Select the correct answer
Which term refers to the maximum number of organisms of a particular species that can be supported by an environment?
OA Population density
OB Exponential growth
OG carrying capacity


Answer 1


Carrying capacity


Carrying capacity means the number of organisms that a region can support without environmental degradation.

Related Questions

Which of the following is correctly defined?

A. Ecosystem - A group of conspecific organisms.

B. Population - An individual life form.

C. Community - A group of populations.

D. Population - A group of communities.
I need help!!1



both b and c I think..........

Population - An individual life form. and Community - A group of populations.

What is population?

A population is the entire set of people in a group, whether that group is a country or a collection of people who share a certain trait.

A population is the group of people from which a statistical sample is taken in statistics. Therefore, a population is any collection of people who have something in common.

A statistically significant portion of a population, rather than the full population, may also be referred to as a sample. For this reason, the standard deviation, or standard error, of a statistical study of a sample from the full population must be disclosed.

Therefore, Population - An individual life form. and Community - A group of populations.

To learn more about population, refer to the link:


If the entire mRNA sequence for a polypeptide was AUGUACUCGCGACCGUAA, how many amino acids does the polypeptide have



5 amino acids


The process of translation involves synthesizing a sequence of amino acids from a mRNA template. The mRNA molecule is read in a group of three nucleotides called CODONS. A codon specifies or codes for an amino acid.

In the question, a mRNA sequence was given as follows: AUGUACUCGCGACCGUAA. From this sequence comprising of 6 codons, 5 possible amino acids will be contained in the polypeptide encoded by this mRNA molecule as the last codon (UAA) is a STOP codon. The following are the codons in the mRNA sequence and their respective amino acids:

*AUG- methionine (met)

*UAC - tyrosine (Tyr)

*UCG - Serine (Ser)

*CGA - Arginine (Arg)

*CCG - Proline (Pro)

*UAA - Stop

1.) Citrus Red Mites can disperse to other locations by ______.

Choose the best answer.

a. crawling and roping.

b. using their wings to fly.

c. egg expulsion shot into other plants.

d. being carried by other insects.

2.) Mark all correct answers.

The mouth parts of insects are important for these reasons.

They can help us identify the insects

They tell us how they feed on a plant

What show the sort of damage they cause.

The kinds of disease they spread.



A crawling and roping

They can help us identify the insect

Which of the following is the best definition of an atom?
O A. A particle within the nucleus that has a neutral charge
B. A negatively charged particle that circles the nucleus
C. The fundamental unit of all matter, both living and nonliving
O D. A positively charged particle within the nucleus



C. The fundamental unit of all matter, both living and nonliving

in order for polar compounds to enter into the hydrophobic space of phospholipid tails, it would need to break the many ___ bonds



In order for polar compounds to enter into the hydrophobic space of phospholipid tails, it would need to break the many hydrogen bonds


In the presence of water, the hydrophobic tails tend to interact with each other, creating a hydrophobic space from which water is excluded and in which other hydrophobic molecules can be trapped, while the polar head interacts with water, and is solvated, preserving the hydrophobic part from all contact with water. For a hydrogen bridge to form, a molecule that has hydrogen attached to an atom of high electronegativity and another molecule that has another electronegative atom with high electron density (that is, a negative partial charge) is required. Water molecules in the bulk of the body of water maintain multiple interactions with other molecules through an extensive network of hydrogen bridges, so for polar compounds to enter, it would be necessary to break many of these bonds.

Dark skin ( a result of increased melanin production in equatorial populations), is likely a response to ultraviolet radiation because UV radiation causes:


Answer: Skin cancer


Melanin is a pigment derived from an amino called acid tyrosine. The most common form of melanin is called eumelanin, which is a polymer of dihydroxyindole carboxylic acids and their reduced forms. When a person is exposed to the ultraviolet light (UV) from the sun, the melanocytes will produce eumelanin to prevent the skin from burning and damage to the cell nuclei (where DNA is found) of the epidermis. This melanin production causes the skin to darken. The eumelanin in the skin then acts as a natural sunscreen by blocking the damaging effects of sunlight. So, skin darkens when exposed UV light, thus providing greater protection when needed by producing more eumelanin, but it also becomes more likely to develop melanoma, which is a type of skin cancer. This is because UV rays damage the DNA of skin cells. The DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the genetic material that has the instructios to the growth and functioning of an organisms). Skin cancers begin when eumelanin protection is not sufficient and this damage affects the DNA of the genes that control the growth of skin cells. This results in a tumor, which is the uncontrolled growth of cells (in this case, skin cells) because there will be a mutation in DNA that affects the function of the cells.

What is your opinion about climate change ?


A scientific consensus on climate change exists, as recognized by national academies of science and other authoritative bodies. The opinion gap between scientists and the public in 2009 stands at 84% to 49% that global temperatures are increasing because of human-activity.

Recall that one approach to the study of cell cycle regulation has been to fuse cultured cells that are at different stages of the cell cycle and observe the effect of the fusion on the nuclei of the fused cells (heterokaryons). When cells in Gl are fused with cells in S, the nuclei from the Gl cells begin DNA replication earlier than they would have if they had not been fused. In fusions of cells in G2 and S, however, nuclei continue their previous activities, apparently uninfluenced by the fusion. Fusions between mitotic cells and interphase cells always lead to chromatin condensation in the nonmitotic nuclei. Based on these results, identify each of the following statements about cell cycle regulation as probably true (T), probably false (F), or not possible to conclude from the data (NP). Sort each statement into the appropriate bin.
1. The transition from mitosis to G1 appears to result from the disappearance or inactivation of a cytoplasmic factor present during M-phase.
2. The activation of DNA synthesis may result from the stimulatory of one or more cytoplasmic factors.
3. Gl is not an obligatory phase of all cell cycles
4. The transition from G2 to mitosis may result from the presence in the G2 cytoplasm of one or more factors that induce chromatin formation.
5. The transition from S to G2 may result from the presence of a cytoplasmic factor that inhibits DNA synthesis.
A. T
B. F



1. T

2. T

3. NP

4. F

5. F


In somatic cells, the cell cycle can be divided into 1-the interphase, 2-the mitotic phase or M phase, and 3-the G₀ phase. In turn, the interphase of the cell cycle can be divided into three phases: 1-the gap 1 (G1) phase or growth 1 phase, 2-the S phase (DNA replication or DNA synthesis), and 3-the gap 2 (G2) phase or growth 2 phase. During the G1 phase, the cell synthesizes key enzymes which are required during DNA replication (S phase) and cell division (M phase). Cytoplasmic factors are proteins and messenger RNAs (mRNAs) that control cell functions during the cell cycle. This cycle is modulated by proteins known as control factors, i.e., cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) that work together to control the progression through different phases of the cell cycle. The transition from S to G2 occurs after DNA replication. This transition (S to G2) is controlled by a DNA damage checkpoint orchestrated by the ATM (Ataxia telangiectasia mutated) and ATR (Ataxia Telangiectasia and Rad3 related) kinases which are recruited to DNA damage sites. Moreover, the ​transition from G2 to M phase is mediated by the accumulation of mitotic inducers, which lead to an increase in the activity of mitotic kinase and finally trigger mitotic entry.

Which of the following is a risk associated with making our lifestyle more convenient?
Increased use of technology
O Decrease in environmental hazards
Increased use of science
Increased pollution in the air, water, soil



Increased pollution in the air, water, soil.

What is an ecosystem?


An ecosystem refers to the combination of a community and its environment
It refers to the interaction of an organism and its environment

protid không phải là thành phần của


I don’t understand this question

In most unsaturated fatty acids found in animal fats, vegetable oils, and biological membranes, the cis isomer predominates. true false



The correct answer is - true.


Most unsaturated fats are oils and normally are biological membranes or plant-based such as vegetables. These fats mostly have cis isomer in them. Unsaturated fats help to lower blood cholesterol levels.

However, few oils show saturated fats but these are few in number, the majority are made up of unsaturated fats that have double bonds.

The protein salmon has an isoelectric point of 12.1. Suppose you did a pH titration of a solution containing salmon. At what pH will the protein aggregate



The correct answer is - 12.1.


In the case of the same isoelectric point of protein and the pH value of the solution, it is the only condition when aggregation of proteins takes place.

When there is intrinsically disordered proteins or misfolded proteins aggregates known as the protein aggregate. So for the first aggregation takes place at pH= 12.1.

Chordates have a chord in the back for support. In animals with vertebrates, the
chord itself becomes the





If 23 molecules of glucose are catabolized, how many molecules of ATP are produced (via substrate level phosphorylation) by the TCA cycle? How many FADH2 molecules and NADH molecules are produced by the cycle?​




If both Assertion & Reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion, then mark (1).


If both Assertion & Reason are true but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion, then mark (2)


If Assertion is true statement but Reason is false, then mark (3)


If both Assertion and Reason are false statements, then mark (4)

Explanation:Substrate-level phosphorylation is a type of metabolic reaction that results in the formation of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) of Guanosine Triphosphat (GTP) by the direct transfer and donation of a phosphoryl (PO3) group to Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP) of Guanosine Diposphate (GDP) from a phosphorylated reactive intermediate.

In glycolysis substrate level phosphorylation occurs in following two reactions

(i) 2molecules of 3-phosphoglyceric acid react with 2 molecules of ADP to from 2 molecules of 3-phosphoglyceric acid and 2 molecules of ATP.

1,3−diphosphoglyceric2 mol eculesacid+2ADP−→−−−−−−−−phosphotransferaseMg2+2−phosphoglyceric2mol eculesacid+2ATP

(ii) 2 mol ecules of phosphoenolpyruvic acid reacts with 2 mol ecules of ADP to from 2 mol ecules of pyruvic acid and 2ATP.

1−phosphoenolpyruvic acid2mol ecules2ADP−→−−−−−−Pyruvic kinaseMg2+Pyruvic acid2mol ecuels+2ATP

Match each of the following descriptions with the correct brain structure(s). Drag the terms on the left to the appropriate blanks on the right to complete the sentences.
a. houses the corpora quadrigemina
b. components of the diencephalon
c. connects the third and fourth ventricles
d. continuous with the spinal cord
e. produces cerebrospinal fluid
f. components of the brainstem
g. major homeostatic organ
h. contains Broca's area
i. structure from which pineal gland extends
j. contains lateral ventricles
k. contains arbor vitae
1. pons
2. thalamus
3. cerebellum
4. hypothalamus
5. cerebral aqueduct
6. medulla oblongata
7. midbrain
8. epithalamus
9. cerebrum
10. choroid plexus



a. midbrain

b. thalamus; hypothalamus, epithalamus

c. cerebral aqueduct

d. medulla oblongata

e. choroid plexus

f. pons; medulla oblongata; midbrain

g. hypothalamus

h. cerebrum

i. epithalamus

j. cerebrum

k. cerebellum


The brainstem is the posterior part of the brain that connects the cerebrum with the spinal cord. The brainstem can be divided into three parts: midbrain (i.e., mesencephalon), the pons (i.e., metencephalon), and the medulla oblongata (i.e., myelencephalon). The mesencephalon is a region of the brain composed of the tectum and tegmentum, which play fundamental roles in motor movement, auditory and visual processing. The corpora quadrigemina is found at the tectum region of the midbrain. The diencephalon is a small part of the brain located above the brainstem (between cerebral hemispheres); which contains the thalamus, hypothalamus, subthalamus, and epithalamus. In turn, the epithalamus is composed of the habenular nuclei, pineal gland, and the stria medullaris thalami. The cerebral aqueduct is a narrow channel (approx. 15 mm) in which the cerebrospinal fluid flows between the third ventricle and the fourth ventricle. The medulla oblongata is a long stem-like structure located in the brainstem of the brain, just in the place where the brainstem connects the brain to the spinal cord. The choroid plexus is a complex network of capillaries located at the cerebral ventricles of the brain, which serve to produce cerebrospinal fluid through ependymal cells that line the ventricles of the brain. The cerebellum is a major structure of the hindbrain and consists of the cerebellar cortex and a core of white matter having the cerebellar nuclei.

what is the total number of bones in the skeleton system​



Bones provide the structure for our bodies. The adult human skeleton is made up of 206 bones.


What must happen before meiosis can begin ?


prior to undergoing meiosis, a cell goes through an interphase period in which it grows, replicates its chromosomes, and checks all of its systems to ensure that it is ready to divide. Like mitosis, meiosis also has distinct stages called prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

How do you explain Meiosis?



Chromosome pairs with its corresponding homologous chromosome to form a tetrad.

purple flower = P
white flower = p
round seed = R
wrinkled seed = r

look at the punnett square and list the genotypes that would correspond to each phenotype

purple flowers, round seeds:
purple flower, wrinkled seeds:
white flowers, round seeds:
white flowers, wrinkled seeds:​


Answer: this is a long one lol


purple flowers and round seeds could be both PPRR and PpRr because it's both dominant traits and heterozygous genotypes still show the phenotype of the dominant gene. purple flower and wrinkled seeds would be PPrr or Pprr for the same reason. white flowers and round seeds would be ppRR or ppRr, and finally white flowers and wrinkled seeds would be pprr. hope this helped :)

which statement correctly describes cell differentiation



"Causes cells to change as well as specialize" is the correct answer.


There are several differentiations throughout the establishment of a multicellular because that evolves from some kind of basic zygote to something like an interacting entity's structure and indeed the cellular functions that comprise a whole species.Cells get specialized to accomplish diverse roles throughout this mechanism or procedure.

g If the sequence of bases in the DNA coding strand were CCG AGT, the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain would be _





What trait are narcissists likely to have that is associated with leader emergence but not effectiveness





Agreeableness is the trait that narcissists likely to have which is negatively corelated and is associated with leader emergence but not effectiveness. The tendency toward self-interest would attract the person into follow his or her own goals rather than the interests of their group or company. The term Narcissism originated from Greek mythology, where a young man whose name is Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water so that's why selfness and self interests refers to Narcissism.

Light dependent reactions are carried out both on and in between photosystems. This process is like the last stage of aerobic respiration in that both:______.
a. reaction sequences carry out electron transfer phosphorylations.
b. processes generate ATP.
c. processes involve electron flow.
d. systems are lodged along and within a membrane surface.
e. all of the above.



e. all of the above


Photosynthesis and respiration are two complementary processes.

Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts. The electron transport chain is placed in the thylakoid membrane, where it occurs light-dependent reactions.Respiration occurs in mitochondria, in the internal membrane, where is the electron transport chain.

Photosynthesis needs solar radiation to produce organic compounds.The respiration process needs organic compounds to obtain chemical energy.

Photosynthesis transforms CO₂ into organic compoundsRespiration transforms organic compounds into CO₂.

In the photosynthesis process occurs a release of oxygen, which is used during the respiration process.  Both processes are part of the carbon biological cycle.Both processes use electron transport chains to capture energy, which will be used in other cellular reactions.

Respiration´s final products are CO₂, ATP, and waterPhotosynthesis´s final products of light-dependent reactions are oxygen, ATP, and NADPH.  

Which definition best describes an acid?


I know It is c hope is helps!


An acid is any substance that in water solution tastes sour, changes blue litmus paper to red, reacts with some metals to liberate hydrogen, reacts with bases to form salts, and promotes chemical reactions (acid catalysis)

How are the workings of receptor in human body related to the sensors in a car listed below?
A. Light:
B. Touch:
C: Sound:
D: Speed:


B is the correct answer for the question.

how do humans impact the biodiversity of ecosystems



Humans affect biodiversity by their population numbers, use of land, and their lifestyles, causing damage to habitats for species. Through proper education, and by demanding that governments make decisions to preserve biodiversity, the human population will be able to sustain life on earth longer.



Human population levels, land usage, and lifestyles all have an impact on biodiversity, causing damage to species' habitats. The human population will be able to maintain life on Earth for longer if adequate knowledge is provided and governments are forced to make decisions that protect biodiversity.


[tex]\texttt{HOPE IT HELPS}[/tex]

[tex]\texttt{HAVE A GREAT DAY!!}[/tex]

Explain how animals may have influenced the evolution of terrestrial plants and vice versa​



Microsporangium give microspores by meiosis.

Microsporangium give microspores by meiosis each microspores forms a pollen grain Pollen wall is secreted by surrounding sporophytes tissue Enclosed male gametophyte produces sperm by mitosis.

Mark me as brainliest ❤️

dialogue between two friends planning a road trip


What's your question

What are three structural differences between animal and plant cells


All living things are made up of cells. Cells are the basic unit of a living organism and where all life processes are carried out.

Animal cells and plant cells share the common components of a nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria and a cell membrane.

Plant cells have three extra components, a vacuole, chloroplast and a cell wall.

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