Select the correct answer.

Which statement best explains why writers of persuasive essays usually write in third-person voice?


They use descriptive language to "show" readers what happened, rather than "telling" them.


They want readers to see detailed descriptions of events, characters, and settings.


They want readers to see their essays as detached and fair and not as personal, biased opinion.


They center on a hypothesis that is based on personal values or reactions to developments or policies.


Answer 1

C. They want readers to see their essays as detached and fair and not as personal, biased opinion.

Answer 2

Writers of persuasive essays usually write in third-person voice because they want readers to see their essays as detached and fair and not as personal, biased opinion. Option C is correct.

What are persuasive essays?

Persuasive essays, also known as the argument essay, uses logic and reason to show that one idea is more legitimate than another. It attempts to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or to take a particular action.

Argument essays, another name for persuasive writing, use logic and reason to demonstrate why one idea is more valid than another. It makes an effort to persuade the reader to adopt a specific viewpoint or to do a specific action.

Further simple structures are common in persuasive texts. You must express your perspective on a subject clearly before repeatedly supporting it with outside facts or proof. A strong conclusion should remove any remaining doubts from the reader's mind.

Therefore Writers want readers to see their essays as detached and fair and not as personal, biased opinion

Learn more about persuasive essays:


Related Questions

Read the excerpt from "What the Black Man Wants." I am for the "immediate, unconditional, and universal" enfranchisement of the black man, in every State in the Union. [Loud applause.] Without this, his liberty is a mockery; without this, you might as well almost retain the old name of slavery for his condition; for in fact, if he is not the slave of the individual master, he is the slave of society, and holds his liberty as a privilege, not as a right. He is at the mercy of the mob, and has no means of protecting himself. How does the repetition of the phrase "without this" support the paragraph’s argument?


I am for the "immediate, unconditional, and universal" enfranchisement of the black man, in every State in the Union. [Loud applause.] Without this, his liberty is a mockery; without this, you might as well almost retain the old name of slavery for his condition; for in fact, if he is not the slave of the individual master, he is the slave of society, and holds his liberty as a privilege, not as a right. He is at the mercy of the mob, and has no means of protecting himself. How does the repetition of the phrase “without this” support the paragraph’s argument? It reinforces the idea that without equality in the US, the idea of a free society is a joke. It suggests that a free society is possible, with or without equal rights for all people. It indicates that Douglass would be content without material possessions or status. It proposes that slavery will not be abolished in the US without the support of all citizens.


It reinforces the idea that without equality in the US, the idea of a free society is a joke.



its a for those of you that didnt want to read all of that stuff up above


It reinforces the idea that without equality in the US, the idea of a free society is a joke.

Would you like to be a professional sportsperson when you grow up? Why? Why not? Give reasons.





Yes, as a kid I would spend every afternoon playing soccer in the streets with my friends right after school. It was all of our dreams to grow up to play professionally. Aside from making millions of dollars, we would be making that money while doing what we loved. Also, we all wanted to know what it is like to play in front of thousands of people in a stadium, score a goal, and have everyone cheering your name. It has to be an amazing feeling, as well as winning a huge tournament for your country.

GIVING BRAINLIEST!! Rewrite the sentence below, correcting the problem of incorrect omission.

Astronomers on the whole understand the solar system better than chemists.








8. a .Height

9. b. Strength

10. c. Appearance

What is the grammatical term for the bracketed words in the sentence below?

My prize was (a fluffy green pencil case with a gold zip)





Paranthesis are the round brackets used in sentences.

Parenthesis is the grammatical term for the bracketed words in the sentence my prize was (a fluffy green pencil case with a gold zip).

What is parenthesis?

A word, phrase, clause, or sentence introduced into a text as an explanation or qualification is known as a parenthesis or parenthetical phrase in rhetoric. The text would still be grammatically correct without the parenthesis.

Specific words and sentences are separated from others using brackets and brackets as punctuation.

While brackets [ ] are primarily used in quotations to add more information that wasn't in the original quote, brackets ( ) are used to add additional information in text.

The markings ( ) used around words, phrases, or sentences in writing to indicate that the content inside them should be regarded as distinct from the main part: The first names of the pupils are displayed in brackets as follows: (Tina) Baker.

Therefore, parenthesis is the grammatical term for the bracketed words in the sentence.

Learn more about parenthesis, here:


In the third line of the poem Ol Higue, “burning myself out like a cane-fire.” What figure of speech is used? ​





Simile uses "like"or "as"

Give two examples of self-esteem



Self-esteem is an individual's subjective evaluation of their own worth. Self-esteem encompasses beliefs about oneself (for example, "I am unloved", "I am worthy") as well as emotional states, such as triumph, despair, pride, and shame.

i am loved

i am worthy

hope that helps<3

Read the excerpt below and answer the question.

To those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny. We shall not always expect to find them supporting our view. But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom—and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.

In the analogy about the tiger at the end of this excerpt from President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address, who is likely analogous to the tiger?

capitalist countries
colonial countries
communist countries
democratic countries



Communist countries


In this section of the address, Kennedy discusses the situation of the newly-independent countries. He addresses them, and warns them against communism, which he refers to as the "tiger." He warns them that choosing a communist regime would be equivalent to replacing one form of tyranny with another one.  




the other two are examples of how america was created and how it is now run




stop the car and help her across

Read the excerpt. Because the endangered panthers living in the forests need large, connected territories to roam. What is the best review of this excerpt?


This question is missing the answer choices. I have found them online. They are as follows:

A. The excerpt does not need revision because it contains an independent clause that completes the writer's thought.

B. The excerpt does not need revision because it contains a dependent clause that completes the writer's thought.

C. The excerpt should be revised because it contains an independent clause that leaves the writer's thought unfinished.

D. The excerpt should be revised because it contains a dependent clause that leaves the writer's thought unfinished.


The best review of the excerpt is:

D. The excerpt should be revised because it contains a dependent clause that leaves the writer's thought unfinished.


An independent clause expresses a complete thought on its own, which means it can stand alone as a sentence. On the other hand, a dependent clause cannot do the same, because it expresses an incomplete thought. Dependent clauses begin with subordinating conjunctions such as "because", "although", "when", "since", etc.

The excerpt we are analyzing here is an example of dependent clause. Notice that it begins with the subordinating conjunction "because" and that an idea is missing in the end:

"Because the endangered panthers living in the forest need large, connected territories to roam..." what? Because of that, what should happen? What should we do? See how the message is incomplete? Just as an example, let's complete this sentence with another idea:

- Because the endangered panthers living in the forest need large, connected territories to roam, we should protect large areas of wilderness.

See how it sounds better now? The message of the sentence is complete.


D) The excerpt should be revised because it contains a dependent clause that leaves the writer’s thought unfinished.


Translate Shakespeare please!
"God has given you one face, and you make yourself another."



This is what it's saying: "You are your own person, yet you alter yourself to be something else."

You are your own person and yet your changing yourself to be another person

What is the best age to be?_________________________________ What stage of life are you looking forward to?_____________________________






"If we don't do our homework", her best friend said, "we will get in trouble"


"If we don't do our homework," her best friend said, "we will get in trouble."


Read the excerpt from chapter 23 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

"Don't it s'prise you de way dem kings carries on, Huck?"

"No," I says, "it don't."

"Why don't it, Huck?"

"Well, it don't, because it's in the breed. I reckon they're all alike,"

"But, Huck, dese kings o' ourn is reglar rapscallions; dat's jist what dey is; dey's reglar rapscallions."

"Well, that's what I'm a-saying; all kings is mostly rapscallions, as fur as I can make out."

Which best describes the satirical element of this excerpt?
Jim and Huck still genuinely believe that the“rapscallions” are royalty.
Jim is revealing to Huck that most people are not what they seem.
Jim tells Huck that he knew the truth about the kings before everyone else.
Jim and Huck are basing their opinion of all royalty on fake kings.


Answer: Jim and Huck are basing their opinion of all royalty on fake kings


Satire is the use of irony, ridicule, humour, or exaggeration, to criticize the vices of people on topical issues. The aim is to bring attention to a certain thing and also promote change.

The sentence that best describes the satirical element of this excerpt is that Jim and Huck are basing their opinion of all royalty on fake kings.


Huck has decided that all kings are rascals.


All You Can Eat by J. Blue Spicer how to they develop the plot




I don’t know

dont choose B Issa random letter


omg ehy


oh! is a which part of speech?​



Oh is an interjection - Word Type.


The expression "Oh!" is an interjection. Interjections are words that end in explanation points. They're used to demonstrate how one is feeling.

A car _ road

On, in, out

What is the answer??


a car on the road
that’s your answer

I can't ______________ to receive your letter in the _____________. * wait, male weight, mail wait ,mail weight, male


Answer: Read Below


I cant' wait to receive your letter in the mail.

Hope this helps!

an essay Write will never about the dream forget u​



I had a dream within a dream stuck in a dream then woke up dreaming


Explanation:The dream I never forget

One of the human faculties which distinguishes him from others is that he is able to dream. However, one is not sure whether other animals dream; if at all they dream they have no medium to express it is just as the human. Every human being should have had dreams, some of them very pleasant, some of them bizarre and horrible; in the latter case a few have a hell of a life and they call it the nightmare. In a nightmare one may feel as if he is being choked or being drowned.

In a dream one feels all one does in wakeful hours, only the body does not move. Sometimes limbs may be moved and people have been seen to beat down their hands. Some cry and laugh, some shiver and weep. So dream is in a sense a semi-conscious state between sound sleep and wakefulness.

It should be interesting to know how dreams are caused but there are no valid theories. One thing is sure that something has been built up in the inner recesser of brains which get active accumulating concomitant interests. Very strange things appear in dreams for which there is no valid explanation. One thing is clear; some nerve center is stimulated, how God only knows, as a result many other nerve centers get into operation bringing in a chain of experiences. Things move fast and clear as on a cine screen and the subject taking part in it. The ancient belief was that some dreams foreshadowed the coming events. How far it is scientific we cannot say. Shakespeare uses dreams in his plays; for example in the play Macbeth.

I too dream and had one recently, which may be of interest. I become a ruler of my country. Suddenly I find myself at the head of a procession, to be correct it is a motorcade and I am in a Cadillac. Huge crowds, men and women and children all in their fine dress line the route through which I am taken. There are victory arches and flags and festoons. Photo flashes burst and hundreds of photographers take pictures of mine.

At last I enter a massive mansion; the guards present me the honor. I am taken by well dressed courtiers to the throne. The reception hall is big and spacious; there are glittering windows and doors, and colorful chandeliers are hung from high roof. Colored light beams into the hall as sunlight filters itself into the hall thorough stained glass panes.

As soon as I sit on the throne, the courtiers cry 'long live the King'. Then a man approaches me; he may be the chief minister. He tells me respectfully that I must announce my concessions to the people who eagerly wait to hear me speak. I am a bit nervous at first but get over it soon. I tell them that the old system of paying one sixth of one's income as tax will come into use. I add that the tax may be paid in kind. I announce that there won't be any admission fee to go into theaters and the Government itself will run all the theaters and only healthy films will be exhibited. At one stroke I abolish child labor and education of children will be completely manned by the Government. I make it known that every town and village will have a play field where the young can play and the old can relax. The production of milk in the country would be stepped up so that everybody gets enough milk. I exhort the youth to develop robust health and sharpen their intelligence.

This dream did not continue long as my alarm clock began chiming, and it was time for me to get up and study. The sweet dream vanished like the snow before the morning sun but that was the best dream I ever had


Now you will put what you learned into practice. Remember, some ways to improve word choice include:

Use a thesaurus to find synonyms

Use words that are specific, not vague

Stay away from using verbs like: is, was, were, & are

Rewrite the paragraph below to include more descriptive and colorful language that suggests a mood of exuberance or excitement. Specifically, edit this paragraph for word choice. Feel free to use a thesaurus, but try to maintain your own personal voice. For example, don’t use words you wouldn’t normally use. Make sure to edit for errors in conventions before turning it in.

Paragraph to rewrite:

"I had the best day ever. First, I woke up. Then, I got a package in the mail. I opened it. It was the best gift ever. Then, my aunt came over with a birthday cake and presents for the party. All my friends arrived and we had a good time. I’ll always remember this day."


I had the most wonderful day ever. First and foremost, I awoke. After then, I received a parcel in the mail. It was opened by me. It was the best present I'd ever received. After that, my aunt arrived with a birthday cake and party favours. All of my pals showed there, and we had a great time. This is a day I'll never forget.

Paragraphs exist as groups of sentences that transfer a standard idea. They are all written about a particular topic, just like friends usually share a typical interest.

What is a Paragraph?

Each paragraph in the body of the paper should contain a topic sentence, supporting attributes to support the topic sentence, and a concluding sentence. The paragraph's meaning and scope will specify its length, but most paragraphs include at least two complete sentences.

A suitable example of a paragraph includes a topic sentence, details, and a conclusion. 'There are many various types of animals that live in China.

Paragraphs exist as groups of sentences that transfer a standard idea. They are all written about a particular topic, just like friends usually share a typical interest. Paragraphs often contain examples or proof to support a topic, idea, or opinion.

The rewrite paragraph is,

I had the most wonderful day ever. First and foremost, I awoke. After then, I received a parcel in the mail. It was opened by me. It was the best present I'd ever received. After that, my aunt arrived with a birthday cake and party favors. All of my pals showed there, and we had a great time. This is a day I'll never forget.

To learn more about paragraph refer to:


Which conclusion can be drawn about Lord Capulet? He is concerned about the cost of the party. He is an aged and unhealthy gentleman. He is a man who does not enjoy entertaining. He is a considerate and generous host.


Answer: He is a considerate and generous host.


Based on the information given in the passage, we can infer that Lord Capulet is a considerate and generous host.

He's was thoughtful about others. This can be infered when he asked that the fire should be quenched because the room has grown too hot. His generosity can also be seen when he said "More light, ye knaves! and turn the tables up".

Therefore, the correct option is D.

Answer: D. He is a considerate and generous host.

Explanation: On Edge!

2. Which of the following statements about accurate writing is true?
O A. It considers all viewpoints as equally valid and gives equal space to each.
O B. It contains emotional language to support the writer's claims.
C. It considers only one viewpoint and explains it thoroughly.
O D. It mentions other points of view and shows how they're incorrect.



The answer should be A...

It considers all viewpoints as equally valid and gives equal space to each. This is one of the following statements which talks about Writing. Hence, option A is appropriate.

What is the meaning of Writing?

Any customary set of markings or signs that represent the words of a language is considered to be writing. Writing makes language clear. Writing is definite and lasting in contrast to speech, which is fleeting.

Writing is a neuropsychological activity that structures and converts human thoughts into enduring representations of human language through the use of writing systems.

A writing system, also known as a script or orthography, is made up of a collection of distinguishable symbols, shapes, or constructions called characters or graphs that are connected to certain language structures.

Writing abilities are the abilities you utilize to write clearly and successfully. A competent writer is someone who can clearly and concisely convey their message to their audience while making it easy for the reader to follow. Writing abilities go beyond merely the ability to write.

Hence, option A is correct.

Learn more about the Writing here:


a story which includes the following words :the police arrived at the time when I had lost​



Story writing using the line "the police arrived at the time when I had lost".


Once I had gone on a trip to celebrate a friend's engagement. Spending my initial days with the event, I was busy for some weeks. After the main events were done, I decided to explore the new city alone, believing that I had enough knowledge of the place.

The day started fine, and I was having a great time. The grand places, the mountains, the tourist spots all excited me. Without thinking much about it, I moved on towards small and narrow streets, clicking pictures along the way. Little did I know what was going on back at my friend's home.

It seems I haven't really told my friend where I am going. So, when I did not appear the whole day, they presumed that I had gone alone and got lost. And my cellphone had died so there was no possibility of contacting me. I returned after it was dark, and there I saw that the police had arrived when I had lost track of time, at the home of my friend. They were ready to send a search party and report me missing.

While I must have enjoyed my day, I had stressed others so much. But at the end of the day, I am safely back. It was indeed an interesting day.

Which statements about literary motifs are true? Select four responses.
They appear repeatedly in texts.
They define key terms.
They help develop themes.
They reveal meaning in the text.
They influence the mood of the work,
They describe background information.


The following are true about Literary motifs.

They appear repeatedly in texts.They reveal meaning in the text.They influence the mood of the work,They describe background information

What is Literay Motif?

Literary motif refer to a technique that comprises of element in repeated form which significant importance to a literary work. Sometimes it could be inform of a recurring image, repeated word phrase or topic expressed in language or information.

Therefore, Literary motif appear repeatedly and it give background information of the subject topic.

Learn more about Literary motif from the link below.

Answer: A, D, E, and F


Trust the process

2 Points

of 20

Which word refers to the medium of a story?

O A. Personification

B. Ballad

C. Comic book

D. Symbol




Comic book


How do tragedy and comedy differ?



Comedy and Tragedy are two genres of literature that traces their origins back to the Ancient Greece. In simple terms, the main difference between comedy and tragedy is that the comedy is a humorous story with a happy ending while a tragedy is a serious story with a sad ending.


What is the effect of this change?
- It connects two sentences to show that being a runner is Maria’s main passion.
- It illustrates that Maria is a runner because she is a lawyer.
- It sets up a contrast between Maria as a lawyer and runner.
- It smoothly connects two facts about Maria while giving them equal weight.


Answer: D

What is the effect of this change?

A.) It connects two sentences to show that being a runner is Maria’s main passion.

B.) It illustrates that Maria is a runner because she is a lawyer.

C.) It sets up a contrast between Maria as a lawyer and runner.

D.) It smoothly connects two facts about Maria while giving them equal weight.


Answer: D


Which of the following is an element of plot?


There is no image, which of the following????

Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. Which best describes the effect of allusion on the meaning in this excerpt?



In simple words, Season's "first green" flowers are connected to golden, earth's most valuable metal, instantly cementing gold as a metaphor of anything that is new, young, and lovely.

The following line, "Her hardest hue to hold," indicates that maintaining the innocent of the initial greens is the most difficult things to accomplish and he adds, "Her first leaf's a blossom / only so an evening." This is the third time he uses an analogy, suggesting that a blade is a bloom (and green is gold).

Look the photo
plz help me asap
i will give brainliest



miss there is no photo


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