Simple past – verb to be in past 1.Write the correct form of the verb in past. en braylin


Answer 1

The correct verbs for the sentences presented are was, were, were, was, were, were, was, and were.

How to conjugate the verb to be in past?

There are two possibilities to conjugate the verb to be in past:

Was Were

The general rule is that "was" is used for singular subjects while "were" is used for plural ones. Based on the above, you use "was" or "were" in this way:

Was: I, she, he, itWere: You, they, we

Here are some examples:

I was at the theater yesterdayThey were very happy

How to complete the sentences presented?

Considering the previous ideas the sentences can be completed in this way:

I was tired...We were in Montreal...We were busy...She was at the movies...Mary and Luz were very happy...They were classmates...Daniel was in Panama...You were in Acapulco...

Note: This question is incomplete, in the image is the missing section:

Learn more about was and were in


Simple Past Verb To Be In Past 1.Write The Correct Form Of The Verb In Past. En Braylin

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In a well-written paragraph of 5-7 sentences:

select two figurative language devices from Kennedy's speech

identify each device

explain how the use of the figurative language contributed to the overall message and purpose of the speech

8th grade ELA


Two figurative language devices that we can see in speech are personification and metaphor. The use of figurative language helps to show how Americans will not shy away from the call to defend their people.

Which lines present the selected figures of speech?Personification: Now the trumpet summons us again.Metaphor: With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds [...]

Figures of speech are devices of figurative language that are used by an author to highlight specific meanings, deepen the message of the text and make the reading more interpretive.

Personification is the figure of speech that allows human characteristics to be given to inanimate objects. An example of this is the line showing the summons made by a trumpet.

A metaphor is an implicit comparison between two elements that may or may not have similarities, but that have some connection. An example of this can be seen in the line that states that history will act as a judge.

Learn more about figurative language:


What is the answer?


Answer: I wonder if the teacher know the answers.



Rohit borrowed Rs 60000 from a bank at 9% per annum for 2 years for his higher education. The amount to be paid to the bank is calculated based on simple interest.

Answer the following questions.

1) What is the rate of interest in the above situation.

2) Write the sum borrowed by Rohit from the bank.

3) Find the amount to be paid by Rohit at the end of two years.

Communication channels, such as newspapers and radio and television broadcasts, through which people can communicate to large audiences.


Mass media refers to communication channels like newspapers, radio, and television broadcasts that allow people to communicate with enormous audiences.

A wide range of media technologies that use mass communication to reach a broad audience are referred to as mass media. The technology used for this communication include a wide range of sources. Electronic information is sent by media like movies, radio, recorded music, or television in broadcast media. The term "mass media" refers to a variety of communication channels capable of concurrently reaching sizable, geographically separated audiences. Television, the Internet, newspapers, radio, and magazines are the five main mass media outlets that are of particular importance in contemporary American politics.

To know more about Mass Media:


9. Ross criticizes the sons for their "thriftless ambition, that will ravin up/Thine own life's means" (2.4.28-29). How
might the same criticism apply to Macbeth?


In the sentence, 'Thriftless Ambition, that will ravin up/ Thine own life's means! ',  to be 'Thriftless' directly implies the foolishness of the one who decides to swallow up ('ravin up') all his means out of ambitions.

What message does Ross give to Macbeth?

When Malcom finds the body of Duncan, he says this in his rage “Gainst nature still! Thriftless ambition, that will Ravin up thine own lives' means"!  Ross is right about the ambition that is to blame for Duncan's murder.

Macbeth and Banquo are busy marveling over mysterious witches when Ross and Angus come to inform Macbeth that the king wants him. Ross tells him that he is about to become the Thane of Cawdor because the previous thane is a traitor now.

To know more about Macbeth, refer


hich hypothesis can be made based on details in the editorial?
DA. Illnesses and deaths would result from weakening the
FDA's power.
Consumers will not support any attempts to weaken the
FDA's power.
Most companies would actually support strengthening
FDA regulations.
Businesses would not try to mislead consumers if the
FDA relaxed its regulations.


The hypothesis that can be made based on details in the editorial is this:

A. Illnesses and deaths would result from weakening the FDA's power.

What is the apparent hypothesis from the editorial?

The editorial made it very clear that the FDA has played a very huge role in ensuring that the rate of illness and diseases in society is greatly curbed. It criticized some of the people who believed that the FDA did not play a very crucial role in the advancement of the safety of food and drugs.

The author touted the good aspects and contributions of the FDA to society and also explained that weakening the power of the FDA will result in illnesses and death.

By asking the question, "Does anybody really want to go back to the days when people did not know what they were ingesting or rubbing onto their skin?," the author was trying to show that the roles of the FDA today have saved many from ingesting harmful materials.

Learn more about a hypothesis here:


Which of the following is a credible source on the Supreme Court?
A. A Yahoo answers post on the Supreme Court
B. A blog about the Supreme Court
C. A Wikipedia article on the Supreme Court
D. The official website for the Supreme Court


D. The official website for the Supreme Court
D. The official website for the Supreme Court

I don't want to meet her at the office. She runs me _____ at every opportunity





I don't want to meet her at the office. She runs me _around ____ at every opportunity


I don't want to meet her at the office. She runs me over at every opportunity

hope this is right, kinda makes more sense tho

Pls choose me as brainliest!

When applying a passage of Scripture, you note that the passage speaks to the kind of person you should be. This is the question of _________.


When applying a passage of Scripture, you note that the passage speaks to the kind of person you should be. This is the question of character.

What is the difference between passage and scripture?

Аs nouns the difference between pаssаge аnd scripture is thаt pаssаge is а pаrаgrаph or section of text or music with pаrticulаr meаning or pаssаge cаn be (dressаge) а movement in clаssicаl dressаge, in which the horse performs а very collected, energetic, аnd elevаted trot thаt hаs а longer period of suspension between eаch foot fаll thаn а working trot while scripture is а sаcred writing or holy book.

Christians talk about scripture passages or, in the singular, a passage of scripture. The emphasis is on the phrase is the word scripture. And understandably so. Scripture is the first authority (not the only authority) that Christians use to make sense. There is wisdom in the scriptures that often remains hidden from us until we prayerfully engage and wrestle with it.

For more information about a passage of Scripture refer to the link:


Research reported in your textbook suggests that people are most likely to forgive their partner for engaging in sexual infidelity when ______.


Research reported in your textbook suggests that people are most likely to forgive their partner for engaging in sexual infidelity when the partner independently discloses the information.

When a couple's emotional and/or sexual exclusivity is violated, it frequently causes feelings of resentment, sexual jealousy, and competitiveness.

Depending on the relationship's expectations, there are several definitions of infidelity. It's typical to presume exclusivity in marriage partnerships. The psychological effects of infidelity might include anger and betrayal feelings, low sexual and self-confidence, and even post-traumatic stress disorder. If an act of infidelity is exposed, people of all genders may suffer societal repercussions, but the nature and severity of these repercussions may differ depending on the gender of the offender.

To know more about Infidelity, refer to this link:


Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu. How does the poet use language to develop a metaphor in "The Oven Bird"? The poet uses words and phrases like to develop the metaphor the bird is .


The poet uses a typical New England bird as a metaphor. The speaker hears a bird whose singing heralds the arrival of a new season.

What is a metaphor?

A metaphor is a figure of speech that, for the purpose of rhetorical effect, refers directly to one thing by referencing another. It could offer clarification or point up unnoticed connections between two seemingly unrelated ideas.

A typical New England bird is used as a metaphor by the poet. The speaker observes a bird that sings in preparation for spring.

Because the bird announces these changes as time passes, the poem finally explores how we approach death.

Thus, in "The Oven Bird," the poet used language to create a metaphor.

For more details regarding metaphor, visit:


The French and Indian War Complete the following passage using words from the word bank.
______________set sail from Spain to find a new trade route to
Asia. It woos later confirmed he had reached North America. European nations followed his lead and came to America to____________ Each nation had their own additional
goals. ____________wanted to set up missions to share their religion with
others._____________ wanted to trade fur to make a profit.__________ wanted to
set up colonies and practice their religion freely. Native Americans gained new supplies such as iron tools, guns, and cloth from trading fur with the European Settlers. Since much of the fur trade took place in The _________Territory, both the French and the British wanted control of the land. The French built________ where present day
Pittsburgh is located. This outraged the British, as they believed this land belonged to them___________. led a group of soldiers to try and capture the French fort, but were unsuccessful. Worried that the French would retaliate they built _________which the French later attacked. Many Native Americans formed alliances with the __________in hopes that they would get to keep their land if they won. France was a dominating force in the beginning, but the power soon shifted when


Columbus sought a fresh route to China, Japan, the Spice Islands, and India.

Why did Columbus set sail?Europeans sought naval routes to the Far East in the 15th and 16th centuries. Columbus sought a fresh route to China, Japan, the Spice Islands, and India. He would be able to return with valuable cargoes of spices and silks if he could just get to these countries.Italian explorer Christopher Columbus departs from the Spanish port of Palos in charge of three ships: the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Nina, in search of a western sea path to China, India, and the rumored islands of gold and spices in Asia.Italian explorer Christopher Columbus set out on his journey across the Atlantic Ocean on August 3, 1492. With three ships—the Nia, Pinta, and Santa Maria—and a crew of 90 men

To learn more about Christopher Columbus refer,


Sometimes people who speak different languages are in a community together and must develop a way of communicating. Similarly, their offspring must also find a way to communicate. The main difference between the speech of the first generation and the speech of the second generation is...
A) The speech of the first generation tends to include a larger vocabulary
B) The speech of the second generation tends to include a larger vocabulary
C) The speech of the first generation tends to have more complex grammar rules
D) The speech of the second generation tends to have more complex grammar rules
E) Minor because there is typically no difference between the speech of the first generation and the speech of the second generation


Some-times people who speak different lang-uages are in a community together and must deve-lop a way of communicating. Similarly, their off-spring must also find a way to communi-cate.

The main difference between the speech of the first gen-eration and the speech of the seco-nd generation is D) The speech of the second gene-ration tends to have more complex gram-mar rules. (The first-generation lang-uage tends to have very little gram-matical structure; this is call-ed a pidgin language).

A pidgin, or pidgin language, is a grammat-ically simplified means of communi-cation that develops between two or more groups of peo-ple that do not have a language in com-mon: typically, its vocabulary and grammar are limited and often dra-wn from several lang-uages.

To know more about pidgin language click below:


Suppose a sale price is $18 and the discount is 25%. Explain how to find the regular price.
Answer in at least 2 complete sentences.


If a sale price is $18 and the discount is 25%, we can find the regular price by subtracting the discount price from the original price and equating it to the present price.

How can the regular price be found?

We can find the original price if we are given the discount price and the current sale price by subtracting the present price from the original assumed price.

This can be done by assigning the original price the value of x. The discount price becomes 0.25x. Then the subtracted value is equated to the current sale price of $18. This can be done this way:

x - 0.25x = $18

0.75x - $18

x = $18 / 0.75


So, the original price is $24 and the 25% discount was the $6 that was removed from the original price of the item.

In summary, finding the regular or original price will require giving assuming a figure for the original price and subtracting the value of the discount from the regular assumed figure.

Learn more about the sale price here:


Which statement best expresses a theme of the
story? Spunk



When people gossip, they do more harm then they realize


There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious—makes you so sick at heart—that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part. And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all.


Martin Luther King Jr.’s powerful quote serves as a reminder of the power of civil disobedience and the importance of understanding the power dynamics of oppression. It is only when we come together and make our voices heard that we can create meaningful and lasting change.

The quote speaks to the idea of non-violent resistance, a concept championed by Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights leaders. The power of civil disobedience is rooted in the fact that it is a peaceful form of protest that does not require violence or destruction of property. Instead, it relies on the power of the collective to come together and make their voices heard. This type of protest is especially powerful when individuals come together to make a statement about an issue that affects the entire community.

The quote also speaks to the importance of understanding the power dynamics of oppression and how they play out in our lives. In order to truly understand the power of civil disobedience, it is essential to examine the ways in which systems of oppression are perpetuated and maintained through the use of power and privilege. It is only when we understand the dynamics of power and oppression that we can effectively challenge them.

Learn more about Martin Luther King Jr at :


yosemite valley is considered one of the 7 wonders of the world. this photo illustrates which landform feature as evidence of past glaciation?


The yosemite valley is considered one of the 7 wonders of the world. this photo illustrates which landform feature as evidence of past glaciation is U shaped valley.

Valley is transformed to a U-fashioned valley due to the fact the U-form presents the least frictional resistance to the transferring glacier. Because a glacier has a miles extra viscosity and pass phase than a river, its route has fewer and broader bends, and thus, the valley will become straighter and smoother. U-fashioned valleys shape via glacial erosion.

Glaciation develops in hooked up v-fashioned river valleys in which the ice erodes the encircling rocks to create a “U” fashioned valley with a flat backside and steep sides. Glacier motion is pushed via way of means of gravity.

Read more about valley;


12. Which lines from “Robin Hood” best support the idea that Robin Hood and his companions feel a strong connection with nature?



Option A


The book is very good and it states clearly that the question has option A There is no mid Forest laugh(and so fourth and what have you)

Which sentence is correct?
A. She goes to the office in taxi
B. she goes to the office by taxi
C. she goes to the office by a taxi



B. She goes to the office by taxi


Not A. Bc well…. She goes to the office ”in“ taxi 

That just doesn’t make any sense ya’know

Read the writing prompt.

Your school has decided that students must wear uniforms every day. Do you agree with this decision? Why or why not? Write a letter to your principal that explains your point of view. Provide clear reasons for whether or not you support the school’s decision.

Jonas decides that he will write a letter explaining that he disagrees with the principal’s decision because he believes that uniforms take away from students’ individuality. What is his best next step?
determine a topic
brainstorm different ideas
create an outline
choose an audience



I'd suggest that he create an outline

Explanation: gather more reasoning to prove his

______ refers to the processes you go through to communicate the impression you want other people to have of you.


The steps you go through to convey the impression you want other people to have of you are referred to as impression management.

Impression management (IM), also known as self-presentation, is the conscious or unconscious process by which individuals try to affect how other people see them as a person, an object, or an event by limiting and managing the information they share with others.

Methods. Three techniques developed by Asch have historically been used to study impression formation: free response, free association, and a check-list form. Recent study has also employed a fourth approach, which is based on a Likert scale with anchors like "extremely favorable" and "very negative."

Learn more about to  Impression management. visit here;


Helppppp me please this is about the book Born a Crime

(20 points)



The overall dream and goal for the main character in Born a Crime is to become a successful comedian and use his platform to challenge societal norms and inspire change. Throughout the book, Trevor Noah describes his passion for comedy and his desire to use his unique experiences and perspective to challenge the status quo and inspire others. He also expresses a strong desire to use his success to make a positive impact on the world, and to give back to his community.

This dream and goal are important to Trevor Noah for several reasons. First, comedy is his passion, and it is something that he has been passionate about since he was a child. It is a way for him to express himself and connect with others, and it allows him to share his unique perspective with the world. Additionally, his dream of becoming a successful comedian is a way for him to overcome the challenges and hardships that he has faced in his life, such as growing up in a segregated and violent society, and to achieve his full potential. Finally, his desire to use his platform to challenge societal norms and inspire change reflects his commitment to social justice and his belief in the power of individuals to make a difference in the world.

Can anyone help me figure out how to make my essay longer/better??

Like many kids, I enjoyed getting dirty and playing rough when I was younger. Often I would find myself coming back inside at the end of the day with many cuts and bruises. Still, I would brush it off like nothing because the fun I would always have justified my injuries. However, I had to find out the hard way just how badly one can get hurt when they act carelessly. On July 5, 2018, my parents decided to rent a blowup water slide for my youngest sister's birthday. They have done this for my siblings and me in prior years. However, this year's only difference was the dare-devil that arose in me.

I remember this day quite well, considering it was one of my life's most traumatizing and fun days. It was a beautiful hot summer day in July, perfect for making a splash. It was also my sister's birthday. I remember helping with the decorations and waiting eagerly for the guest to arrive so I could have first dibs on the slide. However, as the time came closer to the party, I still became more annoyed that my mother was forcing me to wait. It felt almost as if she was teasing me.

But at last, the time came, and the guest arrived. I was free to have fun. From the fun I was having, I lost track of time and realized it was time for presents and cake. During this time, my oldest brother told me he didn't believe I had the guts to do a backflip off the top of the slide hearing this, I became frustrated and refused to back down from the dare. When I walked away from the table, I told him to watch as he would see that I could prove him wrong.

Walking up the slide stairs, I had an overwhelming amount of fear rush over me because I knew that I could not go through with it. Although my brother may have already known I could not do it, I still felt obligated to prove I could. As I turned around and began to flip, I had instant regret because I had no idea how this was about to end. Hitting the bottom of the slide, not only did I hear the water splash, but I felt a snap. I quickly began to cry and scream from the pain and realized I had injured my arm very badly. While my brother was trying to comfort me, my mother rushed to see what had happened. She and my brother quickly rushed me to the ER, where I soon found out that I had broken my arm. Although I was in pain, I could still shove it in my brother's face that he was wrong. On the other hand, It's safe to say that the fun I had did not justify my injuries in this situation.

This story is important because it reminds me not to back down from a challenge even if there is a possible bad outcome. And because It will always be a nice story to bring up in the future to have a good laugh about.


Your essay is very good and interesting, but you can improve it by putting a paragraph before your first paragraph where you ask the reader rhetorical questions, making them curious about the rest of your essay.

How should these questions be started?The questions should be in line with the subject of the essay.The questions should stimulate the reader's curiosity.The questions should highlight specific points in your text.The questions should produce a short paragraph.

Introducing the questions in the new first paragraph can make your text more attractive and also provide a good introduction to your story.

It can also increase the efficiency of your text as it can trigger memories in the reader and make him or she empathize with your experience.

Below you can see an example of how these questions can be asked.

Have you ever faced a very dangerous challenge that spurred your curiosity and adrenaline? This challenge could have hurt you badly, but were you ready for this adventure? Many people will answer yes to these questions, as we are challenge-driven beings who often ignore the imminent dangers of our experiences.

Learn more about rhetorical questions:


6. It is impossible for human beings to
maintain a sense of objectivity; thus,
therapists who attempt to maintain
objectivity are fooling themselves


The given statement that therapists who attempt to maintain objectivity are fooling themselves is true. It is the job as a therapist to convince patients to agree with or adopt your set of values because they have been refined over years of training. The quality of the counselling relationship may suffer, and the client may suffer as a result, if the counsellor is unable to maintain objectivity.

Who is a therapist ?

A therapist is a trained counsellor or psychologist who uses talk therapy to treat mental health issues and help you become better at handling stress and interpersonal relationships.

A therapist is a medical professional who has the ability to identify and treat mental health issues with medicines.

Learn more about therapist here-


A verb and its subject must agree
O A. connotation and denotation.
• B. declension and mood.
O C. case and gender.
• D. person and number.


A verb and its subject must agree in D. person and number.

What is Concord?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the subject and verb agreement in English grammar that states that the subject and verb must agree in person and number.

Hence, it can be seen that according to the rules of concord., it is stated that for a sentence to be grammatically correct, there needs to be a subject and verb agreement where they agree in person and number.

With this in mind, subject and verb agreement must always agree in number, tense, or gender.

Read more about rules of concord here":


the absence of key or tonality in a musical composition is known as _________. group of answer choices a. ostinato. b. a tone cluster. c. atonality. d. polytonality.


Atonality is the absence of key or tonality in a musical piece. Option (c) is correct.

Music that lacks a tonal core, or key, is considered atonal in the broadest sense. Any musical composition that deviates from conventional Western standards of harmony, key, or mode is considered atonal music. It lacks a central tone or tonal center. Atonal music differs from its counterpart, tonal music, in that it contains irregular and discordant aural characteristics. Consonance, a pleasant sound or "sounding together," is its opponent.

Tonality, the musical system based on major and minor keys, is simply the absence of atonality. In general, music that deviates from tonal conventions is referred to as atonal music. These guidelines help to establish tonal hierarchies, or musical systems where some notes are more crucial than others. Atonality enthusiasts attempt to bend these conventions by giving each note a greater degree of importance.

To learn more about musical composition Visit :


II. Choose the best preposition to complete the sentences. Write your answers in the space provided.
1) I prefer working (as/in/for) a professional environment.

2) She works (with/in/for) both local customers and foreign ones who are mostly from China.

3) He works (in/as/for) the sales department of a small software company.

4) I work (for/ with/ as) a public relations manager. I am in charge of coordinating all public relations activities.

5) In my job, I work closely (as/for/ with) the design team to create attractive designs for our partners.​



1) for

2) with

3) in

4) as

5) with


i don't know if this helps but hopefully it does

Where in the book shows the Companionship for monster and Frankenstein



Summary: Chapter 17

The monster tells Victor that it is his right to have a female monster companion. Victor refuses at first, but the monster appeals to Victor's sense of responsibility as his creator

The tendency to overestimate our value by attributing successes to ourselves (internal causes) and attributing failures to others or the environment (external causes)


Management of Communication and Information Technology The self-serving bias is a propensity to overvalue ourselves by blaming others or the environment for our shortcomings and crediting ourselves (internal reasons) for our triumphs (external causes).

The propensity to view ourselves as more valuable than we actually Self-serving bias is a human behavioral style in which people attribute all of their success to themselves and shift the blame for any unfavorable circumstances on external factors. This is simply the capacity for positive self-talk. The majority of people have a propensity to be quite self-confident. Thinking positively entails recognizing successes and downplaying the impact of external influences on outcomes. Negative thinking sometimes involves blaming external factors for failures rather than accepting responsibility for mistakes that were done.

To learn more about environment please click on below link


What was one factor that led to the emergence of romanticism?
The romantic movement in literature began as a reaction to the___


Answer: It is difficult to pinpoint a single factor that led to the emergence of romanticism. The romantic movement in literature began as a reaction to the rationalism and classicism of the Enlightenment period, which emphasized reason and logic over emotion and imagination. Romantic writers were interested in exploring the emotional and imaginative aspects of human experience, and this led to a new emphasis on the individual, the subjective, and the irrational. The rise of nationalism, the Industrial Revolution, and the political and social upheaval of the late 18th and early 19th centuries may also have contributed to the emergence of romanticism.

bro help me rn ill actually cms bro Ginny is in the research phase of writing her story. What is one activity she might be doing?

spell checking her story for errors
writing the first rough version of her story
choosing the angle of her story and how she’ll approach it
interviewing sources and taking notes


In the research phase, Ginny will be asked to interview sources and take notes, as shown in option D.

Why is the search false made up of sources and annotations?Because it is at this stage that the author must seek information for his text.Because this is where the author must store the acquired information.Because it is at this stage that the author must research what other actors have commented on the subject.Because it is in this phase that the author must look for facts and data about the topic to be addressed.

The false of the research is a very important phase for the elaboration of a text. This is because it is at this stage that the author will get to know the subject that will be addressed in the text and will discover what is proven and discussed on this subject.

This type of research is done on academic sources, which show the position of other authors on the chosen topic, as well as information on this topic.

This information should be noted, as well as the author's interpretations of it. Creating a very important type of storage for text production.

Learn more about search sources:


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Each function will be used once.1. Most members of Congress belong to a political party and support thein ideas in their political party's platform. Senators and Representativespropose legislation and pass laws based on the ideas from their politicalparty's platform. These laws impact the government and society.2. Political parties impact the way society views candidates for office. Oneway this happens is through the campaign advertisements political partiescreate for or against candidates.3. Political parties provide options of candidates to society. Socictydetermines which candidates they will elect to serve in government. Onceelected, these public officials will make decisions (such as passing laws)that will impact society.4. Political parties impact the government at the federal, state, and locallevels. Because there are many more elected offices at the state and locallevels, political parties tend to be more active at these levels. Also,political parties raise and spend money in order toget candidates electedand to help spread their message to voters.5. The political party that wins more seats in one house of the national orstate legislature becomes the majority party in that house of the legislature.The party that wins fewer seats in one house of the national orstatelegislature becomes the minority party in that house of the legislature. Themajority party in the legislature often has more control over thelawmaking process than the minority power.However, the minority party if two events are complementary, they must also be mutually exclusive events. group of answer choices true false which of these biomes are maintained by fire? temperate broadleaf trees and chaparral chaparral and savannas deserts and chaparral savanna and temperate grasslands The function f(x) = 2* and g(x) = f(x + k). If k = -5, what can be concluded about the graph ofg(x)?1.) The graph of g(x) is shifted vertically o 5 units above the graph of f(x)o 5 units below the graph of f(x)o the graph is not shifted vertically from the graph of f(x)2.) The graph of g(x) is shifted horizontally o 5 units to the left of the graph of f(x)o 5 units to the right of the graph of f(x)o the graph is not shifted horizontally from the graph of f(x) when circuit town electronics sets its televisions at three price levels of $699, $899, and $1,099, it is most likely using . parliament asserted its authority to regulate trade with and within its empire by several acts known collectively as the X + 3x + y = 02x+y=5Solve for x and y by substitution True or False: With contemporary antivirus protection it is now possible to ensure a virus or malware never will attack your computer. IMAGE ATTACHED PLEASE HELP According to the learned helplessness model of depression, depressed individuals:a. generally think negatively about themselves, their situations, and their futures.b. make errors in logic when explaining positive or negative outcomes they have experienced.c. attribute negative outcomes to situational factors that are both temporary and specific.d. think they have no control over the outcomes they experience. the hierarchy of animal (or plant) taxa, from the most general characteristics to the most specific, is: IRONY/IMAGERY: "Miss Adela Strangeworth came daintily along Main street on herway to the grocery. The sun was shining, the air was fresh and clear after the night'sheavy rain, and everything in Miss Strangeworth's town looked washed and was nothing in the world like a fragrant summer day"how does the author use irony and imagery here? Explain. Identify three instances in Jack Londons To Build a Fire where the protagonists attitude toward nature changes and explain how these changes in attitude affect the trajectory of the story. The quantitative research approach is part of the positivist way of thinking which includes:a) Accountability, reliability, comprehension, and the use of intuitionb) Measurability, objectivity, reducing uncertainty, duplication, and the use of standardized proceduresc) Duplicity, simplicity, reliability, and experienced) None of the above She was paralyzed by gun fire as a child and now shes graduating from high school part A: which statement expresses the central idea of the text