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Related Questions

Unlike sociologists, the knowledge that most people possess about the world can be described as:_______
a. academic.
b. systemic, clear, and consistent.
c. practical.
d. scientific


The knowledge that most people have about the world today can be described as practical knowledge. The answer is option C.

Practical knowledge can be described as the knowledge that is gotten from day to day experience. It is knowledge that people get through their everyday endeavors and tasks.

Unlike the sociologist knowledge that comes from a systematic scientific process, this type of knowledge is gotten through the experiences that people have.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/8359367?referrer=searchResults

đảng cộng sản là gì?






Economic development isn't itselt an overall development. Justify this





In the economic study of the public sector, economic and social development is the process by which the economic well-being and quality of life of a nation, region, or local community are improved according to targeted goals and objectives.

The term has been used frequently in the 20th and 21st centuries, but the concept has existed in the West for far longer. "Modernization", "Westernization", and especially "industrialization" are other terms often used while discussing economic development.

Whereas economic development is a policy intervention aiming to improve the well-being of people, economic growth is a phenomenon of market productivity and increases in GDP; economist Amartya Sen describes economic growth as but "one aspect of the process of economic development". Economists primarily focus on the growth aspect and the economy at large, whereas researchers of community economic development concern themselves with socioeconomic development as well.

About Turkey, Israel and Iran, which of the following statement is true A. These countries are not members of Arab League B. These countries are not in the map of West Asia. C. Arabic is the native language of these countries D. None of the above​



c.Arabic is the native language of these countries

The answer is A. These countries are not members of the Arab League

Which diagram most accurately explains changes in media over time?
led to
O A.
The availability of
satellite and online
Radio reaching the
largest audience of
any form of mass
led to
The development
of the web
led to
A change in who
controlled which
stories and opinions
were published
led to
The popularity of
opportunity for
everyday people to
share their political
led to
The decline in
print media
Newspapers and
magazines no
longer being



the answer is B



The development

of the web

led to

A change in who

controlled which

stories and opinions

were published

led to

The solution that accurately explains the changes in the media over time is:  The development of the web led to A change in who controlled which stories and opinions were published.

How the web has impacted the media

Thge discovery of the web has led people over time to embrace the use of internet based techniology.

By this people source for information from the web, they search for news and they are able to create their own

Read more on the media here: https://brainly.com/question/26152499


Which of the following scenarios would be impermissible for an egoist? Krysta has some time to kill, so she sits in the mall and watches people go by. Katie picks up litter on the street because she wants to live in a clean neighborhood. Kevin works late, even though he doesn't get paid and has nothing to gain from it. Keith gives up the comfort of home to realize his dream of playing in the NBA.




cause you gotta believe sometimes

Answer: C. Kevin works late, even though he doesn't get paid and has nothing to gain from it.

Explanation: Had this exact question and this was the correct answer.

Which of the following best describes most of the climate and geography of Egypt?
A. Mountainous
B. Barren
C. Rich
D. Plentiful



C. Barren


The climate of Egypt is scorching hot because of the desert, as it has dry summers and mild winters. The desert surrounding the ancient Egyptians is barren and hot.  The geography of the ancient Egyptians allowed Egyptians to live all along the Nile River. The places closer to the delta allowed them to irrigate and access water.

Compare and contrast Erikson's and Freud's developmental theories. ​



Erikson maintained that personality develops in a predetermined order through eight stages of psychosocial development, from infancy to adulthood. During each stage, the person experiences a psychosocial crisis which could have a positive or negative outcome for personality development.


Freud proposed that personality development in childhood takes place during five psychosexual stages.

List some rights of children and explain each in brief.​



right to food . they also need food to survive.

right to education . if we don't read then we can't get any job.

right to information. if we don't say anything then we never get justice

right to justic. if we don't say anything then we can't get justice.

Are people in your country generally interested in studying , do you think?



people are all different so yes, some may be interested in studying while others don't.

people are in interested in studying but this could be on methods we learn in our daily lives, in term of academic performance and many other things one can think of

What are the level wise professions?


I hope it may help you!

stay home ,stay safe

Write any six differenences between developed and devēloping contry​


source: keydifferences.com

difference between mandala and Patta paintings​


pad paintings are done on Indian cloth and Mandela is meant for rituals
Patta painting us done on India cloth and mandala is meant for rituals. The basic feature patta painting shows a main deity drawn in which is surrounded by other deities whereas; in mandala the is usually a swastika sign in the middle which is surrounded by many deities

What is the best strategy for overcoming language barriers at work? a) constantly ask people to repeat what they have said b) speak loudly and quickly c) speak slowly and clearly d) stick to one channel of communication



speak slowly and clearly in order that the other person can understand you

According to the school of ethical relativism Multiple choice question. local ethical standards of behavior take precedence, because different societies and cultures create divergent standards of right and wrong. common ethical standards across cultures, societies, and religion can be used to judge behavior. universal ethical principles based on collective views of multiple cultures should guide standards of ethical behavior. enforcement of ethical guidelines should be based on universal views of right or wrong in a particular culture.



universal ethical principles based on collective views of multiple cultures should guide standards of ethical behavior.


Universal principal norms put limits on actions and behaviors of boundaries what is right or wrong. Common ethical standards can be sued to judge others. Such as trustworthiness, rightfulness and many other aspects.

reasons for collecting samples in a field study. ​



Sampling is the process by which inference is made to the whole by examining a part. The purpose of sampling is to provide various types of statistical information of a qualitative or quantitative nature about the whole by examining a few selected units.


Please Mark me brainliest

criticality evaluate the extent to which the following religious organization have supported affected communities. 1) Christian's. 2) Islamic 3) Hindu​





christians make charrity funds which are donated to the orhanage or poor people

Explaint five days in which seiche
and technology
contribute to ration


continued volatility, many countries are looking for policies that will stimulate growth and create new jobs.

Please could any bady
Help me this


ik from Reddit that it’s the last choice :)

When Cammy states, “Typically, students register by October," she is
using a



Cammy is using an inference if she says "Typically, students register by October,"

An information source can be defined as a system or medium through which information, knowledge and ideas may be gotten and used by an individual. It can either be a primary or secondary source of information.

The source options (channels) for an information are television, radio, web, newspapers, journals, magazines, etc.

In English language, an inference can be defined as an act or process which typically involves deducing the meaning or generating an idea (message) from an information source through induction. Thus, you make an inference by using the information you previously have about a specific subject or issue.

In this scenario, Cammy is using an inference because she was able to state the particular month (October) when students typically register.

In conclusion, based on past information that are available to Cammy, she's able to infer the particular time students register i.e October.

Check out this link for more on inference: https://brainly.com/question/16780102

How can you say that human resource contributes to the economic development of a country​



human resources work and earn money. they gives taxes to country and it contributes to the economic development of a country

social science. Olympic games are held after every four years true or false​



True. Olympic games are held after every four years

- Cụ bá quát, bắt đầu bao giờ cụ cũng quát để thử dây thần kinh của người.
Anh này lại say khướt rồi!
Hắn xông lại gần, đảo ngược mắt, giơ cái tay lên nửa chừng:
- Bẩm không ạ, bẩm thật là không say. Con đến xin cụ cho con đi ở tù, mà nếu không được thì... thì... thưa cụ...
- Hắn móc đủ mọi túi, để tìm một cái gì, hắn giơ ra: đó là một con dao nhỏ nhưng rất sắc. Hắn nghiến răng nói tiếp:
- Vâng, bẩm cụ không được thì con phải đâm chết dăm ba thằng rồi cụ bắt con giải huyện.
- Rồi hắn cúi xuống, tần mần gọt cạnh cái bàn lim. Cụ bá cười khanh khách – cụ vẫn tự phụ hơn đời ở cái cười Tào Tháo ấy, cụ đứng lên vỗ vai hắn mà bảo rằng:
- Anh bứa lắm. Nhưng này anh Chí ạ, anh muốn đâm người cũng không khó gì. Đội Tảo nó còn nợ tôi năm mươi đồng đấy, anh chịu khó đến đòi cho tôi, đòi được tự nhiên có vưởn.



we must treat all our neighbor's ____




and help


because neighbor'after it will be and because treat our neighbour's and so and help treat means something like help

define women empowerment. what are the provisions in the constitution of nepal regarding women's rights and women empowerment
minimum 1 page answer it's long question answer​



The process of increasing women's access to different fields.


Women empowerment refers to the process of increasing women's access to different fields that affect their social and financial life. Nepal's Interim Constitution 2007, Article 20 mentioned that “Sons and daughters shall have the equal right to the property of ancestors.” In the Constitution of 2015, Article 18 states that “All children have equal rights to ancestral property without any discrimination''.

What united progressive education movements?

a belief in standardized testing

the goal of increasing teacher pay

the goal of child-centered classrooms

the desire to modernize instructional practices


Hey the answer is C for the question


D. the desire...


correct on quick check

To what extent do you agree to the assertion that Ghana is a nation.



I agree that Ghana is a nation.


Ghana is considered one of the more stable countries in West Africa since its transition to multi-party democracy in 1992. Formerly known as the Gold Coast, Ghana gained independence from Britain in 1957, becoming the first sub-Saharan nation to break free from colonial rule.

Why are some people evil? Jealous, condescending and criticize you constantly.



jealousy. they are envious of what others have


Some people are jealous, condescending and criticize us constantly because they don't digest our development and they also cannot do anything because they are not enough powerful to compete us so they criticize us or be jealous.


Can someone help??
The private enterprise system is based on people's tendency to want material things for themselves. In the desire to get more and more goods, people have created the economic system of private enterprise. According to this point of view, people who live and work in a free enterprise system most likely tend to value
(1) social welfare
(2) personal gain
(3) equality
(4) cooperation
(5) generosity​



2 ))) people In a private enterprise system tend to value personal gain

what is social study



various aspects or branches of the study of human society, considered as an educational discipline.

"arts and social studies"

a part of a school or college curriculum concerned with the study of social relationships and the functioning of society and usually made up of courses in history, government, economics, civics, sociology, geography, and anthropology.

Social studies is the study of history, people or society. ... The study of history, geography, civics, sociology, economics, and other social-science subjects, especially in primary and secondary school.


various aspects or branches of the study of human society, considered as an educational discipline.


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