Si la experiencia de Torricelli se llevara a cabo al nivel del mar usando un aceite de 890
de densidad en lugar de mercurio, ¿cuál sería la altura que alcanzaría la columna de


Answer 1


La columna de aceite tendría una altura de 11,613 metros.


El modelo de Torricelli basa el cálculo de la presión atmosférica mediante el concepto de presión hidrostática, en donde la densidad del fluido ([tex]\rho[/tex]), en kilogramos por metro cúbico, es inversamente proporcional a la altura de la columna ([tex]h[/tex]), en metros, para una igual presión atmosférica ([tex]P[/tex]), en atmósferas. Entonces, podemos estimar la altura de la columna mediante el siguiente modelo:

[tex]\rho_{Hg}\cdot h_{Hg} = \rho_{o}\cdot h_{o}[/tex] (1)


[tex]\rho_{Hg}[/tex] - Densidad del mercurio.

[tex]h_{Hg}[/tex] - Altura de la columna de mercurio.

[tex]\rho_{o}[/tex] - Densidad del aceite.

[tex]h_{o}[/tex] - Altura de la columna del aceite.

Si sabemos que [tex]\rho_{Hg} = 13600\,\frac{kg}{m^{3}}[/tex], [tex]h_{Hg} = 0,760\,m[/tex] y [tex]\rho_{o} = 890\,\frac{kg}{m^{3}}[/tex], entonces la altura de la columna del aceite es:

[tex]h_{o} = \left(\frac{\rho_{Hg}}{rho_{o}} \right)\cdot h_{Hg}[/tex]

[tex]h_{o} = \frac{13600\,\frac{kg}{m^{3}} }{890\,\frac{kg}{m^{3}} }\times (0,760\,m)[/tex]

[tex]h_{o} = 11,613\,m[/tex]

La columna de aceite tendría una altura de 11,613 metros.

Related Questions

Help me please!!!!!!!!!




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Answer pls. This is for People like me with this Question . Help!!! Question 3 of 20 What happens to the electric force between two particles if the distance between them is reduced by half? O A. It decreases to half the original force. OB. It increases to twice the original force. O C. It increases to 4 times the original force. O D. It decreases to 1/4 of the original force.​



It increases twice the original

A frictionless pulley used to lift 8000N of concrete. What is the minimum effort required to raise the block


Answer: 8000N

Explanation: since it is frictionless that means it has 100% efficiency therefore the mechanical advantage is 1 meaning the load equals to the effort

Can someone help me with this Physics question please?

Q. The half-life of tritium (hydrogen-3) is 12.3 years. If 48.0mg of tritium is released from a nuclear power plant during the course of a mishap, what mass of the sample will remain after 49.2 years?​




The formula for this, the easy one, is

[tex]N=N_0(\frac{1}{2})^{\frac{t}{H}[/tex] where No is the initial amount of the element, t is the time in years, and H is the half life. Filling in:

[tex]N=48.0(\frac{1}{2})^{\frac{49.2}{12.3}[/tex] and simplifying a bit:

[tex]N=48.0(.5)^4[/tex] and

N = 48.0(.0625) so

N = 3 mg left after 12.3 years

How many half-lifes is 49.2 years ?

(49.2 years) / (12.3 years per half-life)  =  4 half-lifes.

In 4 half-lifes, (1/2) · (1/2) · (1/2) · (1/2) of the original sample remains.

That's (1/2⁴) or (1/16) of the original.

(1/16) of 48.0 mg  =  3 mg .



== Start with 48 mg .

== After one half-life, 24 mg remains.

== Then, after the second half-life, 12 mg remains.

== Then, after the third half-life, 6 mg remains.

== Then, after the fourth half-life, 3 mg remains.

While standing at a crosswalk, you hear a frequency of 510 Hz from an approaching police car.
After the police car passes, its frequency is 460Hz. What is the speed of the police car? (speed of
sound = 340 m/s)



v = 17.68 m/s


Given that,

While standing at a crosswalk, you hear a frequency of 510 Hz from an approaching police car.

After the police car passes, its frequency is 460Hz.

We need to find the speed of the police car.

The formula is as follows :


Put all the values,

[tex]v=\dfrac{343(510-460)}{510+460}\\\\=17.68\ m/s[/tex]

So, the speed of the police car is 17.68 m/s.

1. Which pair of physical quantities consists of two vectors?
a. Electric charge and momentum
b. Displacement and distance
c. Velocity and force
d. Temperature and kinetic energy



Velocity and force consists of two vectors as they both have magnitude and direction

Pair of physical quantities consists of two vectors are velocity and force.

What are physical quantities ?

"The seven elemental physical quantities are mass, time, temperature, mole, length, luminosity, and electrical charge. "Some derived physical quantities are velocity, heat, density, pressure, and momentum. Extensive physical quantities depend on the amount of substance or the size of the object.

What is velocity ?

"Velocity is the speed at which something moves in a particular direction. For example as the speed of a car travelling north on a highway, or the speed a rocket travels after launching. "The scalar means the absolute value magnitude of the velocity vector is always be the speed of the motion.

Know more about physical quantity here


Why is a flower not a good blackbody radiator?



A flower emits only visible light

A flower reflects much of the light that hits it

write the relation of m² with its a multiple​



The square meter is the SI-derived unit of area. It has a symbol m² (33A1 in Unicode). It is defined as the area of a square whose sides measure exactly one metre.

Convertir 25 km/h a m/s



6.9 m/s


1000m = 1km

3600s = 1hr



Different nutrients play different roles in our bodies. Which is the energy-storing nutrient?
O carbohydrates
O minerals
O proteins
O fats



D. Fats


they are the long term energy storing nutrient carbohydrates are a quick way for energy minerals dont contain any energy and neither do proteins



it is nutrient kept in the body

Cuánto demorará un cuerpo en alcanzar su máxima altura, sabiendo que fue lanzado, verticalmente hacia arriba, con una velocidad cuyo valor fue de 90 m/s?



The maximum height reached is 413.27 m.


How long will it take for a body to reach its maximum height, knowing that it was thrown, vertically upwards, with a velocity whose value was 90 m / s?

initial velocity , u = 90 m/s

gravity, g = 9.8 m/s^2

Let the maximum height is h.

At maximum height the velocity v = 0

Use third equation of motion

[tex]v^2 = u^2 - 2 gh\\\\0 = 90\times 90 - 2 \times 9.8 \times h\\\\h = 413.27 m[/tex]

A walkway suspended across a hotel lobby is supported at numerous points along its edges by a vertical cable above each point and a vertical column underneath. The steel cable is 1.27cm in diameter and is 5.75m long before loading. The aluminum column is a hollow cylinder with an inside diameter of 16.14cm, and an unloaded length of 3.25m. When the walkway exerts a loa force of 8500N on one of the support points, through what distance does the point move down?



[tex]\triangle I=8.60*10^{-4}m[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

Diameter [tex]d=1.27cm[/tex]

Length [tex]l=5.75m[/tex]

Diameter of aluminum column [tex]d_a=16.14cm[/tex]

Length of aluminum column [tex]l_a=3.25m[/tex]

Load Force [tex]F=8500N[/tex]

Generally the equation for Young modulus is mathematically given by

[tex]\gamma=\frac{FL}{A \triangle L}[/tex]

Given the The load force

[tex]F=\frac{Y_aA_a\triangle I}{L_a}+\frac{YA \triangle I}{L}[/tex]

[tex]\triangle I=\frac{F}{\frac{Y_aA_a}{L_a}}+\frac{YA}{L}[/tex]

[tex]\triangle I=\frac{8500N}{ \frac{7*10^{10} \pi (0.1624^2-0.1614^2)}{4*3.15}+ \frac{20*10^10 \pi (0.0127^2)}{4(5.75)}}[/tex]

[tex]\triangle I=8.60*10^{-4}m[/tex]

The engine starter and a headlight of a car are connected in parallel to the 12.0-V car battery. In this situation, the headlight operates at 38 W and the engine starter operates at 2.40 kW. If the headlight and starter were then rewired to be in series with each other, what total power would they consume when connected to the 12.0-V battery



The total power they will consume in series is approximately 2.257 W


The connection arrangement of the headlight and the engine starter = Parallel to the battery

The voltage of the battery, V = 12.0 V

The power at which the headlight operates in parallel, [tex]P_{headlight}[/tex] = 38 W

The power at which the kick starter operates in parallel, [tex]P_{kick \ starter}[/tex] = 2.40 kW

We have;

P = V²/R


R = The resistance

V = The voltage = 12 V (The voltage is the same in parallel circuit)

For the headlight, we have;

R₁ = V²/[tex]P_{headlight}[/tex]  = 12²/38 = 72/19

R₁ = 72/19 Ω

For the kick starter, we have;

R₂ = V²/[tex]P_{kick \ starter}[/tex] = 12²/2.4 = 60

R₂ = 60 Ω

When the headlight and kick starter are rewired to be in series, we have;

Total resistance, R = R₁ + R₂


R = ((72/19) + 60) Ω = (1212/19) Ω

The current flowing, I = V/R

∴ I = 12 V/(1212/19) Ω = (19/101) A

We note that power, P = I²R

In the series connection, we have;

[tex]P_{headlight}[/tex] = I² × R₁

∴ [tex]P_{headlight}[/tex] = ((19/101) A)² × 72/19 Ω = 1368/10201 W ≈ 0.134 W

The power at which the headlight operates in series, [tex]P_{headlight, S}[/tex] ≈ 0.134 W

[tex]P_{kick \ starter}[/tex] = ((19/101) A)² × 60 Ω = 21660/10201 W ≈ 2.123 W

The power at which the kick starter operates in series, [tex]P_{kick \ starter, S}[/tex] ≈ 2.123 W

The total power they will consume, [tex]P_{Total}[/tex] = [tex]P_{headlight, S}[/tex] + [tex]P_{kick \ starter, S}[/tex]


[tex]P_{Total}[/tex] ≈ 0.134 W + 2.123 W = 2.257 W

which best describes how air moves during convection?

a. cool air warms as it mixes with denser air
b. warm air cools as it mixes with cooler, denser air
c. warm air is displaced by cooler denser air


a. cool air warms as it mixes with denser air


c. warm air is displaced by cooler denser air


what is the source of energy​


Fossil Fuels is the largest source for energy

Hope this is what you were asking :)

A 25.0 kg probe fell freely with acceleration of 2.00 m/s^2 just before it landed on a distant planet. What is the weight of the space probe on that planet



The weight of the probe is 50 Newtons


Newtons second law states that F = ma

Given the mass of 25kg, and the acceleration of 2m/s^2, we can substitute both values into the equation to find the weight force.

[tex]F = ma[/tex]

[tex]F = 25 * 2[/tex]

[tex]F = 50N[/tex]

The weight of the probe is 50 Newtons

Is a nanoliter greater then one liter?


No, a nanoliter is one billionth of one liter

Deepta adhivnav having weight 450N and 350N are playing see-saw. Deepta sits at a distance of 2m from the fulcrum, how far should abhinav be seated in order to balance deepta?




This is a torque problem where balance is achieved when the sum of the torques equal 0. The equation for torque is

[tex]\tau=F*r[/tex] where F is the force in Newtons that is perpendicular to the lever arm, and r is the length of the lever arm in meters.

450(2) = 350r and

[tex]\frac{450(2)}{350}=r[/tex] so

r = 2.6 m

Which wave has the smallest amplitude?



C. C


A wave can be defined as a disturbance in a medium that progressively transports energy from a source location to another location without the transportation of matter.

In Science, there are two (2) types of wave and these include;

I. Electromagnetic waves: it doesn't require a medium for its propagation and as such can travel through an empty space or vacuum. An example of an electromagnetic wave is light.

II. Mechanical waves: it requires a medium for its propagation and as such can't travel through an empty space or vacuum. An example of a mechanical wave is sound.

A crest can be defined as the highest (vertically) point on a waveform.

On a related note, a trough is the lowest (vertically) on a waveform.

An amplitude can be defined as a waveform that's measured from the center line (its origin or equilibrium position) to the bottom of a trough or top of a crest. Thus, the vertical axis (y-axis) is the amplitude of a waveform i.e it's measured vertically.

In this scenario, waveform C which is represented by a blue curvy line has the smallest amplitude in comparison with the other waveforms because it has the minimum height when measured from the origin.

In contrast, waveform A represented by a purple line has the highest amplitude because it has the maximum height when measured from the origin.

Mathematically, the amplitude of a wave is given by the formula;

x = Asin(ωt + ϕ)


x is displacement of the wave measured in meters.A is the amplitude.ω is the angular frequency measured in rad/s.t is the time period measured in seconds.ϕ is the phase angle.


The answer is indeed D as the comment above suggests.


Simply put, wave D's highest point is closer to the line than all of the other high points of A, B and C

what is the power of ideal sunglass​


Zero power

(Word cap filler)

A river flows toward 90°. Mark, a riverboat
pilot, heads the boat at 297º and is able to go
straight across the river at 6.0 m/s.
a. What is the velocity of the current?
b. What is the velocity of the boat as seen
from the river bank?


The answer is a,(what is the velocity of the current

tại sao trái đất lại có trọng lực



wew uhh uhh uhh uhh haha btw thanks po sa points pa brainliest po please po

Firing a small rocket that starts at rest, the VMS-2 rises vertically under uniform acceleration, and in 50 seconds all the fuel is burned out. What is the maximum height at which the rocket rises?​


It has to not be 50 because that’s already the seconds for the fuel burned out

Imagine a landing craft approaching the surface of Callisto, one of Jupiter's moons. If the engine provides an upward force (thrust) of 3456 N, the craft descends at constant speed; if the engine provides only 2333 N, the craft accelerates downward at 0.39 m/s2. What is the weight of the landing craft in the vicinity of Callisto's surface



[tex]W=3456 N[/tex]


Force 1 [tex]F_1=3456[/tex]

Force 2 [tex]F_2=2333N[/tex]

Acceleration at stage 2 [tex]a_2=0.39[/tex]

Generally the weight of the Craft W is given as

W= upward force(thrust)


[tex]W=3456 N[/tex]

An ice-skater with a mass of 80kg is holding a bowling ball with a mass of 8 kg. Suppose that the skater tosses the bowling ball forward with a speed of 6 m/s. What is the skater's reactive velocity? Show all work.



0.6 m/s


The details of the masses and velocities are;

The mass of the ice skater, m₁ = 80 kg

The mass of the ball, m₂ = 8 kg

The speed with which the skater tosses the ball forward, v₂ = 6 m/s


According to the principle of conservation of linear momentum, we have;

m₁·v₁ = m₂·v₂


v₁ = The skater's reactive velocity

Therefore, we get;

80 kg × v₁ = 8 kg × 6 m/s

v₁ = 8 kg × 6 m/s/(80 kg) = 0.6 m/s

The skater's reactive velocity, v₁ = 0.6 m/s.

What uses non-renewable energy?
A)a gematrical heating system
B)a nuclear power station
C)a solar panel
D)a wind turbine


A nuclear power station

Renewable energy is energy that can be replenished as we use them

Uma pilha AA (pilha de controle remoto) fornece ao circuito 1,5V, já uma bateria de carro fornece 12V. Qual a relação entre a energia fornecida entre esses elementos de circuito?



The ratio of energy of AA battery to the car battery is 0.0156.


An AA battery (remote control battery) supplies the circuit with 1.5V, while a car battery supplies 12V. What is the relationship between the energy supplied between these circuit elements?

Supply by AA battery = 1.5 V

Supply by car battery = 12 V

The resistance of the circuit is R.

The energy supplied = V^2/R

The energy supplied by the AA battery is

E = 1.5 x 1.5 / R = 2.25/R

The energy supplied by the car battery is

E' = 12 x 12/ R = 144 / R

So, the ratio of

E : E' = 2.25 : 144 = 0.0156  

What conditions can impact the ecological tolerance of a species?
Pls Answer,30 points



climatic changes

ambient changes

human interferance and the growt of cities and human civilization

and invasive especies


Many different physical factors can impact the ecological tolerance of a species like:-

temperature humidity soil chemistry pHsalinity oxygen levels

How physical factors impact the ecological tolerance of a species?Climatic factors such as temperature and precipitation are key drivers to control species distribution directly.Topographic features such as slope and elevation can impact local climate as well as soil conditions that in turn have varied effects on vegetation structure.The relative distance from a water source can also affect the composition and distribution of woody vegetation because of the resulting varying amount of water available for growth. Physical and chemical soil properties can inform vegetation patterns on a local scale.What is a tolerance range?

The portion of the abiotic factor's range of variation which a species can survive and function in is commonly defined as the tolerance range.

To know more about ecological tolerance here


Which wave has the largest amplitude?



D. A

General Formulas and Concepts:

Simple Harmonic Motion

Parts of a wave



The amplitude is the distance from the horizon to either the crest or trough of a wave.

In layman's terms, it is how high the wave is.

The "highest" wave would be wave A.

∴ our answer is D.

Topic: AP Physics 1 Algebra-Based

Unit: SMH


A (The wave)


Wave A

You are trying to hold your 550 g physics books with your hand against a vertical wall. Using a force sensor you know that the force you are applying is 10.0 N. Below the book on the floor you have placed a motion sensor. The position time graph for the book is given. Find the coefficient of kinetic friction.


The book's position is changing linearly with time, so its velocity is constant. This means that the net force acting on the book in the direction parallel to the surface is

F = 10.0 N - n = 0

where n is the magnitude of the normal force on the book due to the wall, and the net force perpedicular to the surface is

F = f - (0.550 kg) g = 0

where f is the mag. of kinetic friction, and f = µn where µ is the coefficient of kinetic friction.


n = 10.0 N

• f = (0.550 kg) g = 5.39 N

• 5.39 N = µ (10.0 N)

==>   µ = 0.539


Above answer


The book's position is changing linearly with time, so its velocity is constant. This means that the net force acting on the book in the direction parallel to the surface is

∑ F = 10.0 N - n = 0

where n is the magnitude of the normal force on the book due to the wall, and the net force perpedicular to the surface is

∑ F = f - (0.550 kg) g = 0

where f is the mag. of kinetic friction, and f = µn where µ is the coefficient of kinetic friction.


• n = 10.0 N

• f = (0.550 kg) g = 5.39 N

• 5.39 N = µ (10.0 N)

==>   µ = 0.539

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