Select the correct answer.
How does the high specific heat of water help maintain the temperature of earth?
A By heating and cooling more slowly than land or air
B. By heating and cooling faster than land or air
By heating faster but cooling more slowly than land or air


Answer 1
i’m pretty sure it is B
Answer 2

The high specific heat of water help maintain the temperature of the Earth by heating and cooling more slowly than land or air. Thus, the correct option is A.

What is the specific heat of water?

The specific heat of an object is the amount of heat which is required to increase or raise the temperature of unit mass of that particular substance through one degree celsius. Specific heat is represented by the symbol 'c'. Its unit in SI system is Joule /(kg °C) and in CGS is cal / (gm °C).

The high specific heat of water helps in regulating the rate at which air changes its temperature, which is why the temperature of the planet change between different seasons is gradual rather than sudden, especially the geographical locations near the ocean.

Therefore, the correct option is A.

Learn more about Specific heat here:


Related Questions

Why do v sneeze
plz explain it step by step​


You’re just releasing air that helps your body get rid of irritants that are in our throat and nose. Such as, pollen, dust, etc.

Dehydration synthesis leads to WICH formation





What is seed technology?why is still considered as one of the major subject in agriculture?​


Seed technology is the science dealing with the methods of improving physical and genetical characteristics of seed. It involves such activities as variety development, evolution and release of varieties, seed production, seed processing, seed certification and storage. Thus seed technology is interdisciplinary science which includes broad range of subjects. It also includes seed quality control, seed marketing, seed distribution and research on above aspects of seed.

Primary sensory afferent axons have widely varying diameters, and their size correlates with the type of receptor to which they are attached. Write down the axons that are the smallest and the slowest?



Smaller and slower axons are those related to temperature, itching and pain.


As you may already know, the axon is an extension of the neuron that has the ability to transmit signals to cells, indicating the nerve impulse that must be felt by the body. In other words, the axons receive a synapse, which is the nerve impulse, and pass this message on to a nerve cell to turn it into a sensation. These axons have varying diameters and the speed at which they transmit messages also varies. According to researches, the smaller and slower axons are those related to the sensation of temperature, itching and pain.

A cell has twice as many mitochondria as a typical cell. It also has a large amount of rough ER. What functions
might that cell have?





Why are temperatures hotter in locations near the equator?


Temperatures are hitter around the equator because the equator is the part of the earth that has the most heat from the sun directed onto it unlike the north and south pole that have snow because they are farther away
Most of the heat from the sun is directed onto the equator

Explain the role of enzymes to living organisms



enzymes create chemical reaction in the body.But they actually speed up the rate of chemical reaction to help support life.. Enzymes is important to our body as it supports in building muscles and destroying toxins..

Enzymes create chemical reactions in the body. They actually speed up the rate of a chemical reaction to help support life. The enzymes in your body help to perform very important tasks. These include building muscle, destroying toxins, and breaking down food particles during digestion.

Predict the possible genotypes of offspring if two roan heterozygous
polled cattle were mated​



RR, Rw, Rw, ww





RR, Rw, Rw, ww

The phenotypes would be 1 Red, 2 Roan, and 1 white, assuming the colors of roan are white and red and red is dominant white is recessive, hope that helps!

Assignment: 04.02 The Biosphere
In this lesson, you took a tour of three of our unique aquatic biomes. In this assessment, you will take a virtual field trip to any aquatic ecosystem of your choice and learn about the biotic and abiotic factors that shape it.

A virtual field trip is a Web search of a location you are unable to visit in person. For this virtual trip, pick any sea, lake, bay, or river in the world and research the biotic and abiotic factors that make it unique. Include the following features in your virtual field trip research:

1. the location of your body of water
2. a description of the geography surrounding your body of water
3. the effects of sunlight on the aquatic life inhabiting your body of water
4. the depths and salinity of your body of water and how this shapes the types of aquatic life present
5. the effects of seasonal changes to water temperatures and aquatic life in your body of water
6. predictions or current research on the effects of climate change to your body of water

Once, you’ve gathered your research, share your virtual field trip with us. Include pictures of your aquatic ecosystem and the life within it in your presentation, but make sure to cite the sources of your pictures and research. Please review the student example and rubric for this virtual field trip before continuing.

You may share your field trip in any creative format you would like. Here are a few suggestions:
- video or media presentation
- slide show
- Web page
- illustration that includes research notes If you need would like an assessment outline


Like terrestrial biomes, aquatic biomes are influenced by a series of abiotic factors. The aquatic medium—water— has different physical and chemical properties than air, however. Even if the water in a pond or other body of water is perfectly clear (there are no suspended particles), water, on its own, absorbs light. As one descends into a deep body of water, there will eventually be a depth which the sunlight cannot reach. While there are some abiotic and biotic factors in a terrestrial ecosystem that might obscure light (like fog, dust, or insect swarms), usually these are not permanent features of the environment. The importance of light in aquatic biomes is central to the communities of organisms found in both freshwater and marine ecosystems. In freshwater systems, stratification due to differences in density is perhaps the most critical abiotic factor and is related to the energy aspects of light. The thermal properties of water (rates of heating and cooling and the ability to store much larger amounts of energy than the air) are significant to the function of marine systems and have major impacts on global climate and weather patterns. Marine systems are also influenced by large-scale physical water movements, such as currents; these are less important in most freshwater lakes.

The ocean is categorized by several areas or zones (Figure 44.21 (Links to an external site.)). All of the ocean’s open water is referred to as the pelagic realm (or zone). The benthic realm (or zone) extends along the ocean bottom from the shoreline to the deepest parts of the ocean floor. Within the pelagic realm is the photic zone, which is the portion of the ocean that light can penetrate (approximately 200 m or 650 ft). At depths greater than 200 m, light cannot penetrate; thus, this is referred to as the aphotic zone. The majority of the ocean is aphotic and lacks sufficient light for photosynthesis.

Which statement explains the goal of using sustainable practices in food
A. It feeds a growing population without harming ecosystems or
B. It feeds a shrinking human population while still preserving
C. It keeps a few populations healthy while still generating high
D. It keeps farmers in business by earning them the highest profits.


Answer: A. It feeds a growing population without harming ecosystems or humans.


Sustainable food production refers to the method of using processes that conserve non-renewable energy, non-polluting, economically efficient, and are also safe for everyone in the society. Also, the needs of the future generation isn't compromised.

The statement explains the goal of using sustainable practices in food

production is to feed a growing population without harming ecosystems or humans. Therefore, the correct option is A.

What is a working copy of DNA and is read by organelles called?



Working copy of DNA is RNA (Ribonucleic acid)

The nucleus controls all of the cell’s activities, such as growth and metabolism, using the DNA’s genetic information.


messenger RNA (mRNA)


The working copy of the DNA is called messenger RNA (mRNA). Its ready by  organelles such as ribosomes to manufacture amino acids to make proteins.

Check all statements you agree with regarding the
purpose section of Proposal A.
This project will do a good job revealing the
effect of pesticides on honeybees.
It will help to establish a baseline for historical
comparison, a long-term benefit.
Society will benefit because the project will
indirectly increase the supply of honey and
other agricultural production.
The honey and agricultural industries will
benefit because bees will face fewer threats



And will also reduce unemployment and also reduce morbidity

I am sorry I wanted just wanted point for my answer I am sorry

number of cell that undergo meiotic division to produce a 216 gametes in gymnosperms is​


meiotic devision this is the answer it might help you

How can a change to Earth's tilt affect Earth's climate?



It makes seasons more extreme


Complete each sentence with the correct word or phrase

a. An action potential reaches the axon terminal causing __________to open.
b. Acetylcholine diffuses across the synaptic cleft before binding to its receptor, which is located on the _____
c. When the membrane potential reaches ________an action potential spreads across the sarcolemma due to the opening of ___________
d. In response to acetylcholine binding, ________ move into the muscle fiber causing the membrane potential to rise.



a). Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels

b). the motor end plate

c). Threshold, voltage-gated Na channels

d). sodium ions


a). The voltage-gated [tex]Ca^{2+}[/tex] channels are the key transducers of the membrane potential that changes into a intracellular [tex]Ca^{2+}[/tex] transients which initiates the  physiological events. When the action potential makes a contact with axon terminal, the voltage-gated [tex]Ca^{2+}[/tex] channels opens.

b). The acetylcholine is the main neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system. It helps in blood vessels dilation, muscle contraction, and perform many more functions.

It diffuses with the synaptic cleft that is located on the motor end plate of the nervous system.

c). The membrane potential is also known as the membrane voltage or the  transmembrane potential. When it recaches the threshold, the  voltage-gated Na channels opens to spread the action potential across sarcolemma.

d). The sodium ions in case of acetylcholine binding moves to the muscle fiber due to which the membrane potential rises.

Was there any significant difference in appearance between the two bean plants? if so, what was the difference?​



the plant in the sunlight will receive green color due to chlorophyll and the plant in the dark will have yellow or white color due to the lack of chlorophyll

Consider the factors that affect muscular strength. Read each scenario and then identify each label into the appropriate category based on whether each would result in a stronger or weaker muscle contraction.

a. Potassium accumulate in the sarcoplasm
b. Increase in muscle belly circumference
c. Lesser proportion of motor neurons to muscle fibres
d. Begin contractions with muscle already 50% contraction
e. Lower sarcoplasm pH
f. Increased stimulus frequency.
g. Circular arrangement of muscle fascicles
h. increased requirement.



1. Weaker contraction:

a. Potassium accumulate in the sarcoplasm

d. Begin contractions with muscle already 50% contraction

e. Lower sarcoplasm pH

g. Circular arrangement of muscle fascicles

2. Stronger Contraction

b. Increase in muscle belly circumference

c. Lesser proportion of motor neurons to muscle fibres

f. Increased stimulus frequency.

h. increased requirement.


Sarcoplasm refers to the cytoplasm of muscle cells which contains ATP, enzymes, and a variety of ions, including potassium (K+). The negative potential required during muscle activity is produced from the disequilibrium of ionic concentrations (mostly Na+ and K+) across the membrane, which is generated through Na+/K+ ATPase pumps. During contraction, a muscle shortens, and thus its circumference increases. The generation of lactic acid is known to lower pH in the sarcoplasm and thus hinder the force and power development of the muscle fibers. Muscle fascicles can be arranged in concentric rings, it is a common pattern in sphincter muscles that modulate the opening and closing of orifices (which have weak contractions). A motor unit refers to a single efferent neuron and all of the muscle fibers it modulates. Each individual muscle fiber is innervated by one motor neuron, whereas a single motor neuron can innervate many muscle fibers. Finally, higher intensity/frequency are known to induce stronger muscular contractions, but also produce a stronger decline in force and cause more rapid muscle fatigue.

In which season(s) are the most populations limited in Mono Lake?



Mainly winter i think


Prepare a collage of tools and equipment used in production of any one agricultural crop, from seed or planting through packaging of the produce



i think


Z 00m 336"083"2553 (wZE2XQ)​



Give any two examples for each. 1. Floating plants 2. Underwater plants 3. Fixed plants 4. Emergent plants 5. Insectivorous plants 6. Mangroves 7. Desert plants 8. Coniferous trees 9. Deciduous trees 10. Grass 11. Evergreen trees​






Answer true or false.

1._____The central nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.

2._____The autonomic system is part of the nervous system that controls involuntary
actions in the body.

3._____A fish has a more highly developed brain than an ape.

4.______The spinal cord is part of the respiratory system.

5._____The three main parts of the brain in vertebrates are the cerebrum, the
cerebellum, and the brain stem.​



1. False

2. -----

3. False

4. False

5. True

I'm not sure of the 2nd question

Hope it helps:)

1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True

1. This is true.
2. This is true.
3. Apes are highly intelligent creatures will have more brain development than fish.
4. The spinal cord is a part of the nervous system, which is responsible for signaling things. Whereas the respiratory system is responsible for supplying the body with oxygen.
5. This is true.

Which characteristic is unique to vertebrates?

A) they all have a well-defined skeleton

B) they have no defined organ systems

C) they have bilateral symmetry

D) they have an exoskeleton


Answer: They have well-defined skeleton.


This is because the vertebrates are uniquely characterised by the presence of the bones.


Answer is A)They have a well-defined skeleton


most reasonable answer

a. Why was it important in this case to identify Salmonella Typhi in the feces of the restaurant worker?​



Some other types of Salmonella cause typhoid fever or ... Most people with Salmonella infection have diarrhea, fever, and ..


Add as brainlist

The bacterium Methylophilus methylotrophus can use methanol and ammonia for protein synthesis. The glutamate dehydrogenase gene from E. coli was introduced into M. methylotrophus using recombinant DNA techniques. Under high ammonia conditions, the introduction of the glutamate dehydrogenase gene into M. methylotrophus resulted in an increase in protein yield. Select the statements that are reasonable explanations for the increased protein yield in the modified M. methylotrophus. Glutamate dehydrogenase catalyzes the formation of glutamate and glutamine in a two-step process. Both glutamate and glutamine play a key role in amino acid synthesis, thus an increase in levels of glutamate and glutamine increase protein synthesis. Glutamate dehydrogenase has a low affinity for NH^+_4, and can only catalyze the formation of glutamate from alpha-ketoglutarate and NH^+_4, when the concentration of NH^+_4 is high. Glutamate dehydrogenase has a high affinity for NH^+_4, thus the rate of glutamate synthesis increases exponentially under high ammonia conditions. Glutamate is the amino group donor for most transamination reactions involving amino acids, thus an increase in glutamate concentration increases protein synthesis.



- Glutamate dehydrogenase has a low affinity for NH+4, and can only catalyze the formation of glutamate from alpha-ketoglutarate and NH+4, when the concentration of NH+4 is high.  

- Glutamate is the amino group donor for most transamination reactions involving amino acids, thus an increase in glutamate concentration increases protein synthesis.


Glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) is an enzyme found in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, which is known to catalyze the reversible oxidative deamination of glutamate (Glu) to alpha-ketoglutarate and ammonia at the same time the oxidation of NADH to NAD. In bacteria, this enzyme (GLDH) is efficient only at high concentrations of the ammonium cation (NH4+), because it has a low affinity for NH4+. Moreover, transamination is a pathway that involves the transfer of an amino group from one amino acid to a ketoacid in order to form new amino acids (this reaction is responsible for the deamination of most amino acids). Glu is the donor of amino groups in most of the reactions catalyzed by enzymes involved in the transamination between an amino acid and an alpha-keto acid. In consequence, in presence of GLDH, a high concentration of Glu will increase the production of new amino acids and therefore also protein synthesis.

Which statement accurately identifies the order of tissues pictures left to right in the microscopic image?

a) Epithelial cells, smooth muscle, connective tissue
b) Connective tissue, epithelial cells, smooth muscle
c) Epithelial cells, connective tissue, smooth muscle
d) Connective tissue, smooth muscle, epithelial cells



The correct answer is - d)  Connective tissue, smooth muscle, epithelial cells.


The connective tissues are the tissue layers that protect the outside of arteries and veins. The thick outermost layer of a tunica adventitia and other, made of connective tissues.

The middle layer that has tunica media that s made up of outer connective and smooth muscles in the inner or middle and in the innermost layer is made up of epithelial layer.

As per the image given the statements that describe the tissues from the left to right in a microscopic image are connective tissue, smooth muscles, and epithelial cells.

The connective tissues support and protect and give stricture. The smooth muscles are involuntary non straighter muscles. The epithecal cells that line the surface of the body.

Hence the option D is correct.

Learn more about the statement accurately identifies.

A pea plant is heterozygous for both seed shape and seed color. S is the allele for the dominant, spherical shape characteristic; s is the allele for the recessive, dented shape characteristic. Y is the allele for the dominant, yellow color characteristic; y is the allele for the recessive, green color characteristic. A pure bred plant with green spherical shaped seeds is crossed with a pure bred plant with yellow dented shaped seeds. State the phenotype and genotype for the parent plants p1 and p2



The correct answer is -

P1: SSyy

p2: ssYY


In the given question it is given that S is the allele for the dominant trait of spherical shape over s allele of dented shape and similarly Yellow pea seed is dominant over y green seed.

It is given that parent 1 or p1 is true breeding for green spherical shaped seeds which means it has two alleles of the same gene that are SSyy (S for spherical and y for green) and parent 2 or p2 is a pure bred plant with yellow dented shaped seeds that would be ssYY.

How many kingdoms are there in the domain Bacteria?
O A2
OB. 1
O c. 3
O D. 4



There is 1 kingdom in the domain Bacteria



B. 1


one Kingdom

Domain Bacteria has one Kingdom: Kingdom Eubacteria.

How many kingdoms are there in the domain bacteria? | Study ... › academy › answer › how-many-kingd...

Explain why you would recommend the nguni cattle meat to consumers in your locality.​





All different combinations were catalogued in the beginning of the century by a South African herdmaster. This work inspired the Nguni Cattle Register, a compilation of terms to describe in full a Nguni cow or bull. The cattle are medium-sized, with bulls weighing between 500 and 600 kg,[3] while cows weigh between 300 and 400 kg.

In a Nitrogen metabolism study, the following data were obtained over the test period:

Nitrogen consumed 175 grams
Total Fecal N 35 grams
Metabolic Fecal N 10 grams
Total Urinary N 80 grams
Endogenous Urinary N 10 grams

a. Apparent Nitrogen digestibility (%)
b. True Nitrogen digestibility (%)
c. Nitrogen Balance (g)
d. Apparent Nitrogen Retention (%)



a. 80%

b. 86%

c. 60 g

d. 34.29%


From the given information:

The apparent nitrogen digestibility (AD) is the ratio of the difference between the consumed nitrogen and fecal nitrogen to the consumed nitrogen.


[tex]AD = \dfrac{consumed \ nitrogen - fecal \ nitrogen }{consumed \ nitrogen }[/tex]

[tex]AD = \dfrac{175 -35 }{175}[/tex]

AD = 0.8

To percentage, the apparent Nitrogen digestibility = 80%

b. True Nitrogen digestibility is calculated by the formula:

[tex]=\dfrac{consumed \ nitrogen - (fecal \ nitrogen -metabolic \ fecal)}{consumed \ nitrogen}[/tex]

[tex]= \dfrac{175 -(35-10)}{175}[/tex]

[tex]= \dfrac{175 -25}{175}[/tex]

= 0.86

= 86%

c. Nitrogen Balance = consumed Nitrogen - Fecal nitrogen - total uninary

Nitrogen Balance = (175 - 35 - 80) grams

Nitrogen Balance = 60 g

d. Apparent Nitrogen Retention (ANR) is computed as follows:

[tex]ANR = \dfrac{(consumed \ nitrogen-fecal\ nitrogen - total \ uninary )}{nitrogen \consumed }\times 100\%[/tex]

[tex]ANR = \dfrac{(175-35- 80 )}{175 }\times 100\%[/tex]

[tex]ANR = \dfrac{(60 )}{175 }\times 100\%[/tex]

ANR = 34.29%

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