Really need help help me


Answer 1


Write in coherent paragraphs. ...

Write paragraphs that are neither too short nor too long. ...

Begin most sentences with the subject, rather than with a dependent clause, an adverb, or a prepositional phrase. ...

Write with an economy of words.

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¿Por qué a la emancipación de las colonias centroamericanas de México se le llamó la segunda independencia?



La revolución Americana fue causada principalmente por la oposición colonial a los intentos británicos de imponer I’m mayor control sobre las colonias y hacer que paguen a la corona por is defensa durante la Guerra de Francia e India.


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African Americans should use money to buy equality.

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African Americans could band together and use violence to gain equality.

African Americans should use economic and political power to gain equality.



African americans should use nonvioence to gain equaity


Necause violence does nothing to hep at all.

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Answer: Assimilation is a process in which formerly distinct and separate groups come to share a common culture and merge together socially. As a society undergoes assimilation, differences among groups decrease. Pluralism, on the other hand, exists when groups maintain their individual identities.


Explanation: Assimilation is a process in which formerly distinct and separate groups come to share a common culture and merge together socially. As a society undergoes assimilation, differences among groups decrease. Pluralism, on the other hand, exists when groups maintain their individual identities.

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~Answer :-An attack by one country against another over a border dispute.

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did on edge adf


no exp

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Maryland (1819) the Supreme Court ruled that Congress had implied powers under the Necessary and Proper Clause of Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution to create the Second Bank of the United States and that the state of Maryland lacked the power to tax the Bank.

In McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) the Supreme Court ruled that Congress had implied powers under the Necessary and Proper Clause of Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution to create the Second Bank of the United States and that the state of Maryland lacked the power to tax the Bank.

define development project.​



Development Project means any project undertaken for the purpose of development. ... Development Project means grading or construction activities occurring on a specific tract. This includes redevelopment projects.

1.what do you like of jesus one things?
2.who created earth?
3.उत्पती 1 को 27 मा के लेखेको छ​



I like that he died to clean our sins

god created the earth.

yesaikaran parmesorle manislai aafnai sorupma sristi garnu vayo. parmesorkai partirupma tinlai siristi garnu vayo

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Can someone help plz


I would put something simple like Very Aggressively

what is the definition of pomology.... someone please help​



it's the science of fruit-growing.

The excerpt from the Lewis W. Hine letter most clearly demonstrates a

correlation between which of the following phenomena?
A. Internal migration and the breakdown of traditional family
B. Immigration and the emergence of ethnic enclaves within cities
C. Industrialization and the rising number of children in the workforce
D. Urbanization and the diversification of labor among industries



C. Industrialization and the rising number of children in the workforce


just took the test

An excerpt from the Lewis W. Hine letter mostly demonstrate the Industrialization and the rising number of children in the workforce.

Who is Lewis Hine?

He was a New York based schoolteacher and photographer who always believed that a picture could tell a powerful story.

One of an excerpt from his latter posit the Industrialization and the rising number of children in the workforce.

Therefore, the Option C is correct.

Read more about Lewis Hine


What were the effects of the Tet Offensive at home and in Vietnam?
Select all that apply.



B) Represented a major battlefield defeat for the Viet Cong.

D) Decreased public support for the Vietnam War.

E) decreased the trust many Americans had in the government and military.


Why are so many people struggling to make ends meet living in LA today? Why don't they just move to a cheaper city?



LA can be a really expensive area.  In addition, you need money to move to a cheaper city.  Until prices go down, I doubt people are gonna move out.


In LA, its where most people go to live nowadays. LA is popular among celebrities and you.tubers


It seems that LA is the "cool and popular" place to be in right now, besides the high payments, the virus is getting worse there as well.

Also, LA is known to be very expensive as it is also very touristic.

The first cotton-spinning mill in the United States was built by?



Samuel Slater


The First American Cotton Mill Began Operation. Samuel Slater built that first American mill in Pawtucket based on designs of English inventor Richard Arkwright.

Write a 350-500-word essay discussing a current social injustice, and support your findings with an explanation of a reliable source you used during your investigation.



Explanation to the following question is as follows;


Because people really aren't considered equal in society, it is known as social unfairness. The cause of systemic inequality may be connected to a condition or status of belonging to a certain group. Ethnicity or citizenship; mental or physical ability; culture; age; gender or sexual orientation; profession or class are all factors that contribute to social injustice.

What was a founding belief of the Mennonites?

accepting infant baptism
migrating to the Americas
cooperating with the state
wishing peace to all people



A) accepting infant baptism


How did Winston Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech impact the Truman Doctrine?


How did Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech impact the Truman Doctrine? Churchill's famous speech convinced many Americans that the USSR was an enemy rather than an ally, which led to the creation of the Truman Doctrine. ... The USSR needed to protect its western border from future attacks.


The speech convinced Americans that the USSR was an enemy, rather than an ally, which led to the creation of the Truman Doctrine.


Drag each label to the correct location.
Identify each item as a cause or an effect of imperialism in Southeast Asia,
Locals suffered in poverty,
Westen nations grew richer by
Exploidng colonized nations,
Western nations wanted to profit
from weaker, resource-rich nations,
Internal conflicts arose because
of diverse communities living in
a single nation,
Cause of Imperialism
Effect of Imperialism



The answer is below


Considering the cause and effect of Imperialism on South Asia like India, we can conclude the following:

Cause of Imperialism in South Asia

1. Western nations wanted to profit

from weaker, resource-rich nations.

Effect of Imperialism in South Asia

1. Locals suffered in poverty

2. Westen nations grew richer by

Exploiting colonized nations

3. Internal conflicts arose because

of diverse communities living in

a single nation,

how did people most likely arrive in northern europe?



due to early human migration...hope this hleps❤

Two consequences of the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961



The Berlin wall divided families who found themselves unable to visit each other. Many East Berliners were cut off from their jobs too.


What was the situation before the development?



On the one hand, the deteriorating global economic situations adversely impacted countries in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Western Asia, which in the 1980s experienced a lost decade of development. On the other hand, most countries in South and East Asia were more resilient and were able to keep economic dynamism.


Before this development, Pluto was considered one of the nine planets in our solar system.



How was industrialization in Great Britain different from industrialization in China.



Great Britain's industrialization was driven by individual citizens, while China's was guided by the government.

Great Britain's industrialization was driven by railroads, while China's was driven by textile production. ... Great Britain's industrialization was driven by individual citizens, while China's was guided by the government.

Why did the entertainment industry grow significantly after World War I?



because people sought easy and inexpensive ways of escaping the unhappy memories of recent events.

What type of evidence does Roosevelt use to support the claim that the United Nations must attain unanimity on the human rights issue? Roosevelt uses anecdotal evidence by discussing how other countries have approached human rights struggles in the past. Roosevelt uses logical evidence by explaining that, once people have seen these freedoms, they will want them for themselves. Roosevelt uses anecdotal evidence by sharing that, because human rights make government work, they must be part of the law. Roosevelt uses logical evidence by referring to data about peaceful struggles for human rights around the



Roosevelt uses logical evidence by explaining that, once people have seen these freedoms, they will want them for themselves.


Eleanor Roosevelt's 1958 speech "The Struggle for Human Rights" was given in Paris to appeal to the members of the United Nations to vote for the Declaration of Human Rights. Her speech talks about the "preservation of human rights" and how it is important that individual rights be given enough importance as opposed to collective rights.

In her speech, Roosevelt talks about how unanimity is a difficult task to achieve, considering the "different concepts of government and human rights" that each government has. But at the same time, the struggle to achieve unanimity "must be firm and patient." She also reiterates the importance of such unity in the face of a desire to be free.

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.


B) Roosevelt uses logical evidence by explaining that, once people have seen these freedoms, they will want them for themselves.


Right on Edge

5. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization?
O A. The ideas of Social Darwinism
O B. Acquisition of raw materials
O C. The adoption of Enlightenment ideals
O D. The growth of slavery
Mark for review (Will be highlighted on the review page)



it have to be letter d


raw materials was the economic motive behind the nineteenth century colonization




What was the situation with Great
Britain during the Potsdam Conference
in 1945?
A. Winston Churchill had just been re-elected as prime
B. Winston Churchill had just resigned as prime
C. Winston Churchill brought along his political
opponent due to election results not being in yet.
D. Winston Churchill had died of natural causes and
was replaced as prime minister.



C)  Winston Churchill brought along his political opponent due to election results not being in yet.


The Potsdam Conference ran from July 17 to August 2, 1945. Before the congress, the polls had taken place on 5 July 1945, but Winston Churchill, waiting for the collecting of the vote of the Service, pulled Clement Attlee away from Potsdam, his political opponents. On the 25th of the same month, they were both back home waiting for the following morning's findings. It was clear by afternoon that the party was won by Clement Attlee. This led to Winston Churchill's resignation as Prime Minister and to his substitution at the Potsdam Conference by Clement Attlee.

Read the next section and then complete this chart with the required information. Provide the type of government, an
interesting fact, explain how laws are made, and answer whether each is or isn't similar to the U.S. Upload your work.



Iran. theoracy government

It is also called Persia and it's capital city is Tehran.

it made the law by punishment.

they have similarity in creating a common enemy for the citizens of the country to vilify

monarchy type of government in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the middle East ,and the second largest country in the world.

law of Saudi Arabia was adopted by royal decree.

the Saudi Arabia has more common than in mere interests.

parliament government

it's most scared cities are in Jerusalem.

it's rules are made by the final version of the laws enacted by the Knesset are published in the official gazette.

both are very nationalistic.

What is the central idea of nazi race theory?



In Nazi propaganda the "Mediterranean" race was described as brown-haired, brown-eyed, light skinned but slightly darker than their Northern European counterparts, and short …


"Hitler's Nazi theory also claimed that the Aryan race is a master race, superior to all other races, that a nation is the highest creation of a race, and great nations (literally large nations) were the creation of great races."


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
Read the excerpt from "Song of Myself" by Walt Whitman and complete
the sentence that follows.
What has become of the young and old men?
And what has become of the women and children?
They are alive and well somewhere,
The smallest sprout shows there is really no death,
And if ever there was it led forward life, and does not walt at the end to arrest it,
And ceas'd the moment life appear'd.
All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses,
And to die is different from what any one supposed, and luckier.
In the excerpt Walt Whitman suggests that (options: see in photo)
because (options: the human soul is unchangeable and immortal, the remains of the dead are absorbed into the soil and continue to nourish life, the soul and consciousness continue to exist in other living beings, the human soul is not immortal in any way)



In the excerpt Walt Whitman suggests that human beings continue to exist after death through the people they know because the remains of the dead are absorbed into the soil and continue to nourish life.


Walt Whitman's poem "Song of Myself" is a celebration of the self and how an individual becomes one with nature. The poet delves into the idea of discovering one's self, identification of one's self with that of others, and the relationship with the universe and nature.

In the given lines of poetry taken from the 6th part of the poem, the poet talks of what happens to life after one dies. He questions "What has become of the young and old men? / And what has become of the women and children?" And he responds, "All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses, / And to die is different from what anyone supposed, and luckier."

This shows that Whitman believes human beings do not die or vanish completely. Rather, they continue to exist after death through the people they know, and that the remains of the dead are absorbed into the soil and continue to nourish life.


D and F


some remnant of human life continues to exist after death,

The remains of the dead are absorbed into the soil and continue to nourish life

is it a b or c?? im completely stuck​



b) part of the ammunition

hope it helps u girl

How did leaders use propaganda in italy?


Because they where immigrants all over the world
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