Sound health is the (a) — (come) of physical exercise in a (b) — (regulate) form. (c) — (Regulate) form of exercise or (d) — (exercise) is injurious to health. Remember that if you take physical exercise, you must not be (e) — (regular).


Answer 1


a. outcome b. regulated c. Unregulated d. over-exercise e. irregular


A suffix refers to a morpheme that is added at the end of a base or root word so as to modify its meaning.

A prefix refers to a morpheme that is added to the beginning of a base or root word so as to modify its meaning.

In this exercise, you're required to add a suffix or prefix to the words in bracket so as to either modify the words or change its meaning while expressing a complete thought.

Sound health is the outcome of physical exercise in a regulated form.

Unregulated form of exercise or over-exercise is injurious to health. Remember that if you take physical exercise, you must not be irregular.

Note: A base or root word refers to an original or main word capable of standing alone and has a meaning.

Related Questions

write the questions for the underlined words. i met my cousin yesterday -> Whom did you meet yesterday?. the Muong inhabited viet nam thousands of years ago -> _____________________



I met my cousin yesterday. Whom did you meet yesterday?

The Muong inhabited Vietnam Nam thousands of years ago.


Correct grammar in the above sentences.

i met my cousin yesterday_ Whom did you meet yesterday?. the Muong inhabited viet nam thousands of years ago_

Can you guys help me on this question please

Which quotation most accurately shows why Douglass wrote this narrative?




the explanation

hope this helps :)

i hope this is the correct answer

The Olympic Games have been going on since last Monday. What's the negative sentence of it?



the olympic games not have been going on since last monday


plz mark me as brainlist


The Olympic games haven't started.


please help me analysis this I’ll give Brainly



answer below


If I were to analyze this information I would say that the police system is still corrupt because it targets back people more because of their skin color.

What is it that comes down, but does not go up?

answer with intelligence.



rain come down but does not go up because rain fall down due to gravity and anything to go up requires force to overcome gravity and go upward

your school recently organized a work experience week , when each student in your class spent the week working in a local business of their choice.

write an email to your friend about work experience week .



haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaáaaaaaa

What elements are included in a storyboard frame?

text and video clips that the presenter will show after the presentation

buttons to be used for navigation from slide to slide or screen to screen

the sounds and visuals that will appear in the entire presentation

the visuals and text that will appear on that slide or screen



the visuals and text that will appear on that slide or screen



the visuals and text that will appear on that slide or screen


Took the quiz

#.. a. The cow is .........useful animal. (a/an/the) b. People were in the Rana Regime. (of/off/from) c. Villagers often go to the river ............ fetch water. (so that/in order to/therefore) d. There's a book on the table..................?(isn't it/is it/isn't there) e. Boys, do your work............ (himself/yourself/yourselves) f. Did you see your ................on the way to school?(principle/Principal) g. I have been studying at Kumudini Homes ...............10 years(from/since/fo Q.No.2. Rearrange the following words to make sensible sentences: 5% a. wearing today whose shirt are you? b. weather the this cuckoo is the likes. C. you may have health sound! d. is interesting any programme there TV on? e. teaching years English two school this Mr Kshettri been in for has.



an,off,in order to,isn't there,yourselves,principal,since,

Rewrite the sentences below correcting the comma splices.

1. In the past college was only for the upper class society now it is available to almost anyone who will study and work hard.

2. In the year 1295, Edward I of England gave the Dutch permission to fish in English waters later the English regretted this when the Dutch became wealthy as a result of the fishing industry.

3. Artifacts from long ago have been found in England this might be the site of Camelot.

4. Many students do not graduate from high school some have difficulty finding work in a society that requires a high school diploma.

5. A cat is an unpredictable creature this is the manner of our housecat, Tom.

6. No one knows who the man is over there he has the most beautiful garden.

7. According to many, children are like blank slates learning and experience write on the slate.

8. Under normal circumstances the student council meets every month there will be a special meeting called this Tuesday.

9. I didn't know which fork to use at a fancy dinner party the hostess quietly demonstrated how to use each utensil.

10. The meeting seemed to last forever many hours went by before it was over.



1. In the past, college was only for upper-class people. Now it is available to almost anyone who will study and work hard.

2. In the year 1295, Edward I of England gave the Dutch permission to fish in English waters later the English regretted this when the Dutch became wealthy as a result of the fishing industry.

3. Artifacts from long ago have been found in England this might be the site of Camelot.

4. Many students do not graduate from high school. Some have difficulty finding work in a society that requires a high school diploma.

5. A cat is an unpredictable creature. This is the manner of our housecat, Tom.

6. No one knows who the man is over there. He has the most beautiful garden.

7. According to many, children are like blank slates learning and experience write on the slate.

8. Under normal circumstances, the student council meets every month. There will be a special meeting called this Tuesday.

9. I didn't know which fork to use at a fancy dinner party. The hostess quietly demonstrated how to use each utensil.

10. The meeting seemed to last forever many hours went by before it was over.

Where do all them go too


I’m pretty sure pull your self together goes with calm down

What can you determine about Steve’s relationship with his parents by analyzing his parents’ actions?

Steve’s father is angry with him.
Steve’s mother is nervous about his situation.
Both parents are convinced that Steve will not be judged guilty.
Both of Steve’s parents have given up on him.



Option B

Steve’s mother is nervous about his situation.


Steve’s mother is nervous about his situation.


i am going to visit your cauntry next month.Can i see you?
Pease tell me about the weather there what cbthes shoud i bring ?



are u really serious?



What kind of journey is being taken by the protagonist? In the poem how to get there by Michael leunig



The poet is describing the journey towards the goals and dreams he has, and therefore encourages us through his words not to get tired, to move on, to keep fighting for our goals, for what we really want to do in life, it is a poet with a motivational message that teaches us that with efforts and with a positive attitude we can achieve what we want.

pls help me.........



2) Is she listening to the radio now?

Answer B is correct

3) Do you go shopping every week?

Hope this helps you.

Is she listening to the radio right now?

Read the paragraph from The Hot Zone. C. J. knew that if people learned what this virus could do, there would be traffic jams heading out of Reston, with mothers screaming at television cameras, "Where are my children?" When he talked to the Washington Post reporters, he was careful not to discuss the more dramatic aspects of the operation. ("I thought it would not be a good idea to talk about space suits," he explained to me much later.) He was careful not to use scary military terms such as virus amplification, lethal chain of transmission, crash and bleed, or major pucker factor. The author most likely included this paragraph to explain some of the reasons for downplaying the seriousness of the situation. describe the ways in which people overreact whenever danger is suspected. persuade the reader that newspapers always blow things out of proportion. illustrate the idea that scientists frequently have to hide the truth from civilians.



Scientists often have to hide the truth from civilians due to the fact civilians will panic and cause unwanted chaos.


The answer is A : explain some of the reasons for downplaying the seriousness of the situation.


Which amendment did some Americans criticize as not going far enough to make suffrage universal?

Fifteenth—African American men
Twenty-fourth—no poll taxes
Twenty-sixth—18 years old



The answer is A because that led women to stand up for themselves as American citizens and drove them to protest to give them suffrage.


Answer: A.) Fifteenth Ammendment (African men)

english help answer pls




What is quality mean?



Quality means the condition/type of a certain object or thing


if something is of high quality, it is probably made of good materials and is almost new.

Quality is the condition or state of die objects or substance..

identify words with positive and negative connotation


please help me ​


Feared is the right answer

Malik feared his grandfather is the answer.

Hope it helps you... pls mark brainliest if it helped you

Even though the test was difficult yesterday, I did it quite well.
(4 Points)

The test was difficult yesterday, but I did it quite well.

The test was difficult yesterday, so I did it quite well.

The test was difficult yesterday, though I did it quite well.

Because the test was difficult yesterday, I did it quite well.



The test was difficult yesterday, but I did it quite well.

The correct sentence is "The test was difficult yesterday, but I did it quite well". Thus, option 'A' is the correct option.

What is direct/indirect speech?

Direct speech refers to the delivery of words precisely as the speaker expressed them. In other words, things are quoted exactly as they were. Given that all direct speaking entails is just repeating what has been stated, it is quite easy to use and comprehend.

Reporting speech is another name for indirect speech. Other names for it include indirect discourse and indirect storytelling. The act of recounting in your own words what someone else said while maintaining the original meaning is known as indirect communication.

There are three main considerations with the direct and indirect speech that you should be aware of when converting one to the other:

Changes in TenseChanges in Person and PronounsChanges in Time Phrases

Learn more about direct/indirect speech, here:


Making Changes: Central Ideas in immigrant kids



Immigrant families made many sacrifices to come to the United States


Immigrant families made many sacrifices to come to the United States

Help me please please please



read -


3 higlight ouch - dark blue, I - green, lego - yellow

4 - jenna- yellow, wore - orange, bright - teal, yellow - teal, sweater - yellow

5 school - yellow, bus, yellow, drove - orange, shady street - yellow

Use a, an , the or nothing
1. We have ........ good relation between USA and Nepal.​



We have a good relation between USA and Nepal.​

Identify the mood of the verb used in this sentence.
Pick up those confidential files on the table please.

o indicative
o imperative
o subjunctive
o inspection





There is an implied YOU in the sentence, this making it imperative.

Usually, when you see please, you know that the sentence is imperative.

3. "Samuel"
Which of the following is the correct possessive form of the bold word?

It usually takes three hours to make Uncle Samuel famous spaghetti sauce.

A. Samuels’

B. Samuel’s

C. Samuels’s

D. Samueles’



B. Samuel’s




Samuel's is the correct way to show the possessive.

I would never have thought of D. It looks like it hints an a group of Samuels, but I'm not sure. It certainly is not possessive.

C: is incorrect. Uncle Samuel is possessive. It is not a simple plural in the given sentence. You need an apostrophe.

A is not correct. That, if it is at all correct, is a group possessive. The intent is one Samuel, and he possesses something. B is the only one that works.

The answer is C. Samuel's famous spaghetti sauce

Look at the picture for the question





A claim of value is justifying if something is good or bad, almost like a hot take.  For example i could say basketball is the best sport


C good or bad


from brainly itself



55 answers

35.2K people helped


In summary, when trying to claim a value, use or look for terms that identify right/wrong, good/bad, best/worst, valuable/not valuable.


Claims of value is a claim that some things are better than or less desirable than others. It is also trying to persuade you to approve or disapprove of something.


1. It is better to walk than to run.

2. Juan is more handsome than Pedro because of his dimples.

3. It is unethical to bring home office supplies.

4. Buying goods from local stores is more economical than buying from department stores.

5. Stealing is wrong.

6. Smoking is dangerous to your health.

7. Privacy is more important than security.

8. I think it is better if you will sing than dance.

9. Imposing curfew hours for teens is a good move.

10. Celphones should be off while driving

Why should adults read fairy tales?

Some reasons I've already done are it can encourage them to use their creativity and it can teach lifelong lessons to all ages. I only need one more that's different from those two!


Yes I agree but it can also reach us about real life


Why should adults read fairy tales?

Fairy tales are not only to be enjoyed by children, but you can always read fairy tales into your adulthood too. Some reasons that adults should read more fairy tales are:

It teaches lifelong lessons to people of all ages, and sets an example. Many of our lifelong lessons are learned from early childhood when your parents and teachers, and it shouldn't stop at a certain age. You can always learn more from rereading those books.It encourages adults to use their imagination and creativity. Creativity should not be lost when you turn a certain age, nor should you stop believing in fairy tales. Obviously they aren't real, but you shouldn't stop believing in your imagination. Adulthood is not all doom and gloom, you can always exercise your creativity!They teach people to deal with their emotions properly. Properly expressing, dealing with, and managing emotions can be taught through fairy tales, and it does not loose importance when you get older.

write a poem about mankind​



I see people walking down the street, holding hands, eating ice cream, looking so happy

I see dogs walking outside my porch

I hear the birds chirp and new babies wail

But what people don't know is that couple walking down the street is a abusive relationship

That makeup she wears isn't to prove that she can be beautiful but to hide the bruises that she receives every night she goes home

That dog that walks down the street looks cute, but in reality they've escaped a house hold where they're put in for dog fights

You're bestfriend is hiding the fact that they're gay because all of their life they've been told that they're wrong

This is mankind

We know it's wrong but no one dares to change it


Sorry it's so dark, but I don't see alot of good with mankind, hope this helps

help pls I will mark brainlest​


“Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.”


Only the patient and determined can persevere


The teacher said "you'll not dance tomorrow" (into indirect speech)​



The teacher informed me that I won't be danced Tomorrow.


Direct speech:-

The voice told directly by the speaker is called direct speech.

Indirect speech:-

The voice told indirectly by the speaker is called indirect speech.

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