reasons behind the pain What are the be changes seen in the development ur opinion​


Answer 1


to serve as teacher to the people get them self involved in the pain

orbit may happen some time as a result of mistakingly

Related Questions

what were the persain's rule



The Persian Empire is the name given to a series of dynasties centered in modern-day Iran that spanned several centuries—from the sixth century B.C. to the twentieth century A.D. The first Persian Empire, founded by Cyrus the Great around 550 B.C., became one of the largest empires in history, stretching from Europe's

Your little sister, who is 14 years old, has been extremely emotional lately. She's moody and generally unhappy. From your developmental psychology class, you know that as she develops into late adolescence, her emotional states will __________.


most likely mature or liven up
They will get worse.

True or False: This funding structure incentivizes schools to seek out and serve lower-performing students. True False





hope this helps you out

How far is your home from the federal capital ?(Measure the distance using measurement scale and write it is kilometres)​





Federal Capital is the capital city of a country, which is also a political entity, and also works as the seat of the federal government.

The federal capital of India is New Delhi, so the distance from Kolkata to New Delhi is 1541. 5 km.

What is Federal Capital?

Federal Capital remains the capital city of a country, where all the major operations regarding the government take place, and this particular city tends to conduct all the meetings regarding constitution and law accordingly.

What is Federal Government?

Federal government of a country works on the process where all the decisions regarding the constitution or law are taken in the federal capital of the country, by the people present in the government board.

To learn more about Federal Capital here:


In general, coping with stress includes __________. A. negative coping strategies B. positive coping skills C. positive attitudes D. all of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided. A B C D





positive coping skills are the best way of dealing with stress and many other things

hope this helps ❤


D: all of the above



Brendon believes that he is worthless and that he will never have satisfying relationships. Brendon’s therapist questions these beliefs by saying, "I appreciate you and enjoy our interactions. What do you think of that?" After these conversations, Brendon starts to recognize his maladaptive thinking patterns. The therapist is using ________ to help Brendon.




Brendon believes that he is worthless and that he will never have satisfying relationships. Brendon’s therapist questions these beliefs by saying, "I appreciate you and enjoy our interactions. What do you think of that?" After these conversations, Brendon starts to recognize his maladaptive thinking patterns. The therapist is using cognitive retructuring to help Brendon.

What do you mean by Belief?

An concept that we regard to be true is referred to as a belief. Whether there is evidence or proof, it is an acknowledgment that something is real or true.

The method of cognitive restructuring has been effective in assisting people in altering their thinking patterns. The purpose of using this technique to manage stress is to swap out cognitive distortions—thoughts that cause tension—for more rational, stress-free ones.

A crucial component of cognitive behavioral therapy is cognitive reorganization (CBT). For common issues like depression, anxiety disorders, and binge eating, CBT is among the most successful psychological therapies. You can use some of these CBT procedures at home to lessen issues with your mood, anxiety, and stress.

Therefore, The therapist is using cognitive retructuring to help Brendon.

Learn more about Belief, here;


in what ways can the government combat child abuse.​



by taking away hard beating like beating with cane and belt to avoid injuries on the body,this will take away child abuse.


why is the demand of drinking water increasing in Nepal?​



The demand for drinking water is growing with population growth and urbanization. It is the prime duty of the government to make the proper supply of drinking water to its citizens while it is consumer's duty to cooperate with the distribution system and help make proper utilization.

give a short introduction of the Simrounagadh and Baise and Chaubise​



Baise Rajya (Nepali: बाइसे राज्यहरू) were sovereign and intermittently allied petty kingdoms on the Indian subcontinent, ruled by Khas from medieval India, located around the Karnali-Bheri river basin of modern-day Nepal. The Baise were annexed during the unification of Nepal from 1744 to 1810. The kingdom's founder Prithvi Narayan Shah (ruled 1743-1775) did not live to see this, but his son and grandson annexed the entire collection by the end of the 18th century.

Simraungadh, Simraongarh or Simroungarh ( Devanagari: सिम्रौनगढ) was a fortified city and the main capital of the Tirhut Kingdom founded by Karnat King Nanyadeva in 1097.Presently it is a municipality of Nepal, located in Bara District, Province No. 2. Archaeological investigations of the fort also show that part of the walls extended into Bihar, India as the city was situated on the modern-day border. The municipality was created in 2014 by agglomerating the Village Development Committees of Amritganj, Golaganj, Hariharpur & Uchidih; and later on expanded to include Bhagwanpur, Kachorwa, Dewapur-Teta, and Bishunpur kamalpur.

Hariqbal is preparing an online dating profile. One of the questions for the profile is whether he is a romantic person. In order to answer this question, Hariqbal thinks back on some of his most recent actions. Since in the past week he read a book of love poems, enjoyed a dramatic film, and took a long walk by the beach, he decides that he must be a romantic person. What process has Hariqbal engaged in



This question lacks options, options are:

a. upward social comparison

b. the misattribution of arousal

c. the better than average effect

d. self-perception.  

The correct answer is d.


The American psychologist Daryl Bem is responsible for the development of the theory of self-perception. According to this professional, human beings study their behavior to discover what leads them to act in a certain way. Self-perception supposes the observation of our being; emotions, desires, feelings, etc., and of our context, that is, to identify our behaviors, attitudes and the circumstances of our environment, in a way that allows us to form an accurate but not exact opinion of ourselves, that is, the Self-perception allows persons to learn from their actions and modify their personality based on that learning. Self-perception influences how a person interprets, in a subjective way, certain aspects of his personality that come into play in the relationships he establishes with others.

Explain whether or not you think civil rights legislation is still needed today.



One of the greatest achievements of the civil rights movement, the Civil Rights Act led to greater social and economic mobility for African-Americans across the nation and banned racial discrimination, providing greater access to resources for women, religious minorities, African-Americans and low-income families.

What kind of economy system in the USA in the 1800s? *


The U.S. economy was primarily agricultural in the early 19th century.

the human resources available is the base of development for a nation​



it's helpful to you


it's helpful

Why is collective responsibility called essential factor of society? Write in 10 points.​



simple life territorywe-feeling natural birth and development specialised namesize pride towards historical deedssecurityaffinityresponsibilitycooperation friendliness loveobedience of rules and regulations

orderliness as the mother of peace​



Homogeneity is the mother of harmony because it promotes peaceful coexistence. It also teaches the mind to accept the correct method of doing things. I have to do the correct things at the correct moment way. Hannah is a carefree, irresponsible lady who eventually burns to herself in the front of her mom and daughter.

A teacher has a conference with a parent who is angry because he claims the final grade his son received on the literature unit is unfair. According to the parent, the grade had nothing to do with what the student did or learned in class. The teacher responds by showing the parent the unit objectives, class activities, and test questions and explains how they fit together. The teacher is presenting evidence of the Group of answer choices reliability of the literature unit. validity of the learning objectives. reliability of the test. validity of the grade.



Validity of the grade.


The Nepalese have the trend of working in foreign countries for long. What might be the benefits and drawbacks of brain drain? Point out three for each.​




# we can learn new skills and implement in our country

# import of foreign currency

# make new ideology of markets and agriculture


# people may forget nepalese culture

# they may settle in foreign

# nelalese tradition may eloped

How is society formed Write any 3 ways to its formAtion



The formation of society takes place through the interaction of different norms, rituals, and cultures. People from different cultures and norms possess different and varied values that help to build a new society. ... The exchange of art, beliefs, laws, and customs leads to the formation of society




The formation of society takes place through the interaction of different norms, rituals, and cultures. People from different cultures and norms possess different and varied values that help to build a new society. ... The exchange of art, beliefs, laws, and customs leads to the formation of society.

The formation of society takes place through the interaction of different norms, rituals, and cultures.

1. People from different cultures and norms possess different and varied values that help to build a new society.

2. Society and culture have a great relationship with each other.

3. People cooperate and interact with each other at different levels.

4. The exchange of art, beliefs, laws, and customs leads to the formation of society.

mention any five strategies related to Road taken by the 13th five year plan.



Five-Year Plans of Nepal generally strove to increase output and employment; develop the infrastructure; attain economic stability; promote industry, commerce, and international trade; establish administrative and public service institutions to support economic development; and also introduce labor-intensive production techniques to alleviate underemployment. The social goals of the plans were improving health and education as well as encouraging equitable income distribution. Although each plan had different development priorities, the allocation of resources did not always reflect these priorities. The first four plans concentrated on infrastructure—to make it possible to facilitate the movement of goods and services—and to increase the size of the market. Each of the five-year plans depended heavily on foreign assistance in the forms of grants and loans


First Five-Year Plan

The First Five-Year Plan(1956–61) allocated Rs 330 million for development expenditures of which Rs 220 million were funded by international donors, partly under the Colombo Plan. Transportation received top priority with almost 30% of the budget allocation but rural development, including agriculture, village development, irrigation and forestry also received significant amounts.

Select the correct answer.
Lewis works as the head of an emergency services unit in the United States. He and his teammates use a geographic information system (GIS) quite often. Which benefit could the use of GIS provide to Lewis and his team?
It would help them predict natural disasters.
It would help them find the shortest and safest routes to reach hospitals during emergencies.
It would help them arrange for the necessary medical equipment required during emergencies.
It would help them to better handle queries related to emergencies.



B) it would help them find the shortest and safest routes to reach hospitals during emergency

how Democracy do
improve the quality of decision making?​


Democracy allows for citizens to create a nation in which they can choose a better environment. Without it, most people will feel as if the government they are living in is unfair.

what do you mean by lack of transparency​



Lack of transparency can have devastating effects that sometimes leave a permanent stain on a company or brand's image. Brands cannot thrive without the public's trust. A recent case that demonstrates the negative outcomes of failing to be transparent is the emissions scandal at Volkswagen.

Gary was trying on jeans in a department store when he saw himself in the mirror. He wasn't happy with what he saw, so Gary realizes he needs to watch what he eats so he can look good in the style of jeans he likes to wear. Which stage of change model is MOST consistent with Gary's behaviors





Gary seems to be in the contemplation stage of the change model. This is the stage in which the individual first sees and accepts the problem. This is when they begin to think about solving the problem and making decisions but have not yet taken the step and have not made any decisions or progress towards solving the problem. This is why it is one of the very early stages in the change model.

write the professional education of :
i. JTA
ii. Forester
iii. Ranger​



i.the aim of the program is to produce junior technical assistant (jta) in the field of agriculture (plant science), to provide services to the people as a demand of the country.

Ii.A forester is a professional in charge of caring for, planting and managing trees or forests. They are involved in a range of activities including restoration, conservation, timber harvest, and managing protected wooded areas.

eventos de la cultura chavin



Julio C. Tello, con el apoyo de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. El año pasado se cumplieron 100 años de aquel evento histórico ...

Jenni was startled by the sudden, loud barking made by a large black dog. Every time she saw a large black dog after that, she felt anxious and jumpy. She also began to feel the same way when she say any brown, medium sized doges. This change in her conditioned response is known as ___________.



this condition response is known as "phobia".

Differentiate between GDP and GNP in a sentence.


Gross national product is another metric used to measure a country's economic output. Where GDP looks at the value of goods and services produced within a country's borders, GNP is the market value of goods and services produced by all citizens of a country—both domestically and abroad.

The Crusades had which effect on Muslims in Europe?

A. Muslims became powerful nobles in European kingdoms
B. Muslims were pushed out of many parts of Europe.
C. Muslims were killed in pogroms across Europe.
D. Most Muslims in Europe became Christian.


The Crusades were a series of wars between Christians and Muslims during the Middle Ages. Western European Christians sought to gain control of Palestine, the land where Jesus lived, died, and according to Christians, was resurrected, from the Muslims. While Christian Crusaders never achieved more than temporary control of Jerusalem, the Crusades had many lasting effects on Western European societies. These effects profoundly changed the lives of Western Europeans. One of the many effects of the Crusades was that the pope and the kings of Western Europe became more powerful. In addition, Europeans began to trade with the Middle East. Trade increased as Western Europeans began to buy products like sugar, lemons, and spices. Naturally, increased trade led to increased cultural diffusion. Crusaders and traders learned about Arab art, architecture, medicine, and mathematics. Since the Arabs were very advanced in science and mathematics, Western European knowledge increased. Finally, after traveling to the Middle East, may Western Europeans began to see their small villages as uninteresting and even boring. Many Western Europeans began to seek adventure. Exploration increased.

What is socialzatoin ?How socialzation formation? justifiy the statement.​


Answer: The act of adapting behavior to the norms of a culture or society is called socialization.

Who votes in a direct democracy


everyone votes on everything


In direct democracy, people decide on policies without any intermediary.

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HELP NOW! I'LL GIVE OUT BRIANLEST!Use the timeline to answer the question:Image of a timeline with three dates marked 3000 BCE, 0, and 2000 CE. There are lines above 3000 BCE, 0, and 2000 CE. There is also a line marked A, which is to the right of 3000 BCE. The distance between 3000 BCE and 0 is proportionately less than the distance between 0 and 2000 CE. 2012 FLVSWhich date corresponds to letter A on the timeline? 1500 CE 1400 BCE 3200 BCE 1900 CE Help! A sales person lying about the effectiveness of his product would be an example of witch of the following?A: direct persuasion B: professional persuasion C: emotional persuasion D: indirect persuasion E: unethical persuasion I need help to fine the statement that is true Civil DisobediencePart 1Most people remember Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as reformers who practiced non-violent forms of protest and advocacy. Both effectively changed the popular opinion about emotional issues for their countries and brought in a wave of change that was long overdue. But the practice of non-violent protest, or civil disobedience, started long before either Gandhi or King. It began with a quiet, shy poet who is best known for writing a lot about a pond. Henry David Thoreau lived from 1817 until 1862, mainly in the area of Concord, Massachusetts. The issue that would tear the country apart in the 1860s had already begun dividing the nation. Thoreau was only 14 when Nat Turner led the slave rebellion in Virginia and was later hanged. In his late 20s, Thoreau began speaking against slavery in public, echoing the voices of freedmen like Frederick Douglass and Lewis Hayden.Thoreau believed that a government that supported slavery was corrupt and immoral. He was also deeply suspicious of government. For these and other reasons, Thoreau refused to pay his poll tax for a number of years. The poll tax was a legal tax owed by every person. It was basically a tax on one's body. After not paying for years, he was at last arrested. He spent only one night in jail, however, as a relative paid the tax for him. He was reportedly furious that any tax was paid on his behalf.It was this experience that Thoreau wrote about in an essay called "Civil Disobedience." In this essay, he argued that being moral and just came before allegiance to government. He wrote If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law." He also felt that voting was not enough to ensure that the right thing be done. He wrote that "even voting for the right is doing nothing for it A wise man will not leave the right to the mercy of chance" He felt that one had a moral responsibility to resist unjust laws.What does the author show in the story of Thoreau going to jail? How Thoreau protested How angry Thoreau was That few people protested He was influential Which expression is equivalent to (3 squared) Superscript negative 2? Peggy's use of foul language decreased because it was followed by the loss of her $5 weekly allowance. Taking away Peggy's allowance served as ________ for her foul language. Select one: secondary reinforcement positive punishment negative reinforcement negative punishment what is uropoiesis? answer these two please Please help me Im confused Which equation is represented by the graph? Pleaseeeee help!!!!! Write a recursive function named is_decreasing that takes as its parameter a list of numbers. It should return True if the elements of the list are strictly decreasing (each element in the array is strictly less than the previous one), but return False otherwise. The sum of two numbers is 83 if one of the number is 7 more than the other find the two numbers? a peace above all earthly dignities a still and quiet conscience explanation i don't understand this, can someone help please?? Write an article to your college newspaper between 150-200 words about the advantages and disadvantages of using social media by college students Dollar bills are legal tender in the U.S.True False PLS HELP. write as an expression. thank you:) Four people share a taxi to the airport the fare was $36 and they gave the driver a tip equal to 25% of the fair. If they equally share the cost of the fair tip, how How much did each person pay? 4. When setting goals, you should do everything EXCEPT which of the following?Take into account your current level of activity.Ask all of your friends what they think your goals should be..Set a time limit.Be realistic.