Read this passage from “A Smart Cookie” by Sandra Cisneros.

She has lived in this city her whole life. She can speak two languages. She can sing an opera. She knows how to fix a TV. But she doesn’t know which subway train to take to get downtown.

The author most likely includes this information to help the reader infer that

Esperanza’s mother is a great singer.
Esperanza’s mother is not very smart.
Esperanza’s mother is delighted with city life.
Esperanza’s mother is not able to travel much.


Answer 1



the fourth one

Answer 2

The author most likely includes this information to help the reader infer that Esperanza’s mother is not very smart.

What is “A Smart Cookie” about?

Sandra Cisneros' short story "A Smart Cookie" is about a young girl named Esperanza who lives in Chicago with her family.

The story delves into themes such as cultural identity, assimilation, and the difficulties that immigrants face in adapting to a new culture while maintaining their own traditions.

The story's title refers to Esperanza's mother, who is portrayed as a strong and capable woman with many skills and talents who struggles with the complexities of city life.

The term "inferred" refers to the process of reaching a conclusion based on evidence and reasoning rather than directly stated information.

Thus, the question asks which conclusion can be drawn from the information in the passage.

For more details regarding “A Smart Cookie”, visit:


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need ko po pahelp naman po ako



sou do Brasil nn tem vc nn vai me entende sei falar na sua língua mais nn escrever

Which type of phrase is the underlined portion of the sentence



It is adverbial phrase.

Which of the following is true about writing meeting minutes?
A. Meeting minutes are a word-for-word account of everything said during a meeting.

B. Meeting minutes are a record of which meetings will occur during the week.

C. Meeting minutes are a written record of items discussed and votes taken during a meeting.

D. Meeting minutes are a record of exactly how many minutes a meeting lasted.



A. Meeting minutes are a word-for-word account of everything said during a meeting.


Meeting minutes are a word-for-word account of everything said during a meeting. This meeting minutes have all the key points which was said in the meeting by the chairman and other members that attend the meeting. This meeting minutes always issue after the meeting was held. These minutes able us to know what was the agenda of the meeting and what is discussed in the meeting by the members.

ans:A :)


pls help me

my work is due at 11:59am and it's currently 9am so this is urgent


1. The mountain has been described as if it has a personality. Write down a few sentences that explain how you feel about the mountain. In your answer you must refer to the words used by the author. (4)

2. In the first extract, what contrast has been used to make the mountain appear particularly forbidding? (2)

3. In the first few paragraphs of the first extract, what connection is established between Ebraime and the mountain? (2)

4. Why do you think the author has set the attack by the leopard in darkness? (2)

5. These extracts set the plot of the novel in motion. Write a few sentences to summarise the plot until this point. (5)

the questions (1-5) should be answered in full sentences

here's the reading extract for context:

Ebraime stared up the slope into the gathering mist. Tongues and tracers of cloud raced past the shattered base of the cliffs; below him the mountain fell sharply away, golden in the light of the setting sun. He had never climbed so high before, and he was scared. He had never lost a sheep before. That scared him too.

He crouched against the mountainside, afraid to look back. Against the rising noise of the wind he heard the bleating of the ewe once more. It came from his right, it seemed. Cautiously he crept, hand and foot, up the loose, stony slope. The fierce wind was growing colder, biting through his thin khaki shirt. He glanced back. Behind him the golden light died with the sunset as he reached the base of the broken cliffs.

Zebasberg is a fierce mountain. Ebraime stared up at the soaring, cold grey rocks and trembled. He crept carefully around and between the huge boulders that littered the base of the peak, following the faint bleat of the sheep. The light was dim and dying when at last he found the ewe. She lay in a hollow between two slabs, a small corner of shelter from the rising storm. Gratefully he slipped down beside her. 'Quiet now, quiet now, he whispered gently. The ewe gazed at him with empty eyes and nuzzled closer. Outside the hollow, the wind howled and the world went black..
Ebraime nestled against the warmth of the ewe and looked out at the invisible night. I didn't lose her, he thought proudly. Tomorrow it will be light again and I can lead her down to the farm. Mr Lamprechts will be well pleased with me. He will see that I work well when I bring back this sheep. Ebraime huddled against the warm sheep in the sheltered hollow and was soon asleep.

In the hollow high up against Zebasberg, the ewe raised her head. She sniffed the air and gave a loud bleat. Ebraime woke at once. Where am I? Ebraime thought, clutching the ewe. She struggled and suddenly called again. He held her tight around the middle, peering into the darkness.

What's wrong? he thought. "Be still, be still,' he whispered to the ewe. She tried to lunge to her feet. 'Still, still,' he tried to calm her, when sud denly he became aware of the smell. A terrible rank pungent smell, some thing new in the hollow, something close at hand. "Go away!' he shout ed, terrified.

The ewe lunged without warning and a hot gust of foul breath came out of the dark. Something unseen and awful struck Ebraime full in the face. The ewe screamed, a long des perate bleat, and tore loose from his grip. Another awful searing blow ripped across his face and neck.

He reeled back and screamed from fear and the terrible pain of the blow. The unseen shape knocked him carelessly aside and with a throaty roar leaped away out of the hollow. He felt himself sinking into darkness and he tried to cry out again. Far away, he heard the last bleat as the beast took the ewe. The terrible pain shrank away as he slipped into unconsciousness.

There was no one at the cottage. In the kitchen he found a half-loaf of bread. He wolfed the bread and sank exhausted into a chair facing the open door.

He didn't hear the girl's approach. He was roused by the cautious knock and the soft call 'Ouma Sanna?' He stumbled to his feet. The girl was sil houetted against the bright sunshine outside the door. Ebraime stood up and tried to speak. He had hardly realised that no sound would come when the girl screamed, a scream that echoed shrilly around the room and out across the farmyard. Ebraime stood rooted in the doorway. The girl's screams bewildered and frightened him. What was wrong? Why had the girl screamed like that? He looked back into the cottage. Something moved on his left and he started violently. The light was slanting across Ouma Sanna's only picture, a hand-coloured photograph of herself as a young woman, hand in hand with a young man. Ebraime turned towards the movement and realised that it was his own reflection that had moved. His face was reflected in the dusty glass.

Two eyes stared wildly at him from a face raked with raw, bloody stripes, puffed and wounded and horrible. Suddenly he understood. My face, he shouted to himself. It's my face!​​



Is there a passage that goes with the questions?


"Certain the sounds I make are enough to call someone home.” The line connotes:


The voice are very noise

Which two of these elements are found in the Hopi story?



1. culture differences between the Hopi and spainards

2. Tradition of Hopi people

Actually it's from web

The ants were working hard leaving their laziness, as they have their own philosophy – ‘Never borrow, never lend.’ Do you appreciate the philosophy of the ants? Why/ why not. Justify​



Yes, I appreciate the philosophy of the ants. (Find reasons below)


The ants are hardworking insects that bring in their food when the weather is just right, provide food for their queen, and build the walls of their colonies. Given how tiny these insects are, they can be regarded as hardworking. The philosophy of the ants to 'never borrow and never lend' is one that keeps them on their toes. This mentality promotes independence and serves as motivation for a person to never rely solely on others for help. That way, no one will be a liability to another.

Even though in real-life settings, things can become so difficult that we sometimes beg, still, this philosophy will ensure that begging never becomes a habit.

What type of structure does Ortiz Cofer use?

free verse with short, definitive statements

free verse with long, flowing sentences

rhythmic sentences with repeated patterns



free verse with long, flowing sentences


The answer is B) free verse with long, flowing sentences

The second answer is C) Flowing sentences create a poetic scene out of the Latin deli.


edge 2022

In your own words, do you think it’s necessary for cultures to have a “coming of age” ceremony ? Why or why not?



I don’t think it is necessary but it all depends on the culture Hispanic people have the party for when the girl turns into a women at 15, Caucasian people have the sweet 16. It all depends on what you and your family want to do.


She drove a car. linto Negativel
Bimal says, "Lam writing my answers," into Indirect Speech
policeman is questioning the man Tinto Passive Voice
Vobody called me ..........? (question Tag)
Ile has proved it wrong. (into Past Perfect Continuous)
She says, "Tam studying my book." (into Indirect Speech)
We will buy car (into Passive)
Someone called me,
(Supply the correct
question las)
Pokhara is hotter than Kathmandu (Into Negative)
They go to school seldom (Intollow often question )​



Dayum man it sounds good but i dont get the question


Read the passage from Animal Farm.

Napoleon stood sternly surveying his audience; then he uttered a high-pitched whimper. Immediately the dogs bounded forward, seized four of the pigs by the ear and dragged them, squealing with pain and terror, to Napoleon's feet. The pigs' ears were bleeding, the dogs had tasted blood, and for a few moments they appeared to go quite mad. To the amazement of everybody, three of them flung themselves upon Boxer. Boxer saw them coming and put out his great hoof, caught a dog in mid-air, and pinned him to the ground. The dog shrieked for mercy and the other two fled with their tails between their legs. Boxer looked at Napoleon to know whether he should crush the dog to death or let it go. Napoleon appeared to change countenance, and sharply ordered Boxer to let the dog go, whereat Boxer lifted his hoof, and the dog slunk away, bruised and howling.

Presently the tumult died down. The four pigs waited, trembling, with guilt written on every line of their countenances. Napoleon now called upon them to confess their crimes. They were the same four pigs as had protested when Napoleon abolished the Sunday Meetings. Without any further prompting they confessed that they had been secretly in touch with Snowball ever since his expulsion, that they had collaborated with him in destroying the windmill, and that they had entered into an agreement with him to hand over Animal Farm to Mr. Frederick. They added that Snowball had privately admitted to them that he had been Jones's secret agent for years past. When they had finished their confession, the dogs promptly tore their throats out, and in a terrible voice Napoleon demanded whether any other animal had anything to confess.

Which details from the text support the claim that this passage is an allegory for the Great Purge? Select two options.

Snowball’s return to the farm as Jones’s agent
the false confessions extracted from the four pigs
Boxer's ability to stop the dogs from hurting him
the slaughter of the pigs by the dogs at Napoleon's order
the dogs' reaction to Boxer's defense against them



The false confessions extracted from the four pigs.

The slaughter of the pigs by the dogs at Napoleon's order.


The Great Purge was an event in the history of the Russian government during 1936-38. During this period, the Russian dictator Joseph Stalin ordered those 'traitors' of his government to be on trial and even killed. The period was strife with ethnic cleansing, 'removing' dissenting people, murders, trials known and unknown, etc.

Similar to Stalin's rule, Napoleon also carried out trials and killings as he deems fit. He would order his dogs to 'execute' his order, which can be seen in the given excerpt when the four pigs were killed by the dogs. Not only that, extracting false 'declarations/confessions' from the pigs which is the cause of their 'execution' was also a similar element to that of Stalin's "Great Purge".

Thus, the correct answers are the second and fourth options.


The second and fourth options


I took the quiz edge 2021

1. Many organized religions follow a specific ____ to ensure that their beliefs are consistent. dogma transmutation apparition acclamation



Many organized religions follow a specific DOGMA to ensure that their beliefs are consistent.


Straight from Edmentum. :)

The correct response is - "Both explain how Midas' daughter turned into a statue," is the response.

What is transmutation?

The transformation of one chemical element or isotope into another chemical element is known as a nuclear transmutation. Any process that modifies the number of protons or neutrons in an atom's nucleus is known as a nuclear transmutation.

There are two processes for transmutation. Fast neutron reactors are used in the first (conventional reactors are not very efficient), while hybrid reactors, such as the MYHRRA project, are used in the second.

The Magnum Opus program's four stages correspond to the four phases of alchemical and psychological metamorphosis. They are Rubedo, Nigredo, Albedo, and Citrinitas. These are known as confession, illumination, education, and transformation in terms of psychology, according to Jung.

To read more about transmutation, refer to -


The scene described above takes place during the _____ of "Service."




rising action


The scene described above takes place during the rising action of service. The correct option is d.

What is rising action?

Rising action is the section of a story that leads toward its climax. Because of the increased tension as a book's central conflict or conflicts)become clear, the rising action is often what keeps you turning the pages.

Not every book or movie plot works exactly the same way, but most of them start with some basic exposition that introduces the characters and setting, followed by rising action that pulls the reader or viewer toward the story's most emotional and interesting moment its climax. The rising action does a lot of the story's work, as it includes the most vital parts of the plot, making thrillers thrilling and page-turners engrossing.

The opposite of rising action is falling action, the phase of a story following the climax in which the main conflict is de-escalated and tension is further dispelled.

Learn more about rising action, here:


By studying the suffix, the reader can determine that "impetuous" most likely means



Impetuous means, acting or done quickly and without thought or care.



“someone who acts without impulsiveness or emotion.”


Wht is science fiction


Science fiction is a genre of speculative fiction that typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life.

What usually creates or communicates mood in a short story?





mood is set by characters, tone is set by author

The details used in the story to describe the setting (basically the dialogue of the story) creates the mood in a short story.

Read the excerpt from chapter 20 of The Awakening.

That was about the substance of the two letters. Edna felt that if there had been a message for her, she would
have received it. The despondent frame of mind in which she had left home began again to overtake her, and
she remembered that she wished to find Mademoiselle Reisz.

Which prediction is most likely based on the events that have emerged so far in The Awakening?

A. Edna will not be able to find Mademoiselle Reisz despite her best efforts.

B. Edna will change her mind about finding Mademoiselle Reisz due to fatigue.

C. Mademoiselle Reisz will tell Edna to embrace her duties as a wife and mother.

D. Mademoiselle Reisz will play a key role in Edna's transformation of self.

Please hurry I’m on a time limit!!!!!!


Answer: Mademoiselle Reisz will play a key role in Edna's transformation of self


The prediction is most likely based on the events that have emerged so far in The Awakening is that Mademoiselle Reisz will play a key role in Edna's transformation of self.

Since the despondent frame of mind which she had when leaving home began to overtake her, and she remembered that she wished to find Mademoiselle Reisz, then it can be deduced that Mademoiselle Reisz still has an important role on how Edna will transform herself.

The Texas railroad things






Help anyone ! Plzzzzzzzz



The answer would be B


question tag: nobody has arrived yet,​


More info on this question plz

1, My house is bigger than your house.
-> Your house is................................................................................................................
2, The black is cheaper than the red car.
-> The red car..........................................................................................................................
3, There is a sink , a tub and a shower in the bathroom.
-> The bathroom............................................................................................................
4, No one in the group is taller than Trung.
-> Trung.................................................................................................................................
5, Do you have a better refrigerator than this?
-> Is this...............................................................................................................................



1.Your house is smaller than my house

2.The red car is more expensive than the black car

3.The bathroom have a sink,a tub and a shower

4.Trung is highest in the group

Which excerpt from "Initiation” correctly matches with the implied resolution of the story?

There really was no doubt now that she would get in; This is the climax implying that Millicent will accept the invitation.
"It won't be any different with us, Tracy," Millicent had told her; This is the rising action implying that the two girls will remain friends.
“Well, what do they do as a club?" Millicent wanted to know; This is the exposition implying that Millicent will challenge the club’s activities.
Swooping carefree over the moors, they would go singing; This is the falling action implying that the sorority girls will form a choir.



its b

"It won't be any different with us, Tracy," Millicent had told her; This is the rising action implying that the two girls will remain friends.





i did the test :)

Hiii you can help me pliss :(



1. am watching

2. is not listening

3. are sitting


All of those above is at present continuous tense.

am watching

is not listening

are sitting

PLS HELP IF I DONT PASS I DIE, Read the passage from Sugar Changed the World.
As sugar planters fled from the revolution in Haiti,
some moved to Cuba's Oriente Province, others to
North America—to Louisiana. By the time the Haitian
plantation owners and overseers reached New
Orleans, abolitionists were pressing to end the African
slave trade. The tragedy is that this movement to end
slavery did nothing to improve conditions in Louisiana
In fact, the state that slaves called Lousy Anna was
the very worst place for an African in America; it was
the Caribbean all over again a death sentence.
In every single American slave state, the population of
enslaved people kept rising even after the slave trade
was abolished. That was because enough enslaved
children were born, lived, and grew to become adults.
There was just one exception to this rule: Louisiana, There was just one exception to this rule: Louisiana,
where the native-born enslaved population kept
dropping. Sugar was a killer.
Unlike the Caribbean, Louisiana has cold snaps. That
put an additional pressure on the sugar harvest. Not
only did the slaves need to harvest the cane in perfect
rhythm with the grinding mills, but the entire crop had
to be cut down between mid-October and December
This pace only increased when growers installed
improved, steam-powered mills. People needed to
work faster than the weather and to keep pace with machines. which details do the authors include to support the claim in this passage? select two options.



north America-to Louisiana

What combination of skills would you like to combine into a single Career Pathway , if you could ?



There are certain keywords in almost every job posting that relate to skills: communication, multitasking, teamwork, creativity, critical thinking and leadership. These words represent a secret language that few job hunters understand. The ones who do “get it” are also the ones who get the job offers. That’s because these keywords and phrases represent the skills that enable you to do your job well, whatever that job may be. They are known as transferable skills because no matter what the job or profession is, they make the difference between success and failure.

The combination of skills I would like to combine into a single Career Pathway are :

Job posting skillsTransferable skillsJob-related skillsAdaptive skillsUniversal skills

What is career pathway?

Career pathways are small groups of occupations within a career cluster. Occupations within a pathway share common skills, knowledge, and interests. When looking for a job or trying to advance in your career, you can develop new skills that are especially impressive to employers.

What is the importance of skills for career aspirations?

A skill set is a collection of skills and abilities.

Each person has a different skill set depending on their interests, natural abilities, personal qualities and technical skills. Skills can expand your professional competency and allow you to perform your job well. Spending time on improving your skills can help you achieve personal career goals such as earning a promotion or becoming an expert on a certain topic.

Learn more on skills here -


Which two pieces of textual evidence from Selection 2 illustrate Laurence's persistence

A."After ten more minutes he cautiously raised his head and looked about. It seemed endless, row upon row of crates, boxes, barrels."

B."At the stern of the boat he found a room with a door partially ajar. Laurence came upon a narrow ladder leading up into darkness near the stern of the the ship."

C."He felt what seemed to be stacks of small, light and very hard squares of wood. Laurence put the square into his mouth and tried to bite into it."

D."After a full hour he found one whose lid was open a crack --- hardly wide enough for the his fingers. Bit by bit, the bread softened, until at last he was able to break off a piece."


Hi. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, when searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly like yours that showed the text "Laurence in the hold." If that's the case for you, I hope the answer below will help you.


C."He felt what seemed to be stacks of small, light and very hard squares of wood. Laurence put the square into his mouth and tried to bite into it."  

D."After a full hour he found one whose lid was open a crack --- hardly wide enough for the his fingers. Bit by bit, the bread softened, until at last he was able to break off a piece."


"Laurence in the Hold" features a boy named Lawrence, who was, for some reason, hiding on a ship that was already on the high seas, meaning Lawrence couldn't get off the ship until that ship stopped somewhere. Lawrence was in hiding, no one could know he was there, but he was very hungry and needed to eat to survive. He knew that he would not receive food as a passenger or a crew member and for that reason, he persisted in looking around the ship for something he could eat. The two excerpts presented above show this persistence of Lawrence in satisfying his hunger.

Rubab is so friendly. ___________ can make friends with her.
a) Something b) Anything
c) Anyone d) Someone



C) anyone


Message writing .
Please help me to complite it .​


Answer: Pack things like snacks and plenty of water bottles. You can pack things for friends as well. Make sure you bring your phone so if I need to, I can contact you.


Hey so when you wake up in the morning make sure you pack a water bottle to stay hydrated and make sure to pack your sandwich and some snacks if you get hungry and also bring a sweater if you get cold .

Write a sentence in present tense with correct subject-verb agreement using the collective noun "flock" as in flock of tourists or flock of swans as the subject



'True fearers of God a little flock gathered together in private exercises of religion' is a sentence in present tense with correct subject-verb agreement using the collective noun "flock" as in flock of tourists or flock of swans as the subject

I. Identify each sentence whether it is in the past tense, present tense or future tense.
1. Lyka danced gracefully.
2. Lissa will visit her grandmother next week.
3. Emmy checks her bag for her make-up kit.
4. The dog barks loudly.
5. Mika ate her favorite cake.



1. Passed tense

2. Future tense

3. Present tense

4. Present tense

5. Passed tense


1. past tense (danced)

2. future tense (will visit)

3. present tense (checks)

4. present tense (barks)

5. past tense (ate)


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