Reasons for irritability


Answer 1
Anxiety,depression,lack of sleep,PMS,etc
Answer 2



Low blood sugar


Life stress


Hormonal imbalance

Lack of sleep


all the causes of irritability

Related Questions

Close examination of a healthy organ reveals a lining of several layers of cells. The layers do not contain any blood vessels and one surface of the cells lines the cavity of the organ. This tissue is a type of



fat tissue


Anaerobic Respiration of Yeast
1. Describe at least one part of the experiment procedure you thought was
essential for getting good results. Did you find that certain steps in the
procedure had to be followed carefully to get consistent results? If you wanted
better results, do you think there is a step that could have been added to the
2. Discuss your thoughts on the overall lab design. Did it help you understand the
concepts better, or did it raise more questions? Do you think you could have
designed a better experiment? If so, explain how and then discuss it with your
classmates. Share some of your knowledge with them to learn a little more
about this experiment.


Anaerobic respiration of yeast produces ethanol and carbon dioxide, which can be experimentally tested by determining the rate of CO2 production in a closed system.

What is anaerobic respiration?

Anaerobic respiration is a series of chemical reactions by which certain organisms can produce energy (ATP) in absence of oxygen.

Anaerobic respiration is useful in experimental settings to determine the survival rate of yeast, which can be determined by measuring the concentration of products of this process.

The experimental procedure requires the use of a closed system to determine the rate of change between reactants (glucose) and products (ethanol + carbon dioxide).

In conclusion, Anaerobic respiration can be experimentally tested by determining the rate of CO2 production.

Learn more about anaerobic respiration here:


What is the effect of these currents on Earth's temperatures?


Ocean currents act much like a conveyor belt, transporting warm water and precipitation from the equator toward the poles and cold water from the poles back to the tropics. Thus, ocean currents regulate global climate, helping to counteract the uneven distribution of solar radiation reaching Earth's surface.

a body may have zero velocity even though its speed is 10m/s. give reason.​



because speed is time rate at which an object is moving along a bath, while velocity is the rate and direction of object's movement .

I need help with the work





An element has an atomic mass number of 16 and an atomic number of 7. The element has protons and neutrons. Reset Next


the answer of this question is answer b

What are some items that could be hot enough to bring fuel to
an autoignition temperature



Still higher hydrocarbons are liquid, such gas oil or kerosene. For gas oil or kerosene at ~500 °C/20 bar autoignition time may come down to 1–10 ms (see Fig.


Autoignition time and temperature.

How do malignant transformed cells differ from normal cells? They are:



In contrast to normal cells, cancer cells don't stop growing and dividing, this uncontrolled cell growth results in the formation of a tumor. Cancer cells have more genetic changes compared to normal cells, however not all changes cause cancer, they may be a result of it

the function of the marrow of long bones in the body is to? iron
B. Reduce Friction
C. make blood plasma
D.make red blood cells​



Make red blood cells


Bone marrow is a spongy substance found in the center of the bones. It manufactures bone marrow stem cells and other substances, which in turn produce blood cells. Each type of blood cell made by the bone marrow has an important job. Red blood cells carry oxygen to tissues in the body.

Fill in the bottom line of DNA with the complementary base pair:




Keep in mind that in DNA replication, the matching base pairs are A and T (adenine and thymine) and C and G (Cytosine and Guanine). This means that for DNA complementary strands, A's can ONLY bind with T's and C's can only bind with G's , and vice versa. So, your answer for the picture you have given is ACCTGATCGTAGCT

Another name for plasma



life blood

is this it?




Is the liquid component of the blood. Mammalian blood consists of a liquid (plasma) and a number of cellular and cell fragment components.

Thanks Hope It Help

Hereditary fructose intolerance is a genetic condition caused by a variant in the ALDOB gene, which is critical for fructose metabolism. Infants with this condition do not initially display symptoms, but as they are transitioned from breast milk or formula to solid foods, in particular fruit-based foods, they begin to display symptoms, which include vomiting, diarrhea, and low blood sugar. Individuals who do not consume fructose do not display these symptoms. Which of the following describes this condition?

a. It is incompletely penetrant, due to environmental factors.
b. It has variable expressivity, due to environmental factors.incorrect
c. It is incompletely penetrant, due to genetic factors.
d. It has variable expressivity, due to genetic factors.


It has variable expressivity due to the environmental factors.

The variation in expressivity occurs due to the environmental factors of that individual. Expressivity describes the differences observed in the phenotype between two individuals that belongs to same genotype.

In the condition, when the patient is allowed to consume the fructose based food, so it expresses the change in its body due to no tolerance against fructose so we can conclude that the change occurs due to environment not due to genetics.

how does the coconut tree have a fibrous, when the tree is strong,but the plants that have fibrous root r week,how is it possible?​


.Fibrous roots give good anchorage to the coconut plant and also helps in proper absorption of water and minerals.

which of the following is a major determinant of the distribution pattern of a population?
1 social interactions
2 habitat area
3 rate of population growth
4 the ages of the individuals



rate of population growth

If the sequence of bases on the mRNA codon is AUU, what would be the sequence of bases on the opposite strand assembled by the tRNA?



Answer: I know that some people need this so here you go! these are all 100% correct

If the sequence of bases on the mRNA codon is AUU, what would be the sequence of bases on the opposite strand assembled by the tRNA?

Answer: UAA

Which of the following correctly shows the sequence of organelles a protein would take if it were being exported from the cell?

Answer: Ribosome → Rough ER → Vesicle → Golgi Apparatus → Vesicle → Cell Membrane

The endomembrane system is a collection of membrane-bound organelles in eukaryotic cells that handles the production and processing of proteins that will be used in organelles or exported to the outside of the cell. These functions are __________, respectively.

Answer: protein making, protein packaging, and lipid production

In which part of the cell do ribosomes perform protein synthesis?

Answer: cytoplasm

What would happen to a cell that lacked smooth endoplasmic reticulum?

Answer: It would not be able to make lipids.

The sequence of bases on the opposite strand assembled by the tRNA would be UAA.


Transfer RNA or commonly known as tRNA is a form of RNA that perform two major functions during the process of translation in the ribosome.

Attaching to and reading mRNA sequence using its anticodons. Carrying of corresponding amino acid to the polypeptide chain.

The tRNA posseses a group of three nucleotide sequence called ANTICODON. These anticodons are complementary to the mRNA codon sequence. tRNA uses its anticodon to bind and read the mRNA sequence.

In the RNA; Adenine binds to Uracil (U) while Cytosine (C) binds to Guanine (G).

Hence, if the sequence of bases on the mRNA codon is AUU, the sequence of bases that would be on the anticodon of the tRNA is UAA.

Learn more:

Describe the purpose of mitosis.
2. Describe what is happening in each stage and what each stage looks like:



To acquire growth and to replace worn out and defected cells.


The main purpose of mitosis is to acquire growth and to replace worn out and defected cells.

In prophase, the chromatin condenses which is present in the nucleus of the cell.

Prometaphase is the stage where the nuclear membrane breaks apart into numerous "membrane vesicles".

Metaphase is the phase where all the genetic material is condensing into chromosomes.

Anaphase is the stage in which chromosomes are pulled by the spindle fibers to opposite poles of the cell.

In Telophase, the cell is nearly dividing, and it starts to re-establish its normal structures as cytokinesis (division of the cell contents) takes place.

Cytokinesis is the process which divides the cytoplasm of a parental cell into two daughter cells.

Indentify the structures


Eyes and ears and mouth and nose

water can act as either a(n)__or a​



Water can act as an acid and a base. As an acid, water donates H+, the hydrogen ion. As a base, water donates OH-, the hydroxide ion

hope this helps you

have a nice day:)

what did Rudolf virchow discovered?




In 1855 Virchow published a statement based on his observations Omnis cellula e cellula, which means that all cells arise from pre-existing cells. This was not a new theory.

All of the members of a particular species that live in one area are called a(an):
A) biotope
B) community
C) ecosystem
D) biosphere
E) population





population- all the members of one species in a particular area.


Explanation: A population comprises individuals of the same species. ... In short, a population only refers to one species, but a community refers to all living species within a certain area.

Hope this helps :))

Which of the following processes
describes a cell undergoing exocytosis?
A. cell eating
B. diffusion
C. removing water and waste
D. moving molecules along a concentration gradient



C. removing water and waste


Exocytosis occurs when a cell produces substances for export, such as a protein, or when the cell is getting rid of a waste product or a toxin.

Hope this helps


[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf C. \ Removing \ water \ and \ waste}}[/tex]


We are asked to find a description for a cell undergoing exocytosis. First, let's define the process.

Exocytosis is a type of active transport, so ATP or energy is required to initiate and complete the process.

This process moves substances from the inside of a cell to the outside. Molecules are packaged into vesicles. The vesicle moves to the cell membrane and attaches. The vesicle fuses with the membrane and the molecules inside the vesicle are released.

Essentially, substances are removed from the cell. This is especially useful because it can rid the cell of any waste or excess water. Therefore, the correct answer is choice C.

What were the three large, flightless birds with similar features found on different continents, Australia, Africa, and South America?



Rhea from south america

Emu from Australia

ostrich in Africa

What is a small structure within the cell that serves specialized functions?





Organelles are small,specialized structures found inside the cell which perform a specific task and help in the functioning of the cell.

Please select the correct chorological order for the following events:
A. Treaty of New Echota, Black Hawk War Ends, Black Hawk War Ends
B. Black Hawk War Ends, Treaty of New Echota, Treaty of Fort Laramie
C. Treaty of Fort Laramie, Black Hawk War Ends, Treaty of New Echota
D. Treaty of New Echota, Treaty of Fort Laramie, Black Hawk War Ends
Reset Selection



C treaty of fort laramie, black hawk war end, treaty of new echota

Help anyone please????!


1. Wavelength
2. Compression
3. Rarefractiom
Please mark brainliest

For which of the following phenomena is intrinsic affinity necessarily more important than functional affinity?
A. Antibody-mediated opsonization of encapsulated bacterial pathogens
B. Assay using antibodies to detect small drugs in solution
C. Binding of C1q to immunoglobulin G (IgG) or IgM
D. Binding of neutralizing IgG antibodies to nonenveloped viruses​



B. Assay using antibodies to detect small drugs in solution

hope this helps you

have a nice day


An unknown solution has a pH of 7.1. Which of these chemicals is likely to increase the pH the most when added to the solution?







It is most likely KOH


NH3 is classified as a weak base so I'd suspect that to be incorrect although it does have a higher pH

The chemical that is likely to increase the pH the most when added to the solution is KOH. The correct option is B.

What is pH?

pH is the scale for the measurement of acidity and the basicity of any solution. pH is a scale from 1 to 14. The lowest pH will be highly acidic and the highest pH will be the highest basic.

The lowest the pH, it will donate the highest hydronium ions, and with the highest pH, it will dissociate completely into the solution. KOH dissociates completely into ions.

KOH or potassium hydroxide is a strong base. When the base is added to a solution, it increases its basicity. So it will increase the pH of the solution. All others are acids that will lower the pH of the solution.

Thus, the correct option is B. KOH.

To learn more about pH, refer to the link:


The rate of capillary filtration and reabsorption are increased when......... .
A) the negative pressure of interstitial fluid is reduced
B) the pressure of oxygen available to tissues is decreased
C) intravenous pressure is increased



Mechanisms of enhanced transcapillary filtration in response to elevations in arterial or venous pressure. Elevations in arterial (Pa) or venous (Pv) pressure increase capillary pressure, which favors enhanced capillary filtration (Jv).


Change of a liquid to a gas is ___________.



Condensation. think about I, if you see fog on a lake or pond, that's condensation, if you see water droplets on the side of your cold beverage, that's condensation.

For those women who are not progressing at all or the baby is showing early signs of distress, the decision is
often made to induce labor. This uses a synthetic form of oxytocin, called Pitocin, which is given intravenously
(IV) to the woman to get the contractions going. It is often stopped after a few hours. Why might that be?



It is common for contractions to occur every often meaning a sign of labor might be happening soon


Simply meaning your brain is telling your system the baby is ready

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