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Answer 1
can you translate so I can help you out.

Related Questions

what is reflex action​


A action that has came in result of an event

It is basically an involuntary response which occurrs immediately. It’s a sudden responce or act.
Like when you place your hand over burning stuff you will immediately take your hand away to that stuff.

Plz answer this. I miss typed it as advanced placement.​



option 1



a and R

are correct


What is the scientific term used for the chemical reaction when a fuel burns? (Hint: your answer should be one word.)





Combustion is the chemical reaction that happens when fuel burns.

Beth broke her ankle bone. The doctor gives her a
brochure on foods she can eat to help restore the
health of her bones. Which element will help Beth
strengthen the bone?





Calcium is the healthy bone mineral. About 99% of the calcium in the body is stored in the bones and teeth. It's the mineral that makes them hard and strong. The remaining 1% is needed for many activities that help keep the body functioning normally.


Phosphorus will strengthen her bones.


There are a wide number of dietary minerals that are involved in the strengthening of bones. But among all of them, calcium and phosphorus are the key minerals that play an active role in providing strength to the bones. Phosphorus keeps the bones healthy and strong. It also helps in the growth of bones.

Low amounts of phosphorus can lead to thinning of the bones, a disease termed as osteoporosis.

Which type of graph could be easily converted into a pie chart?



bar graph can be easily converted to pie chart

Biomass is a :
(a) Dry weight of living organism
(b) Fresh weight of living organism
(c) Dry weight of dead organism
(d) Fresh weight of dead organism

(1) only a (2) a,b (3) c,d (4) only c


Answer: 1. only A

Explanation: bio means living


(a) Dry weight of living organism

hope this help you

Select the correct answer.
Which part of an atom has most of its mass?


The part of an atom that has the most mass is Electrons.



Most of an atom's mass is in the nucleus—a small, dense area at the center of every atom, composed of nucleons. Nucleons include protons and neutrons. All the positive charge of an atom is contained in the nucleus, and originates from the protons.

What´s Antibiotic


Antibiotics are drugs that are able to fight diseases caused by bacteria. Besides, it is a "golden solution" that can kill harmful bacteria (pathogenic bacteria such as fungi, actinomycetes, ...), has the effect of inhibiting the growth and spread of of these bacteria.


antibiotics mean a type of antimicrobial substance against bacteria.

evolution by natural selection is an example of a scientific



Ideas aimed at explaining how organisms change, or evolve, over time date back to Anaximander of Miletus, a Greek philosopher who lived in the 500s B.C.E. Noting that human babies are born helpless, Anaximander speculated that humans must have descended from some other type of creature whose young could survive without any help. He concluded that those ancestors must be fish, since fish hatch from eggs and immediately begin living with no help from their parents. From this reasoning, he proposed that all life began in the sea.

Have no idea hopefully some1 can help you

Which actions could be categorized in the “aerobic” section of the Venn diagram?

Check all that apply.

consists of three stages

yields 36 ATP molecules

does not require oxygen

produces lactic acid

starts process with a glucose molecule

Identify the stage of cellular respiration in which each of the following takes place.

Produces 32 ATP molecules

Creates four ATP molecules, but then gains overall only two

Gives off carbon dioxide

Gives off water

Produces two ATP molecules



start process with gulcose



What statements are true about glycolysis?
Select all that apply.
it consumes some ATP as well as producing it
it produces ATP that can be directly used by cells
o it does not directly require oxygen to operate
o it produces more ATP than any of the other respiration reactions



 true it consumes some ATP as well as producing it

true it produces ATP that can be directly used by cells

true it does not directly require oxygen to operate

false it produces more ATP than any of the other respiration reactions

Glycolysis consumes some ATP as well as producing it, it produces ATP that can be directly used by cells and it does not directly require oxygen to operate. Hence option A,B and C is correct.

What is ATP?

ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate. It is defined as an organic substance that fuels a variety of functions in living cells, including chemical synthesis, condensate dissolution, nerve impulse transmission, and muscular contraction. It is a byproduct of the photophosphorylation, cellular respiration, and fermentation processes and serves as the primary energy currency of the cell.

Glycolysis is defined as a chain of events that convert glucose into two pyruvate molecules, which have three carbons each. Glycolysis is a cytoplasmic process that breaks glucose down into two molecules with three carbons apiece and releases energy. Hexokinase, a phosphorylating enzyme, assists in the phosphorylation process that traps glucose.

Thus, glycolysis consumes some ATP as well as producing it, it produces ATP that can be directly used by cells and it does not directly require oxygen to operate. Hence option A,B and C is correct.

To learn more about glycolysis, refer to the link below:



for fun

if you had to choose what animal would you be^-^



Husky. Why not?


Important steps in sequencing pure proteins include all of these except: a. Determining the amino acids on the ends of the smaller peptides b. Determining the isoionic pH of the protein c. Determining the amino acids on the ends of the protein d. Breaking the protein into smaller peptides e. Determining the amino acid composition



b. Determining the isoionic pH of the protein


The sequencing of pure proteins is nothing more than the analysis of the amino acids present in isolated proteins. This analysis is composed by the study of the sequence that the amino acids assume within the protein, the amino acids present in the extremities and the constitution of each one of these amino acids. In summary, we can state that protein sequencing refers to the constitution of these proteins. In this case, the isotonic pH of these proteins is not relevant information.

Please list answers below


False and clean your computer

Whiteflies are common pest insects found on cotton, tomato, poinsettia, and many other plants. Nymphs are translucent and mostly sessile, feeding on their host plant's phloem (sap) from the undersides of leaves. They undergo incomplete metamorphosis into winged adults. Because whitefly nymphs cannot escape predation by moving, you hypothesize that their translucent bodies make them hard to spot by predators. How could you directly test this hypothesis?


Answer: Comparing the rates of predation on whitefly nymphs coated with a nontoxic dye versus the undyed whitefly nymphs.


A hypothesis refers to an assumption, which is proposed for the sake of an argument which is tested to ascertain if it's true.

The hypothesis can be tested by comparing the rates of predation on whitefly nymphs coated with a nontoxic dye versus the undyed whitefly nymphs.

Which of the following situations would most likely lead to a stable population size?



A. The rates of birth and immigration were balanced by the rates of death and emigration.

Which of the following is an example of a hormone?



I believe the answer is adrenaline, the rest just dont make sense


Adrenaline is an example of a hormone. Hormones are chemical messengers in your body, which carry around messages. Adrenaline is a hormone that is released when you are in fear, stress, or doing something dangerous.

Let me know if this helps!

define zygote as it is used in biology



fertilized egg


Zygote, fertilized egg cell that results from the union of a female gamete (egg, or ovum) with a male gamete (sperm). In the embryonic development of humans and other animals, the zygote stage is brief and is followed by cleavage, when the single cell becomes subdivided into smaller cells.



A zygote is a eukaryotic cell that is produced when two gametes fertilize each other. The genome of a zygote is made up of the DNA from each gamete and includes all of the genetic information needed to create a new person. The zygote is the most basic developmental stage of multicellular organisms.


why must the composition of the dialysis fluid be similar to that of the blood​



Because the purpose of dialysis is to mimic blood and clean the blood  because the persons kidneys dont work. If it is not similar to blood it wont work


Using your observations and knowledge of galaxies, is there a pattern or organization to how the billions of stars are arranged in a single galaxy or do you feel it is random?


Billions of stars in a single galaxy are arranged in :  Pinwheel pattern with four major arms

What is a galaxy ?

A galaxy is a collection of, billions of stars, dust and gases. galaxies are arranged in the universe in gravitational bound clusters. While the billion stars in a singles galaxy are arranged in pinwheel pattern with four major arms.  

Hence we can conclude that Billions of stars in a single galaxy are arranged in :  Pinwheel pattern with four major arms

Learn more about billions of stars : https://brainly.com/question/13930712


Why is water important in humans life explain

please explain gyz​


Your body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues to help regulate temperature and maintain other bodily functions. Because your body loses water through breathing, sweating, and digestion, it's important to rehydrate by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water.

When plasma Ca concentration decreases... 1. Parathyroid hormone level increases 2. Parathyroid hormone level decreases 3. Ca and phosphate reabsorption increases 4. Ca and phosphate reabsorption decreases 5. Ca reabsorption decreases and phosphate reabsorption increases 6. Ca reabsorption increases and phosphate reabsorption decreases



2. Parathyroid hormone level decreases

4. Ca and phosphate reabsorption decreases


When plasma Ca concentration decreases, the action of Parathyroid hormone level decreases  which leads to Calcium and phosphate reabsorption decreases. Parathyroid hormone is responsible for the increase of calcium and phosphorus in the blood when there is low level in the blood so when the re is huge amount of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, the Parathyroid hormone activity decreases which decrease the reabsorption of calcium and phosphorus decreases.

2. Sam and Jerry are having a discussion in their Environmental Science lass. Sam
says that abiotic factors determine what biotic factors can be in an ecosystem. Jerry
says that biotic factors determine what abiotic factors can be in an ecosystem. Who
is correct? Use an example to support your answer. (2 points)



Jerry is right.


Abiotic factors can kill biotic factors, so technically Jerry is correct, just think of it as a TDI game, let's say Chris is an Abiotic factor, and the campers are biotic factors, Chris chooses weather or not they stay.

what is menstruation and why does it occurs​



A period happens because of changes in hormones in the frame. Hormones are chemical messengers. The ovaries launch the lady hormones estrogen and progesterone . those hormones motive the liner of the uterus (or womb) to build up. The constructed-up lining is prepared for a fertilized egg to connect to and begin developing. If there is no fertilized egg, the liner breaks down and bleeds. Then the identical manner occurs all once more.


It normally takes about a month for the liner to build up, then smash down. this is why a lot of ladies and women get their periods round once a month.




thectgod ig follow

The answer above me is correct

Which of the following statements are true about antibodies?
A. Polyclonal antibodies are part of the natural immune response; monoclonal antibodies are clones of plasma cells used for medical research.
B. Polyclonal antibodies are used for the treatment of cancer; monoclonal antibodies are used for medical research.
C. Monoclonal antibodies work against many types of antigens; polyclonal antibodies work against a specific antigen.
D. Both Polyclonal and Monoclonal antibodies are naturally produced in immune responses.



The answer are A and D.



Antibodies are immunoglobulin produced in the body by B cells to help i

For immune response or fight against any foreign invade in the body.

There are two common classification of antibodies and these are;

1. Monoclonal antibodies are produced in the laboratory that can help to restore and improve the immune system against cancer attack.

They bind to the antigens and are many on the surface of cancerous cells than normal cells. They are use for medical research.

2. POLYCLONAL ANTIBODIES are produced by different B cells the body. They are produced from heterogeneous molecules in live animals. They can bind to numerous antigens. They are part of the natural immune response of the animals. They are produced by injecting the animal with immunogen.

Therefore, Polyclonal antibodies are part of the natural immune response; monoclonal antibodies are clones of plasma cells used for medical research.

Both Polyclonal and Monoclonal antibodies are naturally produced in immune responses




The cell membrane regulates what enters and leaves the cell, only allowing
certain things to enter or exit. This is called:
A:Selective Permability



A)selective permeability


it allows for it to choose ,small particles easily enter and leave the cell unlike large particles

Your answer would be selective permability

what is cell differentiation?



The process through which a cell transforms from one cell type to another is known as cellular differentiation. In most cases, the cell transforms into a more specialized form. As a multicellular organism develops from a basic zygote to a complex system of tissues and cell types, it undergoes many stages of differentiation.


Which of the following is a scientific question?
O A. What is the boiling point of seawater?
O B. What should I do this weekend for fun?
C. Does each period during the school day last the same number of
O D. How long can I use a pen before it runs out of ink?


A. What is the boiling point of seawater

why do solvents particles flow into the cell when the initial volume is below 50%



because of it's lower concentration

Lower concentration

6. If the time period were extended to 6 hours, what would be the expected blood sugar level for
Person B?


According to the graph, the blood sugar level for person B is 130 mg/dL after 6 hours of eating meal.

The blood sugar level is highest just after eating the meal but with the passage of time, the concentration of blood sugar level decreases due to absorption by the body. One hour after eating the meal, the blood glucose level is slightly decreases but after 6 hours, the blood glucose level tends to very low due to more consumption of the body or storing by the body in different parts.


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