Read this excerpt from Henry David Thoreau's "Civil Disobedience":
It is excellent, we must all allow; yet this government never of
itself furthered any enterprise, but by the alacrity with which it got
out of its way. It does not keep the country free. It does not settle
the West. It does not educate.
Which statement about Thoreau's style is most accurate?
A. He uses parallel structure to list the types of things individuals, not
governments, do
B. He uses parallelism to list the failures of the British government.
C. He uses a metaphor by referring to the government as "it."
He uses rhetorical questions to lead the audience to consider his point of


Answer 1


A. He uses parallel structure to list the types of things individuals, not governments do.

Explanation: Trust me :)

Answer 2

The statement about Thoreau's style that is most accurate is that he uses parallel structure to list the types of things individuals, not governments, do.

What is parallel structure?

Parallel structure is the distribution of comparable phrases or clauses with the same grammatical structure inside one or more sentences.

Thoreau used parallel structure which can be identified in the clauses "It does not keep the country free.", "It does not settle the West." and "It does not educate" as he used the same grammatical structure in these clauses which is present tense to list the types of things individuals do that governments don't.

To learn more about parallel structure here


Related Questions

please help!
it’s for summer school



Espqñol XD no hablo inglés

The correct answer should be a

Read the last stanza of Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken.” Why is it significant that the two roads diverged?



The two diverged roads refers to the alternatives in our life. 'The Road Not Taken' teaches us about we have to choose the best alternative(road) out of many in our life.

Which excerpt from The Odyssey - Teresus is this



The excerpt from the Odyssey that has been paraphrased as the above lines are– “Seeing this ghost, I grieved, but held her off, through pang on pang of tears, till I should know the presence of Teiresias.” In book eleven of “The Odyssey,” these lines are spoken by Odyssey.


That dude is an absolute beast on the boards



I think its a simile or a metaphor


A child legally adopted by parents who are Jamaican citizens can become a Jamaican citizen. This requirement is known as :



In the Jamaican Nationality Act



It's called the Jamaican Nationality Act.

The saying in like a lion out like a lamb is often used to describe the month of March using what you know about animal symbolism which of the following best explains the meaning of the saying



The phrase means the weather tends to be very harsh and unpleasant in the beginning, but milder and more palatable (bearable) at the end.

The symbolism is that lions are strong and powerful, while lambs are generally more gentle/weak. Like the weather. It's like a comparison.

How do structure and word choice reveal a message in a poem



Structure in Literature

Everything we write has a specific structure. A text message is short and filled with slang, an email is formatted like a letter, and an essay is in formal paragraphs. These various structures contribute to the overall meaning or message of the writing. Think of structure as how the parts in a piece of literature are put together.

Authors will carefully consider the structure of every piece of writing because changing the parts will change the whole message. For instance, having slang in a formal essay will undoubtedly make the writing less serious.

Two types of literature that have specific structures are poetry and drama. Let's look at the structure of both poetry and drama to analyze how it contributes to the author's message.

Structure of Poetry

Poetry is literature written in stanzas and lines that use rhythm to express feelings and ideas. Poets will pay particular attention to the length, placement, and grouping of lines and stanzas. This is called form. Lines or whole stanzas can be rearranged in order to create a specific effect on the reader.

One example is the sonnet, which is a 14 line poem with a specific rhyme scheme. The key with sonnets is that most end with a pair of lines set apart from the rest. Setting those two lines aside gives emphasis to their content, so whatever message is being sent will be given more importance.

Another aspect of the structure of poems is the rhythm, which is the beat of the poem. This is usually measured in meters, which are sets of stressed and unstressed syllables. Poets often arrange words according to meter in order to create specific sounds or beats. Think about any song (which is a type of poem) that you sing along to. Think about the rhythm of the music and the words. Is the singer angry? Or sad? The notes and meter might at first be fast, harsh, or short, while later it might be slow, soft, and drawn-out. These rhythms affect the overall message.

Finally, a poet might use figurative language techniques to establish an overall effect. Rhyme scheme is one such method using a pattern of repeated final sounds in the last words of each line. Creating a pattern of rhyming can also affect the rhythm of a poem. In addition, whole rhyming lines can be repeated throughout a poem in order to emphasize the author's message.

Again, let's use songs as an example. Each one has a chorus, or the few lines that are repeated over and over. Aren't these the lines everyone knows by heart? The writer of that song knows that by manipulating rhyme and repetition, he/she can have the audience repeating his/her message over and over. Rhyme and repetition are very powerful tools.

help me please will give brainliest and 10 points YESSIR


“At that point, the song siren captured them and they became addicted.”


“At that point, the song siren captured them and they became addicted.”


Definition of :



Deliver: bring and hand over (a letter, parcel, or ordered goods) to the proper recipient or address.

Newsroom:the area in a newspaper or broadcasting office where news is written and edited.

headline:A headline is the title of a newspaper story, printed in large letters at the top of the story, especially on the front page. ... The headlines are the main points of the news which are read on radio or television.


improve:make or become better.

property: a thing or things belonging to someone; possessions collectively.

parachute:a cloth canopy which fills with air and allows a person or heavy object attached to it to descend slowly when dropped from an aircraft, or which is released from the rear of an aircraft on landing to act as a brake.

comfort:something that makes life more pleasant or convenient.

transmit:cause (something) to pass on from one place or person to another.

update:make (something) more modern or up to date

the correct answer is deliver

100 PONTS!!!

One major theme in Lord of the Flies is that society falls apart when people do not follow its rules. In a response of two well-developed paragraphs, explore how the actions and fates of Jack and Piggy help develop this theme. Cite specific examples from the text to support the points in your response.



if you need this for school or work or something use shortlyai


its a app that writes essays and paragraphs for you along with poems.

7 )Replace the words in bold with the correct pronoun or
complete with the correct possessive adjective.
1 John is sixteen years old..........
2 Susan and Paul are friends
3 My grandparents have two dogs. They..........
4 Jonathan is sick. .....
5 Are you talking to your sister?...... ..
6 I have a bicycle. It's ......
7 My mother and I love swimming......
8 I want to buy a present for John............
9 We have a collection of stamps. They're ......... stamps.
10 Mary's dog is black. ......
11 This room is for me and my brother. .....her



ez points auto points

points machine

auto rank up

explain that arts and crafts make life beautiful and elegant and can help to build a beautiful society​


arts and crafts do this because they can depict the world in so many different perspectives, and that can be really beautiful. some people see the beauty in some things and some people in other things but the fact remains that the way people interpret arts and crafts helps to bring beauty into the world which then helps to build a beautiful society

"Which came out of the opened door,--the lady, or the tiger?" Write a persuasive paragraph for which choice the Princess ended up making, and why.


Answer and Explanation:

This question is about the short story "The Lady, or the Tiger," by author Frank Richard Stockton, and American writer and humorist who lived from 1834 to 1902. Below, I provide you with a persuasive paragraph. Keep in mind that this question asks for your opinion, so feel free to adapt the paragraph to your own ideas:

In "The Lady, or the Tiger," author Frank R. Stockton makes a point of describing the princess and her father as being "semi-barbaric". What he means is that they let their emotions get the best of them and that they act in ways that are not justifiable. The king, for instance, comes up with a trial that he considers fair, when it is in fact anything but. The accused must choose a door behind which there is either a maiden or a tiger. Choosing the tiger means that person is guilty and should be devoured by the beast. Choosing the maiden means he is innocent, and his reward is to be forced to marry her. As for the princess, she is clearly impulsive and jealous. She falls in love with a man of inferior rank. When her father sends the man to trial, she is able to find out which door leads to which outcome. However - and Stockton does take his time making this description -, she is consumed with jealousy. She wants the man to live, but she cannot bear the image of him marrying someone else. So, what does she choose? To my mind, she sends him to the tiger. Stockton made sure to describe her as jealous and semi-barbaric, and that cannot have been for nothing. I believe the author wants us to see this woman as capable of sending the man she loves to death simply because she does not want anyone else to have him.

What is the difference of the word REALIZE and REALISE?

help me​



Realize is a noun Realiseis a verb

The question is in the picture.

Also here is what I had to read:
We would not have an America living within and for herself alone. However, we would have her self-reliant, independent, and ever nobler, stronger, and richer. Believing in our higher standards, reared through constitutional liberty and maintained opportunity, we invite the world to the same heights. But pride in things wrought is no reflex of a completed task. Common welfare is the goal of our national endeavor. Wealth is not inimical1 to welfare; it ought to be its friendliest agency. There never can be equality of rewards or possessions so long as the human plan contains varied talents and differing degrees of industry and thrift, but ours ought to be a country free from the great blotches of distressed poverty. We ought to find a way to guard against the perils and penalties of unemployment. We want an America of homes, illumined with hope and happiness, where mothers, freed from the necessity for long hours of toil beyond their own doors, may preside as befits the hearthstone of American citizenship. We want the cradle of American childhood rocked under conditions so wholesome and so hopeful that no blight may touch it in its development. We want to provide that no selfish interest, no material necessity, no lack of opportunity shall prevent the gaining of that education so essential to best citizenship.


The correct answer is C. by stating that America should be free of unemployment and that all Americans should have a happy and peaceful life


Harding's text expresses the idea of ​​progress for the United States by calling on society to contribute to this purpose by saying "Common welfare is the goal of our national endeavor." He further specifies one of the important points to achieve progress by saying that "We ought to find a way to guard against the perils and penalties of unemployment" to avoid poverty. Finally, it highlights that all efforts are aimed at achieving common welfare characterized by "We want an America of homes, illumined with hope and happiness, where mothers, freed from the necessity for long hours of toil beyond their own doors, May presides as befits the hearthstone of American citizenship. " According to the above, it can be inferred that Harding's message uses as main arguments the theme of wealth, unemployment and happiness to support his position on the common welfare. So the correct answer is C.

Write an argumentative essay about whether you think technology and the Internet have brought young people closer together. Use evidence from research to support your position.




I cannot answer for you but I can give you certain points to use for your essay


First off you'll start off with ' 'Technology and the internet have (or haven't, depends what you believe) brought young people closer together. One example of this would be (find an example and re-wright it in your own words). This is because (wright something explaining how your example is correct). One reason this could have happened is because (state a reason). ' '

This should be a good starting point. I hope this helps!

Answer: Technology has given young people the opportunity to stay connected through learning new things, and having better experiences. studies have shown that ninety three percent of teens use the internet for communicating and a way to share things with others. that is showing that a substantial amount of young people/ teens use technology as a positive resource. although, sixteen percent of teens are being cyber bullied, most teens use technology as a way to stay in contact with far family members, or to make new connections with other teens. many of our teens have become more outspoken as a result in using technology or social media. for and example, you can use the internet for spreading awareness, sharing you opinions, sharing emotional issues that's going on in this world, equality or even just sharing a trip or how your day was, thigs/items that you recommend. there are many things that you can share to the internet.

Explanation: don't copy and paste but here's an example on what you can write as a rough draft.!!!!!

fill in the blanks to complete a summary of the entire passage



Difficult but beneficial

Some researchers

Strengthen memory

new possibilities


Based on inferences deduced from the passage, it could be deduced that being bilingual(ability to speak two languages) is good and advantageous, but also difficult, as the second language may need to be learnt, as it will likely differ from one's mother tongue. Being bilingual has being said by some researchers to help brain functionality and strengthen memory even though it hasn't been well established.

Howerver, it is well established that being bilingual aids development as it opens up networks of opportunities, relationships and experience.

which sentence contains an example of hyperbole?
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we pledge-and more. To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided there is little we can do-for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.​





Divided there is little we can do—for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.



Each year, about 3,000 teens in the United States ages 15 to 19 were killed.






Had this class

I think the answer would be true

descriptive essay on lights out


Electricity today is a very important source of life. Almost all life activities depend on electricity. Power cuts or power outages cause some activities to stop. Power outages are caused by other electrical activities, of course, which have the same path. For example, the installation of several towers or power poles, time-consuming cable repairs. In addition, there are causes outside of electrical activity, namely the occurrence of fire disasters. To avoid things that are not desirable, of course, must be quick to respond to this by turning off electricity en masse. What can happen, of course, is that neither party benefits.

[tex] \lily[/tex]

José then explained a remarkable thing about our money.

Which sentence supports a negative connotation for the word remarkable?



1,3,5 it should be right because i have took that thing before


1,3,5 it should be right because i have took that thing before

--- anything tomorrow evening? No nothing special.A will you do B. Are you doing C. are you going to do​




Hope this helps and happy learning!


One purpose of President Reagan's Address at Moscow State University was to o inform listeners about well-known Russian writers. o inform listeners about the importance of American history. O persuade listeners to vote President Reagan into office. persuade listeners to embrace democratic freedoms.​



I think the answer is to persuade listeners to embrace democratic freedoms


I don't know if its right though


D. Persuade listeners to embrace democratic freedoms.

Explanation: President Ronald Reagan gave his Address at Moscow State University on May 31, 1988, during his visit to the Soviet Union. And during his meeting with the students of the University, he stressed on the importance of democracy and one's freedom and rights.

Standing under the bust of Vladimir Lenin, Reagan addressed the students, stating that he wants to talk "about a very different revolution" [. . .] quietly sweeping the globe without bloodshed or conflict". He also proclaimed that "Democracy is the standard by which governments are measured", thus playing with the minds of the students about the need for a democratic government and approach. Talking about how freedom is an open belief in America, he stressed on how Americans practice it, be it politically or religiously.

Thus, the one purpose of this speech is to try to persuade the students, the listeners about the need to embrace democratic freedoms.

Case Study 15 Marks
Jones runs a family-owned department store in Ba. The store consists of nine different
departments, each with its own department manager. Store hours are Monday through
Saturday from 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M., and from noon until 5:00 P.M. on Sunday.
Each department has its own cash register, and two salespersons are assigned to each
register. To prevent any confusion, each salesperson must enter his or her own secret code
with each transaction. At the end of each day, the sales manager in each department tallies
the department’s register, collects the money (cash and checks) from the register, and prepares a transmittal slip for the general manager to review and sign. The general manager
then double-checks the cash count before signing the transmittal slips.
After collecting all cash receipts from all departments, the general manager prepares a daily
cash sales report and sends it to the store’s finance manager. The finance manager again
counts the money and signs three copies of the daily cash sales report. She keeps one copy
for herself, a second copy goes to the store accountant, and the last copy goes to the store
manager. The finance manager then puts all of the cash into the company safe, where it
stays until the next morning when it is picked up by an armored car service.
The store accountant reconciles copies of cash sales reports with bank deposit slips and
with credits on the monthly bank statement.
Jones has a close relationship with the bank, so he was always called first when there is
any kind of issue or problem. He just received a call from one of the bank’s customer
service representatives who suggested that he look into some customer checks that had
recently bounced. The bank representative said that some of the payer names on the checks
had come up in bad checks written to a number of other local businesses.
“You have an insider working against you,” said the bank employee. “This is happening
all over town; I heard a police investigator say that there’s always in insider involved.
1. Discuss two possible fraud schemes in the company (5 Marks)
2. Given the store’s procedures for processing cash receipts, identify which people are
in position to participate in a check fraud scheme and how they may be involved.
(7 marks)
3. Identify one internal control procedure in detail that could have eliminated the
fraud. (3 marks)



Bhaiyaji ramram..bole baut bad haalat hai


50 points and brainliest:
List two rhetorical devices that Gandhi used in his speech and give one example of each.



Gandhi uses Aristotle’s rhetorical devices of logos, ethos, and pathos as well as literary devices (metaphors and personification) to smoothly and effectively convey his ideas of peace and anti-violence to people of India and around the world. His persuasive speech was very successful as Gandhi was able to motivate his people to launch the non-violent “Quit India Movement”. Whether or not the movement was successful in gaining independence is not important. What is important is that Gandhi was able to convince the Indian population, using his influential speech, to peacefully rebel against the British Empire.

Explanation: Fun facts:

In rhetoric, a rhetorical device, persuasive device, or stylistic device is a technique that an author or speaker uses to convey to the listener or reader a meaning with the goal of persuading them towards considering a topic from a perspective, using language designed to encourage or provoke an emotional display of a given perspective or action. Rhetorical devices evoke an emotional response in the audience through use of language, but that is not their primary purpose. Rather, by doing so, they seek to make a position or argument more compelling than it would otherwise be

Which sentence states the author's thesis?
O A. One of the most illustrious sites in the world is known by very few except regular adventure-goers.
B. This place and its striking diversity deserve recognition for doing exactly what nature does best: providing
wonder to all.
OC. During the day, the hateful sun heats up every visible crevice, providing a contrast to the cool, breezy
OD. Travelers are awed by Palo Duro Canyon as its deep, red landscape appears seemingly out of nowhere.


Answer: This place and its striking diversity deserve recognition for doing exactly what nature does best: providing wonder to all

.Explanation: Got it right on my test.

This place and its striking diversity deserve recognition for doing exactly what nature does best: providing wonder to all is the sentence states the author's thesis. Hence, option B is correct.

What is the thesis in this passage?

The perspective or viewpoint of a text's author on the issue being discussed is known as the thesis. The author wishes to introduce Palo Duro Canyon in the content to which the question is related.

The author of this presentation demonstrates all of this location's amazing and wonderful features. The perspective or viewpoint of a text's author on the issue being discussed is known as the thesis.

The author wishes to introduce Palo Duro Canyon in the content to which the question is related.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more details about thesis in this passage, click here:


Use your knowledge of the Latin Suffix -able, as well as context clues, to choose what Goodall means by saying that Dominic was "not really reliable."



The expression "not really reliable" shows that Dominic was unsafe, inappropriate, and not someone to trust in any way.


The suffix -able is of Latin origin and refers to something that is appropriate, possible, or capable of something. In this case, we can use this as a context clue to understand the expression "not really reliable," which means that something wasn't appropriate, wasn't able to do something right, wasn't able to promote confidence in any activity.

Context clue is the ability of a text to reveal the meaning of words or expressions through the context that the text presents, if analyzed as the set of all used words.

They remain the best friends ……their party .
a. although spite of



a. although


Ruth is writing an essay about the reasons for changing a folk tale from a dark, grotesque story to a story that is appropriate for children.

How should Ruth organize her writing to provide the best structure for her essay? Select two options.

Ruth should use the cause-and-effect structure to show that the darkness of the earlier stories caused authors to change them in order to be appropriate for children.
Ruth should use the problem-solution structure to show why the dark stories are problematic, and how changing them solves the problem.
Ruth should use the problem-solution structure to show that the darkness of earlier stories was the rationale for rewriting them for children.
Ruth should give examples of the problems that dark stories can cause for younger audiences, and the changes that can solve the problem.
Ruth should describe the effects of dark stories on children, and the changes that lessen those effects.



Its B and D


Edge 2021

When Ruth is writing an essay about the reasons for changing a folk tale from a dark, grotesque story to a story that is appropriate for children, she should organize her writing to provide the best structure for her essay by. Therefore, the options B and D hold true.

What is the significance of essay-writing?

Essay-writing is one of the most commonly composed form of a literary composition. In order to make an essay suitable for children, one must use the problem-solution structure in an essay, and also use the examples for additional elements in the passage.

Ruth should use the problem-solution structure to show that the darkness of earlier stories was the rationale for rewriting them for children. Ruth should give examples of the problems that dark stories can cause for younger audiences, and the changes that can solve the problem.

Therefore, the options B and D hold true regarding essay-writing.

Learn more about essay-writing here:


Jason enjoyed the movie about France.
The musicians play marching songs.
Music lovers thrill to the sound of trumpets.
Boys and girls are often eager to listen.
The conductor moves his baton vigorously.
I need help finding the nouns in all 5 sentences



1. Jason, movie, France

2. Musicians, songs

3. Music, sound, trumpets

4. Boys, girls

5. Conductor, baton


Nouns are a person, place, or thing.

The noun in the given sentences is

1. Jason enjoyed the movie about France- Jason, France, Movie

2. The musicians play marching songs. -  Musicians, songs

3. Music lovers thrill to the sound of trumpets. - Music, sound, trumpets

4. Boys and girls are often eager to listen- Boys, girls

5. The conductor moves his baton vigorously. - Conductor, baton

What is a noun?

A name of anything which includes, objects, places, and accessories is called a noun. To identify a noun it sounds like a unit when written in a sentence. There are various types of nouns which include common, proper, abstract, collective, concrete nouns, and so on.

In the given sentences there are different types of a noun given for example common noun includes the name of places which is common like France written in capital letters.

Learn more about Noun, here:


Other Questions
Which statement is true regarding the vectors shown. 1) Marcos deseja comprar uma guitarra. Seu amigo possui um e quer vender a vista por R$850,00. Caso Marcos prefira, pode parcelar em 4 parcelas iguais, com vencimento para 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias, seu amigo aplicar sobre o valor do produto, uma taxa nica de 12%. Nessa situao, o custo final da guitarra e o valor de cada parcela so respectivamente: *1 pontoa) R$102,00 e R$55,00.b) R$850,00 e R$212,00c) R$952,00 e R$238,00d) R$980,00 e R$245,00.2) Luiza est em dvida sobre financiar uma moto nova no valor de R$25.000,00 ou fazer um consrcio. Como o desejo de Luiza em adquirir uma moto algo que tem a mais de dois anos, ela j dispe de uma reserva, aplicada na caderneta de poupana, de R$15.000,00. As propostas que lhe foram apresentadas na concessionria so: Financiamento de 36 prestaes fixas de R$1.050,00 sem entrada.Financiamento de 36 prestaes fixas de R$395,00 com entrada de R$14.000,00.Consrcio de 36 prestaes reajustveis de acordo com a inflao, sendo a primeira parcela no valor de R$800,00, com possibilidade de obter a moto, ao longo do perodo do consrcio, por meio de sorteio ou lance.Das opes apresentadas a mais vantajosa para Luiza : *1 pontoa) O consrcio, pois, a prestao no to alta e ela ainda ter o valor de suas economias para usar em caso de alguma emergncia.b) O financiamento de 36 prestaes fixas de R$1.050,00 sem entrada.c) O financiamento de 36 prestaes de R$395,00 fixas com entrada de R$14.000,00.d) Todas as propostas so equivalentes, Luiza pode escolher qualquer uma delas. The names of the governing body or organizationds that creates rules for information technology and information communication technology Please help me!!!*These questions are from the Great Gatsby Book*Question 1: Identify important situations in which minor characters elicit reactions from Nick. What do they teach Nick about himself? Cite textual evidence.Question 2: Which character(s) serves as the antagonist to Nick? To Gatsby? How do encounters with the antagonist change Nick or Gatsby? Cite text evidence.Question 3: Identify any major changes, realizations, or new opinions/beliefs that occur for the main characters in the first 7 chapters. Cite text evidence.Question 4: As a character, does Daisys life illustrate the free spirit of the Roaring Twenties? Why or why not? Cite textual evidence.Question 5: How does the way Fitzgerald describes the Long Island landscape parallel the internal struggles of the main characters? Cite textual evidence. 61% of all statistics classes require a statistical calculator and 29% require the use of a computer that has statistical software of the classes that require a statistical calculator 16% also require the use of a computer if statistics course is selected at random find probability of statistical calculator Why did France not want to help the colonists at first? What level on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs did he say is met only after all other needs are met?A. love and belonging needsB. esteem needsC. self-actualizationD. physiological needs________________________Elder abuse prevention laws:A. have effectively reduced the number of elder abuse cases in the United States.B. have only been passed in a handful of states.C. have been passed in all 50 states.D. target nursing home staff as the most likely perpetrators. Full forms1.OTA2.IMA3.NDA4.NCC5.BSF6.CRPF Identifying Star Systems:Which type of star system is pictured? open cluster Geometry geometry help Hi hurry help! Buying land in Florida appealed to many people who wanted toA: take advantage of stable prices.B: preserve it for future generations.C: build new businesses and homes.D: construct new roaps and highways. A manager has determined that a potential new product can be sold at a price of $25 each. The cost to produce the product is $17.5, but the equipment necessary for production must be leased for $75,000 per year. What is the break-even point A company plans to reduce the amount of energy used each year. This table shows the company's plan. Of the 2 226 people on the ship, 703 survived and1523 died.What percentage of the passengers survived? Full form of AD in history How to overcome Confusion????? PLEASE HELP ASAP MATH QUARTERLY 7.9(A) Which of these conditions is most responsible for Earth having an environmentthat supports life? help please Construct an explanation to predict the type of symbiotic relationship that exists between the hippo and oxpecker birds? if anyone speaks Spanish help me plz the questions are in the picture above :