see screenshot below​


Answer 1


[tex] \displaystyle B) {x} = \log_{6} 118[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

we would like to solve the following exponential equation:

[tex] \displaystyle 2 \cdot {6}^{x} = 236[/tex]

to do so divide both sides by 2 which yields:

[tex] \displaystyle {6}^{x} = 118[/tex]

take log of base 6 in both sides so that we can solve the equation for x by using [tex]\log_ab^c=c\log_ab[/tex] and that yields:

[tex] \displaystyle \log_{6} {6}^{x} = \log_{6} 118[/tex]

use the formula:

[tex] \displaystyle {x} = \log_{6} 118[/tex]


our answer is B)

Answer 2


[tex]\boxed{\sf Option \ B }[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

A equation is given to us and we need to find out the value of x . The given equation is ,

[tex]\sf\dashrightarrow 2 \times 6^x = 236 [/tex]

Transpose 2 to RHS , we have ,

[tex]\sf\dashrightarrow 6^x = \dfrac{236}{2} [/tex]

Simplify ,

[tex]\sf\dashrightarrow 6^x =118 [/tex]

Use log both sides with base "6"

[tex]\sf\dashrightarrow log_6 ( 6^x) = log_6 118 [/tex]

Using the property of log ,

[tex]\sf\longmapsto \bigg\lgroup \red{\bf log_p q^r = r log_p q}\bigg\rgroup[/tex]

[tex]\sf\dashrightarrow x \ log_6 6 = log_6 118 [/tex]

Again we know that ,

[tex]\sf\longmapsto \bigg\lgroup \red{\bf log_p p= 1}\bigg\rgroup[/tex]

We have ,

[tex]\sf\dashrightarrow x \times 1 = log_6 118 [/tex]

Therefore ,

[tex]\sf\dashrightarrow\boxed{\blue{\sf x = log_6 118 }} [/tex]

Hence option B is correct .

Related Questions

what is the value of x ?



x = 18

Step-by-step explanation:

11 x 11 = 121

10 x 10 = 5x + 10

100 = 5x + 10

90 = 5x

x = 90/5

x = 18

Answer please be quick




Step-by-step explanation:

The correct answer is B

find the ratio between 6 cm and 1.5m​




Step-by-step explanation:

If you like my answer mark me brainliest



Step-by-step explanation:




Shelly charges $10 per hour for her babysitting servives. Last month Shelly babysat for 15 hours. This month she babysat for n hours.

a. Write an expression using parentheses to describe how much money she made.

b. Given that n=12, evaluate your expression using the distributive property.​



A.  10(15) + 10n = $ made for babysitting

B. $270

Step-by-step explanation:

B. 10(15) + 10(12)

150 + 120 = $270

simplify the below equation
[tex]( {8x^{2} y^{3} )( \frac{3}{8}x {y}^{4} )[/tex]




Step-by-step explanation:

8 * x^2 * y^3 * 3/8 * x * y^4

= 8 * 3/8 * x^2 * x * y^3 * y^4

= 3x^3y^7.



Step-by-step explanation:

( 8 x^2 y^3) *( 3/8 x y^4)

Multiply the coefficients

8 * 3/8 = 3

Multiply the x terms

x^2*x = x^3

Multiply the y terms

y^3 * y^4 = y^(3+4) = y^7

Put them back together


find the probability of picking a red marble and a green marble when 2 marbles are picked (without replacement)from a bag containing 6 red and 6 green marbles.}


p = 6/11.

So we have a bag that contains 6 red marbles and 6 green marbles.

Then the total number of marbles that are in that bag is:

6 + 6  = 12

There are 12 marbles in the bag, and we assume that all marbles have the same probability of being randomly drawn.

Now we draw two marbles, we want to find the probability that one is red and the other is green.

The first marble that we draw does not matter, as we just want the second marble to be of the other color.

So, suppose we draw a green one in the first attempt.

Then in the second draw, we need to get a red one.

The probability of drawing a red one will be equal to the quotient between the red marbles in the bag (6) and the total number of marbles in the bag (12 - 1 = 11, because one green marble was drawn already)

Then the probability is:

p = 6/11.

Notice that would be the exact same case if the first marble was red.

Then we can conclude that the probability of getting two marbles of different colors is:

p = 6/11.

What is the equation of the line that passes through the points (–12, –8) and (–17, –16)?



firstly find the gradient given by the equation


in this case x1 is -12,x2 is -17, y1 is -8 and y2 is-16


=-8/-5 or1.6

then use the equation





I hope this helps and sorry if it's wrong

One of the factors of x² + y² + 2xy - z² is ?​



x + y + z.

Step-by-step explanation:

x² + y² + 2xy - z²

= (x + y)^2 - z^2

This is the difference between 2 squares so the factors are:

(x + y + z) and (a + y - z).

Answer: The factors are (x+y+z) and (x+y-z)

In other words, it factors to (x+y+z)*(x+y-z)


Work Shown:

[tex]x^2 + y^2 + 2xy - z^2\\\\(x^2 + 2xy + y^2) - z^2\\\\(x+y)^2 - z^2\\\\(x+y+z)(x+y-z)\\\\[/tex]


In the third step, I used the rule (A+B)^2 = A^2+2AB+B^2. For this, A = x and B = y.In the last step, I used the difference of squares factoring rule A^2-B^2 = (A+B)(A-B). In this case, A = x+y and B = z.

If a ray bisects a right angle, then each newly formed angle measures 45 degrees.
A) Sometimes
B) Always
C) Never


B) Always!

This is because ‘bisect’ means to spilt exactly in half. If you split 90 degrees in half, you get 45 degrees.

Hope this helps!



Step-by-step explanation:

Bisects means to divide in half

90/2 = 45

So the angles are each 45 degrees

If m = 8 and n = 5, then m(n + 3) – n + 1 =

a. 60
b. 58
c. 39
d. 32



Step-by-step explanation:

m(n + 3) - n + 1 =

m = 8 n = 5

8(5 + 3) - 5 + 1 =

40 + 24 - 5 + 1 =

64 - 5 + 1 =

59 + 1 =





helloo thereeee

we do such construction from a making bc arc then from b and c making x just when we need to make

Angle bisector

hope that helps ig :)

Find the missing probability of 3


All prob adds up to be 1, so 1 minus all the number under 0,1,2 you will get your answer.

Function f is graphed. According to the graph, is f even, odd, or neither?




Step-by-step explanation:

f is neither even nor odd

simplify : 3p+2p+8-3=15​









have a great dayy.


p = 2

Step-by-step explanation:

One is given the following equation:

3p + 2p + 8 - 3 = 15

Combine like terms. In essence, if two number have the same variable, then one can perform operations between their coefficients. If two number have no variables, then these two terms are also like terms. After combing like terms, simplify the expression.

3p + 2p + 8 - 3 = 15

5p + 8 - 3 = 15

5p + 5 = 15

Inverse operations,

5p + 5 = 15

5p = 10

p = 2

the Marked price of a book is rupees 500 if 30% discount is all over there in a loss of rupees hundred is made what is the cost price of the book​



cost price of book is Rs. 570

The function f(c)=95c+32 is used to convert temperatures from Celsius, c, to Fahrenheit, f(c). What is the temperature in Fahrenheit when it is 22° Celsius? Round your answer to the nearest integer. A 40° B 54° C 72° D 97°


C 72°


we have



22°C to °F


we have



answer is


Answer:  [tex]\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\la\la\la\la\ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddcleverdddddd\ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp\ddddddddddddddddddd\displaystyle\ \Large \boldsymbol{72^\circ F}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\displaystyle\ \Large \boldsymbol{} f(c)=\frac{9}{5} c+32 \ \ in \ \ our \ \ case \\\\\\\\f(22)=\frac{9\cdot 22}{5} +32=39,6+32=7\underline1,6\approx72^\circ F[/tex]

What is the completely factored form of the expression 16x2 + 8x + 32?

4(4x2 + 2x + 8)
4(12x2 + 4x + 28)
8(2x2 + x + 4)
8x(8x2 + x + 24)



A is the answer to your question

To solve this, just distribute the 4 to each of the coefficient and see if it would result in the same coefficients in the original expression

Americans eat 7 billion hot dogs between Memorial Day and Labor Day. If all these hot dogs were laid end to end they
would circle the earth 21.5 times. If the circumference of the Earth is approximately 24,860 miles, and one mile is
5,280 feet, find the length (in inches) of each hot dog. (Round your answer to the nearest tenth)



The length of each hot dog is 0.5000 inches.

Step-by-step explanation:

Total number of hot dogs eaten = 7 000 000 000

Circumference of the earth = 24 860 miles

21.5 times the circumference of the Earth = 21.5 x 24 860 miles

                                                = 534490 miles


1 mile = 5280 feet

So that,

534490 miles = X

X = 5280 x 534490

   = 287707200 feet


1 feet = 12 inches


287707200 feet = Y

Y = 12 x 287707200

   = 3452486400 inches


the length of each hot dog = [tex]\frac{3452486400}{7000000000}[/tex]

                     = 0.4932

The length of each hot dog is 0.5000 inches.

Please answer this!!



BC = 6.8

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

tan theta =opp /adj

tan C = AB / BC

tan 45 = 6.8/ BC

BC = 6.8 / tan 45

BC = 6.8 / 1

BC = 6.8

Answer: Choice D. 6.8

Step-by-step explanation:

45,45,90 triangles, memorize that the short sides are equal to each other in length and are [tex]\frac{1}{\sqrt{2} }[/tex] the length of the long side.

find the value (2x +3,y-1=5,3)​




Step-by-step explanation:

Evaluate (2x+3,y-1=5,3)

Then you will get 5,3

So then your answer will be (5,3)

Heres your answer! Enjoy :D


x = 1, y = 4

Step-by-step explanation:

Equating the corresponding coordinates

2x + 3 = 5 ( subtract 3 from both sides )

2x = 2 ( divide both sides by 2 )

x = 1


y - 1 = 3 ( add 1 to both sides )

y = 4

Last night, the two dinner specials at Will's favourite restaurant were salmon fillet and steak. The restaurant served 15 salmon fillets and 5 steaks. What percentage of the specials served were salmon fillets?



75% of the specials served were salmon fillets

Step-by-step explanation:

We have that:

15 + 5 = 20 specials were served.

Of those, 5 were salmon fillets.

What percentage of the specials served were salmon fillets?

15*100%/20 = 75%

75% of the specials served were salmon fillets

If all the books on a shelf with fewer than 45 books were put into piles of five books each, no books would remain. If the same book were put into piles of seven books each, two books would remain. What is the greatest number of books that could be on the shelf?



Hence the greatest number of books that could be on the shelf is 30.

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1:-

Here the given number of books is m,  

m < 45.  

If they are arranged into piles of five books, each no books would remain.  

m is divisible by 5.  

The last digit of m would be 5 or 0.    

The same number of books, when arranged with piles of 7 books each, two books remain.  

m-2 is divisible by 7.  

Step 2:-  

The last digit of m is 5 or 0.  

m-2 will have the last digit 3 or 8.    

Multiples of 7 are 7,14,21,28,35, 42;  

among which only number 28 has the last digit 8 or 3.    

m - 2 = 28  

m = 30  

The greatest number of books that could be on the shelf is 30.

Write down all the prime numbers between 20 and 70



23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61 and 67.

Step-by-step explanation:

If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest thanks


23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 61, 67

Step-by-step explanation:

Im not entirely sure but I believe I'm correct here.

Instructions: Find the value of the trigonometric ratio. Make sure to
simplify the fraction if needed.
Tan C =



tanC will be given by the opposite over the adjacent


simplified to 6/8

I hope this helps

Geometry - Triangle d) In the given figure, BE = EC and CE is the bisector of ZACB. Prove that ZBEC = ZACD. E B D С​



Let m∠BCE = x

Then m∠ACE = x as well since CE is bisecting ∠ACB.

m∠ACD + x + x = 180° ⇒ m∠ACD = 180° - 2x

Consider ΔBEC

Since BE = EC, the opposite angles are congruent:



m∠CBE = m∠BCE = x

Find the angle BEC:

m∠BEC = 180° - (x + x) = 180° - 2x

Comparing the above we see that:

m∠BEC = m∠ACDproved

The Master Chief collects spiders and starfish. If his spiders have 8 legs and his starfish have 5 legs, how many starfish must he have, given that his spider/starfish collection totals 19 creatures and 116 legs



12 starfish

Step-by-step explanation:

Create a system of equations where x is the number of starfish he has and y is the number of spiders he has:

x + y = 19

5x + 8y = 116

Solve by elimination by multiplying the top equation by -8:

-8x - 8y = -152

5x + 8y = 116

Add these together and solve for x:

-3x = -36

x = 12

So, he has 12 starfish.

The total number of starfish is 12 starfishes

What is an Equation?

Equations are mathematical statements with two algebraic expressions flanking the equals (=) sign on either side.

It demonstrates the equality of the relationship between the expressions printed on the left and right sides.

Coefficients, variables, operators, constants, terms, expressions, and the equal to sign are some of the components of an equation. The "=" sign and terms on both sides must always be present when writing an equation.

Given data ,

Let the number of starfish be = x

Let the number of spiders be = y

The number of legs for spiders = 8

The number of legs for starfish = 5

So , the equation will be

The total number of legs for x starfish = 5x

The total number of legs for y spiders = 8y

The total number of creatures = 19

So , x + y = 19   be equation (1)

And ,

The total number of legs = 116

So , 5x + 8y = 116   be equation (2)

Now , from equation (1) , x = 19 - y

Substituting the value of equation (1) in equation (2) , we get

5x + 8y = 116

5 ( 19 - y ) + 8y = 116

95 - 5y + 8y = 116

95 + 3y = 116

Subtracting 95 on both sides , we get

3y = 21

Divide by 3 on both sides , we get

y = 7

So , the number of spiders is 7 spiders

Substituting the value of y in equation (1) , we get

x + y = 19

x + 7 = 19

Subtract 7 on both sides , we get

x = 12

Therefore , the value of x is 12

Hence , The total number of starfish is 12 starfishes

To learn more about equations click :


Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaasse help 71 points!!!!!!!!!




Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter is the sum of the outside

P = 8+4+5+10+( 4+10) +(8+5)

P = 54

Pls help. I really suck at math.

Determine whether the following polygons are similar.



They are not similar.

To easily check if they are similar, you only need to look at the degrees angles, since if the angles are the same, the lengths of the sides will always come out to be similar somehow.

Those triangles possess right angles as you can see the little square thingie in the corners.

Those are 90 degrees, and you can add the 30 degrees in the left shape to 90 to get 120.

There are 180 degrees in a triangle, so 180 - 120 = 60.

Therefore, the unknown angle is 60.

A 30 60 90 triangle is called a special right triangle since there are many useful ratios hidden inside.

The other triangle has a 55 degree angle which is not on the first, so they must not be similar.

Pls brainly dont delete this link, its useful.

This helps you understand the special triangles.

You don't suck at math, you suck at geometry imo, though only in this unit of geometry, probably good at others.

Step-by-step explanation:

Plzz help me with this question my class test is going on​


Step-by-step explanation:





6x - 4y - 3

Step-by-step explanation:

They are basically telling you to sum both equations. So,

(2x + 3y + 5) + (4x - 7y - 8)

= 2x + 4x + 3y - 7y + 5 - 8

= 6x - 4y - 3


The center of the circle whose equation is (x + 2)² + (y - 3)² = 25 is (2, -3) (2, 3) (-2, 3)


Step-by-step explanation:

We know that if (h,k) is the center of any circle and whose radius is = r then its equation is :

[tex] {(x - h)}^{2} + {(y - k)}^{2} = {r}^{2} [/tex]

Given, the equation of circle

[tex] {(x + 2)}^{2} + (y - 3) ^{2} = 25 = {5}^{2} [/tex]

By comparing, we will get,

h = -2

k = 3

So, center of the circle is ( -2,3)

[tex]\large \green{ \: \: \: \: \boxed{\boxed{\begin{array}{cc} \bf\:Mark\\\bf\:me\:as\\\bf brainliest \end{array}}}} \\ [/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

we have a formular

(x-a)^2 +(y-b)^2=c

the center of the cirlce is (a;b)

so in this case it's (-2;3)

Other Questions
Aakash, Bao Ying, Chris and Donna all live on the same street as their school, whichruns from east to west. Aakash lives 5 blocks to the west. Bao Ying lives 4 blocks to the east. Chris lives 2: blocks to the west. . Donna lives 61 blocks to the east.a. Draw a picture that represents the positions of their houses along the street.b. Find how far is each house from every other house?c. Represent the relative position of the houses on a number line, with the school atzero, points to the west represented by negative numbers, and points to the eastrepresented by positive numbers.d. How can you see the answers to part (b) on the number line? Using the numbers(some of which are positive and some negative) that label the positions of houses onthe number line, represent these distances using sums or differences.ko Which of the following is true? A. A strong argumentative essay should contain secondary sources and not primary sources. B. A strong argumentative essay should contain primary sources and not secondary sources. C. A strong argumentative essay should contain primary and secondary sources. D. A strong argumentative essay should never contain primary and secondary sources. I'm stuck on here, please, someone help me. name all the sections in a library and state their purpose Add a subordinate clause in these sentences to make them complex sentences. Add the type of clause that is in parenthesis.1. I have met the president of the company, __________.(adjective)2. I want _______________.(noun) Tm cc cm ch-v m rng trong cc v d di y v cho bit cc cm ch-v m rng cho thnh phn no trong cu/trong cm t?a) Oan-i-xny tng b ton son sa thi v thiu tng.b) Ch Cc trng thy D Chot ang loay hoay trc ca hang. (T Hoi)c) D Chot l ci tn ti t mt cch ch giu v trnh thng. (T Hoi)d) Ti ch thy ngi trong sch i li, ni chuyn vi nhau thi.e) Khi ti i ng ri, bc lao cng vn ang qut rc trn ng ph The lines below are perpendicular. If the slope of the green line is , what isthe slope of the red line?-55m = Read the entry on Jonas Salk from Compton's Encyclopedia/The Britannica School Edition, and answer the question beneath the text.Compton's EncyclopediaJonas Salk (1914-1995). For the first half of the 20th century, poliomyelitis, also known as infantile paralysis, was one of the most dreaded diseases to attack young people. By 1955 American physician and researcher Jonas Salk had developed a vaccine that almost eradicated the disease in the United States and other developed countries.Jonas Edward Salk was born in New York City on October 28, 1914. He graduated from the City College of New York in 1934 and earned his doctorate in medicine from New York University's College of Medicine in 1939. While in medical school he had worked with Thomas Francis Jr. on killed-virus immunology studies. In 1942 he joined a group at the University of Michigan working on a vaccine against influenza. The vaccine was perfected in 1953.In 1947 Salk became associate professor of bacteriology and head of the Virus Research Laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. There he began working on the polio vaccine. Three viruses caused polio, and a vaccine had to be effective against all of them. By 1952 Salk had developed such a vaccine and conducted field tests on children. His findings were published in 1953, and a mass field test was done the next year.On April 12, 1955, the vaccine was released for use in the United States. In 1957 Salk was named professor of experimental medicine at Pittsburgh, and in 1963 he went to San Diego as head of the Institute (later named the Salk Institute) for Biological Studies. In 1977 Salk was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. 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