state five social effects of the uganda railway on kenya during the colonial period?​


Answer 1


Any five social effects of Uganda railway on Kenya during the colonial period are as follows;

1.It speeded up the movement of missionaries into the interior.

2.It influenced the development of roads/telecommunication.

3.It led to the creation of African reserves.

4.It led to the development of urban centers.

5.It led to the migration of Indian coolies into the country.It promoted the interaction of people/movement.

mark as barinliest if it helps u :)

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how were jan huss and martin luther different?


John Calvin and Jan Hus united human and civil matters with metaphysical concepts. This group constituted the Anabaptists. The Anabaptists were extreme and very frank in their condemnation of the government powers and the connection between these organizations and the Catholic Church. The difference between the two is that Charles honored his promise when he might have seized Luther, and Luther was then under the protection of the Elector of Saxony. Luther, on the other hand, had taken a more conservative approach to the propagation of the reformist principles.  He did not incorporate political sentiments in his reinforcements. Instead, he called for a bloodless reformation which was denounced by John Calvin. Luther had a powerful political patron who sheltered him from his enemies, and Hus put himself in the hands of people hostile to him.

Use Kansas Nebraska act in a sentence



He caught himself in the act of listening to you too credulously—and that seemed to him unmanly and dishonorable.

The I soldiers were tried in an American court, defended by an American lawyer, and acquitted. Yet the Boston Massacre roused many Americans to anger against Britain. Why do you think that might be?​


The Boston Massacre tried to anger americans to go  against Britain because The Boston Massacre was a street brawl between American colonists and a lone British soldier, and they might get mad again because the soilders were tired.

what two pieces of evidence does Paine provide to support his thesis in his pamphlet?


The two pieces of evidence provided by Thomas Paine in his thesis in "Common Sense" pamphlet are:

Without independence from British rule, the 13 colonies could not freely trade with other countries like France and Spain.

Without independence from British rule, the colonies will continue to endure the hostility and cruelty of the British monarch, with all the unjust taxes being imposed on the colonies.

These two pieces of evidence helped Thomas Paine to successfully galvanize and urge Americans to demand and fight for their independence from Britain.

Thomas Paine also wanted freedom from monarchism through the creation of a democratic republic, where the rule of law is king instead of an individual.

Thus, Paine's strong evidence showing how America would deteriorate under British rule and the liberty that individuals would enjoy under a democratic republic helped the American Revolution.

Read more about the American Revolution and Thomas Paine's Common Sense at

What sin did Diotrephes show in his life?



Diotrephes was a man mentioned in the Third Epistle of John (verses 9–11). His name means "nourished by Jupiter". ... Adolf von Harnack was of the view that Diotrephes was the earliest monarchical bishop whose name has survived.

What were the most valid arguments used to promote English colonization in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries



As England’s economic and social situation declined as time progressed, colonizing the New World looked better and better. In the sixteenth century, a depression that increased the number of homeless and thieves was occurring. Richard Hakluyt argued that creating colonies in the New World could alleviate England’s growing number of poor along

As time went on and England's social and economic circumstances deteriorated, colonizing the New World seemed like a better and better idea. In the sixteenth century, there was a slump that led to an increase in the number of criminals and the homeless.

According to Richard Hakluyt, establishing colonies in the New World may help England's increasing number of poor people.

What drove the colonization of England?

One of the main drivers behind the colonization of the New World was the chance to generate money. In order to make money for its investors, the  Company of London founded the Jamestown colony. Europe spent a lot of time exploring and colonizing due to necessity.

For more information about New World refer to the link:


Should the government impose a national vaccination mandate?


Yes, it’s for our safety. I don’t want someone to die because conner didn’t get a vaccine

Could someone please review these answers and answer the unanswered ones?



Indian ocean trade routes were sailed by Arab trader s

Keeping Order. Paul has been convicted of
robbing a bank at gunpoint in your capital city.
Police records show Paul has a history of drug
addiction and had a lot of problems as a child. In
your country, what would Paul's sentence be?



minimum is 10 years. Max is 30 to life

Spanish explorers who investigated North American legends included who



Spanish explorers who investigated North American legends included all except: Coronado. Ponce de Leon. De Soto.


hope it helps

what is not true about Muhammad?

A. he was born in Mecca.

B. he names his cousin Ali as his religious successor.

C. he believed Christ was a great prophet.

D. he founded the Muslim religion.





Which of the following is NOT a Duty of citizenship?

A. Jury duty
B. Paying taxes
C. Defending the nation( selective services)
D. Voting



C, it is the only option that is not required


According to Article III of the Constitution, the judicial power of the United States is vested in _[blank]_.

Which options correctly complete the sentence?

Select all that apply. MULTIPLE ANSWERS

one supreme court

state appellate courts, as written by law

trial courts as the states shall set forth

inferior courts established by Congress



"shall be vested in ONE SUPREME court, and in such INFERIOR COURTS AS THE CONGRESS MAY from time to time ordain and ESTABLISH.


Should be 1 and 4 :) hope this helps.

(MC)The Thirteenth Amendment was an extension of the policy begun by which of these?

the Compromise of 1850
the Anaconda Plan
the Civil Rights Act of 1866
the Emancipation Proclamation


Answer: the last one


the emancipation proclamation basically freed the slaves that were in rebellion states during the civil war. the thirteenth amendment just states that slavery shall not exist.

whici section of the article represents major shift in the arriclws development? Why ? Mesapotamia






¿cuáles son los principales ríos del Paraguay?​



i dint understand your language


Question in english


translate? otherwise i cannot help


10. Which colonial region benefited most from an agricultural economy?
A. Southern
C. New England
B. Middle
D. Quebec




Explanation: because it was based on agriculture (farming)

What were the official reasons given by Congress for wanting to impeach Johnson? Check all th. He was involved in the assassination of Lincoln. He vetoed twenty different Reconstruction bills. He fired Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, which was against the Tenure in Office Act. He voted for Radical Reconstruction, which Congress was firmly against DONE​


Not sure but this is apx right

Which of the following was not one of the fundamental principles applied by
governments established in English North American colonies?

freedom of the press

government that is not all-powerful

government that must represent the people

religious toleration



Freedom of the press was NOT one of the fundamental principles applied by governments established in English North American Colonies.


The 3 fundamental principles are:

Religious toleration

Government that must represent the people

Government that is not all-powerful

Which of the following was an advantage the south had over the north in the civil war? a. more miles of railroad b. higher population c. mostly defending familiar territory c. more factories



C. most defending familiar territory


Many important legacies are left by ancient civilizations. ____ is known for recording and posting a law code to bring order and consistency to his empire ____ was the king of Israel that is credited with building a great temple dedicated to God and was known for his wisdom, understanding and negotiating. Another great leader was ____ She was one of the few women to rule Egypt and declared herself pharaoh. She was known for increasing trade with other nations to benefit the Egyptian economy. Another important figure in Egyptian culture was the sun god ____was a god that was closely linked to the pharaoh, in ancient Egypt, and gave him the authority to rule the people. The last controversial legacy was that of monotheism, attempted by____He tried to convert all his people, in Egypt, to believing in one god and abandon a polytheistic way of life.


hey bestie! the answers are in order






hope you get a good grade!

The code of Hammurabi is known for recording and posting a law code to bring order and consistency to his empire.

Solomon was the king of Israel that is credited with building a great temple dedicated to God and was known for his wisdom, understanding and negotiating.

Another great leader was Hatshepsut.

Ra was a god that was closely linked to the pharaoh, in ancient Egypt, and gave him the authority to rule the people.

The last controversial legacy was that of monotheism, attempted by Akhenaten.


The Code of Hammurabi was the first code of laws from Mesopotamia civilization (Babylon), and it was established throughout the kingdom to maintain law and order in society. Solomon built a royal palace in Jerusalem and built a magnificent temple honouring the god. Under Solomon, ancient Israel was at the height of its political power and prosperity. Hatshepsut depicted herself as male by wearing a fake beard and crown of the king. She led Egypt into prospered by expanding trade and building temples ad monuments. Ra is the sun god of ancient Egypt. The sun god Ra was one of the most important gods of all. The Sun God later emerged with Ra was merged with Amun (god of wind).Akhenaten became best known for the new religion he created that centred on the Aten.  

Learn more about "Egypt civilization" here:

What battle convinced the French to help the colonies during the American Revolution?






Estimates suggest that at the colonists' October 1777 victory at Saratoga, a turning point in the war, 90 percent of all American troops carried French arms, and they were completely dependent on French gunpowder. That triumph prompted the French to open their coffers wider.


Why is migration important ?



Migration boosts the working-age population.  Migrants arrive with skills and contribute to human capital development of receiving countries. Migrants also contribute to technological progress. Understanding these impacts is important if our societies are to usefully debate the role of migration


please consider as brainlest if useful

What were the Framers afraid of?
plez help.


Answer: The Framers were still worried about the idea of a part of government taking too much power. They were afraid the executive might become a monarch. On the other hand, they were afraid that the majority of the people might run roughshod over the rights of a minority


what is the media journalists most important job in a democratic society



effect of democratic journalism is that it promotes news based on the popular opinion of the majority, or the "wisdom of the crowd". ... The democratic role of journalism should transcend excessive commercialism, sensationalism, and manipulation by media elites.

Why did the colonists fight their king and his armies for independence



The colonists fight their king and his armies for independence because they should not pay these taxes .

If it wrong then sorry!!


The colonists fought their king as he was horrible to his subjects.

how did eugene debs actions affect the world?


Answer:I think this is the answer

After working with several smaller unions, including the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, Debs led his union in a major ten-month strike against the CB&Q Railroad in 1888. Debs was instrumental in the founding of the American Railway Union (ARU), one of the nation's first industrial unions.


Nehemiah 8:1-5. After the Exile, the Jewish people
returned to Israel and rebuilt the Temple and the
walls of Jerusalem. God's Word, the Torah, becomes
the Law of the community. What posture do the
Jewish people take as Ezra brings forth the sacred



As Ezra opened the Torah to read, they all stood (Nehemiah 8:5).


As the Jewish People returned to their promised land, we read from the torah.

Ezra is the main subject of this chapter and the one after it. This chapter describes how Ezra read and explained God's law to the people before they joined him in joyfully celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles.

Why did Nehemiah rebuild the walls of Jerusalem?

The walls served as a barrier and a significant physical representation of the Jews' establishment as a nation. As families were drawn at random to move to the holy city, it became a unifying factor (see Nehemiah 11:1–2).

Before requesting that the King go back to his residence and strengthen the city walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah prayed and fasted to God for four months. He evaluated the damage when he came to the city and started working. He led his people in rebuilding the wall in the face of opposition, and they were successful.

Learn more about Nehemiah here:



How many states sent delegates to the Annapolis
Convention in 1786?

A. None of the states sent delegates

B. Less than half of the states sent delegates

C. More than half of the states sent delegates

D. All of the states sent delegates


Five states sent delegates to the Annapolis convention of 1786. At that time, there were 13 states that made up the United States.

Therefore option B is correct because less than half of the states sent Delegates.

What was the Annapolis Convention?

The Annapolis Convention was a meeting of 12 delegates from five states that comprised the United States at that time. They include

New JerseyNew YorkPennsylvaniaDelawareVirgi.nia

These states called for a constitutional convention. The formal title of the meeting was a Meeting of Commissioners to Remedy Defects of the Federal Government.

The major topics of this convention  were to remedy were those barriers that limited trade or commerce between the states under the Articles of Confederation.

Learn more about the Annapolis convention at


What roles did women play in the 1950's and how were women encouraged play those


Answer: In the 1950s, women's primary duty in society was to care for their families. Women were supposed to be nurturing mothers, diligent housewives, and submissive wives. "Modern moms," as they were dubbed, couldn't have friends, jobs, or anything else that would take their attention away from their responsibilities at home and with their families. Men were supposed to be the head of the household and the sole provider during the 1950s, while women were expected to be the housewife who cared for the children.