Revising for clarity is an important revision task. Clear messages are immediately understood and appreciated. To improve the clarity of your message, keep your sentences short and simple, and dump trite business phrases.
Which of the following sentences employ the KISS formula? Check all that apply.
We are processing your request to the best of our abilities.
Our company is pleased to have processed your request.
Your request is noteworthy and has been processed through the correct channels.
Your request has been processed.
The trite business phrase as per your request can be revised as .
Determine which revision of each the following sentences provides the most clarity.
I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that the changes to your account will post soon.
As per your verbal instruction, changes to your account will post on Tuesday.
I am taking this opportunity to inform you that changes to your account will post on Tuesday.
The changes to your account will post on Tuesday.
Pursuant to your request, the sales managers will be a ubiquitous presence in case they are needed.
Every effort will be made for sales managers to be available if needed.
Sales managers are available if needed.
Per your request, the sales managers should be an omnipresent presence if needed.
Which sentence provides the most clarity?
Mary, from human resources, would like to explain the changes with reference to your employee benefits.
Mary, from human resources, will explain the changes to your employee benefits.
In accordance with company policy, the human resources associate would like to codify the new employee benefits information.


Answer 1


ANSWERS TO PART A:   Sentence 2 and Sentence 4

ANSWER TO PART B:    Sentence 3

ANSWER TO PART C:    Sentence 3

ANSWER TO PART D:    Sentence 2


In Part A, which of the sentences employs the Keep It Short & Simple formula?

We start by labelling the sentences and then selecting the right answers.

Remember the rules are that the sentences must not be long and complex and also must not contain trite business phrases.

1. We are processing your request to the best of our abilities.

2. Our company is pleased to have processed your request.

3. Your request is noteworthy and has been processed through the correct channels.

4. Your request has been processed.

PART B: Which sentence provides the most clarity?

1. I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that the changes to your account will post soon.

2. As per your verbal instruction, changes to your account will post on Tuesday.

3. I am taking this opportunity to inform you that changes to your account will post on Tuesday.

4. The changes to your account will post on Tuesday.

PART C: Which sentence provides the most clarity?

1. Pursuant to your request, the sales managers will be a ubiquitous presence in case they are needed.

2. Every effort will be made for sales managers to be available if needed.

3. Sales managers are available if needed.

4. Per your request, the sales managers should be an omnipresent presence if needed.

PART D: Which sentence provides the most clarity?

1. Mary, from human resources, would like to explain the changes with reference to your employee benefits.

2. Mary, from human resources, will explain the changes to your employee benefits.

3. In accordance with company policy, the human resources associate would like to codify the new employee benefits information.

Related Questions

Conflicts of interest a. have become less frequent today. b. always involve personal financial gain. c. are morally worrisome only when the employee acts to the detriment of the company. d. occur when employees have special or private interests that are substantial enough to interfere with their job duties.





Conflicts of interest occur when employees have special or private interests that are substantial enough to interfere with their job duties

For example, imagine that there is an analyst who works in a firm. He comes across material non public information that the value of the shares of the company is about to plummet. This analyst has shares in the company.

A conflict of interest arises, he can either trade his shares and engage in insider trading or not trade his shares so as to protect the integrity of the capital market

the ethical step is not to trade

Gillian reprimands an employee in front of his peers for speaking out of turn during a sales meeting. Which of the following types of reinforcement does this scenario demonstrate?

a. Extinction
b. Negative reinforcement
c. Positive reinforcement
d. Positive punishment



The correct answer is the option B: Negative reinforcement.


To begin with, in the field of behavioral psychology and business management the concept known as "Reinforcement" refers to the action or process of changing or keeping someone's behavior by the action of having an specific reaction that will be negative or positive accepted by the individual whose behavior we are looking to change or maintain. Therefore that the reinforcement is followed by a particular stimulus that the individual normally has when making the action that we want to change or keep.

The negative reinforcement refers to the process of producing a consequence with the purpose of avoiding or trying to stop certain stimulus so that the individual will stop that behavior in order to avoid the consequence.

As a customer acquisition technique, events: a. Are considered mostly ineffective compared to mobile advertising or social media promotions b. Tend to be used independently of other acquisition techniques c. Can happen in an online environment d. Are primarily an offline channel


Answer: a. Are considered mostly ineffective compared to mobile advertising or social media promotions.


Customer acquisition techniques refers to the strategies that are helps in the identification of the potential leads which are then converted into active customers. Such techniques include personalized offer design, automated email marketing etc.

As a customer acquisition technique, events are considered mostly ineffective compared to mobile advertising or social media promotions.

what is Social responsibilities in business



Social responsibility in business, also known as corporate social responsibility (CSR), pertains to people and organizations behaving and conducting business ethically and with sensitivity towards social, cultural, economic, and environmental issues.

Coke and Pepsi are examples of


Coke and Pepsi are examples of soft drinks.

Hope this helps!

Have a great day!

các yếu tố môi trường ảnh hưởng đến ?
A: sự tồn tại của tổ chức
B: sự phát triển của tổ chức
C: kết quả hoạt động tổ chức
D: tất cả các ý



hejejeusuusywtwnjwiadeahagstahshhshsh shshhshshshshwjwjywywhywuehshsgzjjsgsgshshsjgsgsgshshhsusjsgjsjsjsgsnshysjshfssjg a.c juduuzysuhshsksiaiuwystsia isah sfajaitakawtaiwistdhxnsjishdysyausishzhhzgzgsuhsjshahshsnshzhz


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Yams Company reports the following operating results for the month of August: sales $400,000 (units 5,000), variable costs $240,000, and fixed costs $90,000. Management is considering the following independent courses of action to increase net income.

1. Increase selling price by 10% with no change in total variable costs or units sold.
2. Reduce variable costs to 55% of sales.

Compute the net income to be earned under each alternative. Which course of action will produce the higher net income?



Yams Company

Alternative 1: Increasing the selling price by 10% with no change in total variable costs or units sold will produce the higher net income.


a) Data and Calculations:

                                                          Total         Unit   Quantity

Sales for the month of August = $400,000     $80        5,000

Variable costs =                            $240,000       48        5,000

Fixed costs =                                  $90,000

Alternatives to increase net income:

                                       Alternative 1        Alternative 2

Sales revenue                  $440,000            $400,000

Variable costs                    240,000              220,000

Contribution margin       $200,000             $180,000

Fixed Costs                         90,000                 90,000

Net income                      $110,000               $90,000

Assume you just deposited $1,000 into a bank CD account with one year until maturity. The interest rate on your deposit is 8% and inflation is expected to be 4% over the next year. a. How much money will you have in your bank account at the end of one year



amount after 1 year = $1080


given data

deposited = $1,000

interest rate = 8% = 0.08

inflation rate =  4%


we get here amount after one year with 8% of interest rate will become

amount after 1 year = deposited  × [tex]( 1 + rate )^{time}[/tex]  ................1

put here value

amount after 1 year = $1000 × ( 1 + 0.08)

amount after 1 year = $1080

Several years ago, Alcoa was effectively the sole seller of aluminum because the firm owned nearly all of the aluminum ore reserves in the world. This market was not perfectly competitive because this situation violated the:



price-taking assumption.

free entry assumption.


A perfectly competitive market is one in which different firms compete for consumers of their products. The characteristics of the perfectly competitive market are:

- products are nearly identical

- all the firms are price takers. That is they are not able to determine price independently

- buyer knowledge of information about products is perfect and available to all

- free entry and exit to the market

- resources are perfectly mobile

In the given scenario above two of these rules are not obeyed.

Alcoa was effectively the sole seller of aluminum because the firm owned nearly all of the aluminum ore reserves in the world.

So they determine the price ( they are not price takers)

Also since they own nearly all the aluminium reserves there is no free entry for new firms

Consider the following account starting balances and transactions involving these accounts. Use T-accounts to record the starting balances and the offsetting entries for the transactions. The starting balance of Cash is $9,100 The starting balance of Inventory is $4,800 The starting balance of Retained Earnings is $24,700 1. Sell product for $30 in cash with historical cost of $24 2. Sell, deliver, and receive payment of $40 for service 3. Consume good or service and pay expense of $2 What is the final amount in Retained Earnings


Answer: $24,744


Final amount in retained earnings;

= Starting balance + Net income

Net income:

= Sales - Cost of good sold + Service revenue - Expense

= 30 - 24 + 40 - 2

= $44

Final amount in retained earnings:

= 24,700 + 44

= $24,744

In a job order costing system: Select one: A. Each department accumulates costs and then allocates them to all units produced. B. The processes involved in manufacturing products are essentially identical for all products. C. Production generally happens in a "continual flow". D. The end products are relatively homogenous. E. None of the above



The correct answer is the option E: None of the above.


To begin with, in the field of business management and accounting the concept known as "Job Order Costing" refers specifically to the system that the managers of a company use in order to establish a better organization when it comes to terms of costing and due to the fact that they tend to be organizations that elaborate products that differ from each other regarding the materials they need to be produced properly. So therefore that this method focuses in the fact the company needs to calculate every cost the best possible for every different product that needs different tasks and jobs.

Hart Corporation owns machinery with a book value of $600,000. It is estimated that the machinery will generate future cash flows of $570,000. The machinery has a fair value of $420,000. Hart should recognize a loss on impairment of


Answer: $180,000


An asset is said to be impaired when the future cashflows that it will bring in are less than the book value and when the fair value of the asset is also less than the book value.

Impairment loss = Book value of asset - Fair value

= 600,000 - 420,000

= $180,000

Roanoke Company produces chocolate bars. The primary materials used in producing chocolate bars are cocoa, sugar, and milk. The standard costs for a batch of chocolate (1,827 bars) are as follows: Ingredient Quantity Price Cocoa 600 lbs. $0.40 per lb. Sugar 180 lbs. $0.60 per lb. Milk 150 gal. $1.70 per gal. Determine the standard direct materials cost per bar of chocolate. If required, round to the nearest cent.



Roanoke Company

The standard direct materials cost per bar of chocolate is:

= $0.33.


a) Data and Calculations:

A batch of chocolate = 1,827 bars

Standard Costs for a batch:

Ingredient   Quantity      Price

Cocoa          600 lbs.    $0.40 per lb.

Sugar            180 lbs.    $0.60 per lb.

Milk              150 gal.      $1.70 per gal.

Ingredient   Quantity      Price                 Total Cost

Cocoa          600 lbs.    $0.40 per lb.      $240.00 (600 * $0.40)

Sugar            180 lbs.    $0.60 per lb.         108.00 (180 * $0.60)

Milk              150 gal.      $1.70 per gal.     255.00 (150 * $1.70)

Total cost of batch of chocolate =         $603.00

Cost per bar = $0.33 ($603.00/1,827)

Binford Corporation's contribution margin ratio is 58%, and its fixed monthly expenses are $94,000. Assume that the company's sales for May are expected to be $178,000.
Estimate the company's net operating income for May, assuming that the fixed monthly expenses do not change.





Calculation to Estimate the company's net operating income for May, assuming that the fixed monthly expenses do not change

Using this formula

Net operating income = (CM ratio × Sales) - Fixed expenses

Let plug in the formula

Net operating income= (0.58× $178,000) - $94,000

Net operating income= $103,240 - $94,000

Net operating income= $9,240

Therefore the company's net operating income for May, assuming that the fixed monthly expenses do not change is $9,240

Presented below are definitions of certain terms. Select the appropriate term from the dropdown list. Definitions 1. Quantity of input required if a production process is 100% efficient. 2. Managing by focusing on large differences from standard costs. 3. Record that accumulates standard cost information. 4. Preset cost for delivering a product or service under normal conditions. a. Standard cost card b. Management by exception c. Standard cost d. Ideal standard



1. Ideal standard

2. Management by exception

3. Standard cost card

4. Standard cost


Costing is the measurement of the cost of production of goods and services by assessing the fixed costs and variable costs associated with each step of production.

In Financial accounting, a direct cost can be defined as any expense which can easily be connected to a specific cost object such as a department, project or product. Some examples of direct costs are cost of raw materials, machineries or equipments.

On the other hand, any cost associated with the running, operations and maintenance of a company refers to indirect costs. Some examples of indirect costs are utility bill, office accessories, diesel etc.

1. Ideal standard: quantity of input required if a production process is 100% efficient.

2. Management by exception: Managing by focusing on large differences from standard costs.

3. Standard cost card: record that accumulates standard cost information.

4. Standard cost: preset cost for delivering a product or service under normal conditions.

On December 31, Ott Co. had investments in equity securities as follows:
Cost Fair value Lower of cost or fair value
Mann Co. $10,000 $8,000 $8,000
Kemo, Inc. $9,000 $11,000 $9,000
Fenn Corp. $11,000 $9,000 $9,000
$30,000 $28,000 $26,000
The Mann investment is classified as held-to-maturity, while the remaining securities are classified as available-for-sale. Ott does not elect the fair value option for reporting financial assets. Ott's December 31, Year 1, balance sheet should report total marketable debt securities as:_____.
a. $29,000.
b. $26,000.
c. $30,000.
d. $28,000.



c. $30,000.


The calculation of the  total marketable debt securities reported in the balance sheet is given below;

= Mann Co cost + Kemo Co fair value + Fenn corp fair value

= $10,000 + $11,000 + $9,000

= $30,000

Hence, the  total marketable debt securities reported in the balance sheet is $30,000

Therefore the option c is correct

Using the high-low method, the fixed cost is calculated ______. Multiple select question. by adding the total cost to the variable cost using either the high or low level of activity before the variable cost is calculated after the variable cost per unit is calculated



is calculated after the variable cost per unit is calculated


Costing is the measurement of the cost of production of goods and services by assessing the fixed costs and variable costs associated with each step of production.

In Financial accounting, fixed cost can be defined as predetermined expenses in a business that remain constant for a specific period of time regardless of the quantity of production or level of outputs. Some examples of fixed costs in business are loan payments, employee salary, depreciation, rent, insurance, lease, utilities, etc.

On the other hand, variable costs can be defined as expenses that are not constant and as such usually change directly and are proportional to various changes in business activities. Some examples of variable costs are taxes, direct labor, sales commissions, raw materials, operational expenses, etc.

Using the high-low method, the fixed cost can only be calculated after the variable cost (VC) per unit is calculated through the application of either the low or high level of activity.

Using the high-low method, the fixed cost is calculated : After the variable cost per unit is calculated.

What is costing?

Costing refers to the measurement of the cost of production of goods and services whereby, the fixed costs and variable costs associated with production are examined.

Fixed costs are costs that do not vary with the level of output, while variable cost are cost that varies with the activity level.

Using the high-low method, the fixed cost can only be calculated after the variable cost (VC) per unit is calculated through the application of either the low or high level of activity.

Hence, using the high-low method, the fixed cost is calculated after the variable cost per unit is calculated.

Learn more about costing here :

Kermit plans to open a boutique. The initial investment is $10,000. He has to spend $1,500 in annual operations and maintenance. The boutique generates $3,000 in revenues every year. Kermit uses a 10 year planning horizon and a MARR of 12%. The correctly calculated Rate of Return for this project is ________________%.





The Rate of Return is 8.14 from my calculations which you can find in the attached file.

Now since the Rate of return is 8.14. Which is less than MARR of 12%, it shows that investment is not good.

Year Initial Annual Maintenance Annual Revenue Total Cash Flow

0 -$10,000 -$10,000

1 -$1,500 $3,000 $1,500

2 -$1,500 $3,000 $1,500

3 -$1,500 $3,000 $1,500

4 -$1,500 $3,000 $1,500

5 -$1,500 $3,000 $1,500

6 -$1,500 $3,000 $1,500

7 -$1,500 $3,000 $1,500

8 -$1,500 $3,000 $1,500

9 -$1,500 $3,000 $1,500

10 -$1,500 $3,000 $1,500

Internal Rate of Return 8.1442% [IRR() in excel]

The rate of return is 8.1442 which is less than MARR of 12% investment is not worth it

The lender charges you $9 per week for each $100 you borrow.
Assuming you borrow $300 for 2 weeks, what APR will you be paying?



i believe 2,107.5711%


Bearington Enterprises uses an activity-based costing system to assign costs in its auto-parts division.

Activity Est. Indirect Activity Costs Allocation Base Cost Allocation Rate
Materials $60,000 Material moves $5.00/move
Assembling $175,000 Direct labor hours $5.00/dir. labor hour
Packaging $70,000 # of finished units $2.50/finished unit

The following units were produced in December with the following information:

Part # # Produced Materials Costs # Moves Dir. Labor Hrs.
Part 001 1,350 $2,500 100 500
Part 002 5,500 $5,000 400 200
Part 003 4,050 $7,000 2,800 1,550

Total manufacturing costs for Part 003 are : _______



the Total manufacturing costs for Part 003 is $38,875


The computation of the Total manufacturing costs for Part 003 is given below:

= material cost + indirect cost

= $7000 + (2,800 × $5) + (1550 × $5) + (4,050 × $2.50)

= $7,000 + $14,000 + $7,750 + $10,125

= $38,875

Hence, the Total manufacturing costs for Part 003 is $38,875

The same should be considered and relevant

The January 1, Year 1 trial balance for the Tyrell Company is found on the trial balance tab. The beginning balances are assumed. Tyrell Co. entered into the following transactions involving short-term liabilities. (Use 360 days a year.) Year 1.

Apr. 20 Purchased $40,250 of merchandise on credit from Locust, terms n/30.
May 19 Replaced the April 20 account payable to Locust with a 90-day, 10%, $35,000 note payable along with paying $5,250 in cash.
July 8 Borrowed $80,000 cash from NBR Bank by signing a 120-day, 9%, $80,000 note payable.
Aug. 17 Paid the amount due on the note to Locust at the maturity date.
Nov. 5 Paid the amount due on the note to NBR Bank at the maturity date.
Nov. 28 Borrowed $42,000 cash from Fargo Bank by signing a 60-day, 8%, $42,000 note payable.
Dec. 31 Recorded an adjusting entry for accrued interest on the note to Fargo Bank. Year 2
Jan. 27 Paid the amount due on the note to Fargo Bank at the maturity date.

Prepare the 2016 journal entries related to the notes and accounts payable of Tyrell Co.



Tyrell Company

Journal Entries:


Apr. 20 Debit Inventory $40,250

Credit Accounts Payable (Locust) $40,250

To record the purchase of inventory on account, terms n/30.

May 19 Debit Accounts Payable (Locust) $40,250

Credit 10% Note Payable (Locust) $35,000

Credit Cash $5,250

To record the issuance of note payable for 90 days and cash payment.

July 8 Debit Cash $80,000

Credit 9% Note Payable (BR Bank) $80,000

To record the borrowing on note payable for a 120-day period.

Aug. 17 Debit 10% Note Payable (Locust) $35,000

Debit Interest Expense $875

Credit Cash $35,875

To record payment on account, including interest calculated as follows: ($35,000 + $35,000 * 10% * 90/360)

Nov. 5 Debit 9% Note Payable (BR Bank) $80,000

Debit Interest Expense $2,400

Credit Cash $82,400

To record payment on account, including interest calculated as follows:

($80,000 + $80,000 * 9% * 120/360)

Nov. 28 Debit Cash $42,000

Credit 8% Notes Payable (Fargo Bank) $42,000

To record the borrowing on note payable for a 60-day

Dec. 31 Debit Interest Expense $308

Credit Interest Payable $308

To accrue interest  ($42,000 * 8% * 33/360).


a) Data and Analysis:


Apr. 20 Inventory $40,250 Accounts Payable (Locust) $40,250 terms n/30.

May 19 Accounts Payable (Locust) $40,250 10% Note Payable (Locust) $35,000 Cash $5,250

July 8 Cash $80,000 9% Note Payable (BR Bank) $80,000 a 120-day

Aug. 17 10% Note Payable (Locust) $35,000 Interest Expense $875 Cash $35,875 ($35,000 + $35,000 * 10% * 90/360)

Nov. 5 9% Note Payable (BR Bank) $80,000 Interest Expense $2,400 Cash $82,400 ($80,000 + $80,000 * 9% * 120/360)

Nov. 28 Cash $42,000 8% Notes Payable (Fargo Bank) $42,000 a 60-day

Dec. 31 Interest Expense $308 ($42,000 * 8% * 33/360) Interest Payable $308


Jan. 27 8% Notes Payable (Fargo Bank) $42,000 Interest Payable $308 Interest Expense $252 Cash $42,560

Inventory balances for the Jameson Company in October 2018 are as follows:

October 1, 2018 October 31, 2018

Raw materials $27,000 $21,000
Work in process 48,000 37,200
Finished goods 108,000 90,000

During October, purchases of direct materials were $36,000. Direct labor and factory overhead costs were $60,000 and $84,000, respectively. What are the total manufacturing costs added to production in the period?



Total manufacturing costs added to production $186,000


The computation of the total manufacturing cost to be added is given below:

Raw materials,beginning $27,000  

Add: Purchases of direct materials $36,000  

Less: Raw materials,ending -$21,000  

Direct materials used $42,000

Direct labor             $60,000

Factory overhead costs $84,000

Total manufacturing costs added to production $186,000

The Japanese economy has been experiencing slow growth. As a result the Prime Minister, who thinks John Maynard Keynes was the greatest economist ever, has decided to increase government spending. As head of the economic council the Prime Minister asks you to determine the size of the increase needed to bring the economy to full employment.
Assume there is a GDP gap of 1 billion yen and the marginal propensity to consume (MPC) is .60. What advise do you give the Prime Minister?
a. The recessionary gap is equal to 625 million yen.
b. The inflationary gap is equal to 1 billion yen divided by 2.5 or 0.4 billion yen.
c. The recessionary gap is equal to 1 billion yen divided by 2.5 or 0.4 billion yen.
d. The inflationary gap is equal to 1 billion yen divided by 1.66 or 0.625 billion yen.



c. The recessionary gap is equal to 1 billion yen divided by 2.5 or 0.4 billion yen.


The computation is shown below:

The multiplier is

= 1 ÷ (1 - MPC)

= 1 ÷ (1 - 0.60)

= 2.5

Now the increase in government expenditure for closing out the recessionary gap should be

Change in income = change in government purchase × multiplier

100 = change in government purchase × 2.5

So, the change in government purchase should be

= 100 ÷2.5

= 40

Hence, the option c is correct

Paid for wages Rs. 2000 and for commission Rs. 3000. Journal entry for this?



Wages A/c Dr.

To cash A/c

(being wages paid)

Commission A/c Dr

To cash A/c

(being comission paid)

Assume that Corn Co. sold 7,600 units of Product A and 2,400 units of Product B during the past year. The unit contribution margins for Products A and B are $34 and $59, respectively. Corn has fixed costs of $378,000. The break-even point in units is a.9,450 units b.11,340 units c.7,560 units d.14,175 units


,Answer: a. 9,450 units


You need to find the weighted average contribution margin for both products.

Product A

Weighted average contribution margin = Contribution margin * Units sold / Total units sold

= 34 * 7,600 / (7,600 + 2,400)

= $25.84

Product B

= 59 * 2,400 / 10,000

= $14.16

Breakeven point in units = Fixed costs/ (Weighted average contribution margin of both A and B)

= 378,000 / (25.84 + 14.16)

= 9,450 units

Collective case studies are known as multiple-case studies, cross-case studies, comparative case studies and contrasting case studies. What is a cross-case study?




Cross case studies involves the use to several individual case studies in other to support a scientific study or research with the aim of reaching a reasonable and acceptable conclusion which can be generalized and adopted for use in similar cases. Researchers usually employ the use of cross case case study in the formulation of new knowledge by collating several case studies based on the research scenario, then rigorous relationships are examined by comparing and contrasting features of the existing cases.

The purpose of rough cut capacity planning is to: Select one: a. place a time fence around the MPS. b. determine a production schedule that offers a rough order of magnitude. c. cut excess capacity from the MPS. d. assess the feasibility of the MPS. e. govern the length of the execution cycle.



The answer is "Option d".


To compute the estimated work on master capacity planning, the objective of basic resource allocation is utilized. It is then contrasted to a proven ability that enhances organizational MPS feasibility.

It verifies that you have enough ability at your disposal that satisfy the needs of your master's programs. It is a tool in long-term production scheduling for marketing and production to accomplish the ratio of the capacity required and accessible and to manage changes in the plan and/or looking.




▫️Increased savings. • Fewer injuries. • More productive and sustainable employees. ...

▫️Fewer employees experiencing pain. • Implementing ergonomic improvements can reduce the risk factors that lead to discomfort.

▫️Increased productivity. • ...

▫️Increased morale. • ...

▫️Reduced absenteeism. •

hope it's help you.....!!!!!!!!!!

plz mark as brain list and follow me #rishu..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hope it will help you





Duane Miller wants to know what price home he can afford. His annual gross income is $67,200. He has no other debt expenses and expects property taxes and insurance to cost $320 per month. He knows he can get a 8.50%, 15 year mortgage so his mortgage payment factor is 9.85. He expects to make a 25% down payment. What is Duane's affordable home purchase price?
a. $107,929.
b. $158,793.
c. $138,207.
d. $209,139.
e. $179,665.


I think B I hope that helps!

In its closing financial statements for its first year in business, the Runs and Goses Company, had cash of $242, accounts receivable of $850, inventory of $820, net fixed assets of $3,408, accounts payable of $700, short-term notes payable of $740, long-term liabilities of $1,100, common stock of $1,160, retained earnings of $1,620, net sales of $2,768, cost of goods sold of $1,210, depreciation of $360, interest expense of $160, taxes of $312, addition to retained earnings of $508, and dividends paid of $218.


a. Return on equity = __________
b. Return on total assets = __________
c. Gross profit margin = __________
d. Net profit margin = __________



return on equality

return on way

return on potos

i will want to know about questio n

i can help you in this field ok bro

helnid is my code way ti go

Return on Equity can be calculated as Return on Equity = Net Income / share holders equity. Return on Equity = 726 /2780. Thus, Return on Equity = 26.11%

What is Return on Equity?

The ratio of a company's net income to the equity of its shareholders is known as return on equity (ROE). A company's profitability and the effectiveness of its revenue generation are measured by its return on equity (ROE). A corporation is better at turning its equity financing into profits the higher the ROE.

Although average ratios and those deemed "good" and "poor" might differ significantly from industry to industry, a return on equity ratio of 15% to 20% is typically regarded as good. The ratio would be regarded as low at 5%.

b)Return on Asset Ratio

Return on Asset Ratio = Net Income / Total Assets

Return on Asset Ratio = 726/ 5,320

Return on Asset Ratio = 13.65%

c)Gross Profit Margin

Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit / Net Sales

Profit Margin = 1,558/ 2,768

Profit Margin =56.29%

d)Net Profit Margin

Net Profit Margin = Net Income / Net Sales

Profit Margin = 726/ 2,768

Net Profit Margin =26.23%

Learn more about Return on Equity, here


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