Imagine that you are a settler writing to a family member or friend in your homeland using this organizer to develop your ideas.


A) southern colonies

B)new england colonies


impressions, challenges, successes


Answer 1




they do not have fences and settelers

Related Questions

Advertising in ancient times was done by​



Advertising the art of selling a product or service through modes of communication, some of which existed in ancient Rome where crudely drawn or painted messages were left on walls touting a variety of businesses. The Romans used this method as well as wall posters for political campaigns during the time of the Republic. Even before that, the Egyptians used papyrus sheets to make sales. Some have suggested that Neolithic cave paintings constitute a form of advertising, touting the prowess of hunters.

The birth of modern advertising

A man named Thomas J. Barratt of the Pears Soap Company of London is said to be the father of modern advertising in the early 19th century. He introduced the concepts of targeted phrases and images to advertise the virtues of Pears Soap. He also introduced the concepts of brand images, saturation campaigns, and market research.

Around the same time, Volmey P. Palmer of Philadelphia started the original version of an advertising agency. He would buy advertising space in newspaper in bulk at cut-rate prices and then sell the space at a markup to businesses that wanted to advertise their products. The businesses in question were still responsible for laying out the images and text of their ads. That situation changed as ad agencies took over the task of ad layouts and planning campaigns.

Advertising in the 20th century

As technology advanced, advertising found itself showing up on more media. In the 1920s and 1930s, spoken ads on the radio showed up. Television soon followed in the 1950s and then cable television in the 1980s.

The greatest media advance in advertising took place in the 1990s with the rise of the Internet. Modern technology and social media have allowed advertisers to target the audiences of the ads, based on real-time web viewing habits and what they tend to buy at online retailers such as Media has become divided into “traditional media” or newspapers, magazines, television, and radio that used mass saturation strategies to sell goods and services and “online media” to try to target the most receptive audience for the products/services being sold.

Advertising in the integrated marketing communications age

Integrated marketing communications (IMC) is defined as advertising that ” … recognizes the value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion and combines them to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communication impact.”

What nontraditional technique is used in the Declaration of Independence to emphasize meaning?
A. There are no proper nouns included.
B. It includes many exclamations.
C. Words that are not usually capitalized are capitalized.
D. It is written as one long sentence.


C I got it corrected

The nontraditional technique is used in the Declaration of Independence to emphasize the meaning of words that are not usually capitalized are capitalized.

What is the declaration of independence?

The Declaration of Independence is a legal declaration that the United States is a sovereign nation, separate from Great Britain. Announcing independence from British domination was a formal action done by all 13 American colonies.

To emphasize meaning the Declaration of Independence used uncapitalized words to make it capitalized. It was an official document so capitalization will help the reader to understand in an effective manner to know about the beginning of the sentence.

Therefore, option C Words that are not usually capitalized are capitalized is the appropriate answer.

Learn more about the declaration of independence, here:


2. How did the migration to the West affect the Plains Indians?



Many Plains Indians followed the migration of buffalos and had a nomadic lifestyle. Native Americans used every part of the buffalo for food, shelter, clothing and more. They were also meant to open up land to Americans who wanted to own the land.

What is the meaning behind “there is no constitutional right to vote”.


Several constitutional amendments (the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-sixth specifically) require that voting rights of U.S. citizens cannot be abridged on account of race, color, previous condition of servitude, sex(gender), or age (18 and older); the constitution as originally written did not establish any such rights.

Hope this helps you find an idea!

como se desarrollo la industria en europa


La revolución industrial en Europa no se produjo de la noche a la mañana, sino que se extendió por el continente de forma muy gradual. Uno de los factores desencadenantes fue el crecimiento inusualmente alto de la población que se produjo a mediados del siglo XVIII y produjo una gigantesca reserva de trabajadores.

which of the following was part of the Byzantine empire at the height of its territorial expansion



The Byzantine Empire reached its height under the Macedonian emperors (of Armenian and Greek descent) of the late 9th, 10th, and early 11th centuries, when it gained control over the Adriatic Sea, southern Italy, and all of the territory of tsar Samuel of Bulgaria.


The Byzantine Empire reached its height under the Macedonian emperors (of Armenian and Greek descent) of the late 9th, 10th, and early 11th centuries, when it gained control over the Adriatic Sea, southern Italy, and all of the territory of tsar Samuel of Bulgaria.


When early Native Americans
needed to create an agreement,
they formed
the Constitution together.
to put
A. the Great Council
B. the Kingship
C. the President


A Beacuse it is the great council

What word summarizes the behavior of a "super digital citizen"?


The word that summarizes the behavior of a Super Digital citizen is responsible, as Super Digital citizens are able to use imformation in the internet in a responsible way.

where is the consent of the governed mentioned in the declaration of independence?



In the 2nd paragraph of Declaration of Independence


Which court case in 1896, made
segregation legal?


Plessy v. Ferguson


During this time, it was controversial whether or not segregation laws were legal. Segregation was present in restaurants, schools, public transport, public restrooms, even water fountains were segregated between whites and blacks during this time. Many people defended segregation with the argument "separate but equal" and would state it was not unconstitutional.

Homer Plessy, who was a man that was one-eighth African American and seven-eighths white, bought a ticket to a seat that was only for white passengers on a rail car. When Plessy refused to move from his seat, he got arrested. Obviously, he was angry and did not believe segregation to be "separate but equal." This case went all of the way to the U.S. Supreme Court,  where Plessy defended himself and said what was happening to him and thousands of other people was unconstitutional.

Plessy ended up losing and the idea of "separate but equal" was upheld in court, essentially making segregation legal. Cases like this really show how contradictory and biased the country used to be.

How would women without husbands and fathers be vulnerable? (British Colonies in North America)


Pretty vulnerable because during that age they were not allowed a full education and neither could they get any jobs at all. They likely wouldn’t last long if at all due to the fact that they were considered inferior.

Question 8 of 10
Which best describes the Socratic method?
A. Not allowing students to talk during lessons
B. Leading the student to his or her own conclusion
C. Allowing the student to lead the questioning
D. Forcing the student to take thorough notes


D should be the answer

Allowing the student to lead the questioning best describes the Socratic method. Thus, option C is correct.

What is Socratic method?

The Socratic method is a dialogue between teachers and students that is sparked by the teacher's persistent probing questions in an effort to explore the underlying beliefs that shape the students view and opinions. It was created by the Greek philosopher Socrates.

Though frequently misinterpreted , this dielectical approach of questioning is the foundation of the majority of western pedagogical history, dating back to Plato. For example, a professor might randomly select a student and quiz them during the entire class period. The final objective is to confuse the student and introduce inconsistencies into their case. On the other hand, a lecturer could pick a set of students and teach them about legal concepts.

Learn more about Socratic Methods here:


Where was the most important distinction in the Aryan caste system?
A. Between the top three and the lowest castes
B. Between the top two and the lower two castes
C. Between the priests and everyone else
D. Between the first and lower castes



A. Between the top three and the lowest castes.


A. Between the top three and the lowest castes

Which development made travel between states faster and easier?

Highway system
Roman bathhouses


Highway system .

Highways are the road lines which connects the key cities or places of two or more states .They are of two typesNational Highways.State Highways

Highway system......

Continuing through the 1840s, many thousands of miles of improved county and town roads were constructed as well. The new roads were far better constructed and maintained, and allowed for much faster travel. In response, the number of vehicles on the roads increased rapidly, far faster than population.

Describe difference of opinion shown in the bar chart based on political ideology.


The Republican idea of the American seems to heavily focus on hard work no matter what gets you anywhere you want to be in this country. Whereas the Democratic statistics will show that the American Dream to them is simply fair treatment beyond any racial or ethnic boundary.

This is the difference of opinion shown in the bar chart based on political ideology.

According to the chart, we realize that:

72% of Republicans think that no matter your nationality to be successful.For Republicans, it is just a matter of working hard and be perseverant.Republicans agree that people must work hard and nothing is for free.On the other hand, 58% of Democrats think that no matter what, you deserve to be treated right when you are in the United States.This Democrat way of thinking represents how they see the "American Dream."There is another group, the Independents.These people have no political affiliation.They agree with the Republican idea that the American Dream consists of working hard to be successful in life. Observing the chart, we can understand why Republicans are people that favored less taxation, invest in the military, and entrepreneurship.On the other hand, Democrats favored the rise of taxes for the government to create more social programs that helo the ones in need.

We can conclude that in United States politics, there is a clear difference between the way Democrats and Republicans understand the American Dream. However, hard work is the commonality between Republicans and Independents.

Learn more about this topic here:

2. What effect did the rise of Islam have on trade throughout the world?



Another effect of the spread of Islam was an increase in trade. Unlike early Christianity, Muslims were not reluctant to engage in trade and profit; Muhammad himself was a merchant. As new areas were drawn into the orbit of Islamic civilization, the new religion provided merchants with a safe context for trade.

What happens if a tribe stays in one place ?



They would have been taken over by other tribes, or maybe stay the same in peace (it  depeneds)

(Happy day to help)

I need help can anyone help!!



number 4/ beginning of constitution


Answer : Beginning of the constitution. It states the purpose of the document.

Match each ecosystem with its location.

Match Term Definition
Alpine A) High mountain ranges
Tundra B) Eastern United States
Grassland C) Alaska and Northern Canada
Deciduous forest D) Central United States
Desert E) Southwestern United States



Alpine- High mountain ranges

Tundra- Alaska and northern Canada

Grassland- central United States

Deciduous forest- eastern United States

Desert- southwest, United States

Hope this helps!



the person above me is correct


What initially caused the creation of trade across Eurasia? (this would later become the Silk Roads)



The movement of pastoral peoples for thousands of years also served to diffuse Indo-European languages, bronze metallurgy, horse-based technologies, and more all across Eurasia and getting things to harsher places who couldn't get certain things in their empires

How were Butwal and Syuraj annexed to Nepal? Why was the issue of Butwal and Syuraj regarded as the immediate cause of Anglo-Nepal War? ​



please explain the statement it can't be amswered

According to Montesquieu, what two things must be done to limit the power of government​



Separation of powers and checks and balances


Summarize the notes to answer the question


message me and i can do that whole paper for you

A player attends baseball training to be a better player instead of taking a vacation.
What was the opportunity cost?



it shouldn't cost anything

2) What role or roles did the Inca emperor play in the inca government


Sapa Inca - The emperor or king of the Inca Empire was called the Sapa Inca, which means "sole ruler". He was the most powerful person in the land and everyone else reported to the Sapa Inca. His principal wife, the queen, was called the coya. Below the Sapa Inca were several officers who helped to rule the empire.

What did slave owners consistently avoid? What methods did they use to avoid it?


Answer:The slave owners consistently avoided slave Resistance. The slave owners scared their slaves with harsh punishments.


Congressional powers make all laws to fulfill
functions, as stated in the
A. Articles of Confederation
B. Constitution
C. Federal Government


Its c. The constitution obviously

What happened in the ww1


Answer: World War II was the biggest and deadliest war in history, involving more than 30 countries. Sparked by the 1939 Nazi invasion of Poland, the war dragged on for six bloody years until the Allies defeated Nazi Germany and Japan in 1945.


Therefore you have no excuse, everyone of you who passes judgment, for in that which you judge another, you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.



Can you provide context?

What was the average marriage age in ancient India. For the bride and groom. Can’t seem to find the answer anywhere. Thanks.


the girl is either under 18 or the guy is under 21


6 or 8 for girls


Though, age at which the girl was to be married differed and it was rare for girls younger than 12 to be married in antiquity. Nevertheless, girl brides became younger towards the Medieval period, and it became increasingly common for girls as young as six or eight to be married as Indian society.

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