Read this excerpt from The Great Fire.

Schaffer's first signal went out at 9:30. Several minutes later, Schaffer realized his mistake and ordered Box 319 struck. This was still seven blocks away from the O'Learys', but close enough that firefighters could see the flames and alter their course. Unfortunately, Schaffer's young assistant, William J. Brown, stubbornly refused to strike Box 319, saying he was afraid it would confuse the situation. Brown was so stubborn about his decision that even after the fire he was able to write arrogantly in a letter that "I am still standing the watch that burned Chicago."

These errors had two fatal consequences. The most obvious was that a number of engines and dozens of firefighters were sent on a wild-goose chase and did not get to the fire for many minutes. More critical is that it kept fire companies located near De Koven Street in their stations. Several had seen the eerie, dancing glow beyond the rooftops near them and, even without official notice from Schaffer, prepared to respond. When they heard Box 342 rung, however, they assumed the fire was out of their territory and unhitched the horses. Only two fire companies were not fooled by the misleading alarm.

How does the structure of this excerpt illustrate the central idea that a series of individual mistakes contributed to the spread of the blaze?

A. by comparing and contrasting different people’s decisions and abilities
B. by comparing and contrasting the most effective firefighting techniques
C. by clearly explaining the reasons for the misleading alarm and its impact
D. by clearly explaining the reasons the fire started and the way it was put out


Answer 1




Answer 2
by clearly explaining the reasons the fire started and the way it was put out.

thank you for your question

Related Questions

Identify the sentence that includes an indefinite pronoun.
A. The graduating students threw themselves a party.
B. Everyone enjoyed the celebration.
C. The principal herself attended and had a great time.



Everyone enjoyed the celebration

where everyone is indefinite pronoun.


B. Everyone enjoyed the celebration


Everyone is an indefinite pronoun because it does not refer to anything, or person or amount in particular

Arrange the plot points below in chronological order. They should NOT be put in the order they are told in the story.

Stanley is bullied
Stanley digs a hole.
Elya looks for Zeroni
Elya courts Myra.
Stanley finds sneakers.
Stanley gets arrested
Stanley digs a hole
Stanley gets to camp


Stanley gets arrested whilst Elya looks for Zeroni. Stanley digs a hole and escapes jail, she finds sneakers. Then Elya courts Myra and so Stanley gets to camp

plz i really need this so i really need your help



C) Gina is having a hard time deciding on her summer plans


The answer should be C

Underline the simple subject and the simple predicate.

The male lion impressed the zoo visitors with his loud roar.

The ship’s captain closely examined the map.

Lazlo divided the roasted sweet potatoes into four portions.

Sticky syrup flowed from the overturned bottle.

Most birds fly because they have wings.
i need help with this plese asap


Select the simple predicate.

Cindy's sister brushed the dog.


Select the simple predicate.

Mom worries too much.


Select the simple predicate.

We framed the painting.


Select the simple subject.

Pigs roll in the mud.


Select the simple subject.

They addressed the envelopes.


Select the simple predicate.

My brother shares with me.


Select the simple predicate.

Your cat scratched me.


Select the simple predicate.

My father shined his shoes.


Select the simple predicate.

Your dress matches those shoes.


Select the simple subject.

Lions growled at me.


Select the simple predicate.

The woman recieved a package.


Select the simple predicate.

Sailors respect their captain.


Select the simple predicate.

My mom squeezes my hand.


Select the simple subject.

Larry rode his horse.


Select the simple predicate.

Loud noises startle her


Select the simple predicate.

A bird flaps its wings.


Select the simple subject.

The cook greased the pan.


Most birds fly bc they have wings i think hope this helps


A philosophy that influenced the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson is unalienable rights of life liberty, and pursuit of happiness.





Thomas Jefferson, a spokesman for democracy, was an American Founding Father, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776), and the third President of the United States (1801–1809).

true! i hope this helps

Give me 2 verbs u love doing and 2 nouns u can’t live without I’ll give brainliest help ASAPP


1 sleeping
2 swinging

1 cats
2 me







According to _____ ______, if the government does not protect the people's natural rights, they can break the contract with the government and replace them.

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Hobbes

Charles Montesquieu

John Locke



A. Thomas Jefferson

How do you explain history

I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and mark brainliest pls!

A the answer is Thomas Jefferson

Which choice best describes the following sentence?

Cassidy volunteered.

It is a complete and correct sentence.
It is a fragment that is missing a subject.
It is a fragment that is missing a predicate.
It is a fragment with a subject and verb but expresses an incomplete thought



Complete and correct sentence


A, it is a complete and correct sentence

Choose the word in the following sentence that functions as an adjective.

The Birthday present was a dollhouse

1. Dollhouse


Birthday because if you wouldn’t use it it could be for any occasion in my opinion.
Birthday, because it is is describing the present/what the present is for.

Look at this outline of the second speech.

House is priceless piece of history
Town already has places for teen activities
Schools offer programs for students
Community center has other activities
Important to preserve town's history
No substitute for real thing
Can see how people used to live
Which of these best describes how the outline helps the reader understand the speech?
Answer choices for the above question

It reveals that the town has enough malls.

It lists reasons to support keeping the house.

It lists places that teens can go to be together.

It reveals the important history of the old house.


It lists reasons to support keeping the house.

define tense with 2 example.



Tense is the form of a verb that shows when something happened, is happening or is going to happen.[1] There are three main tenses:

Present tense: things that are true when the words are spoken or written.

Example: She goes to school. In this sentence, goes shows that it is a present tense. It suggests that she regularly goes to school.

Example: She is going to school. This says she is now going to school.

Past tense: things that were true before the words were spoken or written.

Example: She went to school. In this sentence, went shows that it is a past tense.

Future tense: things that will be true after the words are spoken or written.

Example: She will go to school. In this sentence, will shows that it is a future tense.

Tense can be shown by changing the spelling of a verb. For example, be can become am, is, and are in present tense, and was and were in past tense. In English, future tense is shown by adding will before the verb. For example, be becomes will be in future tense.


The word tense defines time. Basically, anything that we do at a particular time is called a tense.

For Eg,

She went to Christopher's party.

I will do my homework this evening.


Pleasemark me as a Brainliest

conflicts in wuthering heights
(internal and external )



Major Conflicts Heathcliff's great natural abilities, strength of character, and love for Catherine Earnshaw all enable him to raise himself from humble beginnings to the status of a wealthy gentleman

i think this will help u

sorry if my answer is wrong..

100 points if u help me im timed i need help right anwser only please help im timed



"Soon, the people of the house, aroused by the noise, awoke and cried out, 'thieves, thieves!'"


I believe it is C according to the story.


how does Bronwyn feel when her secret got exposed
one of us is lying


Um maybe sad and lonely cause you got exposed
She felt embarrassed, sad, and a bit regretful

From the excerpt, why do you think Squeaky runs the relay all by herself?
There is no track meet that I don’t win the first-place medal. I used to win the twenty yard dash when I was a little kid in kindergarten. Nowadays, it’s the fifty-yard dash. And tomorrow I’m subject to run the quarter-meter relay all by myself and come in first, second, and third. The big kids call me Mercury cause I’m the swiftest thing in the neighborhood. Everybody knows that—except two people who know better, my father and me. He can beat me to Amsterdam Avenue with me having a two-fire-hydrant headstart and him running with his hands in his pockets and whistling. But that’s private information. Cause can you imagine some thirty-five-year-old man stuffing himself into PAL shorts to race little kids? So as far as everyone’s concerned, I’m the fastest and that goes for Gretchen, too, who has put out the tale that she is going to win the first-place medal this year. Ridiculous. In the second place, she’s got short legs. In the third place, she’s got freckles. In the first place, no one can beat me and that’s all there is to it.


When Squeaky was in kindergarten, she ran a 20-meter race all by herself: "There is no track meet that I don’t win the first-place medal. I used to win the twenty yard dash when I was a little kid in kindergarten." So running this race may not be all that different to her since she seems to be an Independent person who prefers to race solo.

Which statement most accurately compares epic poetry to lyric poetry?



Which statement most accurately compares epic poetry to lyric poetry?

A.Epic poetry typically uses a third-person point of view, whereas lyric poetry typically uses a first- person point of view


The answer is A because the epic poetry typically uses a third person point of view whereas lyric poetry typically uses a first person point of view

Eliane is a technician in the genetics lab what might be a task elaine performs as part of her job

putting together fundraisers for the lab's research projects

running samples through DNA sequencing machine

designing safety protocols for the lab

interviewing new lab interns






Running samples through DNA sequencing machine.

list and briefly explain all the amendments that have to do with presidency


•Please give Brainly•

12TH Amendment- Set in place where both president and vice president are voted on independently in the electoral vote. Previously each elector cast two votes for President, the one with the most votes was the president and the person with the second most votes was vice president. Today each set is informally voted together by parties. Proposed 12-9-1803 ratified 6-15-1804.

20th Amendment- Changed the day the president took office, moved it up so we wouldn’t have a “lame duck” presidency for an extended time. It also put in place a process to replace the president if he died before he took office. Proposed 3-2-1932 ratified 1-23-1933.

22nd Amendment- Stipulated that no president may serve more than two elected terms. The maximum a person can serve is two and just under half terms. Franklin Roosevelt was actually elected to four terms before this amendment took place. Proposed 3-24-1947 ratified 2-27-1951.

25th Amendment- Cleared up Article 2 of the constitution by stipulating the process of the Vice-president taking office. Also provided the process on how Vice-presidents can be selected if they die or are removed during the term. Proposed 7-6-1965 ratified 2-10-1967.
The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, known collectively as the Civil War Amendments, were designed to ensure equality for recently emancipated slaves.

The 15th Amendment prohibited governments from denying U.S. citizens the right to vote based on race, color, or past servitude.
The 25th Amendment, ratified by the states on February 10, 1967, basically deals with the order of presidential succession and what happens if or when a president is unable to fulfill the duties of the office.

how do i write a summary paragraph ab theme? its for my english assignment The Reefs by Marcella Morris.

(dont copy & paste plz)



you should search up the answer and make it your own words.


Write it in your words because it’s an assignment :-)
Best of luck

Thought Question:

Why might a teenager put off getting a driver's license even though he or she has reached the legal driving age?



Because the anxiety of driving with other people on the road, or the fear of hurting others or being hurt by others on the road.


I have a friend who feels this way :(


Also because they dont have the money for it.

Which option best supports an idea in a discussion?(1 point)





opinions can help because where are arguments there are fights

Answer——-- 2.opinions

Help me, please its due tonight


Make up a party if you need to, just start writing about the setting of the party, the people. Include conversations you have had with people (dialogue). Just have fun with it!


I know this sounds kinda weird but you could do the party from twilight.


The movie is eclipse and yeah

Question 3(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

Read the paragraph. Then answer the question that follows.

Perhaps you wanted pizza for dinner, but were out voted by the rest of the family who wanted chili. This is similar to what happens in a community. One person has to give up a right for the good of the group. Sometimes citizens' duties and rights conflict with each other. A good example is a public protest. People have the right to meet in groups and share ideas. However, a protest can disrupt traffic or other normal activities. A city must provide extra police protection to keep people safe. Therefore, the city has the right to require permission in advance for a protest. Government must make laws to balance the rights of individuals and different groups of people.

What type of connection is used in the paragraph?




guess its category


i got a similar question i answered ths ..not sure whether its write r wrong

I think it’s analogy. The definition of analogy is the comparison between two things. The analogy is the sentence about chili.

Question: What is the conflict and theme of the story?



I don't know!


I've never read it before. Sry!

“The Meet”, by Madelyn Srin, is a story about doing the right thing whether you win or lose. The protagonist is Ariel, and Maria is the antagonist . The rising action happens when Maria is feeling very upset because she has lost her lucky pink swim cap. Ariel finds the cap under the bleachers, this is the climax.

The conflict is Ariel holding swim cap thinking what to do. She knows she did not return the swim cap Maria would not compete. She would have to make a chose between cheating and playing fairly. Mood: Ariel is jealous and angry to learn her competitor is going to be at the meet after all, at the beginning at the story.

The theme in this story is you don't need to be jealous, be friendly and you always listen to dad even they did not win or lose.

I need a essay for a basketball card her is the screen shot.About the book Crossover.I choose Crystal bell,pls do an essay on her.using the pic below




i hope im not to late just type in basketball and type random letters

Go here to find the essay I hope it’s good

The mall's owner has promised to put up a memorial to the old house, with a historical display and an interactive video. We won't be losing our history or culture—we'll just be losing an expensive eyesore.
How does the paragraph help develop the author's position in the first speech?
Answer choices for the above question

It reveals that the author is hesitant to compromise in any way on this issue.

It shows that the author believes in using technology rather than actually visiting old places.

It shows that the author believes in addressing the real concerns of the other side in the argument.

It reveals that the author is willing to support restoring some of the better parts of the old building.



It shows that the author believes in using technology rather than actually visiting old places.


The author seems to like having tech better than having actual monuments.


In picture A, what message(s) is the person's posture communicating?

Choose 2-3 of the answers:
He is not confident.
He is in a hurry.
He is depressed.
He is excited.
He has uncaring attitude.



He is not confident, He has an uncaring attitude.


He is making himself look smaller by the way he is standing. you can also put he is depressed if you think he is, but the two answers above are correct.


he has uncaring attitude

(answering gets 10 points, PLS HELP!) In english we have to read these short stories, and mine is the story hamadi.

1. In 3–5 complete sentences, thoroughly explain how the protagonist's cultural background affects his or her actions and choices in your Module One short story? Provide at least two specific details from the text to show how the protagonist's cultural background affects his or her actions and choices.

2. In 3–5 complete sentences, thoroughly explain how your protagonist changes from the beginning of the story to the end in your Module One short story? Provide at least two specific details from the text to show how the protagonist changes from the beginning of the story to the end.





Give me 3 verbs u love doing and 3 nouns u can’t live without I’ll give brainliest help ASAPP


eating, drinking, sleeping
Shopping, sleeping and, cooking and I can’t live without my water my phone and food
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