Read the stanza from Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 18.”

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:

What is the purpose of these lines?

to complain about the intense heat and humidity of summer
to persuade a loved one to visit during a warm season
to express love by likening a loved one to a nice day
to argue that hot weather is more pleasant than cold weather


Answer 1


the answer c according to my brain


Answer 2

To persuade a loved one to visit during a warm season. hence the correct option is C.

What's the summary of Sonnet 18?

Sonnet 18" is one of William Shakespeare's most famous sonnets, and it is often referred to by its opening line, "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" The sonnet is a love poem addressed to a young man, and it explores the beauty and eternal nature of the speaker's love for him.

In the first quatrain (four lines), the speaker poses the question of whether he should compare the young man to a summer's day, which is often associated with beauty and warmth.

However, the speaker immediately acknowledges that the young man is more beautiful and temperate than a summer's day, which is often marred by winds and other weather disturbances.

In the second quatrain, the speaker further praises the young man's beauty, saying that it will not fade over time like the fleeting beauty of a summer's day.

Learn more about Sonnet18 here


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please help me please give answer of this please hurry up​



1. The instructions are to be read carefully.

2. All the members to the meeting are to be invited by you.

3. You are asked to keep to the left of the road.

4. All these distances should be expressed in kilometres.

5. The temperature on both the thermometers should be recorded.

6. The injection should be given by the nurse

7. Every three hours, the patient should be given two tablets.

8. The contents of this packet should be transferred to an airtight jar.

9. You are told to get out of the house.

10. All these bills should be cleared in time.

11. The dog should not be given anything to eat.

12. All the teachers should be informed by the house captain.


.Water pollution can put negative __________ on our health.
A. contamination B. affects C. effects D. problems



Water pollution can put negative C. effects on our health.


A is wrong because all types of contamination are bad. (Otherwise, it wouldn't be contamination.)

D. is wrong because if a problem isn't negative, then it isn't a problem.

B. is wrong because affect is a verb, and it means to produce an EFFECT. An effect is a noun, and therefore C is the correct answer.

The interiors are then ______________ thoroughly. In the Mid-Atlantic region there is little exposed rock , so the cars act as a ________________ surface to attract marine life.


The sussy Baka theory will answer this, the sussy Baka theory portrays the characteristic of sussyness

Read the passage from The Odyssey - Teiresias. One narrow strait may take you through his blows: denial of yourself, restraint of shipmates. When you make landfall on Thrinakia first and quit the violet sea, dark on the land you'll find the grazing herds of Helios by whom all things are seen, all speech is known. Avoid those kine, hold fast to your intent, and hard seafaring brings you all to Ithaka. But if you raid the beeves, I see destruction for ship and crew. Which excerpt from the passage best identifies the conflict that Teiresias predicts as partially a character versus character conflict


Answer: restrain of shipments.


A character vs. character conflict, ocurs when two characters have needs, desires, beliefs or motivations which place them in opposition with one another.

The excerpt from the passage that best identifies the conflict that Teiresias predicts as partially a character versus character conflict is the restrain of shipments. It should be noted that the restrain of shipments in this case is regarded to be partially a character versus character conflict.

Fathers have indispensable ......... to play in the lives of their children



responsibility ig?



Fathers have an indispensable responsibility to play in the lives of their children.

What is  indispensable responsibility?

An employee who is expected to be present at all times is a vital employee. Unavoidable duty that cannot be avoided or disregarded. anything or someone essential.

When something or someone is completely required by other things or people and cannot exist without them, it is said to be essential. The term "necessary party" refers to a party to a proceeding who must be joined in order for the court to render and enforce a final judgment.

On the surface, it makes sense to become indispensible. If they need you around, having a job will be more secure for you. You may even achieve fame.

Thus, it is responsibility.

For more information about  indispensable responsibility, click here:


answer please it's urgent​




The man was not happy because he had to act different from what he normally acted like

She lost her costumer because they would only come to bye cloths and maybe a fruit on thier way home

The boat probably sank

though the king gave them what they wanted they were not satisfied so no they wern't happy

I don't know the answer to this one but the last one you should name it the exchange because they all gave up something they had for something else

Which of the following is an adjectival phrase in the sentence? The overly excited children rushed into the front room with coloring books and new crayons. A. coloring books B. overly excited C. new crayons D. rushed into E. the front room


Since adjectives are meant to describe something or someone, the answer would be B because “overly excited” is describing the children.



overly excited


Please help,advertisement writing



ehnsnd mashinsusjdjid

I need a thank you and goodbye letter for my teacher. I would like to thank him for the time given to us and for the fact that he helped us a lot this school year, despite the pandemic and the online school. I want to thank her for the beautiful moments. My teacher changed school next year and I have to say goodbye. I really need help, I don't know how to express myself or formulate sentences that have any impact on a person.
It needs to be 2 written pages long.



p/s: first of all, my English isn't my mother tongue, I might step on some rocks but here I'm trying my best. besides, you can add additional things I say. i dont think I can dk 2 pages long since I always keep myself short but meaningful, plus I dont know what your teacher like


Dear Mr.Mrs...!

I know you're going to move soon and I hope you have best of luck with moving and settling down in the new place. You will be miss by me and everyone, I won't forget what you've done for us and all the heartwarming moment in class (name all the events that your teacher did that you think is beautiful). I enjoy your class out of the most, every time you share a story of your life, teaching us new things, give advices to us like a father/mother and so much love.

You're more than just a teacher, you're a friend to us, a beautiful person with beautiful soul, I hope you know that.

you mean a lot to me and you change how I am with a brighter hope and bravery. You give us your happiness and your humour, I appreciate it.

Again, words can't express how thankful I am, and I hope you will have a new, with excitement I your new chapter life!

p/s: please add more to my paragraph, I know it's short and not long, but adding details would increase the length, though personally I won't want to keep it that long.

have a good day! :)

I need help with this


i think “in the era” is too formal for that sentence

2. Rewrite each sentence and fiil out the spaces with
1. You
tidy up your room.
2. You
3. You
4. You
play with fire.
5. You
be home on time.
do your



1. Must

2. Musn't

3. Must

4. Musn't

5. Must


1. Cleaning your room is beneficial.

2. Smoking is hazardous.

3. Doing your homework is also beneficial.

4. Playing with fire is also hazard.

5. Being home on time is beneficial as well.

Punctuation and capitalization
1)Mannie Dookie a top-class runner who was born at St James in 1915 made his entrance early on the sporting scene. At twelve the youths running abilities were discovered. At fifteet,he was defeating much older runners unable to afford to buy shoes he ran bare footed and became known as the bare footed runner .Read more about him in" heroes of the people".



After punctuating and capitalizing the passage, it becomes:

1. Mannie Dookie, a top-class runner who was born at St James in 1915, made his entrance early on the sporting scene. At twelve, the youth's running abilities were discovered. At fifteen, he was defeating much older runners. Unable to afford to buy shoes, he ran barefooted, and became known as the Barefooted Runner. Read more about him in "Heroes of the People".


We must capitalize the first word of each new sentence after a period. Proper names such as people's names or names of countries must also be capitalized.Whenever we finish a complete thought and start a new sentence, we must use a period.The use of commas unfolds into different rules. For instance, when we add an appositive to a sentence, that is, a word or phrase that explains another word, we place it between commas. Commas are also used to separate items in a list, even if each item is an entire clause. Commas also separate introductory phrases from the rest of the sentence.

Nam said to me that he __________ the army the following month.



Nam said to me that he would join the army the following month.



Complete the gap

"The following month" means the event is yet to happen.

To complete the gap, we make use of a verb that illustrates an event that is yet to happen.

To do this, we have:

will join

would join possible options.

However, the verb after immediate the subject (i.e. said) is in the past.

Hence, the correct option to complete the blank is "would join"

Plz look the photo
and help me asap plz plz
i will give brainliest
plz use modal deduction:must,can’t,might,could have +p.participle



He must have gotten a promotion.I'm sure I've seen him before, but I just can't remember where exactly. He could be feeling sad and disheartened. I might have positioned my foot incorrectly on the pedal. I'm worried she may be scared of being all alone. She could have fallen asleep. She must have been very tired.She may be struggling financially.

You must answer this question.

You received an email from your new friend, Leela who has just enrolled in your school.


The weekends are finally here. Let's go to the beach with our schoolmates. Which beach shall we go to and what can we do there? What should we bring?

I will be waiting eagerly for your reply.


Now write an email to your friend in about 80 words. Write your answer below.​



Hi Leela,


I hope your having a wonderful Saturday, I would love to go to the beach with our schoolmates. Honestly, I don't feel like the choice is up to me, but I would love to vist [Insert Beach Name] I heard they just opened up a cafeé there, and I would love to go there, I know it suits your taste buds really well. We could go to the restaurant  tomorrow morning and have breakfast, then we could go to the beach and do some activties if the others agree. Make sure to bring some balls or swimsuits if were going. Thanks for writing.


1. Robert's presentation includes information about the quality of drinking water. He has no image that reflects the information he's sharing. What should he
O Don't include an image, as there's nothing to show.
Pick an image that relates to the topic, even if it isn't informative.
O Create a relevant image such as a chart or graph to help explain his ideas.
Create an interesting audio file of water running instead of an image.


C, hope this helps. The reason it’s C is because all the other answer wouldn’t make sense.

If Robert has no image that reflects the information he's sharing, he should create an interesting audio file of water running instead of an image, hence option C is correct.

What is presentation?

An audience receives information from a speaker through a presentation. The typical purpose of a presentation is to enlighten, convince, inspire, motivate, build goodwill, or offer a new idea or product.

Presentations can also include speeches, introductions, lectures, or demonstrations.

A presentation is a kind of communication that can be customized for a variety of speaking occasions, including group discussions, meetings, and team briefings.

Therefore, he should create a fascinating audio file of water running instead of an image.

Learn more about presentation, here:


27. He had spent .............. time writing an essay about his childhood.
A. a large number of
B. a great deal of
C. a few
D. few
28. Peter has spent ........... time and money on stamp collecting.
A. a few of
B. many of
C. a great deal of
D. many
30.How............ furniture do you think there is?
A. many
B. much
C. few
D. a large number of D. a lot of


B C B hope this helps

speech on substance abuse​


Substance abuse is an unhealthy pattern of alcohol or drug use that usually leads to frequent, serious problems.

for searching the Internet and other reference sources

Drug abuse







Read more:

How is Brian's indifference toward his moms related to "The Secret"





Which point of view reports the thoughts and actions of one character at a time and uses the pronouns “he,” “she,” and “they”?

third-person omniscient
third-person limited



Third-person Omniscient


The answer would be third-person omniscient because a third person point of view uses words such as he, she, they, it, etc. It is not third person limited because third person limited only gives the point of view of one character in third person.

Where art thou, Muse, that thou forget'st so long To speak of that which gives thee all thy might? Spend'st thou thy fury on some worthless song, Darkening thy power to lend base subjects light? Return, forgetful Muse, and straight redeem In gentle numbers time so idly spent; Sing to the ear that doth thy lays esteem And gives thy pen both skill and argument. Rise, resty Muse, my love's sweet face survey, If Time have any wrinkle graven there; If any, be a satire to decay, And make Time's spoils despised every where. Give my love fame faster than Time wastes life; So thou prevent'st his scythe and crooked knife. What is the rhyme scheme of the second quatrain? abab abcb cdcd efef



d ,cdcd


"Cdcd"  is the rhyme scheme of the second quatrain. Thus, option (c) is correct.

What is rhyme scheme?

The term "rhyme scheme" was the part of the rhymes. Rhyme scheme are the end of the poem lines. It was the last letter in the rhyme scheme are the letter of the correspondences. There are simply the lines of labeled using capital letters. There are "ABAB" and "AABB" was indicate the lines rhyme.

"Cdcd"  is the rhyme scheme of the second quatrain. There are different categories of rhyme schemes are alternating rhyme, enclosed rhyme, coupled rhyme, monorhyme, triplet rhyme, ballade, and others. There are rhyme schemes are CDC, BCB, ABA, EE, and DED.

As a result, the significance rhyme scheme are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on rhyme scheme, here:


Circle the verbs in these sentences:
1. The car stopped in front of the house.
2. We went to the movies on Friday after school.
3. Our teacher gave us a funny book to read.
4. The girls walked in front of the boys.
5. The wind blew our hats off of our heads.



1 stopped

2 went

3 gave

4 walked

5 blew

What element in the room does the narrator of "The Yellow Wallpaper" focus
on through much of the story?
A. The locks on the door
B. The pattern of the wallpaper
C. The bars on the windows
D. The damage to the bed


Pattern of the wallpaper


its B


Guided Practice

Type your answer and then click or tap Done.

Decide where a semicolon is needed in the following sentence.

Not all astronauts fly in space those who work on the earth’s surface for NASA are also considered astronauts.

Type the word that goes before the semicolon, the semicolon, and the word that goes after the semicolon.



Not all astronauts fly in space those; who work on the earth’s surface for NASA are also considered astronauts.


the semicolon goes between those and who. so its those; who

those with the semicolon next to it and then space and then who

S a capacity plate indicate



Could you please provide more contect so I can reply?

Dr. Reynolds' priority in his life is:
becoming famous.
marrying Susanne.
becoming a professor of religion.
None of the choices are correct.



becoming famous.


In Tony Hillerman’s novel, Chester Reynolds has a doctorate in anthropology; his primary academic field is archaeology. As a specialist in ancient Native American culture, he is dedicated to promoting the importance of Folsom, a culture that he believes originated much earlier than other scholars have yet determined and then maintained a continuous presence in the US Southwest.

Unfortunately, he is so obsessed with proving this idea that he completely loses his perspective. Reynolds will stop at nothing to gain recognition for his expertise in this area. Among his transgressions are placing artifacts obtained elsewhere in the sites that his people are digging—a practice called “seeding”—so that the archaeologists who find them will believe his theory. Even worse, he kills people who stand in his way.

what are the themes of the story the white knight?​



The theme of the story "The White Knight"

The story teaches and makes us ponder on ‘self awareness’, whether actions are more important than appearance. The white knight by appearance that represent champion of virtue, honour, and justice by the society and himself go in search of black knight to slay it since that is what the white knight is expected to do. However, in the process, the white knight without realizing commits the deeds of black knight turning himself into black knight.

The story teaches us that appearance does not matter. It is self-awareness and good actions that makes one a true White Knight. One doesn't have to travel and be in high post to do good deeds, good actions start when we understand and change oneself and start making small positive differences in our own small ways.

The main idea of the story is not really about the knight doing harm to the forest and turning himself into being evil. The story aims to impart wisdom or self-discovery of who the White Knight really is.

While Lancelot was the White Knight, white knight has been used to name anyone who comes to the defense or rescue of someone since the early 1600s. It can also mean a “champion” more generally.

What’s are the main events that happen in monster by Walter dean Myers?



Major events in the novel Monster are Steve's decision to write his trial into a screenplay, the proving of his innocence, and the reaction of his father and lawyer to his not-guilty verdict.


Our school is over at 2:00pm. transitive or intransitive​





Transitive verbs, used with a direct objects, cast action to an object and may also have an indirect object, which indicates to or for whom the action is done. On the other hand, an intransitive verb will never takes an object.

The answer is transitive.

I hope this helps out! (brainliest would be appreciated)

Which of the following pairs of words mean the same thing?

A. can not = couldn’t

B. will not = won’t

C. they could = they’d

D. he will = he’s



B. will not = won't


A. can not = can't

C. they WOULD = they'd

D. he will = he'd

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Nos resultaba grato almorzar pensando en la casa profunda y silenciosa y cmo nos bastbamos para mantenerla limpia. A veces llegbamos a creer que era ella la que no nos dej casarnos. Irene rechaz a dos pretendientes sin mayor motivo, a m se me muri Mara Esther antes de que llegramos a comprometernos.Casa tomada por Julio CortzarCul es la idea principal del fragmento? Los protagonistas dedican mucho tiempo a la casa grande y no tienen una vida afuera de la casa. La casa es muy grande y aunque solo los protagonistas viven all, muchas personas pueden vivir en ella. Los protagonistas son hermanos que trabajan juntos para mantener la casa limpia y almuerzan juntos. Ellos quieren casarse, pero si ellos se casan, deberan salir de la casa y no pueden regresar. SAT/ACT What is the solution of 1,200 5(3x + 30) = 600? A 30 B 50 C 150 D 200 E 250