Renata moved to her new home a few years ago. Back then, the young oak tree in her back yard was 190190190 centimeters tall. She measured it once a year and found that it grew at a constant rate. 333 years after she moved into the house, the tree was 274274274 centimeters tall.


Answer 1


I know the answer...

Step-by-step explanation:

but i dont know the question (i also dont know how to comment so i have to do it as an answer)... thanks

Related Questions

In January, the average temperature t hours after midnight in Mumbai, India, is given by:
What is the coldest time of day in Mumbai? give an exact answer


The coldest time of day in Mumbai is 5 hours after midnight.

Since the average temperature t hours after midnight in Mumbai, India, is given by:


We have that

T(t) = 24.5 - 5.5sin((2π(t+1))/24)

The coldest time of day is when T(t) is minimum.

T(t)  is minimum when 5.5sin((2π(t+1))/24) is minimum where t is the coldest time of day at minimum temperature, T(t).

Since for a sine function, -1 ≤ sinФ ≤ 1, the minimum value of sinФ = -1.

So, T(t) = 24.5 - 5.5sin((2π(t+1))/24) is minimum when

5.5sin((2π(t+1))/24) is minimum.

Also, -5.5sin((2π(t+1))/24) = 5.5 × -1 at minimum temperature T(t)

So, 5.5 × -1 = 5.5 × -sin((2π(t+1))/24)

So, -sin((2π(t+1))/24) = -1

sin((2π(t+1))/24) = 1

Taking inverse sine of both sides, we have

sin⁻¹sin((2π(t+1))/24) = sin⁻¹(1)

((2π(t+1))/24) = π/2

Multiplying both sides by 24, we have

(2π(t+1))/24 × 24 = π/2 × 24

(2π(t+1)) = 12π

Dividing both sides by 2π, we have

2π(t+1)/2π = 12π/2π

t + 1 = 6

t = 6 - 1

t = 5 hours

So, the coldest time of day in Mumbai is 5 hours after midnight.

Learn more about average temperature here:

plz plz solve this. ​


Step-by-step explanation:

Disclaimer: When writing this on the paper use the theta symbol, I'm using x since I'm on mobile.



[tex] \sin(x) \tan(x) \sec(x) = \tan {}^{2} (x) [/tex]

[tex] \sin(x) \sec(x) \tan(x) = \tan {}^{2} (x) [/tex]

[tex] \sin(x) \frac{1}{ \cos(x) } \tan(x) = \tan {}^{2} (x) [/tex]

[tex] \frac{ \sin(x) }{ \cos(x) } \tan(x) = \tan {}^{2} (x) [/tex]

[tex] \tan( x) ) \tan(x) = \tan {}^{2} (x) [/tex]

[tex] \tan {}^{2} (x) = \tan {}^{2} (x) [/tex]


[tex] \sec {}^{2} (x) (1 - \sin {}^{2} ( x ) ) = 1[/tex]

[tex] \sec {}^{2} (x) ( \cos {}^{2} (x) ) = 1[/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{ \cos {}^{2} (x) } \cos {}^{2} (x) = 1[/tex]

[tex]1 = 1[/tex]


[tex] \cot {}^{2} (a) - \cos {}^{2} (a) = \cot {}^{2} (a) \cos {}^{2} (a) [/tex]

[tex] \frac{ \cos{}^{2} (x) }{ \sin {}^{2} (x) ) } - \cos {}^{2} (x) [/tex]

Factor out cosine

[tex] \cos {}^{2} (x) ( \frac{1}{ \sin {}^{2} (x) } - 1) [/tex]


[tex] \cos {}^{2} (x) ( \frac{1 - \sin {}^{2} (x) }{ \sin(x) } [/tex]

[tex] \cos {}^{2} (x( \frac{ \cos {}^{2} (x) }{ \sin {}^{2} (x) } ) = [/tex]

[tex]( \cos {}^{2} ( x ) ( \cot {}^{2} (x) )[/tex]

At Tubman Middle School, there are 6 English teachers and 5 science teachers. If each
student takes one English class and one science class how many possible combinations of
teachers are there?


There are 30 possible combinations of teachers.

Given that at Tubman Middle School, there are 6 English teachers and 5 science teachers, to determine, if each student takes one English class and one science class, how many possible combinations of teachers are there, the following calculation must be performed:

To calculate possible combinations, the number of options A must be multiplied by the number of options B. Thus, the calculation would be as follows.

6 x 5 = X30 = X

Therefore, there are 30 possible combinations of teachers.

Learn more about combinations in

The area CA) of a Parallelogram is found by using this formula A = BH What is the area when b is 7cm and h is 3cm?​



Area of parallelogram = 21

Step-by-step explanation:

A = BH

Plug in

A = 7×3


A = 21

The answer will be 21.

Simplifying Please Help!


Answer: C. 6x+18

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the distributive property

First multiply 6 times x which is 6x

Then multiply 6 times 3 which is 18

Keep the sign the same

Therefore, this should give you 6x+18

Given f(x) = - 3/4x + 2, find f(16).




Step-by-step explanation:


Find the measure of angle TOS in the figure below. SHOW YOUR WORK SO I CAN SEE HOW YoU GOT IT!!!!


Step-by-step explanation:

<TOS=122° [being vertically opposite angle]


angleTOS =122°


[ If two straight lines intersect at point O, vertically opposite angles are equal]As vertically opposite angles are equal; Hence AngleTOS=QOR=122°

There are 170 students in year 7 at a school
All of these students either walk to school, get the bus to school or cycle to school.
82 of the students are boys
33 of the students get the bus to school.
19 of the 41 students that walk to school are boys.
56 girls eyele to school.
Complete the two way table.



            Boys          Girls               Total

Walk      19              22                   41

Bus        23              10                   33

Cycle     40             56                   96

Total      82              88                  170


find the surface area of the cylinder and round it to the nearest tenth.​




Step-by-step explanation:

Surface area=2*pi*r*(r+h)=2*pi*1*(3)=18.8

Customers arrive at a movie theater at the advertised movie time only to find that they have to sit through several previews and prepreview ads before the movie starts. Many complain that the time devoted to previews is too long. A preliminary sample conducted by The Wall Street Journal showed that the standard deviation of the amount of time devoted to previews was 4 minutes. Use that as a planning value for the standard deviation in answering the following questions. Round your answer to next whole number. a. If we want to estimate the population mean time for previews at movie theaters with a margin of error of seconds, what sample size should be used




Step-by-step explanation:

From the question we are told that:

Standard Deviation [tex]\sigma=4min[/tex]




Significance level [tex]\alpha[/tex]

[tex]\alpha =1-CI[/tex]

[tex]\alpha =1-0.95[/tex]




Generally the equation for Sample size is mathematically given by

[tex]n = (Z_{\alpha/2}* \frac{\sigma}{E})^2[/tex]

[tex]n= \frac{1.96 * 3}{1}^2[/tex]


A saleslady is paid a commission of 3% on goods worth over 100,000 and a salary 11,000 .If she had a20% salary increase and total earnings of 22,200. Calculate the total amount received from sales



I am not sure on the answer but i think its $9,000

Step-by-step explanation:




which would mean she got $9,000 from commissions.

if you did 100,000x0.03=3,000

9,000/3,000= 3

so she would have had 3 commissions worth over 100,000

What is the complete factorization of What is the complete factorization of 5x2 − 11x − 12?




x=3 x=-4/5


(5x + 4)(x - 3)

Step-by-step explanation:



5x² - 11x - 12

Think: What two numbers add up to -11 but multiply to (5)(-12)?

Answer: -15 and 4


5x² - 11x - 125x² - 15x + 4x - 12       Expand with the values we found5x(x - 3) + 4(x - 3)        Factor by grouping(5x + 4)(x - 3)

The factored expression is (5x + 4)(x - 3)

Combine any like terms in the expression. If there are no like terms, rewrite the expression.
8r + 9pg - pg - pq




Step-by-step explanation:

The subtractable pg cancels out one of the 9 pg's. So 9 pg-1 pg= 8 pg

Hope this helps!

Find the value of x. PLEASE HELP ASAP!
B. 16
С. 5
D. 12


Answer: x>12

so i think x is 16.

There were 642 students enrolled in a freshman-level chemistry class. By the end of the semester, the number of students who passed was 5 times the number of students who failed. Find the number of students who passed and the number who failed.



535 students passed and 107 students failed

Step-by-step explanation:

Create a system of equations where p is the number of students who passed and f is the number of students who failed:

p + f = 642

p = 5f

Solve by substitution by plugging in 5f as p into the first equation, then solving for f:

p + f = 642

5f + f = 642

6f = 642

f = 107

So, 107 students failed.

Find how many students passed by multiplying this by 5:


= 535

535 students passed and 107 students failed.

Find the values of the missing sides. You must use exact answers! PLEASE HURRY AND HELP



x=4sqrt3 a=4 b=3  ,y=8sqrt3 c=8 d=3

Step-by-step explanation:

because this is a 30-60-90 triangle, it is easy to find the side lengths. the longer leg is sqrt(3) times the shorter leg so x= 12/sqrt(3) or 4sqrt(3). the hypotenuse is 2 times the shorter leg so y= 8sqrt(3)

a random number generator is used to model the patters of animals in the wild. this type of study is called



This type of study is called a simulation

Step-by-step explanation:

Step by step expressing

help me with this two I don't understand


Step-by-step explanation:


[tex](5 + 4 \sqrt{7} ){x}^{2} + (4 - 2 \sqrt{7} ) x- 1 = 0[/tex]

Simplify both radicals.

[tex](5 + \sqrt{112) {x}^{2} } + (4 - \sqrt{28} )x - 1 = 0[/tex]

Apply Quadratic Formula

First. find the discramnint.

[tex](4 - \sqrt{28} ) {}^{2} - 4(5 + \sqrt{112} )( - 1) = 64[/tex]

Now find the divisor 2a.

[tex]2(5 + \sqrt{112} ) = 10 + 8 \sqrt{7} [/tex]

Then,take the square root of the discrimant.

[tex] \sqrt{64} = 8[/tex]

Finally, add -b.

[tex] - (4 + 2 \sqrt{7} )[/tex]

So our possible root is

[tex] - (4 + 2 \sqrt{7} ) + \frac{8}{10 + 8 \sqrt{7} } [/tex]

Which simplified gives us

[tex] \frac{ 4 + 2 \sqrt{7} }{10 + 8 \sqrt{7} } [/tex]

Rationalize the denominator.

[tex] \frac{4 + 2 \sqrt{7} }{10 + 8 \sqrt{7} } \times \frac{10 - 8 \sqrt{7} }{10 - 8 \sqrt{7} } = \frac{ - 72 - 12 \sqrt{7} }{ - 348} [/tex]

Which simplified gives us

[tex] \frac{6 + \sqrt{7} }{29} [/tex].

6. The answer is 2.

9514 1404 393


  5. x = (6 +√7)/29; a=6, b=1, c=29

  6. x = 2

Step-by-step explanation:


The quadratic formula can be used, where a=(5+4√7), b=(4-2√7), c=-1.




Use the substitution z=3^x to put the equation in the form ...

  z² -3z -54 = 0

  (z -9)(z +6) = 0 . . . . . factor

  z = 9 or -6 . . . . . . . . value of z that make the factors zero

Only the positive solution is useful, since 3^x cannot be negative.

  z = 9 = 3^2 = 3^x . . . . use the value of z to find x

  x = 2

The side measurement of the wall of the Green House is 9m. Find the cost of the glass required for the walls of the Green House, if the cost of 1m2 glass is AED 12.



AED 972

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of the wall = 9² = 81 m²

each m² costs AED 12

so 81 m² will cost 12×81 = AED 972

x and y are integers and 0 < x < y.

Write down two sets of values for x and y such that 6 = /3x+2y.



x = 1


Step-by-step explanation:


The values of x and y in equation 6=3x+2y is for x is 1 and for y is 1.5.

We have given that,

x and y are integers and 0 < x < y.

6 = /3x+2y.

x=1 then

What is inequality?

A statement of an order relationship greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, or less than or equal to between two numbers or algebraic expressions.






Therefore we get the values of x and y is for x is 1 and for y is 1.5.

To learn more about the values visit:


Find the sin P rounded to the nearest hundredth




[tex]\sin \left(x\right)=\frac{6}{\sqrt{49+36}}[/tex] = 40.60°


SIN(Θ) = 6/[tex]\sqrt{49+36 }[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

lowkey need help with this.


9514 1404 393


  c = 14

  no extraneous solutions

Step-by-step explanation:

You can subtract the right-side expression, combine fractions, and set the numerator to zero.

  [tex]\dfrac{c-4}{c-2}-\left(\dfrac{c-2}{c+2}-\dfrac{1}{2-c}\right)=0\\\\\dfrac{c-4}{c-2}-\dfrac{1}{c-2}-\dfrac{c-2}{c+2}=0\\\\\dfrac{(c-5)(c+2)-(c-2)^2}{(c-2)(c+2)}=0\\\\\dfrac{(c^2-3c-10)-(c^2-4c +4)}{(c-2)(c+2)}=0\\\\\dfrac{c-14}{(c-2)(c+2)}=0\\\\\boxed{c=14}[/tex]



  (14 -4)/(14 -2) = (14 -2)/(14 +2) -1/(2 -14) . . . . substitute for c

  10/12 = 12/16 -1/-12

  5/6 = 3/4 +1/12 . . . . true

There is one solution (c=14) and it is a solution to the original equation. There are no extraneous solutions.

M angle a=40° then m angle b=?​



not enough info

Step-by-step explanation:

Question 9 (5 points)
What's the approximate measure of one interior angle of the regular polygon shown?
A) 1,620°
B) 220°
C) 2.7°
D) 147.3°




Step-by-step explanation:

this is an hendecagon there is 11 sides the total interior measure is 1,620 if you divide that by each side which would be 11 you get 147.272727 which would ultimately round up to be 147.3

Help anyone can help me do this question,I will mark brainlest. The question is find the area of the shaded region.​



13. 10

14. 51

Step-by-step explanation:


13. 10

14. 51

Step-by-step explanation:

A graph is shown.
How do you determine if this is a function or not? Is this a function. Help please



Not a function

Step-by-step explanation:

we see on this graph,

(1,2) and (1,7)

we have two of the same x points, when put on a graph, that would be having 2 of the same inputs.

which always means it's not a function.

Which points are possible approximations for this system? Select two options.


Step-by-step explanation:

second: (2.2,-1.4)

third: (2.2,-1.35)

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps✨

can you please help me with this.



Step-by-step explanation:

The equation for an arithmetic sequence is

[tex]a_n=a_1+d(n-1)[/tex]  where n is the position of the number in the sequence, a1 is the first number in the sequence, and d is the difference between the numbers in the sequence.

Our first number is 2, so a1 = 2; to get from 2 to 5 we add 3, to get from 5 to 8 we add 3. That means that d = 3. Filling in the standard form of the equation:

[tex]a_n=2+3(n-1)[/tex] which simplifies to

[tex]a_n=2+3n-3[/tex] and a bit more to

[tex]a_n=3n-1[/tex] (which should tell you that arithmetic sequences are lines!)

Finding the 13th number simply requires that we replace n with 13 and solve:

[tex]a_{13}=3(13)-1[/tex] so




Step-by-step explanation:

This isn't the most efficient way but it's the best I can do.

2, 5, 8, 11....

The pattern is that we add 3 every time.

2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38,

1 , 2, 3, 4, 5,  6,   7,    8,    9,   10,  11,   12,  13

We can see that 38 is the 13th term of the sequence.

What does media literacy mean?
A. The practice of reading things that are on a screen
B. The practice of being able to identify the different types of media
C. The practice of being able to access, analyze, and evaluate media
D. The practice of using multiple media at one time




Step-by-step explanation:

Media literacy encompasses the practices that allow people to access, critically evaluate, and create or manipulate media.

In ΔABC, m∠A=a, m∠B=β, m∠C=y. AB = c, AC = b, BC = a. Find the remaining parts of each triangle if the following parts are given.
a=5, b=7, y=31°



9.013 square units

Step-by-step explanation:

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