Refer to the values described below, then identify which of the following is most appropriate: discrete random variable, a. Responses to the survey question "How many pets do you have?" b. Exact heights of the next 100 babies born in a region c. Responses to the survey question "What is your eye color?" d. Exact foot length of humans e. Number of people in families a. Since the outcomes are b. Since the outcomes are countable, this is this is a discrete random variable. random variable.


Answer 1


Exact heights of the next 100 babies born in a region.

Step-by-step explanation:

A discrete random variable involves two key factors ; discrete and randomness ; Hence, a discrete random variable should have a finite or countable Number of outputs or values. It should also stem from a random procedure. Here, the height of the next hundred babies is a random procedure as the next 100 babies in the region are unknown until Given birth too and as such all pregnant women have the chance of having their babies among. Since, we are dealing with exact height values which are countable (100), then we this is a discrete random variable.

Related Questions

Suppose that 22 inches of wire costs 66 cents.
At the same rate, how much (in cents) will 17 inches of wire cost?



51 cents for 17 inches of wire

Step-by-step explanation:

22 = 66

17 = x

22x = 66 * 17

22x = 1122

x = 51 cents


22 inches costs 66 cents

1 inch costs 3  cents (66 / 22 = 3  cents)

17 inches costs 51  cents (17 * 3 = 51 cents)

Given f(x) = 4x - 3 and g(x) = 9x + 2, solve for (f + g)(x).



[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto (f+g)(x)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto f(x)+g(x)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4x-3+9x+2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4x+9x-3+2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 13x-1[/tex]


13x - 1

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) + g(x) = 4x - 3 + 9x + 2

f(x) + g(x) = 4x+9x + 2 - 3

f(x) + g(x) = 13x - 1

guys pls tell me this answer as soon as possible​


que es un cuadrilatero

please help solve for y!


As both angles are supplementary

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 3x+(2x+3y)=180°[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 3x+2x+3y=180[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 5x+3y=180[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 3y=180-5x[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto y=\dfrac{180-5x}{3}[/tex]


[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 3x=90[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto x=\dfrac{90}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto x=30[/tex]


Putting value

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto y=\dfrac{180-5x}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto y=\dfrac{180-5(30)}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto y=\dfrac{180-150}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto y=\dfrac{30}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto y=10[/tex]

a word problem on proportions using a unit rate
Lashonda made $273 for 13 hours of work.
At the same rate, how many hours would she have to work to make $231?


eleven hours -  11 hours

She would have to work 11 hours to make $231.

Step 1: 273/13 = 21
So, x equals 21

Step 2: 231/21 = 11

How many unit cubes are on each layer of the cube?





Step-by-step explanation:

Remember: Each layer has 6 cubes. Step 3 Count the cubes. cubes Multiply the base and the height to check your answer. So, the volume of Jorge's rectangular prism is cubic centimeters. if wrong very sorry



Step-by-step explanation:

took the test

Meena's father's present age is six times Meena's age. Five years from now she will be one-third of her father's present age. What are their present ages?​



Meena's age is 5 and her fathers age is 30 years old.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's assume Meena's age to be x years old.

Meena's dads present age is 6x.

5 years from now Meena's age will be (1/3)rd of her dads age

x+5= 1/3 * 6x



Meenas present age is 5 years and her dads age is 30 years

When a sample has an even number of observations, the median is the

Group of answer choices

observation in the center of the data array

average of the two observations in the center of the data array

value of the most frequent observation



average of the two observations in the center of the data array

Step-by-step explanation:

When there is an odd number, we use the middle



The median is 5

When there is an even number


The middle is between the 3 and 5 so we average the middle number

(3+5)/2 = 4


the answer is => observation in the center of the data array

Step-by-step explanation:


The length of a rectangle is four more than three times the width. If the perimeter of this rectangle is at least 70 square centimeters. Write an inequality that can be solved to find the width of the rectangle



Step-by-step explanation:

Let L represent the length of the triangle.

Let W represent the width of the triangle.

The length of a rectangle is four more than three times the width. This means that

L = 3W + 4

The formula for determining the perimeter of a rectangle is expressed as

Perimeter = 2(L + W)

If the perimeter of this rectangle is at least 70 square centimeters, an inequality that can be solved to find the width of the rectangle is

2(L + W) ≥ 70

L + W ≥ 70/2

L + W ≥ 35


6w +8 ≥70

Step-by-step explanation:

Let w be the width

The length is then 3w+4 ("the length is 4 more than 3 times the width")

Since a rectangle has opposite sides equal, the perimeter would be 2(l+w) or 2(w+3w+4) which would be 6w +8.  If the perimeter is at least 70, that is, 70 or more, the inequality would be

  6w + 8 ≥ 70.  

The units, however, would not be SQUARE centimeters, just centimeters.  If the question were asking for area, the units would be square units, but since perimeter is a linear measurement,  the units would have to be linear.

Find the value of x. Round to the nearest tenth.



1.6 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

If you use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve for x, you get:


[tex]x=\sqrt{2.45} = 1.56524758425[/tex]

Rounded to the nearest tenth, the answer is 1.6

Find the lengths of AD, EF, and BC in the trapezoid below.


We know that,


which is


Now solve for x,




Since x is 9, the lengths are,




Hope this helps :)

What are the coordinates of point K?
A (-2,4)
B (-2,-4)
C (2,-4)
D (2, 4)




Step-by-step explanation:

I guess that is the answer

Tom and Jerry had a race. Tom started at 0200 running at 4.5km per hour. Jerry started
later at 6:30am running at 6.5km per hour. After five hours, who was ahead, and by how
much (answer in kilometres)



Tom, 10.25

Step-by-step explanation:

Distance covered by Tom=4.5*(4 1/2+5)=81/4=42.75km

Distance covered by Jerry=6.5*(5)=32.5km

Tom is ahead from Jerry by 10.25km

in triangle JKL, angle JKL is a right angle, line KM is an altitude, JL=20, ML=4. Find KM


9514 1404 393


  KM = 8

Step-by-step explanation:

The ratio of long side to short side is the same for all of the triangles in this geometry:


  KM² = ML·JM = 4(20-4) = 64

  KM = √64 = 8

The length of KM is 8 units.

Find the distance between the points (-4, -2) and (-8, 6)




√[{6-(-2)}²+ (-8-(-4))²]




Points given



[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto \sqrt{(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto \sqrt{(-8+4)^2+(6+2)^2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto \sqrt{(-4)^2+(8)^2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto \sqrt{64+16}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto \sqrt{80}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 8.4[/tex]

1. Đường kính của một loại trục máy là một đại lượng ngẫu nhiên có phân phối chuẩn N (μ = 250mm, σ2 = 25mm2). Trục máy được gọi là hợp quy cách nếu đường kính từ 245mm đến 255mm. Cho máy sản xuất 100 trục. Tính xác suất để:
a. Có 50 trục hợp quy cách.
b. Có không quá 80 trục hợp quy cách



please ask in English

Step-by-step explanation:

then I can help

Find the degree of each polynomial and indicate whether the
polynomial is a monomial, binomial, trinomial, or none of these.



1. Degree = 1, monomial

2. Degree = 2, monomial

3. degree = 2, trinomial

4. Degree = 2, binomial

5. Degree  = 2, binomial

Step-by-step explanation:

An equal number of juniors and seniors are trying out for six spots in this year's decathlon
team. If the team must consist of four seniors and two juniors, then how many different
possible decathlon teams could result if five juniors try out?



There are 50 different possible debating teams that could be selected as obtained using COMBINATION.

Since there are EQUAL number of juniors and seniors ;

Then we have 5 of each.

Here, the order of arrangement DOES NOT matter, Hence, we use COMBINATION

since the team MUST contain 4 SENIORS and 2 JUNIORS

4 Seniors from 5  = 5C4 = 5

2 Juniors from 5 = 5C2 = 10

Hence, (5C4 * 5C2) = 5 * 10 = 50

Hence, there are 50 different possible debating teams that could be selected.

Learn more about COMBINATION :

Test scores are normally distributed with a mean of 68 and a standard deviation of 12. Find the z – score for a grade of 74. Round your answer to two numbers after the decimal.



gang nem

Step-by-step explanation:

What effect will replacing x with (x−4) have on the graph of the equation y=(x−3)2 y = ( x − 3 ) 2 ?



y"= 2 wich is positive

Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step explanation:

Our equation is: y=(x-3)²

x should be replaced by x-4





The graph is still a parabola but with a different vertex

The vertex here is :

y= (x-7)²

y= x²-14x-49

y'= 2x-14

solve y'=0




You can easily find it without derivating by dividing -14 by -2

since: x²-14x-49

a=1 b= -14  c=-49

-b/2a = 14/2 = 7

the image of 7 is:

y=(7-7)² = 0

so the coordinates of the new vertex are (7,0) and it's a maximum

since y">0

y'= 2x-14

y"= 2 wich is positive

If f(x)=-4x-5 and g(x)=3-x whats is g(-4)+f(1)


Answer: -2

Step-by-step explanation:

g(-4) = 3 - (-4) = 3 + 4 = 7f(1) = -4(1) - 5 = -4 - 5 = -9

g(-4) + f(1) = 7 + (-9) = 7 - 9 = -2

Find two consecutive even numbers whose sum is 758.



378 and 380

Step-by-step explanation:

The two even consecutive numbers that add up to 758 are going to be very close to half of 758. This is because two half of 758 are going to be the most similar addends of 758. This is important because the answers will be consecutive and therefore, must also be very similar. To solve, first, divide 758 by 2. This is 379, which is not an even number. So, to find the needed addends subtract and add 1 to 379. Both of these will be even and consecutive. These two numbers are 378 and 380. Then, to check you, can add them and see that they do sum 758.


Step-by-step explanation:

Let the first number = x

Let the second number = x + 2

x + x + 2 = 758                      Collect like terms

2x + 2 = 758                         Subtract 2

2x = 758 - 2                          Combine

2x = 756                                Divide by 2

2x/2 = 756/2

x = 378

The first number is 378

The second number 380

If your teacher is really fussy, you can do it this way.

Let the first number = 2x

Let the second number = 2x + 2

The reason for this is to guarantee that both numbers were even to start with.

2x + 2x+2 = 758                    Combine like terms

4x + 2 = 758                          Subtract 2

4x = 756                                Divide by 4

x = 756/4

x = 189

Therefore 2x = 378

2x + 2 = 380                 Just as before.

The graph of [tex]y = ax^2 + bx + c[/tex] is a parabola. The axis of symmetry is [tex]x = -b/2a[/tex]. What are the coordinates of the vertex?


The vertex can be written as:

(-b/2a, b^2/(4*a) - b^2/2a + c)

For a general parabola:

y = a*x^2 + b*x + c

We can write the vertex as:

(h, k)

The x-value of the vertex is the value of the axis of symmetry.

Then we have:

h = x = -b/2a

Now we need to find the y-value of the vertex.

To do that, we just replace the variable "x" by the x-value of the vertex in our equation, so we get:

k = y = a*(-b/2a)^2 + b*(-b/2a) + c

k = b^2/(4*a) - b^2/2a + c

Then the coordinates of the vertex are:

(h, k) = (-b/2a, b^2/(4*a) - b^2/2a + c)

If you want to read more:

Jared works at a clothing store and is listening to a customer complain about a shirt he purchased that's damaged. Which behavior can Jared exhibit to show good communication skills with the customer? O a) Stopping the customer to quickly explain the store's return policy b) Repeating back what he has heard once the customer is done speaking Od Asking the customer how the shirt was damaged O d) Promising the customer a full refund even though it's against policy




Step-by-step explanation:

in my point of view, my choice is C (asking the customer how the shirt was damaged) because when he finds out the reason why the shirt was damaged, he will explain whether or not that fault is in the store's return policy

another reason:

A) stopping the customers when they are talking, it's impolite behavior and i ensure that that customer will feel disatified.

B) i guess that customer doesnt waste of time because it

D) a full refund without finding the reason, i dont think it's a good idea

A researcher conducts an ANOVA analysis and reports no differences in average certification exam test scores for nurses identified as Baby Boomers, Millennials or Generation X. You would expect to see:



"Type II error" is the right answer.

Step-by-step explanation:

A type II mistake would be that a fake null hypothesis also isn't rejected. It's also called false negatives.It happens whenever an investigator does not eliminate a truly wrong null hypothesis. Here quite a scientist determines that whenever it genuinely exists, that there's no substantial consequence.

Thus the above is the right answer.

Choose all options that apply. Which of the following are antiviral medications commonly used to treat the flu? | a) Azelastine Oxymetazoline c) Zanamivir O d) Oseltamivir


C. Zanamivir
Zanamivir is an inhibitor. It works by stopping the flu virus from growing and spreading inside your body, but they should be used on higher risk people only.

In the diagram below, ΔABC ≅ ΔDEF. Complete the statement AB¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯≅ __




The answer would be D. DE

Step-by-step explanation:

same prob

Congruent triangles are exact same triangles, but they might be placed at different positions. The correct option is D.

What are congruent triangles?

Suppose it is given that two triangles ΔABC ≅ ΔDEF

Then that means ΔABC and ΔDEF are congruent. Congruent triangles are exact same triangles, but they might be placed at different positions.

The order in which the congruency is written matters.

For ΔABC ≅ ΔDEF, we have all of their corresponding elements like angle and sides congruent.

Thus, we get:

[tex]\rm m\angle A = m\angle D \: or \: \: \angle A \cong \angle D \angle B = \angle E\\\\\rm m\angle B = m\angle E \: or \: \: \angle B \cong \angle E \\\\\rm m\angle C = m\angle F \: or \: \: \angle C \cong \angle F \\\\\rm |AB| = |DE| \: \: or \: \: AB \cong DE\\\\\rm |AC| = |DF| \: \: or \: \: AC \cong DF\\\\\rm |BC| = |EF| \: \: or \: \: BC \cong EF[/tex]

(|AB| denotes the length of line segment AB, and so on for others).

Given that ΔABC ≅ ΔDEF. Therefore, the given sentence can be completed as AB ≅ ΔDE.

Hence, the side AB ≅ ΔDE

Learn more about Congruent Triangles:


According to the graph of the rational function y equals 4 over the quantity x squared minus 4 end quantity which of the following statements is/are true? The function is even. The function is increasing for all values in the domain. There is a horizontal asymptote along the x-axis. I only I and II only I and III only I, II, and III


Using function concepts, it is found that the correct options are:

I and III only


The function is:

[tex]y = \frac{4}{x^2 - 4}[/tex]


Statement 1:

A function is even if: [tex]f(x) = f(-x)[/tex]

We have that:

[tex]f(x) = \frac{4}{x^2 - 4}[/tex]

[tex]f(-x) = \frac{4}{(-x)^2 - 4} = \frac{4}{x^2 - 4} = f(x)[/tex]

Since [tex]f(x) = f(-x)[/tex], the function is even, and the statement is true.


Statement 2:

The function increases when: [tex]f^{\prime}(x) > 0[/tex]

The derivative is:

[tex]f^{\prime}(x) = \frac{-8x}{(x^2-4)^2}[/tex]

The denominator is always positive, but the numerator can be both positive/negative, which means that when the numerator is negative(x > 0), the derivative will be negative, thus the function will decrease and the statement is false.


Statement 3:

A horizontal asymptote is given by:

[tex]y = \lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} f(x)[/tex]

In this question:

[tex]y = \lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} \frac{4}{x^2 - 4} = \frac{4}{\infty - 4} = \frac{4}{\infty} = 0[/tex]

y = 0 is the x-axis, thus, the statement is true, and the correct option is:

I and III only

A similar problem is given at


I and III

Step-by-step explanation:

I NEED HELP ASAP!!! convert 0.252525 to a fraction and convert 2.454545 to a fraction


Convert to fraction: 252525/1000000
Simplify: 10101/40000
Hope this helps


1. What is 0.252525 as a fraction?

0.252525 as a fraction equals 252525/1000000

2. 2.454545 as a fraction equals 2454545/1000000

Step-by-step explanation:

To write 0.252525 as a fraction you have to write 0.252525 as numerator and put 1 as the denominator. Now you multiply numerator and denominator by 10 as long as you get in numerator the whole number.

0.252525 = 0.252525/1 = 2.52525/10 = 25.2525/100 = 252.525/1000 = 2525.25/10000 = 25252.5/100000 = 252525/1000000

And finally we have:

0.252525 as a fraction equals 252525/1000000

2. What is 2.454545 as a fraction?

To write 2.454545 as a fraction you have to write 2.454545 as numerator and put 1 as the denominator. Now you multiply numerator and denominator by 10 as long as you get in numerator the whole number.

2.454545 = 2.454545/1 = 24.54545/10 = 245.4545/100 = 2454.545/1000 = 24545.45/10000 = 245454.5/100000 = 2454545/1000000

And finally we have:

2.454545 as a fraction equals 2454545/1000000


Question 3 of 10
Which angle in ABC has the largest measure?
B. 8
C. 20
D. Cannot be determined



Option C

Angle C has the largest measure

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