Select the correct answer.
Which organ connects the kidney to the urinary bladder?

renal pelvis


Answer 1
the answer is D The ureter connects the kidney to the urinary bladder

Related Questions

When 2 or more organisms compete for the same resource there can be a variety of outcomes. What would be one of those outcomes?



The biology branch deals with the relations between and physical environment of organisms.


The principle of competitive exclusion states that if two species occupy the same niche, they cannot exist together (competing for identical resources). Two species whose niche overlap can evolve to have different niches through natural selection, resulting in the distribution of resources.

In ecology, interspecific competition is a form of competition where individuals from different kinds compete in an ecosystem for the same resources (e.g. food or space)... There may be interspecific competition if people of two separate species share a limited resource within a single area.

6.If a planet is considered habitable, what would that mean?

We could form new habits there.

It would NOT be able to support life

It would have conditions necessary to support life

Only humans could live there



If a planet is considered habitable it means that the planet has all the conditions necessary to support life ,these conditions can be the presence of oxygen

Neutral theory proposes that
A) molecular clocks are more reliable when the surrounding pH is close to 7.0.
B) most mutations of highly conserved DNA sequences should have no functional effect.
C) DNA is less susceptible to mutation when it codes for amino acid sequences whose side groups (or R groups) have a neutral pH.
D) DNA is less susceptible to mutation when it codes for amino acid sequences whose side groups (or R groups) have a neutral electrical charge.
E) a significant proportion of mutations are not acted upon by natural selection.



The correct answer is E) a significant proportion of mutations are not acted upon by natural selection.


The neutral theory, proposed by Motoo Kimura in 1968, proposes that part of the molecular variability produced by mutations that exists in populations is natural variability, that is, a large part of the genetic variation observed in populations is due to random fluctuation of genetic variants that are neutral, on which natural selection hardly acts, so they are not an evolutionary force since they do not contribute predominantly to natural selection and proposes genetic drift as an evolutionary mechanism.

help mee guy to complete this please please please please please​


gastric juice helps to convert food into simpler substances

the main function of the teeth is the chewing of food, breaking down food into very small pieces

the two components of digestive system is pepsinogen and mucous

oesophagus is the food pipe. by this the food passes from mouth to stomach through regular contraction and expansion

because the bread (starch) converts into carbohydrate by the enzyme salivary amylase

chapati is the instant source of carbohydrate

in mouth


salivary gland

in liver


by taste buds




Question doesn't see clearly than how to help

Explain how and why fur colour has helped in the adaptation and survival of one deer mice


owoceo rquee  toe al m:y((


The colour of the fur allows the deer mice to camouflage into its surroundings and make it harder for predators to spot it. Also it's fur has allowed it to stay warm during the cold and reduces heat loss.

Hope this helps u :)

How do the resources available to people influence how they
grow food?







Answer:nobel gaeses are found in the group 18 of the periodic table



Noble Gases are found in Group 8 of the Periodic Table


A- Briefly describe the biotechnology methods that would have been used to produce these results.

B- How are the bands from the jeans and the shirt similar? How are they different?

C- Based on these results, what conclusions might a prosecutor present to a jury during a criminal trial?



a. teh use of a electrophoresis machine after the dna has been processed using enzymes would give the bands shown on the gel

b.the bands from teh jeans and shirt show that the shirt was made from materials taht include teh material the jeans were made from

c. a prosecutor may conclude to the jury that the defendant had blood only on their shirt

Bakit mahalagang isabuhay ang pangangalaga sa kalikasan at ano ang mga kakayahang mayroon ka upang maisabuhay ito?​



The primary motivation for conservation and is to conserve wildlife and maintain biodiversity. Safeguarding wildlife and environment and conserving it for future generations ensures that the species we care about do not become extinct. The preservation of such ecosystems aids in the protection of the overall ecosystem.

which is a nonmendelian trait



Polygenic traits are considered non-Mendelian because their alleles are located on more than one gene which allows for more alleles and phenotypes.


Examples of polygenic traits are hair color and height. Other traits, such as blood type, show codominance, where there is no dominant or recessive allele.



To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure what problem 32 is asking. It seems like there's set up to a question, but the actual question itself is missing.


For problem 33, we divide the tape's distance by its time. I'm assuming that problem 33 is using the set up info from problem 32.

Recall that

distance = rate*time

we can rearrange things to say

rate = distance/time

So that's why we divide distance over time. The tape's length is effectively the distance, more or less. Imagine that one marker on the tape travels from one end of the reel to the other. It would have to travel the length of the tape when the full tape duration elapses.



rate = distance/time

rate = (260 meters)/(180 seconds)

rate = (260/180) meters per second

rate = 1.44 meters per second, which is approximate

I'm rounding to 3 sig figs.

Responda con verdadero (V) o falso (F), según corresponda. En caso de falso, justifique su respuesta. Todas las células poseen pared celular Las células procariotas se originaron hace 1.500 millones de años aproximadamente_____ Los centriolos son organelas cilíndricas, formadas por proteínas, que intervienen en la división celular____ El ADN determina las características de un organismo____ En las mitocondrias se produce la digestión celular_____ En la definición de célula, la palabra estructural, hace referencia a cómo funciona la célula_____ La palabra Eucariota quiere decir "verdadero núcleo"____











Todas las células no tenían pared celular. Sabemos que la célula animal es un tipo de célula que solo tiene membrana celular. Las células procariotas se originaron hace aproximadamente 3,5 mil millones de años. Los centríolos son orgánulos cilíndricos, formados por proteínas, que contribuyen en la división celular. El ADN determina las características de un organismo porque el ADN tiene toda la información sobre los organismos. La digestión celular no ocurrió en las mitocondrias. El lugar de la digestión celular son los lisosomas. En la definición de celda, la palabra estructural, se refiere a la composición y forma de la celda. La palabra eucariota significa "núcleo verdadero" y núcleo verdadero significa que la membrana rodea al núcleo.

In which order do organisms return
to an ecosystem during primary
succession after an area's ecosystem
has been wiped out?
A. trees, hearty shrubs, lichens
B. lichens, trees, hearty shrubs
C. lichens, hearty shrubs, trees



lichens, hearty shrubs, trees



I-bare rocks,

II-pioneers (mosses, lichen, algae, fungi)

III-annual herbaceous plants

IV-perennial herbaceous plants and grasses

V-shrubs, VI-shade intolerant trees, VII-shade tolerant trees.

(please mark me brainliest) :)

Lichens, hearty shrubs, and trees is the correct order in which the organisms return to an ecosystem during primary succession after an area's ecosystem has been wiped out. Thus, the correct option is C.

What is Primary Succession?

Primary succession is the ecological succession which begins in essentially the lifeless areas, such as the regions in which there is no soil or where the soil is incapable of sustaining life where no life form ever existed because of recent volcanic eruption, newly formed sand dunes, or rocks that are left from a retreating glaciers.

The correct order of the Primary Succession is:

Stage I- Bare rocks,

Stage II- Pioneer species such as mosses, lichen, algae, and fungi

Stage III- Annual herbaceous plants

Stage IV- Perennial herbaceous plants and grasses

Stage V- Shrubs, shade intolerant trees, and shade tolerant trees.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Learn more about Primary Succession here:


what you mean by accessory pigments? ​


Accessory pigments are compounds that absorbs light. They are found in photosynthetic organisms.

deficiency symptoms of molybdenum in photosynthesis​



Molybdenum deficiency symptoms in most plants are associated with a build-up of nitrate in the affected plant part. This is a result of poor nitrate reductase activity. Symptoms include: pale leaves with interveinal and marginal chlorosis (yellowing) and necrosis (scald);

Which is an example of why the process of photosynthesis is important to life on Earth?- - Grass uses photosynthesis to produce glucose, which is used within the grass for growth.
- Fungi use photosynthesis to decompose dead and decaying plant matter.
- Ectothermic animals use photosynthesis to convert sunlight into energy for cell functions.
- Green plants use photosynthesis to remove oxygen gas from the atmosphere and replenish the earth’s carbon dioxide.



The correct answer is: A) Grass uses photosynthesis to produce glucose, which is used within the grass for growth.


Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants, which include algae, take in the energy from the sun and combines it with carbon dioxide (and water) to form benificial sugars.

Photosynthesis refers to the process by which the green plants, as well as algae, utilize the energy from the sun in combination with the carbon dioxide as well as water to form simple sugars. This is how the harmful gas carbion dioxide can be destroyed and elimanated.


The answer is A



what event occured during paleozoic era?

A. diversification of mammals

B. beginning of multicelled life

C. first appearance of most invertebrates

D. dominance of non avian dinosaurs​



C) first appearance of most invertebrates.


The Cambrian Explosion occurred 542 mya. The earliest complex animals arose in the sea at the beginning of the Cambrian Explosion. It would take another half a billion years for mammals to rise. Multicellular life dates back 1.2 bya, but more cpomplex life, such as animals, did not occur until the Cambrian Explosion. In the beginning of the Cambrian Explosion, many soft-bodied animals, such as jellyfish and sea anemones appeared.




First appearance of most invertebrates

During reduction, PGA reacts with ATP and NADPH. What does ATP contribute to the reaction?



During reduction, 3-PGA reacts with ATP and NADPH. What does ATP contribute to the reaction? ... The L-D reactions require light energy and water, and the L-IND reactions require ATP, NADPH and CO2. In the chemical equation for photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water are converted to glucose and oxygen.


correct me if I'm wrong

carry on learning!;)

- Describe how chromosomes are formed from DNA.



In the nucleus of each cell, the DNA molecule is packaged into thread-like structures called chromosomes. Each chromosome is made up of DNA tightly coiled many times around proteins called histones that support its structure. DNA and histone proteins are packaged into structures called chromosomes.


Hope this helps

Does a virus have an independent lifecycle?


The virus life cycle could be divided into six steps: attachment, penetration, uncoating, gene expression and replication, assembly, and release.

Write a short note on broyophytes? ​



Bryophytes are an informal group consisting of three divisions of non-vascular land plants: the liverworts, hornworts and mosses. They are characteristically limited in size and prefer moist habitats although they can survive in drier environments. The bryophytes consists of about 20, 000 plant species.


[tex]Write~ a ~short~ note ~on~ bryophytes?[/tex]



Bryophytes are a loose classification of three non-vascular land plant embryophytes: liverworts, hornworts, and mosses. They are typically small and prefer damp surroundings, however, they may thrive in drier ones. There are over 20,000 plant species in the bryophytes.


[tex]\textnormal{HOPE IT HELPS}[/tex]

[tex]\textnormal{HAVE A GREAT DAY!!}[/tex]

A pair of butterflies reproduces and has one thousand offspring. All one thousand of the offspring have the alleles Aa. What is the most likely combination of alleles (genotype) for each parent? Explain your answer.



It is expected that each parent is homo-zygous for each trait (i.e., one parent has genotype AA and the other parent has genotype aa)


An F1 hybrid is the first filial generation of the progeny of distinctly different parental types. In this case, it is expected that each parent is homo-zygous for each trait, thereby 100% of all offspring will have genotype Aa (i.e., parental cross: AA x aa >> F1 = 100% Aa). On the other hand, in a cross where one parent is heterozygous for the trait (Aa) and the other parent is homo-zygous (either AA or aa), only 50% of all offspring will have genotype Aa.

What describes a country with less industry and whose citizens have low average incomes.


third world countries


are the results of countries with low exports and high imports

Third world countries work, but developing countries works as well depending on what answer you need.

Developing works because the low income and socio-economic status comes from them not being stable overall a weak infrastructure unlike second and first world countries, it’ll be a while before they catch up.

im not sure what the answer is please helpppp


The answer is B because the humoral immune response is mediated by antibody

How do the process of DNA replication and the laws of inheritance help cells and individuals pass on their


DNA copying is otherwise known as DNA replication which is the process of producing 2 identical copies of DNA from one original DNA molecule during cell division. DNA copying is important because it generates variation during sexual reproduction which leads to evolution. Also, DNA copying helps in transfer of information or characters from the parents to the offsprings.

Mendel studied traits with only one mode of inheritance in pea plants. The inheritance of the traits he studied all followed the relatively simple pattern of dominant and recessive alleles for a single characteristic. There are several important modes of inheritance, discovered after Mendel’s work, that do not follow the dominant and recessive, single-gene model.

hope it helps

where does reabsorbtion of glucose take place?
bowman's capsule
2nd coiled tubule
1st coiled tubule



proximal tubule


Glucose reabsorption takes place in the proximal tubule of the nephron, a tube leading out of Bowman's capsule. The cells that line the proximal tubule recapture valuable molecules, including glucose.Under normal circumstances, up to 180 g/day of glucose is filtered by the renal glomerulus and virtually all of it is subsequently reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule.

Acell membrane is very specific about what it allows across. How does this help the cell?

A. Transport proteins allow only enzymes to pass through the membrane.
B. It is better for the cell if most molecules are prevented from entering
C. The cell works better when it contains fewer proteins.
D. It helps the cell absorb as many different molecules as possible.​



It helps the cell absorb as many different molecules as possible.

can squirrels get cats pregnant?!?!?! please answer quickly :/



i don't think so...they are different species?

why would you even need to know that?




A squitten is a cat with a genetic deformity which causes a partial formation or complete absence of the radius bone making it resemble a squirrel. These cats should be kept indoors and seen to by specialist veterinarians, as long term management of the condition is essential for quality of life in these cats.

If both maize and teosinte are grown in the wild, which species is more likely to proliferate? Why?



he maize is more likely to proliferate because of the human effect.


If both maize and teosinte are grown in the wild, teosinte is more likely to proliferate. This is because teosinte has certain adaptations that make it better suited to the wild environment.

What are maize and teosinte?

Maize and teosinte are both members of the grass family, but they differ in several important ways. Maize, also known as corn, is a domesticated crop that has been selectively bred over thousands of years to produce larger, more desirable ears for human consumption. Maize has a much larger ear size than teosinte, and its kernels are also larger and more closely packed together.

Hence, if both maize and teosinte are grown in the wild, teosinte is more likely to proliferate. This is because teosinte has certain adaptations that make it better suited to the wild environment.

Learn more about maize and teosinte here.


Question 7 of 25
Which structure is used by the organism to see the outside world?








We use the eye to look at things

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