Rewrite the sentences from active voice to passive voice:
1. Rita sings a song.
2. They opened the restaurant last year.
3. Granny told us an interesting story.
4. Call the doctor at once.
5. Everyone loved Mother Teresa.
6. The wolf chased the sheep.
7. Sujata drew a village scene.
8. Rakesh made special Kashmiri tea for everyone.
9. Neha's father praised her.
10. People formed a queue on the road.
11. Hanif drank the bitter medicine in one gulp.
12. We elected Balachandran as our team leader.
13. Santa Claus gave toffees to all the children in the shop.
14. Grandfather called up Ayushi to wish her on her birthday.
15. How did you make the curry?
16. Suman is reading a book.
17. Your mother taught us Mathematics.
18. Please keep quiet. 19. Who broke this dish of butter?
20. Neena will beat you at Badminton.
21. A little lamb followed Mary.
22. Tarun's mother loves him.
23. Do the boys make paper kites?
24. Rosy will stich the dress in a week.


Answer 1

Here are some examples of answers:

1. A song was sung by Rita.

2. A restaurant was opened last year by them.

3. An interesting story was told by granny.

Now use these, and this website:

to help you with the rest.

The way I like to remember it, is to take the first noun and the second noun and switch them, then alter the verb tense and sentence structure to make it make sense.

Answer 2
1. The song was sung by Rita.

2. The restaurant was opened last year.

3. An interesting story was told by Granny.

4. The doctor was called at once.

5. Mother Teresa was loved by everyone.

6. The sheep were chased by the wolf.

7. The village scene was drawn by Sujata.

8. The special Kashmiri tea was made by Rakesh.

9. Neha was praised by her father.

10. The queue was formed by people on the road.

11. The bitter medicine was drank by Hanif in one gulp.

12. Balachandran was elected as team leader.

13. The children in the shop were given toffees by Santa Claus.

14. Ayushi was wished a happy birthday by Grandfather.

15. How was the curry made by you?

16. The book is being read by Suman.

17. Mathematics were taught to us by your mother.

18. Let yourself be quieted.

19. The dish of butter was broken by whom?

20. You will be beat at badminton by Neena.

21. Mary was followed by a little lamb.

22. Tarun is loved by his mother.

23. Are the paper kites made by the boys?

24. The dress will be stitched by Rosy in a week.

Good luck! Have an amazing day!

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if i shave my stomach will it grow back darker and thicker??


No it won’t. That’s a myth
Shaving things such as pubes leg hair or armpit hair will grow back thicker but not necessarily darker because it just appears that way because its a new healthier hair but for other places like eyebrows and stomach that have thin hair or little hair shaving them can actually stop them from growing back in some cases -to stop hair from growing back thicker u would pluck or wax removing the hair root from its follicle and shaving this can rarely remove the hair root but shaving most of the time only trims the hair for a short period of time because you didn’t completely remove the hair root which causes the hair root to get stronger because you let it stay and absorb more nutrients from your skin and oils and that sometimes makes your hair thicker and healthier and newer giving the appearance of darker hair depending on the area you shaved but the only reason shaving makes hair stronger is because it is new healthy hair compared to when u never shave and leave old hair that over time dies and appears thin. But the hair root can usually make more healthier new hair if not constantly removed

Why would an author write a story in the second person


To make the reader feel more involved and/or more immersed.

Thank you so much thank y’all



The answer is 4. Antithesis

Thank You! Please mark me Brainliest!








Should be right I've gotten similar problems on an Edge quiz like this.

Think and lethargic are synonyms.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


It is false, because lethargic means to be sluggish and apathetic




What is the main event that takes place in the first chapter of the wizard of oz?



I believe it was the tornado


The tornado that leads Dorothy to the land of oz

make a 5 sentence of past tense and change it into direct speech​



1. i wrote a letter

2. they wrote a letter

3. i was writting a letter

4. they were writting a letter

5. i had written a letter



i hope that helps you...

i cant change into direct speech

Which of the following is NOT necessary to put on note cards or in your notes when doing research?

1. the page number on which the information was found

2. the main idea of the information on the card

3. the reason you chose the reference as a source

4. word-for-word quotations, complete with quotation marks



The reason you chose the reference as a source

The correct option is 3 i,e. The reason you chose the reference as a source


When you are faced with starting a research paper, the most important part of researching and beginning to write is ORGANIZING the information and your thoughts. With this method, you categorize the information you find by topic.


As you find interesting facts about your topic during your research, you should write them down.

This is how you can write the Note Card in this. The Reason you choose the reference as a source is not necessary.

Hence, the correct option is (3).

Learn more about Note Card here.



choose the right word to complete each sentence in this expert from Bedes An Ecclesiastical History Of the English People





histery start from bc and ad before Christian and 720 establish mulim session

paragraph writing about friend​


[tex] \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \huge\underline{\bf \orange{ ❥ \: \: ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ }}[/tex]

One of the purest relationships is the relationship of friendship. A person without a friend lives a hard life. Everybody needs a companion to deal with our experience. It is dependent upon you that how you define friendship. It can be sharing your food, taking care of that person, supporting them in their thick and thin. You may not be loud about it, but if you care for a person silently, that is what friendship is. Friendship is about laughing together on small things, cherishing every moment you share, standing together for each other even when the world turns their backs towards them.


Friendships are sometimes more durable than the relationship of love. Even though the definition of friendship varies from person to person, the core meaning behind it is the same for everybody. Life is empty without a friend. So when you gain a true friend, make sure you cherish it with all your heart. The person with a real friend, with whom all the things can be shared, are the luckiest in the world. A friend will never judge you, and they will never stop scolding you if you are wrong. But whatever the situation be, they will always be there to support you.



Which of the following is not true of the above examples of Neolithic ceramics?
Patterns were engraved into each ceramic piece, and then white chalk was rubbed into the engravings so that the engravings stood out against the black background.
These are examples of European pottery vessels, created between 3000-2000 BCE.
These vessels were found in Spain, and are believed to have been created by the Spanish peoples around 3000 BCE.
The technology to create ceramic vessels was understood long before any were actually created in Europe.



C)  These vessels were found in Spain and are believed to have been created by the Spanish peoples around 3000 BCE.


Patterns were etched into each piece of ceramic, and the pottery made during this period is extraordinary in terms of style, design, and diligence.

European pottery was made between 3000 and 2000 BCE. With a specific piece, ceramics are used to make boats, drinking cups, and gourds. Furthermore, some gourds were made of gold.

The earliest evidence of pottery production has been discovered at a Japanese archaeological site known as Odai Yamamoto. Long before any ceramic vessels were made in Europe, people already knew how to make them.

Learn more about Neolithic ceramics at:

Answer:Its C


I just took edge 2022

What’s the answer pls



d).hope arrive at unexpected ways

Necesito ayuda..!!!
la tarea es de inglés, y trata sobre : Relative pronouns

 Who / that

 Which / that.
es para hoy..​


1. My dad knows the people who live upstairs.

2. That's the good looking boy who sent me flowers.

3. Charlie Lindbergh was the pilot who flew from New York to Paris.

4. We have a tree in our yard which is one hundred years old.

5. The driver won the race who was born in Brazil.

6. The apartment had a fire which was on the fourth floor.

7. The woman cut my hair who's from Paris.

8. The truck brought the boxes which stopped in front of our house.

Part A. Write whether you agree, disagree, or are undecided on each statement. Then give
one to two reasons explaining why you chose your level of agreement.
4. Knowledge and/or education are essential to the creation of a free society.





Because education provide me one with the right knowledge on a particular field.

Knowledge is more important because it extends before the 4 walls of education. It is continuous.


Agree with both Knowledge and Education:

I believe that education and learning are elements of freedom, as education is the way to produce knowledge. Education advances new information and technology; it also helps to screen and choose members of communities based on the type of work they will perform as adults. The more information we possess, the more autonomous we become in society.


Hope this is helpful

answer this question​


The correct answer is A. For

explain how human-hair substance could ill-health to human beings



Human hair substance do not ill human beings


Which statements serve as evidence that supports the theme of "The Story of the Fisherman”?


The statements that serve as evidence that supports the theme of "The Story of the Fisherman" are:
A. "I conjure you on your honour to tell me if you really were in that vase?"
B. "How could your whole body go in? I cannot believe it unless I see you do the thing."
E. "No,' answered the fisherman, 'if I trust myself to you I am afraid you will treat me as a certain Greek king treated the physician Douban."

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between cytokinesis and mitosis?
A.Mitosis includes interphase and cytokinesis.
B.Cytokinesis precedes mitosis.
C.Cytokinesis occurs during mitosis.
D.Interphase includes cytokinesis and mitosis.



C. Cytokinesis occurs during mitosis.


Read the passage from “The Beginnings of the Maasai.
Why is this excerpt a good example of a feature often found in a myth?



It features a reference to the earth. It features a reference to the sky. It features a reference to the origin of the tribe It features a reference to a supernatural being. In this excerpt, we encounter a myth from the Maasai. This myth states that there is a supernatural being called Enkai, who is a sky god. Enkai has no gender. It can act kindly by giving the people rain, or cruelly by making the earth dry up. The presence of a supernatural being who can control the destiny of humans makes this a good example of a myth.


Which Is the best version of the underlined portion of sentence 1 ?



has been playing, explanation: it's just how it would go correctly toward the original sentence as it can be the best of all the answers :plays wouldn't go good because it would not sound right neither plays, as it is now or will play. AS IN I HOPE THIS HELPS. ah..

Mr. Taylor loved being a crossing guard. He enjoyed laughing and joking with the kids on their way to school. it was only a problem when it was raining out. On rainy days, most of the kids get a ride from their parents, and Mr. Taylor is stuck standing in the rain alone.
Change “it was only a problem…” to “It was only a problem…”
Change “Mr. Taylor” to “Mr. taylor.”
Change “parents” to “Parents.”
No changes required.



It's the first choice

"it was only a problem" is the start of a sentence, so "I" in "It" should be capitalized.

According to a popular quote— Where there is no struggle, there is no strength. In what way is this quote relevant to the events of the story?


Answer: The quote given above is quite relevant to the events of the story. The beginning of the story proved that Tricki was lifeless because he did not struggle to digest his food. In the later part of the lesson, Dr Herriot authenticated that real strength comes only after struggle and hard work. He helped the dog to regain his strength by involving him in regular exercise and food regime. Food without exercise can lead to disease and discomfort for everyone

4. Which of these are features of detective fiction? Select three. *
3 points
Wedding day
A villain
Red herrings (false clues)
This is a required question
2 points
5. One of these sentences describes a cliffhanger and the other an
anecdote, Label which is which. *


4. Murder, a villain, red herrings


what part of speech are the underlined words in this sentence?

Jessica left her book in the cafeteria, but when she went back to get it, she cant find it
---- ------ ----- ----



It would be a verb because it’s describing an action.
For example : she walked home. Walked is the verb because it’s describing the action. Also, “went back” is a phrasal verb

Which sentence has the mistake? "1. No matter what we try, we can't seem to make Beth laugh. 2 We have taken her to
comedy shows, to the circus and to movies and she just wasn't amused. 3. Maybe she doesn't have a sense of humor.
4. It looks like their is nothing we can do."
estion Progress





the spelling is was suppose to be there

Which choice best reflects the perspective of the narrator regarding Raffles feeling toward Garfield?



I don't know


This question does not have enough information for me to answer it.

Which of these words has the most similar connotation to tantalized? A. teased B. tortured C. worried D. annoyed



A. teased


this seemed the most appropriate to me but it also could be B. tortured

Why is it a good idea to reiterate the
controversy in your conclusion
A. It reminds your readers of the issues you are addressing
and sets up your all-important rebuttal.
B. It reminds your readers of the issues of your paper so
they can write a paper like it of their own.
C. It reminds your readers of the issues you are addressing
so they can focus on the opposition.
D. It reminds your readers of the requirements for a
research report.



A. it restates the main argument and reminds the reader all of your points that will strengthen your main argument.

In at least 500 words, write a reflective essay on a text or texts you've read that focuses on South Africa. What did you learn and how did the readings change or enlarge your world view? Make sure to reference all of the works you read.



South Africa is a country located at the southern tip of Africa. It has had a rich colonial history since the seventeenth century. In 1652 the Dutch arrived who founded a refreshment post on the Cape. After a century and a half of Dutch colonization, the Cape Colony was taken over by the United Kingdom. As a result, a large number of Dutch-speaking settlers, known as Boers, migrated inland with the Great Trek and founded several Boer states, of which the South African Republic and the Orange Free State were ultimately the most important. These republics were conquered by the British in 1902 in the Second Boer War and united together with the Cape Colony and Natal in 1910 to form South Africa. In the 20th century, South Africa was overshadowed by apartheid, a system of racial segregation that systematically disadvantaged the non-white population. In 1990, apartheid was abolished and in 1994 Nelson Mandela was elected South Africa's first black president.  It is a country with diverse population groups and eleven official languages, including Afrikaans, which is related to Dutch. The country is a parliamentary republic with three capitals and is one of the most developed countries in the continent, but poverty and crime rates remain high.

You have seen this advertisement for a summer job.

Summer shop assistants needed for our new arts and crafts shop

You need to:
• be good at working with people
. have some knowledge of arts and crafts
• be able to work during the busy tourist season in July and August

Write saying why you would be suitable for the job to:

Robert Brown, Manager, The Art of Craft, High Street, Oxford Write your letter.

(140-190 words)​



Explanation:What is a Job Application Letter?

A letter of application, also known as a cover letter, is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information about your skills and experience to an employer. The letter of application is intended to provide detailed information on why you are are a qualified candidate for the job.

Effective application letters explain the reasons for your interest in the specific organization and identify your most relevant skills.

Your application letter should let the employer know what position you are applying for, what makes you a strong candidate, why they should select you for an interview, and how you will follow up11

What to Include in Your Cover Letter

As with all cover letters, a job application letter is divided into sections:1

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