Sort the processes based on the type of energy transfer they involve. condensation freezing deposition sublimation evaporation melting thermal energy added thermal energy removed


Answer 1


condensation - thermal energy removed

freezing -thermal energy removed

deposition - thermal energy removed

sublimation - thermal energy added

evaporation - thermal energy added

melting - thermal energy added


Thermal energy is heat energy. Processes in which heat is added involve the addition of thermal energy while processes in which heat energy is removed involves removal of thermal energy.

Condensation involves a change from gas to liquid, freezing involves a change from liquid to solid while deposition involves the settling of mobile particles at a place. All these processes involve a decrease in energy of particles.

On the other hand, sublimation is a direct change from solid to gas, melting involves a change from solid to liquid while evaporation involves a change from liquid to gas. All these processes occur when energy is added to the particles in a system.

Answer 2


condensation - thermal energy removed

freezing -thermal energy removed

deposition - thermal energy removed

sublimation - thermal energy added

evaporation - thermal energy added

melting - thermal energy added

Related Questions

Saul is testing an installation and discovers a short circuit what’s causing this
A.high current

B.high voltage

C.low resistance

D.low voltage


C. Low resistance


im pretty sure that it's (A.) High current



not 100% sure, tho

Please help me , I also have to show work on paper



Choose B


Hope Can I help you

What kind of circuit is the one shown below?
A. Series
B. Parallel
C. Open
D. Combination


That's a parallel circuit. (B)

When current from Point-A reaches the 3-way intersection just to the right of Point-B, it has to make a choice:  Either turn left, go through B, and light the lower bulb, or go straight and light the upper bulb.

A circuit that has any "decision" points in it is a parallel circuit.  What happens in the real world is:  The current splits up.  Some of the current that reaches the intersection turns left toward Point-B, and the rest of it goes straight up.

A series circuit is one in which there's only one possible path all the way around.  There are no intersections of more than 2 roads, and no electron ever has to decide which way to flow.

An open circuit is one in which there's a break somewhere along the line and electrons can't jump across it.  It's like a railroad where a big piece is cut out of the track somewhere.  So no trains can travel on that route, and there's no current flowing anywhere in the circuit.

I'm not so sure about a "combination" circuit.  I guess you could give that name to a complicated circuit that has some series parts and some parallel-parts.  Personally, I'd call that a "series-parallel" circuit.  But it really doesn't matter right now.  Whatever the word means, the circuit in the picture is definitely not a "combination" circuit.


B. Parallel Circuits


A parallel circuit is constructed by connecting the terminals of all the individual load devices so that the same value of voltage appears across each component. In a parallel circuit, charge divides up into separate branches such that there can be more current in one branch than there is in another.

hope i helped

What is not one of the main uses of springs?
A. Bike suspension
B. The seasons
C. Clock making
D. Car suspension

Quick answer



b. the seasons


the force between the earth and the body which is at a distance r from the center of the earth is F. What must be this distance for the force to be doubled.




The gravitational force between the earth and another body is F = -GM_em/r^2 r where G = 6.67 times 10^-11 Nm^2/kg^2 is the gravitational constant, M_e = 5.97 times 10^24 kg is the mass of the earth, m is the mass of the other body, and r is the position vector of the second body with respect to the centre of the earth.

The mass of earth 6*10^24kg and radius is 400kg Now find the value of acceleration due to gravity when a object is 3600km from the earth surface​


i don’t worry wewwwww it is a good time to get it done lol lol i don’t worry about it lol lol i lol

The direction of applied force has to be .............. to the distance in order to say work is done​





The work done is defined as the force applied on an object and the displacement in the position of the object in the direction of force.

W = F s cos A

where, F is the force, s is the displacement and A is the angle between force and displacement.

When the angle between the force and the displacement is 90 degree, the work done is zero.

To get the maximum work the angle between the force and the displacement is 0 degree.

So, to get the work done by the force the angle between the force and displacement is 0 degree that means the force and displacement is parallel to each other.

differniate between Magnetic force and electrostatic force​



magnetic force:

i) It is exerted by a magnet.

ii)Magnetic forces are always normal to the direction of the velocity of the charge it acts upon.

Electrostatic force

i) It is exerted by electrically charged body.

ii)Electric force are independent of the direction the charge moves in.


Our Moon a. was a separate small planet before it was captured by the Earth's gravity. b. spun off the fast-spinning Earth during the early formation of the Solar System. c. coalesced from gas and dust in its current place next to the Earth. d. was formed by the collision of the Earth with a Mars-sized protoplanet.



d. was formed by the collision of the Earth with a Mars-sized protoplanet.

According to the The giant-impact hypothesis the Moon was formed from the debris of a collision between the Earth and a Mars-sized protoplanet.

is there any machine that is 100% efficient? why?why not



No, it's not there.


For a machine to be 100% efficient, it has to be with an output which is equal to its input. But machines have an out put less than an input, hence efficiency below 100%.

A bike travels at 3.0 m/s, and then accelerates to a speed of
8.5 m/s in a time of 2.5 seconds. The average acceleration of
the bike is


The average acceleration of the bike is 2.2 m/s²

What is average acceleration?

Acceleration, rate at which velocity changes with time, in terms of both speed and direction.

A point or an object moving in a straight line is accelerated if it speeds up or slows down.

According to the question,

Given, initial velocity, u=3.0m/s and final velocity v=8.5 m/s

Time = 2.5 seconds

If a be the acceleration.

a = [tex]\frac{v-u}{t}[/tex]

a = [tex]\frac{8.5 - 3.0}{2.5s}[/tex]

⟹ a=2.2 m/s²

So, The average acceleration of the bike is 2.2 m/s²

Learn more about average acceleration here:


Robin fired a bullet of mass 100 gm from a gun of mass 5 kg. The bullet leaves the gun with a speed of 400 m/s. After penetrating 4 cm of a plank of 10 cm, the bullet loses one third of its initial velocity.
a. Calculate the backward velocity of the gun?
b. Can the bullet penetrate the plank of the wood completely? Explain mathematically.

please help


(a) The recoil or backward velocity of the gun is 8 m/s.

(b) The bullet cannot penetrate the plank of the wood completely.

The given parameters include;

mass of the bullet, m₁ = 100 g = 0.1 kgmass of the gun, m₂ = 5 kginitial velocity of the bullet, u₁ = 400 m/sthickness of the plank, x = 10 cm

(a) The backward or recoil velocity of the gun is calculated by applying the principle of conservation of linear momentum.

let the backward or recoil  velocity of the gun = u₂

m₁u₁  + m₂u₂ = 0

m₂u₂ = -m₁u₁

[tex]u_2 = -\frac{m_1u_1}{m_2} \\\\u_2 = - \frac{0.1 \times 400}{5} \\\\u_2 = -8 \ m/s[/tex]

Thus, the recoil or backward velocity of the gun is 8 m/s.

(b) determine if the bullet can penetrate the plank of the wood completely

the bullet traveled 4 cm and lost ¹/₃ of u₁the remaining distance to completely penetrate the plank = 6 cmthe final velocity of the bullet at 4 cm, v = 400 - ¹/₃ x 400 m/s  = 266.67 m/s

the acceleration of the bullet is calculated as;

v² = u₁² + 2as

2as = v² - u²

[tex]a = \frac{v^2 -u_1^2}{2s} \\\\a = \frac{(266.67)^2 -(400)^2}{2\times 0.04} = -1.111 \times 10^6 \ m/s^2[/tex]

Finally, determine the distance traveled by the bullet when it comes to a complete stop, that is the final velocity = 0

[tex]v_f^2 = v^2 + 2ad\\\\2ad = v_f^2 - v^2\\\\d = \frac{v_f^2 - v^2}{2a} \\\\d = \frac{(0) - (266.67)^2}{2(-1.111\times 10^6)} \\\\d = 0.032 \ m[/tex]

d = 3.2 cm

The total distance traveled by the bullet inside the plank = 4 cm + 3.2 cm = 7.2 cm

Therefore, the bullet cannot penetrate the plank completely.

To learn more about linear momentum visit:

mercury is commonly used in thermometer give reasons​




BECAUSE MERCURY IS USED BECAUSE IT is the only liquid available in room temperature


pls mark as a BRAINLIST

9. Which of the following is NOT a recommendation to help you succeed in this course?
Consistently and actively work in the course on a daily basis.
Wait until the end of the semester to complete all work.
Complete all assignments in a timely manner.
Contact your instructor if you have questions.



Wait until the end of the semester to complete all work.


this is the obvious answer.

please mark me brainliest


Wait until the end of the semester to complete all work

List two factors that compression force depends on ​


The magnitude (size or numerical value) and the direction.

Hope this helps!!! :)

Which of the following is a vector quantity? i. Force ii. Velocity iii. Acceleration iv. All of these 5771​


All of these

Option ( iv ) is the correct answer.


A vector quantity the physical quantity that has both direction as well as magnitude.

what give negative acceleration ?



But negative acceleration means that the rate of change of velocity is negative or velocity decreases. Example: (1) When we apply brakes in a moving car, then negative acceleration acts on it and the car stops. (2) When we throw a ball upwards, then also negative acceleration acts on it.


If it helps you mark me as a brainleast


what weight is recorded by a scale when it is placed inside a lift which is in free fall? Enplain.​


There is no pressure of your feet on the scales, and no pressure of the floor on the scales, so the scales will read zero I hope this is right



There is no pressure of your feet on the scales, and no pressure of the floor on the scales, so the scales will read zero*. Hence, your weight, in a freely falling lift is zero

Why does a ship float on water when it weighs about 100tones and why a stone of less than a kg sinks


Answer with Explanation:

Let me answer this in a simple way, since the density of stone is greater than that of water, the stone sinks as the weight of the stone is greater than the weight of water displaced by it. But the ship is designed in such a way that the relative density of the ship always becomes less than that of water. Therefore, the weight of the water displaced becomes equal to the total weight of the ship and thus it floats.

There are many other ways to explain this but this should give you the general idea.

The fluid inside the hydraulic jack has a pressure of 30,000 Pa. If the surface of
the piston that is used to lift an object is 0.1 m’in area, how much weight can
the jack lift?​



p = F /A

F = P×A

F = 30,000 Pa / 0.1 m²

F = 300,000 N

Define measurement with 10 points



the process of comparing unknown quantities with known standards quantities are known as measurement

define electrical resistance in a metal conductor​



Resistance is defined as the property of a conductor to resist the flow of charges through it. The resistance of conductor is numerically given as the ratio of potential difference across its length to the current flowing through it.


Answer the following questions 1 What is the difference between mass and weight of an object. Will the mass and weight of an object on the earth be same as their values on Mars ? Why? ​



difference between mass and weight is that mass is amount of matter in a material while weight is a measure of how the force of gravity acts upon that mass.the mass of an object will be same on earth and mars but its weight on both planets will be different.

state the advantages and disadvantages of alkaline battery over a lead acid accumulator​



Alkaline batteries have longer shelf life than other batteries of the chloride type electrolyte batteries. They have a much higher energy density compared with other batteries. This allows the battery to produce the same energy while lasting longer than other batteries.


1) Alkaline battery lasts long than other batteries  

2) It have a  much higher energy density

Disadvantage :

1) They are heavier and bulkier

2) They have high internal resistance

What is alkaline battery ?

An alkaline battery is a type of primary battery that derives its energy from the reaction between zinc metal and manganese dioxide.


Alkaline battery   can produce same amount of energy by lasting longer than other batteries  as it have longer shelf life than  lead acid accumulator​

Alkaline battery  have a much higher energy density compared to lead acid accumulator

Disadvantage :

Alkaline battery  are heavier and bulkier

Alkaline battery   have high internal resistance

learn more about Alkaline battery


what is required for force to come into play​



An interaction of one object with another object results in a force between the two objects. Thus, at-least two objects must interact for a force to come into play.

the slope of a line on a position vs time graph is the

a. velocity
b. time
c. distance
d. displacement


It's the velocity, but only the magnitude. It can't show the direction of the velocity. So it's better to call it speed.

a teacher drives from school to the mall. then she goes to the doctors office for a physical examination. what is the magnitude of her displacement


The magnitude of the teachers displacement is the difference between

the location of the school and the location of the doctors office

The reason behind the above expression are explained as follows

The known locations of the teacher;

Initial location; The school

Second location; The mall

The eventual location; The doctors office

The required information;

The magnitude of the teachers displacement

The method of obtaining the displacement of the teacher;

Qualitatively, the displacement of the teacher can be obtained by applying the definition of displacement as follows;

The definition of displacement is an object's change in position, given by the difference between its start and finish locations

According to the definition of displacement, therefore, the magnitude of

the teachers displacement is the distance between the school and the

doctors office which is given by the difference between the coordinates of

the location of the school and the location of the doctors office

The magnitude of the displacement of the teacher = The coordinate of the location of the doctors office - The coordinate of the location of the school

Learn more about displacement here;

A 4000 N force acts on an object that initially has a momentum of 400 kg-m/s for 0.9 seconds. What is the final momentum of the system?



4360 Kgm/s



Ft = M-M'................. Equation 1

Where F = force, t = time, M = Final momentum, M' = Initial momentum.

make M the subject of the equation

M = Ft+M'............ Equation 2

From the question,

Given: F = 4000 N, t = 0.9 seconds, M' = 400 kg-m/s

Substitute these values into equation 2

M = 4000+(0.9×400)

M = 4000+360

M = 4360 kgm/s

Hence the final momentum is 4360 kgm/s

A group of students are designing a field study to investigate the length of time a traffic light remains yellow.



3 to 7 seconds.


According to the traffic engineers the length or the duration of the signal to turn form yellow or amber to green is more than 5 seconds. A time interval is needed to easy out the traffic flow.

which two phenomena make up electromagnetism?

A) moving charges in an electric current attract each other
B) permanent magnets form a magnetic field from one pole to the other pole
C) an electric current causes a magnetic field around a core of magnetic metal
D) a moving magnet causes an electric current in a magnetic metal



the correct answer is option ( C ) and ( D )

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