Similarities between in line css and internal css


Answer 1


inline css is used to style a specific html element. for this css style, you'll only need to add the style attribute to each html tag, without using selectors. this css type is not really recommended, as each html tag needs to be styled individually. managing your website may become too hard if you only use inline css.



Related Questions

1. Answer the following questions: a. What are the different types of number system? Name them.​



binary,decimal, hexadecimal and octal number system

Plz help help help

What was the first electromechanical digital computer?

For your kind information I would like to tell you that don't search on internet because it will show ENIAC and that is not the answer the answeris may be ABC or MARK I. I am just confused, Please help me



For your kind information the answer of the question is MARK I.


What was the first electromechanical digital computer?

=⟩ Mark I was the first electromechanical digital computer.

Hope it helpful to you

if ur computer is runing slowly what is most likey to slove the problem


One way to solve this problem is if you clear up some storage space. On my computer things were running very slowly and I checked my storage and it was beyond full. Another way would be to clean up your hard drive, run some virus and malware scans as your computer may have some viruses that would be slowing it down. Some others ideas are to download more memory on your computer, install a faster hard drive, and reinstall or upgrade your operating system. I hope this helps!!
Reboot the device or clear your cache. Maybe it may need to go to a shop as well and get a few parts switched out

Abdullah wants to send sessitive data. Abdullah wants to make sure that only ahmed can see and read this. How can abdullah protect this data, so that ahmed can only access it. By using this information make an algorithm.



Use an encryption algorithm


An encryption algorithm can be used to hide the message from parties in-between or any third parties that might want to intercept the message being sent by Abudullah to Ahmed.

Encryption algorithms use cryptographic methods to encrypt or code data such that only the sender and receiver of that data have the keys to properly decode/decrypt these messages/data.

tiền tệ ra đời là kết quả


bruuh, wht is this man saying

Money was born as a result?

monitor is hard copy output device??





monitor is an output device but not hard copy. Hard copy is paper

Tristen is teaching her history course. She printed off her presentation so the students could take notes. Wyatt is
teaching a science course. He wants to make sure students who do not have PowerPoint can still view the
presentation. Reed is teaching a math course online. He finds the students are very visual and wants to control the
timing per slide
Which best describes how each teacher handled their presentations?
O Tristen created handouts, Wyatt saved as a PDF, and Reed saved as a video
O Tristen created a video, Wyatt saved as a PDF, and Reed broadcasted.
O Tristen created handouts, Wyatt saved as a video, and Reed saved as a PDF.
O Tristen created a video, Wyatt broadcasted, and Reed saved as a video


Since Tristen want her students to take notes on her presentations, she should have some sort of handout.

Because Wyatt, wants to ensure that students who do not have PowerPoint can still view his presentations, converting it into a pdf is best.

Since Reed's students are very visual, converting his slides into a video will make it better for students who want to spend some time assessing some of the graphs or equations.

Thus, A is the best choice.

The program prompts the user for five to ten numbers all on one line, separated by spaces, calculates the average of those numbers, and displays the numbers and their average to the user.

The program uses methods to:

1) get the numbers entered by the user all on one line separated by spaces;

2) calculate the average of the numbers entered by the user; and

3) print the results.

The first method should take no arguments and return a String of numbers separated by spaces.

The second method should take a String as its only argument and return a double (the average).

The third method should take a String and a double as arguments but have no return value.

IF user input is: 20 40 60 80 100



import java.util.Scanner;  

public class AverageDemo


public static String getNumbers()



 String numbers;  

 Scanner scn = new Scanner(;  

 System.out.println("Enter five to ten numbers all on one line, separated by spaces: ");

 numbers = scn.nextLine();

 return numbers;


public static double calcAverage(String numbers)


 String[] values = numbers.split(" ");

 double total = 0;  

 for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++)


  total += Integer.parseInt(values[i]);


 if (values.length == 0)

  return 0.0;


  return (total / values.length);


// Method definition of printResults: print the results

public static void printResults(String numbers, double average)


 System.out.printf("\nThe average of the numbers %s is %.2f\n", numbers, average);


// main method

public static void main(String[] args)


 // Call the methods

 String numbers = getNumbers();

 double average = calcAverage(numbers);

 printResults(numbers, average);




What types of customizations have you or would you make to your operating system, and why?




I have made a couple of customizations to my OS, which is Windows 10. The first being that I activated dark mode, this feature turns the entire OS into a dark-themed color, including apps and menus. This makes using the computer for extended hours much easier on the eyes. The other very important customization I added was a hover taskbar. This allows me to add many important shortcuts to the taskbar which all appear when I hover over the taskbar. It makes my desktop much cleaner and I have quick and easy access to my most important applications.

In large organizations, there is a formal business function that includes developing an information policy, planning for data, overseeing logical database design and data dictionary development, and monitoring how information systems specialists and end user groups use data. __________ is responsible for information policy, as well as for data planning, data dictionary development, and monitoring data usage in the firm.



Data administration.


Data management is a type of infrastructure service that avails businesses (companies) the ability to store and manage corporate data while providing capabilities for analyzing these data.

A database management system (DBMS) can be defined as a collection of software applications that typically enables computer users to effectively and efficiently create, store, modify, retrieve, centralize and manage data or informations in a database. Thus, it allows computer users to efficiently retrieve and manage their data with an appropriate level of security.

Generally, a database management system (DBMS) acts as an intermediary between the physical data files stored on a computer system and any software application or program.

Hence, a database management system (DBMS) is a system that enables an organization or business firm to centralize data, manage the data efficiently while providing authorized users a significant level of access to the stored data.

Data administration is a strategic process that is typically responsible for establishing information policy, data planning, data dictionary development, and monitoring data usage in the firm.

is computers takes lots of time to do any mathematical calculations.​



I think the answer is a computer take lost of time to do any mathematical calculations because problem in the book or questions.

Hope this helps you ^^

Travis just got promoted to network administrator after the previous administrator left rather abruptly. There are three new hires that need onboarding with user accounts. When Travis looks at all the existing account names, he notices there is no common naming system. Where should he look to try to give the new hires user accounts with proper naming conventions



The company's account policy


If there's no common naming system, It's best to go with the company's account policy.

An attacker uses an exploit to push a modified hosts file to client systems. This hosts file redirects traffic from legitimate tax preparation sites to malicious sites to gather personal and financial information. What kind of exploit has been used in this scenario


DDoS hope this helps :3

4 effect by which we can see several keyframes at once is
a. Onion Skin b. Layer Effect o c. Timeline Effect
5. You can control the speed of animation by increasing or decreasing the value in
a. Timeline a b. Fps Box O ㅁ c. Tools Panel
Write T for True and 'F' for False statements.
1. Pencil2D has autosave option for saving your work after every few minutes
2. The source code of Pencil2D is not available for users.
3. You cannot erase unwanted part of object or drawing on the stage 4. Hand tool is used to quickly move different parts of the stage. 5. Bitmap layer is used for raster graphics, which is made up of pixels.
Fill in the blanks.
1. Pencil2D is used to create animation using and graphics
2. The big white rectangle in the middle of your screen is called the
3. The is used to mark current frame displayed on the stage.
4 You can a layer to clearly identify it in the timeline.
5. Frame is the little in the Timeline, in which we create an image
6. You can fill color in your enclosed drawing or shape with tool.​


Onion skin
Onion timeline stage

8. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using a smartphone rather than a laptop computer for creating a report.​


Answer: the advantage of using a smartphone rather than a laptop computer is that you can talk to people across the world, call people, make texts, and get easy access to the internet. but the disadvantages are that a lot of people stay inside their house because of phones, not getting enough exercise.


The advantages and disadvantages of using a smartphone rather than a laptop computer for creating a report. have been compared below.

The advantages of using a smartphone rather than a laptop computer are;

Portability; Smartphones are portable enough that they can fit into pockets and some purses and as such can be taken with you anywhere easily unlike a laptop computer that doesn't have such physical property.Cost; Smartphones are largely cheaper than the average laptop computer. Thus, cost is a good factor.

Disadvantages of using a smartphone rather than a laptop computer are;

Screen size; Smartphone screen size are always smaller than that of laptop computers .Software's; Smartphones can't run many of the type of powerful software's that can run on laptop computers.Data entry and user input; Due to the portability of smartphones, their keyboards are usually smaller than that of laptop desktops which makes data entry more difficult for those that have big fingers.

Read more about smartphones and laptops at;

You are concerned about attacks directed at your network firewall. You want to be able to identify and be notified of any attacks. In addition, you want the system to take immediate action to stop or prevent the attack, if possible. Which tool should you use



Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)


Firewall can be defined as a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of security rules.

Simply stated, a firewall is a network security protocol that monitors and controls inbound and outbound traffic based on set aside security rules.

A firewall is used to control access to a computer or network, as it creates a barrier between a computer or a network and the internet in order to protect against unauthorized access.

Basically, it is a network security device or security system pre-installed on most computers to essentially inspect data being transmitted to or from a computer

Thus, the tool you should use is an intrusion prevention system (IPS).

Which category was originally developed to protect both digital and hard-copy sensitive information?



Information assurance


Information assurance was originally developed to protect both digital and hard-copy sensitive information.

Selena owns a bakery. She wants to compare the number of pies, cookies, cakes, and brownies that she sells in one month. Which charts are appropriate for this task? Check all that apply.


Column, line, bar, and possibly pie.


Column, Bar, And Pie


got it right

Define Data communication​



Data transmission and data reception is the transfer and reception of data over a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint communication channel. Examples of such channels are copper wires, optical fibers, wireless communication channels, storage media and computer buses. 

are the exchange of data between two devices For data communications to occur, the communicating devices must be part of a communication system made up of a combination of hardware

What are the advantages of Radio waves over micro waves?​



radio frequencies can penetrate deeply into the material and thus heat thick products. They heat more slowly than microwaves and thus make it possible to treat more delicate products which require a slower heating.

You are the IT Director for Stormwind training studios. Your company has decided to start using Microsoft Intune for all of their software deployments. You want to set up a notification system so that you see all alerts and your IT Manager only gets notified for Critical alerts. How do you accomplish this



Well, if the IT Manager gets only critical alerts on a phone, then the IT Manager has to go to settings and make sure to have all alerts on.  


The IT Manager, probably has his notifications, critical alerts, on only. So the IT Manager should have his notifications to ALL. Where he will be able to see all of the alerts.

(e) Give the output of the following:
String n="Computer Knowledge";
String m = "Computer Applications";



Computer Applications



Computer Applications



Select each procedure that will keep the computer safe and working properly. the correct answers are A, D, E
i just took it!

Gently type on the keyboard.

Download software from the Internet without permission.

Turn the power off on the computer before shutting down.

Wash your hands thoroughly before using the computer.

Set your water bottle on a table that is away from hardware.
Select each procedure that will keep the computer safe and working properly.

Gently type on the keyboard.

Download software from the Internet without permission.

Turn the power off on the computer before shutting down.

Wash your hands thoroughly before using the computer.

Set your water bottle on a table that is away from hardware.



Wash your hands thoroughly before using the computer.

Gently type on the keyboard.

Set your water bottle on a table that is away from hardware.


An attacker gained remote access to a user's computer by exploiting a vulnerability in a piece of software on the device. The attacker sent data that was able to manipulate the return address that is reserved to store expected data. Which vulnerability exploit resulted from the attacker's actions


"A Buffer overflow" vulnerability exploit resulted from the attacker's actions.

Whenever a software or an application writes too much data into a buffer, causing neighboring storage regions to have been corrupted as a consequence, this could be determined as Buffer overflow.

⇒ There are two kinds of Buffer overflow attacks such as:

Stack-based - It will become more popular to use such memory, as well as that's only available during implementation of any code.Heap-based - Those attacks seem to be more difficult to execute because they entail overflowing overall storage capacity allotted for a program further than the space needed for something like the program's present activities.

Thus we can say that the correct answer is a Buffer overflow.

Learn more about Buffer overflow here:

List 10 different products made from timber



Bath towels.


Nail polish.


Disinfecting wipes.



LCD screens.





can someone help me please?



see below picture


You can work your way through the formula from the inside out, mapping every operation to a gate.

What is spam? a type of virus that spreads from computer to computer through a network connection a type of virus that targets programs and files, and duplicates itself like a biological virus the process of using email to trick a user to share personal information an unwanted e-mail sent in bulk from people or organizations



This is a pretty obvious answer.

An unwanted e-mail sent in bulk from people or organizations.


who is the father of computer



Charles Babbage is the father of computer


Charles Babbage is know as father of computer.

hope this help!

list out the memory components used by different generation of computer​



here's your answer mate!

1940 – 1956: First Generation – Vacuum Tubes. These early computers used vacuum tubes as circuitry and magnetic drums for memory. ...

1956 – 1963: Second Generation – Transistors. ...

1964 – 1971: Third Generation – Integrated Circuits. ...

1972 – 2010: Fourth Generation – Microprocessors.


1940 – 1956: First Generation – Vacuum Tubes. These early computers used vacuum tubes as circuitry and magnetic drums for memory. ...

1956 – 1963: Second Generation – Transistors. ...

1964 – 1971: Third Generation – Integrated Circuits. ...

1972 – 2010: Fourth Generation – Microprocessors.

Computers work on the garbage-in, garbage-out concept. Comment


Stands for "Garbage In, Garbage Out." GIGO is a computer science acronym that implies bad input will result in bad output.

Because computers operate using strict logic, invalid input may produce unrecognizable output, or "garbage." For example, if a program asks for an integer and you enter a string, you may get an unexpected result. Similarly, if you try to open a binary file in a text editor, it may display unreadable content.

GIGO is a universal computer science concept, but it only applies to programs that process invalid data. Good programming practice dictates that functions should check for valid input before processing it. A well-written program will avoid producing garbage by not accepting it in the first place. Requiring valid input also helps programs avoid errors that can cause crashes and other erratic behavior.

NOTE: Because the related terms FIFO and LIFO are pronounced with a long "i," GIGO is typically pronounced "guy-go" (not gih-go). This also helps avoid confusion with the prefix "giga," which is pronounced with a soft "i."
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