Rulers of Egypt were known as:


Answer 1
Vas happenin!!
Hope your day or night is going well
I think their where called pharaohs
Hope this helps *smiles*
Sorry if it’s wrong

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Which words are the modern English equivalents of the middle English words??



nothing is impossulehhggdddddffgff

Answer:not sure .................

Where and when did confucius live through his life time?


Answer:A native of Zhouyi (陬义) in the present-day Lu County. Qufu(曲阜) in the province Shandong (山东)He was born in the Chunqiu period (春秋) in 551 BC. Died in 479 BC, aged 73 years.


True or False, Count Paris has come to see Lord Capulet to discuss a business deal.


False. She went to him to figure out a way to see Romeo again after his exile.

Civil Rights was a big topic for which
A. Kennedy
B. Nixon
C. Johnson
D. Ford



Nixon ur welcome my guy :)

The correct answer is Nixon

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b.James Gamer
c.Will Rogers
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not a 100% sure...

sry if its wrong


ron maybe


What characteristics of the painting above reflected attitudes of that period?


Answer: The ants on the orange clock in the bottom left corner symbolize decay and this may reflect that the people of that time period had negative attitudes toward WW1. They might've thought that society is decaying as a whole because of the war.

why were early humans always on the move? ​


Early human were hunters and gatherers, when they had exhausted the food of one area, they moved to another area. Other factors like climate change and natural calamities also contributed to their movement.


So they could discover new lands and learn new things.


Which of the following statements about the First Amendment’s religion clause are true?
Check all of the boxes that apply.



a b c d


govemment passes a law increasing taxes on banks. Two days later, there
several bank robberies. A politician who opposed the taxes claims that
the new law is causing bank robberies. What is wrong with the politician's



The politician here is accusing the government's new law on increasing the taxes on banks, it only affects the banks not the criminals. This may not be the cause of the increase in bank robberies.

what do you know about the fugitive slave act of 1850



Passed on September 18, 1850 by Congress, The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was part of the Compromise of 1850. The act required that slaves be returned to their owners, even if they were in a free state. The act also made the federal government responsible for finding, returning, and trying escaped slaves.


A law passed as part of the Compromise of 1850, which provided southern slaveholders with legal weapons to capture slaves who had escaped to the free states. The law was highly unpopular in the North and helped to convert many previously indifferent northerners to antislavery.

Columbus stopped his crew from giving the people
worthless gifts.
food and water.
valuable gifts.
anything at all.



Columbus stopped his crew from giving the people

A. Worthless gifts


I think the answer is A

if it is wrong than sorry

In the 1800s, mass production led to


a surplus of supplies

Why was it significant that Japanese bombers failed to destroy several aircraft carriers in Pearl Harbor?

It demonstrated that the Japanese did not have the power to wage a full-out war.

The successful defense of these carriers proved the United States had the power to defeat Japan.

The United States could use these carriers as part of its Lend-Lease program with Britain.

The three naval carriers would play an important role in other battles throughout the war.





Historians can trace the migration of the Bantu people by their __________________.
historical records
root language
fossils and artifacts


They were traced by the spread of languages, so your answer should be C. :)

In what year was the U.S. Constitution
ratified (formally or officially approved)?
A. 1770
B. 1775
C. 1788





in 1788AD the U.S constitution was officially approved.

Read the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen C. Use an online dictionary to look up any unfamiliar words,
and then answer the following questions.
Part A
What does the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen say about rights?



''All men are born and remain free and have equal rights''.


The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen say about rights was that that ''all men are born and remain free and have equal rights'' which were specified as the rights of liberty, private property, the inviolability of the person, and resistance to ill treatment. It also mentions the rights of all men i.e. the right of freedom, right of religion, right of speech and ideas of liberty.


The document states that all people are entitled to equal treatment in matters of basic rights such as liberty, security, and resistance to oppression.


edmentum answer

In which region did the climate make it difficult for English colonist to set up large farms



Region 1


It was too rocky in the dirt to plant vegetables. region 3 was the easiest to plant crops and farm then the others, it was most suitable. But the answer is region 1

Question 9 of 50
2 Points
What group of people might The Very Young Man represent in The Time Machine?
A. Politicians
B. Doctors
C. Teenagers
OD. Lawyers
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De here to search


Answer: whats the background of this question


Ivan III was also called Ivan the Great because a. he helped to centralize the government by moving the capital to Moscow. c. he renewed trade with the west and opened Siberia for settlement. b. he built domed churches which inspired and awed the people. d. he was the first ruler of the independent state of Russia.



ouu yes OK then I will fix it

Use your research findings to write an editorial. The editorial should be based on the viewpoint of one of the four perspectives: Chinese merchant, British merchant, Chinese politician, or British politician. Be sure to include specific information to further your argument.
Use your graphic organizer to guide you as you write. Keep your focus on making a convincing argument. Your essay should contain the following:
A few sentences that introduce the issue
A sentence or two that clearly identifies your position
At least one strong point in opposition to your position
A short rebuttal of that opposing point
At least three convincing supporting points for your position
A concluding sentence or two
A works-cited list: Include a list of all the sources that you used. These should also be cited within the body of your essay using parenthetical citations. Use the MLA Style Guide for your citations.


*Both sections are from a Chinese politician's perspective*

*Note: I did struggle on the writing part, so you might want to do that one yourself*

Writing Part:

For years now, the amount of people using opium has increased to absurd numbers. And even today, many still continue to use it.

This is basically the British's fault for introducing our country opium in the first place in attempt to get us addicted to it in order to make a profit out of us.

Yes, there are some people who have stopped using them.

But they have side effects such as nausea or even death, even after they stop using it.

Research Part:

The position of Commissioner Lin during the Opium War is the topic of this essay. Opium is a lethal drug that was introduced to the Chinese by Great Britain in exchange for money. Because opium is a lethal yet highly addictive substance, it began to annihilate the Chinese population by the hundreds. People in China claimed to be able to control their addiction, but they didn't follow that promise for very long. People become overly reliant on opium. Lin, the Commissioner, had to intervene. Lin seized control of opium addicts and ensured that they were never truly "free." They were placed under 24-hour surveillance. If they were caught selling or abusing opium, they would face extremely harsh punishment. "We have heard that opium is prohibited with the utmost strictness and severity in your own country: this is a strong statement," the Chinese opium abusers said, believing that opium had not caused as much harm as Lin claimed. proof that you are fully aware of the harm it causes to humanity" (Commissioner Lin). Commissioner Lin had enacted strict policies against opium abusers and sellers. Commissioner Lin had become a large part of the Opium Wars as he had withdrawn a  lot of the abusers of this addictive drug to states in which they would be "healed".

Which best describes Mongol rule in Russia?




Golden Horde, also called Kipchak Khanate, Russian designation for the Ulus Juchi, the western part of the Mongol empire, which flourished from the mid-13th century to the end of the 14th century. The people of the Golden Horde were a mixture of Turks and Mongols, with the latter generally constituting the aristocracy.

why did the French invade Italy in 1494? How did this event trigger Italy's political decline? How did the action of Pope Julius II and the ideas of Niccolo Machiavelli signify a new era in Italian civilization?


The reason that the French invaded Italy was simply because they used to be rulers of Italy. By this invasion, They were trying to expand their territories and also they were trying to claim Italy back.

This caused a political decline in Italy because the French people to some extent and degree still ruled Italy.

The popes action was significant of a new era in Italian civilization through the papacy. The pope was able to secure the papal States of Italy. He drove the invaders out of Italy.  

The ideas of Niccolo was represented in a book. He wrote a book on how rulers ought to behave. Signifying that Italy was getting better in terms of politics.


*Prepare a Mind Map on Birth of the Weimar Republic



emperor of Germany abdicated

national assembly created federal structure and democratic constitution for Germany

people of Germany elected deputies from german parliament(reich stag)

DuBois uses extremely strong language in his description of how America insults African-Americans. Do
you feel he is correct? Explain.



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High School


DuBois uses extremely strong language in his description of how America insults African-Americans.Do you feel he is correct? Explain.




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Explanation:Du Bois, W. E. B. (23 February 1868–27 August 1963), African-American activist, historian, and sociologist, was born William Edward Burghardt Du Bois in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, the son of Mary Silvina Burghardt, a domestic worker, and Alfred Du Bois, a barber and itinerant laborer. In later life Du Bois made a close study of his family origins, weaving them rhetorically and conceptually—if not always accurately—into almost everything he wrote. Born in Haiti and descended from Bahamian mulatto slaves, Alfred Du Bois enlisted during the Civil War as a private in a New York regiment of the Union army but appears to have deserted shortly afterward. He also deserted the family less than two years after his son’s birth, leaving him to be reared by his mother and the extended Burghardt kin. Long resident in New England, the Burghardts descended from a freedman of Dutch slave origin who had fought briefly in the American Revolution. Under the care of his mother and her relatives, young Will Du Bois spent his entire childhood in that small western Massachusetts town, where probably fewer than two-score of the 4,000 inhabitants were African American. He received a classical, college preparatory education in Great Barrington’s racially integrated high school, from whence, in June 1884, he became the first African-American graduate. A precocious youth, Du Bois not only excelled in his high school studies but contributed numerous articles to two regional newspapers, the Springfield Republican and the black-owned New York Globe, then edited by T. Thomas Fortune.

DuBois was correct in using strong language to describe how America insults blacks.

We can arrive at this answer because:

DuBois was a black man who fought for the rights and freedoms of the black population.He worked to combat racism and discrimination, showing how these were elements encouraged in America that demoralized and harmed blacks very intensely.DuBois was very vocal about the way blacks were treated in the country and he wished that those who listened to him would feel repulsed by that kind of treatment.For that reason, he used very strong language that presented racism and discrimination in their ugliest forms.

As a black man, DuBois knew how difficult life among racist people was and that's why he used such strong language in his speech because racism was something very ugly and hard to face.

More information:

Di dalam Quran itu banyak ayat yg menunjukkan ttg hukum bacaan mad iwad. Cari 5 hukum bacaan mad iwad seperti contoh tabel diatas. ​


I'm going to translate and help you

- Approximately how far is the United States from the Southeastern tip of Florida to the Northwestern edge of Washington?



The driving distance from Washington (WA) to Florida (FL) is:

3,079 miles / 4 955 km

help me please please help me


1,2, and 5 are similes! They all use “as”.


1 simile

2 simile



5 simile



1, 2, 5 are similes using "like or as" to compare

match the work of art with their characteristic


Cant see the images dude


hope it's helpful for you..!!pls mark me in brainlist

During the post-war period, the USSR was able to control Poland and Hungary by setting up puppet governments there. keeping Soviets troops stationed there. supporting their democratic governments. allowing people to elect their own officials.


Answer: setting up puppet governments there.


The Soviet Union was able to maintain control over every country in its Warsaw Pact by setting up communist governments that were essentially puppets to their masters in Moscow.

Poland and Hungary were in the Warsaw Pact and so were ruled by puppet communist governments. These governments were only allowed to pursue policies that the Soviets wanted and if they refused or deviated, they would be invaded by Soviet troops.


A.setting up puppet governments there.


In 1883 who was responsible for creating the first system of time zones in the United States?




The rail road industry

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