Snog plz help me or anyone plz lend an hand to a failing grade plz be so kin as to help start by reading this The American colonies had accomplished an amazing success. Angry about their treatment by the British government, the colonists had protested and then revolted. After winning the Revolutionary War against England, they had formed a new country: the United States of America.

During the war, the Continental Congress had formed a government under the Articles of Confederation. This document served as the first constitution of the United States. Because of their experiences with the British government, the colonists had limited the power of the United States central government under the Articles. After the war, however, many people realized that the government had too little power. It could not collect taxes or regulate trade. There was no executive to enforce laws and no court system to make sure laws were fair. The country’s leaders realized the United States needed a new plan of government.

Respected people, or delegates, from all the colonies except for Rhode Island met in Philadelphia in 1787 to create a new constitution. For four months the delegates discussed problems and solutions—in secret so that no one would influence the decisions. Finally, in September 1787, they completed the writing of the United States Constitution. The next step was to get the document ratified, or approved, by nine of the thirteen states. That task was not easy.

When Americans learned the specifics of the Constitution, two groups formed. People who supported the strong government created by the Constitution were called Federalists. People who worried that the government would be too powerful were called Anti-Federalists. As the states prepared to ratify the Constitution, these two groups worked hard to get people to join their side. Leaders of the Federalists wrote a series of essays published throughout the country. They urged the states to ratify the Constitution without any amendments. Meanwhile, the Anti-Federalists wanted to make sure that people’s rights were protected against the government. It soon became clear that some states—especially big states such as Massachusetts, New York, and Virginia—were not ready to adopt the Constitution.

What were the rights that the Anti-Federalists wanted to protect? The list included the right to speak freely, to worship freely, to have fair searches, and to have a trial by jury. These were all rights that the British government had ignored before the Revolution. Federalists claimed that those rights were protected even though they were not specifically listed. After more than two years of discussions, James Madison proposed amendments, or additions, to the Constitution that would protect a citizen’s rights.

The House of Representatives passed seventeen amendments on August 24, and the Senate consolidated them into twelve amendments. The Senate passed them on September 9. In order for the amendments to become law, however, the states also had to approve them. Congress sent the amendments to the states on September 25. The states approved ten of the twelve amendments—known as the Bill of Rights—on December 15, 1791. The United States had a new government plan that allowed it to become not only the most powerful nation in the world but also the greatest protector of human rights. What are two central ideas of the passage?

Federalists didn't want a Bill of Rights.

The creation of the Constitution was complicated.

Many people worked together to create the Constitution.

Personal rights were unimportant to Americans.

James Madison proposed seventeen amendments.


Answer 1


B. The creation of the Constitution was complicated.


Brainlest Please!

Related Questions

How should an essay be​ organized?

An essay should begin with a general idea and become less general by the end.
An essay should begin with a specific idea and become increasingly more general by the end.
An essay should begin with a specific claim and then offer more specific support
An essay should begin with a specific idea and end with another.



These five basic organizational models (sequence, description, cause and effect, compare and contrast, and problem and solution) may help you consider how to organize your essay or story. Sequence uses time or spatial order as the organizing structure.


Thesis. The first step in organizing any essay is to create a thesis statement. ...

Supporting Paragraphs. The next step in organizing my essay is creating body paragraphs to support your thesis. ...

Topic Outline. ...

Thesis. ...

Supporting Paragraphs. ...

Topic Outline.

Which of the following would not be a primary source for a feature story about a controversial art exhibit coming to the local museum:
A. An interview with the artist
B. An email from the museum’s director
C. An online critique of the art work
D. Thoughts from people who visit the museum


more than likely C because the person writing it probably hasn't been to see it in real life and isn't associated with it.

An online critique of the art work is would not be a primary source for a feature story about a controversial art exhibit coming to the local museum. Hence, option C is correct.

What is meant by online critique?

To receive constructive feedback on your writing, you can use an online service called a "e-critique." Upload your writing project there, then choose a specific day and time for your appointment.

A detailed analysis that covers both the pros and cons of anything such as a piece of writing or a work of art She made a forceful criticism of the philosopher's early writings. They provided an honest and unbiased critique on her work.

Writing a critique aims to evaluate another person's work a book, essay, movie, or piece of art, for example in order to increase the reader's understanding of it. A critical analysis is regarded as subjective writing because it offers the author's evaluation on the subject matter.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about online critique, click here:



I’m Not Just Cool... I’m Also a Scientist

1Olive was sitting on her best friend Jessica’s porch with about a dozen other kids from school. It was the beginning of the school year, and they had all decided to catch up over pizza and talk about their summers. They were all shrieking with laughter from a story that Lizzie had just told about her summer job.

2So far, Lizzie’s summer had been the most eventful. She had been a counselor at a soccer camp where they were so serious about soccer that they made the kids do everything with their feet. Lizzie was once caught using her hands to hold her toothbrush and had to sing “I’m a Little Teapot” in front of the entire camp! Olive laughed so hard at Lizzie’s story that grape soda came out her nose, sending everyone into another fit of hysterical laughter.

3After the kids had caught their breath, Alex reached for another slice of pizza. “What about you, Olive?” he asked, smiling at her. “What did you do this summer?” As everyone turned to Olive to hear her story, Olive’s giggle slowly faded. This was the moment she’d been worried about all summer. How would she explain her summer job to her friends without sounding like a complete geek?

4There were two things that Olive loved most of all: science and mysteries. Her favorite books, TV shows, and movies, were always about murder mysteries, heists, and solving crimes. Over the past year, Olive’s science teacher, Ms. Welborn, noticed that Olive showed a strong aptitude for science and moved her to the most advanced chemistry class, where Olive held her own among much older students. Finally, just before summer break, Ms. Welborn had asked Olive if she’d be interested in working over the summer in a professional laboratory. “There’s one thing I should clarify, just so you understand,” Ms. Welborn had told her. “This isn’t just any kind of lab—it’s a crime lab. And so, well, sometimes, you might be examining and analyzing some grisly stuff. It’ll mean a lot of hard work and critical thinking. You very well might be involved in a few cases.” Olive’s eyes had nearly bugged out of her head. Mrs. Welborn continued, saying, “Would you be interested? I’d understand if you said no.” Olive said yes so loud and so suddenly, Ms. Welborn jumped. “Well,” she grinned, “that’s excellent, then. I’ll call my friend and set it up.”

5The entire summer had been incredible. Olive couldn’t wait to get up in the morning to help the crime lab find missing children and convict criminals. In school she had learned about chemical composition, molecular structures, and isotopes—everything that had just been concepts and chapter headings in her textbooks suddenly became real, living science. The schedule was grueling—Olive was up at five o’ clock every morning and often collapsed into bed near midnight—but she knew that this was definitely what she wanted to do for a living.

6The problem was, would her friends understand? All summer Olive avoided hanging out with her friends or being social in any way. She was terrified that they would think she was a complete weirdo for wanting to spend her summer cooped up in a windowless laboratory, wearing a lab coat and goggles. She had considered being really vague, avoiding the questions, or even just outright lying and saying she worked somewhere else—or didn’t even have a summer job at all. But now, after everything she had learned this summer, Olive wasn’t afraid to be honest about who she was. Hanging out with her friends, sitting on her best friend’s porch on a warm September night, Olive felt invincible.

7“I worked at a crime lab,” she said casually. “It was really cool.”

8There was a stunned silence as everyone reacted to what Olive had said. “You mean, like, you did science stuff all summer long?” Alex asked. Olive nodded, her nerve faltering a little. Colby, a tall boy with frizzy hair, sort of giggled. “Wait, a crime lab—so, there was blood and stuff?” Olive nodded again. She was really beginning to wish she had just lied and said that she worked at a fast food place in the mall. But then, she glanced over at Alex, who was looking at her with raised eyebrows. “That’s pretty awesome,” Alex said. Colby nodded, too. “Cool,” he added.

9Olive felt her shoulders droop in relief, and a smile spread across her face. “Yeah,” she agreed. “It was cool.” She reached for another slice of pizza and sat back in her chair. “How about you, Alex? What did you do?”

“I’m Not Just Cool... I’m Also a Scientist” by Lacy Coil.

Which of the following is the best example of a grueling task?


going to bed


carrying pounds of heavy equipment


running a simple test on an unusual specimen


making a bowl of cereal





Its a hard task, grueling means extremely tiring and demanding.

Can you do plsssssssssssss plssssssss
Help me plssssssss



2) a

3) d

4) h

5) b

6) c

7) f

8) g

This question is about The Moving Up Challenge. What character trait best describes may?



Integrity- commiting yourself to do what's right

Explanation: hope this helps

Which of these is more concrete?
1 point
Lucia was popular. Everyone liked her because she was beautiful but also really
friendly and nice.
Lucia was surrounded by a cluster of friends wherever she went, and she seemed to
be friends with everyone. When she smiled at you, as she often did, a warm light
emanated from her bright emerald eyes.


You don’t base it on what someone does for you in return. You simply love them and want nothing more than their happiness.

You don’t base it on what someone does for you in return. You simply love them and want nothing more than their happiness.This type of love, sometimes called compassionate or agape love, might sound somewhat familiar. Maybe it brings to mind the love your parents have for you or the love you have for your own child.

You don’t base it on what someone does for you in return. You simply love them and want nothing more than their happiness.This type of love, sometimes called compassionate or agape love, might sound somewhat familiar. Maybe it brings to mind the love your parents have for you or the love you have for your own child.While people often associate unconditional love with familial love, many look for this love in romantic relationships, too.

You don’t base it on what someone does for you in return. You simply love them and want nothing more than their happiness.This type of love, sometimes called compassionate or agape love, might sound somewhat familiar. Maybe it brings to mind the love your parents have for you or the love you have for your own child.While people often associate unconditional love with familial love, many look for this love in romantic relationships, too.Wanting someone to love you for yourself — no matter what — is an understandable desire. Yet this type of love might still seem like the stuff of fairy tales and movies, not something most people encounter in real life.

an introduction to English Morphology.ndfrage 76 of 159)
1. Which of the following are compound words, which are phrases, and
which are phrasal words?
(a) moonlight, moonscape, harvest moon, blue moon (as in once in a blue moon)
(b) blueberry, bluebottle, greybeard, sky-blue, blue-pencil (as in they blue-
pencilled the script heavily)
(c) pencil case, eyebrow pencil, pencil sharpener, pencil-thin, thin air (as in
they vanished into thin air)


The classification of words and phrases into compound words, phrases, and phrasal words are as follows:

Compound Words:

a) moonlight, moonscape

b) blueberry, bluebottle, greybeard,


a) harvest moon, blue moon

c) pencil case, eyebrow pencil, pencil sharpener, thin air.

Phrasal Words:

b) sky-blue, blue-pencil

c) pencil-thin

There is a tin difference between compound words and phrases. Compound words refer to word formation, while phrases refer to the structure of words in a sentence. On the other hand, a phrasal word is a verb formed from the combination of a verb with another part of speech.

Thus, using morphology, which is the study of words, how they are formed, and their relationship to other words in the sentence, the words have been grouped accordingly.

Learn more:

a person who is can only speak to language is​



uhm I think you mean a person who can speak to launges is bilingual?

A person that only speaks two languages is bilingual.

HELP PLEASE. The highlighted answer is the wrong answers.


Answer: first is B second is also B


Hi ,

Number 1 answer is ( A )

Number 2 answer is ( D )

Have a nice day

What do the underlined sentences explain about Dr. Bjork's idea?

According to a report in The New York Times, Dr. Bjork believes that we unconsciously connect what we are studying with details from our surroundings, such as wall colors or background noises. These mental connections help us recall the information afterwards.

Your brain creates a link between the things that you are studying and _________. When you _________ where you studied, you also recall what you studied.

Options for blank one
a. why connections happen
b. who is in the newspaper
c. what is around you

Options for blank two
a. remember details about
b. pay little attention to
c. find information on​



C. what is around you and A. Remember details about


got it right too

Choose the sentence that use comma correctly
O a. Thomas as you may have noticed, is eager to share his knowledge of astronomy.
O b. Thomas, as you may have noticed is eager to share his knowledge of astronomy.
C. Thomas, as you may have noticed, is eager to share his knowledge of astronomy.
O a. Regarding transportation, you could use the subway, cabs or ride-share services.
O b. Regarding transportation, you could use the subway, cabs, or ride-share services.
O c. Regarding transportation, you could use the subway, cabs or ride-share services.



The correct option of Qno. 5 is c. Thomas, as you may have noticed, is eager to share his knowledge of astronomy.The correct option of Qno. 6 is a. Regarding transportation, you could use the subway, cabs or ride-share services. [In Qno. 6 all the options are same so you can select any of them]

Talk about your daily routines



hello. I am padma

True or False. Qualitative researchers must immerse themselves in the data to conduct a thorough analysis.


I believe it is true

(B) Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable noun clause. 3 1. I don't understand ......
2. surprised everyone.....
3. He does not know .....
4. My teacher asked me ....
5. It was unfortunate .....​



i don't understand what mary has said.

he surprised everyone with his actions.

he does not know what the answer is for math.

my teacher asked me how was my mom.

it was unfortunate but i saw it as a blessing in disguise


hope ths helps good luck

What three groups helped creat the population growth in the colonies



the three groups that helped create the population growth in the colonies are: Africans, Europeans, and New England.


 - Africans; the Africans in the colonies are mostly if not entirely slaves from Europe, and majorly from Africa. They were brought to the colonies to work on the plantation. The majority of them came through the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.

 - Europeans: the Europeans that in the colonies are mostly the French, Spanish, Dutch, Germans, Irish, and some other Eastern Europeans like Polish. Some came to trade, while others later came to settle for greener pastures.

 - New England: while the people considered being New England are from   England or Britain, and technically they are Europeans. However, due to their massive population and their distinct style of living including and governance, they are categorized separately. They formed the major part of the colony.

what does it mean get back to someone???




DEFINITIONS1. (get back to someone) to phone, write, or speak to someone at a later time because you were busy or could not answer their question earlier.

in arabic

نعود إلى شخص ما ؟؟؟


To get back at someone is to take revenge


Read the excerpt from "At School."

Practical job training was important. Many kids went directly from grammar school to special vocational schools sponsored by private agencies like the Children's Aid Society in New York City. The society operated separate trade schools for boys and girls. The courses offered reflected the kinds of jobs open to the students. For boys: shoemaking, printing, carpentry, sign painting, bookbinding, basketry, chair caning, janitorial work. For girls: cooking, sewing, embroidery, dressmaking, millinery, stenography, typewriting.

Which best describes the structure of this paragraph?

A compare and contrast
B chronological order
C cause and effect
d sequence of events



if it later tells you what they offer the girls, maybe compare and contrast?


Question 9 of 10
Which of the following is correct?
A. He looked both ways. As he crossed the street.
B. As he crossed the street. Look both ways.
C. As he crossed the street, he looked both ways.
D. As he crossed the street. He looked both ways.


the answer is D as he crossed the street…….

What is the purpose of a usability test?

to find out if instructions are complete, accurate, and easy to follow
to find out if a product is worth purchasing
to provide training for those using the product
to test a product's appeal to potential consumers




The goal is to identify any usability problems collect qualitative and quantitative data and determine the participant's satisfaction with the product.

I think the best answer would be the first choice
“to find out if instructions are complete, accurate, and easy to follow”

it is hard to be 100% sure because there isn’t much context in this question







Good ideAaaaaaa

What characteristics of effective teachers does this third-grade teacher demonstrate?


you didnt show a picture? So...

Which sentence would stand out when reading a paragraph?


Probably the first sentence. I need a good hook to want to continue reading.

Edgar Allan Poe

was a master of the macabre.

was a physician-writer.

was strictly a writer during his life.

died of tuberculosis.


Edgar Allan Poe was most definitely a master of the macabre — used to describe gruesome things.

Hope this helped!

Can you answer this question please



I think its B. was once playing cards


C and D don't make sense to me

Our school is considering requiring uniforms for next year. I think that uniforms are a good idea because they promote equality. If everyone wears the same clothes, no one will stand out as having more or less than anyone else. Students will feel safer without expensive sneakers and other brand-name items that sometimes get stolen.

What should be added to this introduction?

an explanation of the topic
a reason the topic is important
a list of supporting reasons
an opposing view help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



An opposing view


You don't want to sound like you're taking sides, unless it's an opinon essay. If it's for an opinion essay, you'll still be more popular if you show that you can understand both sides of an argument.

If you were in the place of the mouse, what would you have done in case your friend was attacked by someone else​



eat cracker crumbs and ignore the life-altering PTSD that you now have



if i was the mouse if the situation can be helped or if there is a chance of survival i will help but if not then i shall leave and escape


Which sentence best defines tone in literature?
The tone is the overall atmosphere in a literary work.
The tone is the author's attitude toward the subject.
The tone is the author's voice while describing events.
The tone is the description of characters by the author.



B). The tone is the attitude toward the subject.





Complete with have or has

please help​​





Type the missing letters to complete the text below As stage manager Iw__always the first and the L__ person on svage. Working on tour can be str____ as you have to keep t____ of where ev_----- is for health and safety re_ ---- and monitor everything t__- goes on back s_--- and keep to time. T_ __ once the show is o_ __ you have to c --- everything and make a n__ of everything that needs repairing or re-doing be____ the next per_​





write an argumentative essay on the topic should parents be allowed to spank their children​



I think that parents should physically punish their children, but only if this is a good reason, if the children are not spanked, then the children will not be obedient and because of this it creates a lot of problems.

Give both a for and against for the argument so that it shows you fully understand the statement/topic.
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