Restate this answer. The poet develops the theme of loss in the poem “The Highwayman” by giving quotes that deeply describe death.


Answer 1


By deeply describing death through quotes, the author of the poem “The Highwayman” , develops a theme of loss.


split the sentence up by clauses and rearrange the clauses

i split it up like this

The poet develops

the theme of loss

in the poem “The Highwayman”

by giving quotes that

deeply describe death.

Answer 2
In "The Highwayman," the theme of loss is explored through the use of quotes that convey a deep understanding of death.

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Why was 2012 a particularly bad year for Mount Everest?

A. Ten climbers died within two days during that year.
B. Climbing Everest became a form of extreme tourism.
C. Everest closed to build infrastructure to support climbing teams.
D. There were multiple snow storm that impacted the visibility of climbers.


A. Ten climbers died within two days during that year

Answer: A


Because she had suffered through a disaster herself, when the reporter interviewed the survivors of the flood, she felt _____ for all they had endured and still would have to endure.

A. asteroid
B. pathologist
C. apathy
D. empathy


D because she feels bad, I hope it’s correct

5 of 75 of 7 Items

The Old Eagle Tree
John Todd

In a distant field stood a large tulip tree, apparently of a century's growth, and one of the most gigantic. It looked like the father of the surrounding forest. A single tree of huge dimensions, standing all alone, is a sublime object.

On the top of this tree, an old eagle, commonly called the "Fishing Eagle," had built her nest every year, for many years, and, undisturbed, had raised her young. A remarkable place to choose, as she procured her food from the ocean, and this tree stood full ten miles from the seashore. It had long been known as the "Old Eagle Tree."

On a warm, sunny day, the workmen were hoeing corn in an adjoining field. At a certain hour of the day, the old eagle was known to set off for the seaside, to gather food for her young. As she this day returned with a large fish in her claws, the workmen surrounded the tree, and by yelling and hooting, and throwing stones, so scared the poor bird that she dropped her fish, and they carried it off in triumph.

The men soon dispersed, but Joseph sat down under a bush nearby, to watch, and to bestow unavailing pity. The bird soon returned to her nest, without food. The eaglets at once set up a cry for food, so shrill, so clear, and so clamorous that the boy was greatly moved.

The parent bird seemed to try to soothe them; but their appetites were too keen, and it was all in vain. She then perched herself on a limb near them, and looked down into the nest in a manner that seemed to say, "I know not what to do next."

Her indecision was but momentary; again she poised herself, uttered one or two sharp notes, as if telling them to "lie still," balanced her body, spread her wings, and was away again for the sea.

Joseph was determined to see the result. His eye followed her till she grew small, smaller, a mere speck in the sky, and then disappeared. What boy has not thus watched the flight of the bird of his country!

She was gone nearly two hours, about double her usual time for a voyage, when she again returned, on a slow weary wing, flying uncommonly low, in order to have a heavier atmosphere to sustain her, with another fish in her talons.

On nearing the field, she made a circuit round it, to see if her enemies were again there. Finding the coast clear, she once more reached the tree, drooping, faint, and weary, and evidently nearly exhausted. Again the eaglets set up their cry, which was soon hushed by the distribution of a dinner, such as, save the cooking, a king might admire.

"Glorious bird!" cried the boy, "what a spirit! Other birds can fly more swiftly, others can sing more sweetly, others scream more loudly; but what other bird, when persecuted and robbed, when weary, when discouraged, when so far from the sea, would have done this?

"Glorious bird! I will learn a lesson from thee to-day. I will never forget hereafter, that when the spirit is determined it can do almost anything. Others would have drooped, and hung the head, and mourned over the cruelty of man, and sighed over the wants of the nestlings; but thou, by at once recovering the loss, hast forgotten all.

"I will learn of thee, noble bird! I will remember this. I will set my mark high. I will try to do something, and to be something in the world; I will never yield to discouragements."
What effect do the eagle's actions have upon Joseph?
A He is appalled by the cruelty shown by so many creatures, human and animal alike.He is appalled by the cruelty shown by so many creatures, human and animal alike.
B He finds the eagle's behavior well-meaning but ultimately pointless.He finds the eagle's behavior well-meaning but ultimately pointless.
C He is inspired always to strive to do his best in life, and never to back down.He is inspired always to strive to do his best in life, and never to back down.
D He feels angry at the injustice done, and depressed about how evil triumphs over good.He feels angry at the injustice done, and depressed about how evil triumphs over good.
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Answer: a


should be

Answer A seems to be correct?

can someone help fast plss



can I just answer yes


Answer: It is A. the one you have


Which of the following sentences includes a restrictive clause?

A. Juliana's chili, which had gone through many recipe revisions, won first place at the chili cookoff.
B. The last novel of the series was highly anticipated by the fans.
C. The plate of brownies that Luisa ate were actually meant for the party.
D. The goats that live in my neighbor's wildlife sanctuary look really cute in their winter coats.


the restrictive clause is Juliana's chili, which had gone through many recipe revisions, won first place at the chili cook off so the answer is A

The answer would be A, Juliana's chili, which had gone through many recipe revisions, won first place at the chili cook off

PLEASE HELP Which colony was founded by William Penn?


New York


New Jersey


Answer: The Pennsylvania Colony


Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn.

The tennis players Venus and Serena Williams have gained widespread fame and recognition for their incredible talent The two sisters' accomplishments include multiple Grand Slam titles and four Olympic gold medals one each in singles' and three in doubles. (What is the one plural or possessive error?)


Answer: The two errors in a sentence are Change sisters to sisters' and Change singles to singles.

Explanation: What is an error in a sentence?

A sentence fragment is a specific grammar mistake that occurs when a collection of words are put together but do not fully represent the content of the phrase.

It happens when a phrase or dependent clause (subordinate clause) can stand on its own as though it were a whole sentence. Another example is when a sentence fragment is presented as a complete sentence.

When permitted to stand alone, a phrase—a group of two, three, or more words that do not contain a subject or verb—becomes a sentence fragment. Even though a dependent clause has a subject and verb, the same thing occurs.

Therefore, The two errors in the sentence are Change sisters to sisters' and Change singles to singles.

Sisters and singles neither should have ‘ after the s. Hope this helps

Read the quotation.

"It Bradley Corporation was sued for damages three times."

Which revision shows the correct placement of the brackets to indicate added information in this direct quotation?


The second one is the answer
I believe that the answer is B

Which of the following examples is NOT a correct use of an apostrophe to show possession?
The big red boat is Dana’s.
John’s last class was cancelled when the teacher got sick.
Cass’s cat is big and brown with white spots.
Travi’s tie was given to him by his mother.


D is not correct I don’t think.

What do you do with a reader's feedback on your story?
A. only change something that your teacher suggests
B. use the feedback when you are making your revisions
C. ignore the feedback
D. all of the above





Because you use the feedback you got and correct it

B!! Use the feedback when your making revisions hope this helps

Choose a symbol from Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry and explain how its meaning changes.



One symbol from Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is the symbol of the "lynched man." This symbol represents the violence and injustice faced by African Americans during the time period of the novel, specifically in the form of lynchings. At first, the lynched man symbolizes fear and oppression for the characters in the novel, as they witness the hanging of a black man and understand the danger that they are all at risk of facing. However, as the novel progresses and the characters become more aware of their own strength and resilience, the lynched man symbol also becomes a symbol of resistance and defiance. The characters, particularly Cassie and her family, begin to actively fight against the injustices they face, and the lynched man becomes a symbol of their determination to stand up for their rights and dignity. In this way, the meaning of the lynched man symbol shifts from one of fear and oppression to one of strength and empowerment.

It changes from a symbol of hope to a symbol of desperation. It changes from a symbol of freedom to a symbol of captivity.

Weather, especially thunder, often plays a symbolic role in the book, drawing attention during important scenes and events. For example, it’s raining heavily when the school bus forces the children to jump into a muddy.

What should a thesis statement include


A good thesis statement should include the following elements:

A clear and specific topic or argument: The thesis statement should clearly and concisely state the main point of your essay.
A reason or purpose for the argument: The thesis statement should explain why the topic or argument is important or worthy of discussion.
A specific stance or position on the topic: The thesis statement should indicate the position you are taking on the topic or issue, and should be clear and concise.
A preview of the supporting points: The thesis statement should provide a brief overview of the main points or arguments that will be discussed in the essay.
Overall, a good thesis statement should be clear, concise, and well-supported by the evidence and analysis in your essay.



A thesis statement should include your main idea that you want to point out or what your article/essay will be about. You could include some of the main points that you will be talking about or that you will be covering in your essay. You could also include something at the beginning to start it off   in class sometimes we add a "what if" scenario instead of asking a question, usually a thesis statement should have around 3-5 sentences. (hope this helps in some way)

Pretend you have one hour to prepare to go into hiding.
You can NEVER return to your home.
You cannot carry a suitcase; it would be obvious you were going into hiding.
It is winter; therefore, it is VERY cold outside and there is limited food where you are going.
What items would you take with you?
How would you disguise these items and how would you carry them?



If you were in a situation where you could never return to your home, could not carry a suitcase, and were facing cold weather and limited food, there are a few items that you might want to take with you. Some essential items for survival in this situation might include:

-Clothing to keep you warm, such as a coat, gloves, hat, and boots.

-A knife or multi-tool for cutting, opening containers, and other tasks.

-A flashlight or other light source, such as a headlamp, to help you navigate in the dark.

-A map or compass to help you navigate to your destination.

-Water and food, such as granola bars or other non-perishable items that are easy to carry.

To disguise these items and carry them with you, you could try a few different strategies. For example, you could wrap the items in a piece of cloth and tie them into a bundle that you could carry on your back. You could also use a backpack or other bag to carry the items, but be sure to disguise the bag by covering it with a coat or other clothing. Another option might be to hide the items in pockets or other inconspicuous places on your body, such as inside your coat or in the soles of your shoes. The key is to be creative and use whatever resources you have available to conceal and transport your essential items.




Part 1 Describe the parts of an argumentative essay.
Part 2 What are the parts of an argument, and how are they related?


1. Introduction: The introduction introduces the topic of the essay and provides background information on the issue being discussed. It may also include a thesis statement that presents the main argument of the essay.
2. Body: The body of the essay presents the evidence and reasoning that support the thesis. Each paragraph in the body should present a different piece of evidence or argument, and should be organized in a logical order.
3. Counterarguments: An argumentative essay may also include a section presenting counterarguments to the main argument. This section acknowledges and refutes opposing viewpoints,
strengthening the overall argument of the essay.
4. Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes

Use the smallest baseball and the bigger bat. Then swing heartily. Will the ball soar farther than it did before?
Which word is a comparative adverb?
A) smallest
B) bigger
C) heartily
D) farther


The correct answer is bigger
Answer is B (bigger)

What is the rhyme scheme of the first stanza of " The Battle of Blenheim"?



"And everybody praised the Duke

Who this great fight did win.

""But what good came of it at last?

"Quoth little Peterkin.

"Why that I cannot tell," said he;

"But 'twas a famous victory."


The rhyming scheme of the poem ‘After Blenheim’ is ABCBDD.
The rhyme is typically based on the average nursery type which has a pretty depressing tone.

HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM TIMED!!!!!!!!!!!! 25 POINTS!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!

Match the data to the type of satellite that would provide it.

maps for deployed forces
photographs of enemy weapons facilities
time and location of missile launch

remote sensing
early warning



maps for deployed forces - remote sensing

photographs of enemy weapons facilities - reconnaissance

early warning - time and location of missile launch


Out of curiosity, what class is this for?

Remote sensing
Hope this helps :)

On page 10 of Hatchet, find an example of a simile and write it below:


“And now a jolt took him like a hammer blow,”

“And now a jolt took him like a hammer blow,”

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