will affect you.

Which word from the excerpt helps define the word trifle





Tom is partially concerned about the details of the prayer and detects when there is a little change in the detail.

Boring sentence: General Zaroff lived in a big house



Fun sentence: General Zaroff lived in a insanely big house with man eating tigers tamed by joe exotic :)


describe an unhealthy diet and explain why is it bad? (1 minute speech)


you can talk about fast food habits! There’s a documentary on a guy who ate only McDonald’s for a month and how his health went from good to bad. Check it out it might really help you <3

What is the correct answer for this question





historical facts about a place

Micah is in a hurry and needs to quickly make a chocolate drink. What can he do to make the chocolate powder dissolve the quickest in water?
O Add it to cold water and stir the mixture with a spoon.
O Add it to hot water and let it rest for a couple of minutes.
O Add it to hot water and stir the mixture with a spoon
O Add it to room temperature water and let it dissolve on its own.


Answer:The Third One



Add it to hot water and stir the mixture with a spoon



x+4 = -14 help me now




+4 +4




Brainliest to the one thats right



If the objective is to summarize the statement the ellipsis is used best in example C

An example of how it would be in daily life of emotional Intelligence

 one person speaks, others listen

given well written short summary ​



it would be good

Explanation :

i dont know what im doing here

What rhymes with the word


List at least one :)


february because they end the same
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